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Dear Parents

Welcome to the Mulberry Learning family.

We are honoured to have your child joining Mulberry Learning and you as a partner in your child’s
care and learning. We look forward to working hand-in-hand with you to provide the best early
childhood care and education, and environment for your child.

This Parents’ Handbook provides you with important information and is developed to help you
understand the rules, regulations and procedures of our Centre, and also to answer some common
queries that you may have. We hope you will find it useful and helpful.

Please read all the information carefully and keep this handbook for your future reference. Should
you still have further queries, please do not hesitate to ask your Centre Principal.

Thank you for choosing Mulberry Learning. We are delighted to be of service to you.

(Updated: 2021)

Preface 4
1 Our Vision 5
2 Our Mission 5
3 Our Beliefs 5
4 Our Values 6
5 Eligibility 6
6 Operating Hours 7
7 Centre Programmes 7
8 Staff-Child Ratio 8
9 Monthly Fees And Other Charges 8
A) Deposit 8
B) Registration Fee 8
C) Insurance 8
D) Uniforms 8
E) Other Incidental Charges 8
10 Excursions/Outings 9
11 Curriculum 9
12 Sample Timetable 10
13 S.T.E.A.M Enrichment 13
14 Personal Effects 14
15 Dress Code 14
A) Uniforms 14
B) Footwear 15

16 Miscellaneous Items in School Bags 15

17 Size of Bags 15
18 Personal Belongings 15
19 Parents-Centre Partnership 16
A) Parents Notice Board 16
B) Meet-The-Teachers Session (MTS) 16
C) Parents-Teachers Meetings (PTM) 16
D) Phone Calls And Emails 16
E) Mulberry Learning’s Parent App 16
F) Facebook / Instagram 16
G) Mulberry Learning’s Website 16
20 Centre Closure Days 17
21 Discipline 17
22 Transport Service 17
23 Registration Procedures 18

24 Enrolment of Sibling 18
25 Sibling Discounts 18
26 Trial Period 19
27 Withdrawal From the Centre 19
28 Payment of Fees 20
A) Upon Registration 20
B) School Fees / Uniforms / Incidental Charges 20
C) Modes of Payment & Late Payment Penalty 21
29 Temporary Withdrawal 21
30 Internal Transfer 21
31 Termination of Enrolment 22
32 Authorised Person(s) to Fetch Child 22
33 Security 22
34 Arrival and Dismissal 23
35 Meals 23
36 Shower Routines 23
37 Birthday Celebrations 24
38 Punctuality 24
39 Overall Health 24
40 Daily Health 25
41 During An Outbreak of Communicable Disease 26
42 Consent of Administration of Medicine 26
43 Photographs and Videos Taken in the Centre 27
44 Update Of Particulars 27
Before we start, it is important to explain some important terminologies commonly used in
this Handbook.

‘Subsidy’; ‘Subsidies’; ‘Government subsidy’; – These are the terms used to denote Singapore
Government subsidies applicable in the territory of Singapore.

‘ECDA’; - The Early Childhood and Development Agency (Singapore) is the regulatory
agency in Singapore, overseeing all aspects of children’s development below the age of 6,
across both kindergartens and child care centres. Mulberry Learning abides by the agency’s
guidelines as the minimum standard in all Centres.

‘GIRO’; ‘GIRO Payments’; - These are the terms used to denote a payment transfer from one
bank account to another bank account and instigated by the payer.

‘CDA’; ‘Baby Bonus’; - This is a term used to denote Child Development Account and Baby
Bonus grants given by the Singapore Government.

‘TCM’; - Traditional Chinese Medicine, practitioners may issue medication to the children for
various ailments.

All dollar amounts ($) quoted in this handbook refer to the Singapore Dollar.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 4


Learning is Engaging, Teaching is Vibrant and Respect for All!

A vibrant environment that promotes holistic learning and empowers children to become
enthusiastic, confident and caring global citizens of the world.

A collaborative partnership between educators, parents and community to provide quality care
and education through Habits of MindTM to cultivate positive values and develop children as
lifelong learners.

Mulberry Learning believes that:
• Children should be prepared for lifelong learning and develop holistically
• Children should be empowered to have the freedom to choose and express
• Teachers are learners who strive for professionalism
• Parents and the community are our partners in a child’s learning journey
• Environment should be safe and cater to diversity

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Mulberry Learning values integrity. We remind ourselves to think right and do right in every

We believe in going to work with a spring in our step, because we absolutely love the work that
we are doing, to mould the future generation.

We respect every individual and put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and understand
what they are going through.

We believe in going the extra mile to be extraordinary to deliver the best experiences.

At Mulberry Learning, we embrace the uniqueness of thoughts and constantly find creative
ways to solve problems, grow and learn from experimentation.

Mulberry Learning offers half-day and full-day programmes for children aged 18 months to 6
years old. Admission is opened to the following age range of children.

Pre-Nursery 18 months - 30 months

Nursery 1 Turning 3 years in the year

Nursery 2 Turning 4 years in the year

Kindergarten 1 Turning 5 years in the year

Kindergarten 2 Turning 6 years in the year

Note: Except for Pre-Nursery, calculation of age is by year of birth.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 6

Operating hours of the centre are as follows:

Mondays to Fridays 7 am to 7 pm

Saturdays 7 am to 2 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

Our Centre offers the following programmes:

Mondays to Fridays
7 am to 7 pm
Full Day
7 am to 2 pm
Mondays to Fridays
* Half Day
7 am to 1 pm or 1pm to 7pm

Mondays to Fridays
Flexi 1#
7am to 1pm

Mondays to Fridays
Flexi 3#
7am to 4pm

* Note: Half Day Programme is offered only to Pre-Nursery and Nursery 1.

Note: The Flexi 1 and 3 Programmes are only applicable at selected centres

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Pre-Nursery 1:8 1:6

Nursery 1 1:12 1:8

Nursery 2 1:15 1 : 10

Kindergarten 1 1:20 1 : 12

Kindergarten 2 1:25 1 : 15


A deposit equivalent to one month’s fee (before subsidy) is payable upon enrolment. The
deposit will be used to offset the last month’s fee. Kindly refer to the Price List for details.

A non-refundable and non–transferable registration fee is payable upon enrolment. Kindly
refer to the Price List for details.

A non-refundable and non–transferable insurance premium is payable per child for
Personal Accident Policy at the point of enrolment and at the beginning of each new
calendar year. Kindly refer to the policy list for the terms of coverage.

Each child is required to have at least 2 sets of the School’s Uniform and 2 sets of T-Shirt
Jumpers. Kindly refer to the Price List for details.


Parents will be informed of any incidental charges such as starter kit,
transportation/entrance fees for excursions or personal copies of readers for the reading
programme when such a need arises.

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Excursions and outings are optional and child care services in the centre will still be provided
for any child who is unable to participate in the excursion in a combined-age group setting. For
children who opt for such excursions/outings, incidental charges on transportation and/ or
entrance fees (if any) are chargeable.

Mulberry Learning aims to nurture “The Future Ready Child” though a comprehensive and
well-balanced programme emphasising on the child’s holistic development.

We are proud to share that our curriculum framework has been voted as Singapore’s “Best
Holistic Learning Programme” by Young Parents magazine for consecutive years running.
Highlights of this award-winning curriculum framework include:
1) Reggio Emilia Project InquiryTM
2) Habits of MindTM
3) Literacy FunTM
4) Chinese MasterTM
5) Math QuestTM
6) Multiple IntelligencesTM
7) S.T.E.A.M. Enrichment

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We regard the care and development of each child very seriously and go the extra mile to
ensure quality care. A sample timetable is as follow:

*Note: The above is a generic timetable and it may vary for different age group and is subject to
change when there are special activities such as excursions, celebrations etc.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 10

*Note: The above is a generic timetable and it may vary for different age group and is subject to
change when there are special activities such as excursions, celebrations etc.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 11

*Note: The above is a generic timetable and it may vary for different age group and is subject to
change when there are special activities such as excursions, celebrations etc.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 12

The Centre has a range of S.T.E.A.M enrichment programmes to develop your children’s talents.


We aim to establish a child’s awareness of a healthy and nutritious diet, to appreciate the hard
work of the others and to respect the fruits of their labour. Through exposing children to
different cuisines from all over the world, they get to discover more about different cultures.
Preschoolers are given opportunities to actively participate in the entire culinary process as
they engage in sensory activities and gain hands-on practical experience with essential skills
like hand-eye coordination, muscle movement, reading, measuring, and following directions.


We aim to foster the natural curiosity and excitement that children have at a young age. The
Little NewtonTM programme allows children to look at their world from a scientific perspective,
learn to think critically, and acquire new ways of asking questions. Children will be engaged in
a series of fun, invigorating early science experiences as our educators set the “sense of
wonder” by modelling observation, asking questions, guiding experimentation, and
encouraging the children to solve simple problems. At Mulberry Learning, learning how to find
answers is a lifetime skill!


Utilising an array of interesting materials and art tools, kids will dive into the creative world of
art and craft where they can experiment with a variety of art techniques and mediums. The
unique programme combines science, art, language and music to create a magical and colourful
experience for the children. From the use of clay, mosaic tiles, papier mâché, this process-art
approach places emphasis on the discovery learning process of children. Every Picasso
KidzTM learns ways to broaden their imagination, stimulate their creative potential through art
and even hone their public speaking skills as they present their art pieces to their peers.


Music is a universal language that crosses culture, breaks down barriers, and nurture
relationships. From learning the elements of music movement and the use of musical stories,
Music MoovesTM ignite all areas of child development: intellectual, social & emotional, fine-
gross motor skills, expressive & receptive language, numeracy, and creativity!


Specially designed for children under 4 years old, Kids can DoTM equips children with the
various practical life skills and abilities to take care of themselves. Young children require
hands-on practices to carry out daily routines such as washing, eating, dressing, and setting
the table. Utilising games, first-hand experiences, pictorial books, story enactments, music and
songs for children to immerse in and practice. Every one of our “You are awesome!” and “You
can really do it!” encouragement phrases will create a confident and persevering problem-

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 13

To further supplement your children’s learning and development in areas such as the
Languages, Music, the Arts, Science, and Sports, parents can enrol their child in these optional
programmes* (additional fees apply).

• Think Kids Mind MapsTM

• Little TinkererTM (Robotics & Coding)
• English & Chinese Performing Art
• Sportball (Sports)
• Muse Art – Music Adventure (Musical Movement)

*Note: Subjected to demand and may vary for each Centre.

All personal effects of the child, including the bag should be clearly labelled with the child’s
name for easy identification. All children must bring the following items on the first day of
school, some of which may be kept in the Centre:
A) 1 set Uniform (T-shirt Jumper Set) and 1 set of spare clothes
B) Bath towel (there should be a fresh towel packed for the child daily)
C) 4 disposal nappies (if not toilet trained)
D) 1 plastic bag (for soiled clothing)
E) 1 water bottle filled with plain water (no sweetened drinks)
F) 1 toothbrush & small plastic mug in a ziploc bag (N2, K1 & K2 only)
G) Swimming attire (bath robe, goggles, personal comb, swimming cap etc.) on the day of
swimming classes (applicable for Centres with a swimming programme).
H) Sleeping Bag (A bag with zip)
- 1 mattress cover (Optional)
- 1 mini blanket / 1 small pillow or bolster (Optional)

It is compulsory for all children in Mulberry Learning to be in school uniforms at all times
while in the Centre. This is to cultivate a sense of belonging and for the safety of your
child, so that he/she can be easily identified and supervised especially during outdoor
activities and field trips.

Children are to refrain from wearing uniforms that are torn or with faded prints of the
Centre’s logo. All clothing must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. We recommend
that the labelling be done by way of stitching or writing with a fabric marker on the
underside of the clothing.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 14

Your child is required to wear comfortable, covered, and well-fitted shoes to protect his/
her feet from injuries and allow freedom of movement while participating in outdoor
activities such as playing at the playground.


For safety reasons, umbrella, coins or other small and/or sharp items are not allowed inside
your child’s bag. Medication (oral and external) should be removed from his/her bag and
handled over to the educators for safe keeping upon arrival at the Centre.

Both the child’s school bag and sleeping bag should be of a reasonable size manageable by
your child to carry around and pack his/her things into them independently. Your child will be
allocated a cubby hole to place all of his/her bags in (estimated size: 360mm wide x 360mm
high x 380mm deep).

For safety reasons, children are not allowed to wear or bring any forms of jewellery, money,
expensive items, or toys to the centre. The Centre will not be responsible for any loss or
damages to the valuables.

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The child spends an almost equal amount of time at home and in the Centre. We believe that
both parties should work together towards the child’s security and healthy development. We
appreciate and encourage communication between Centre and parents via the following


Located at the Centre, you will find information on a wide range of topics updated
constantly on programme activities, upcoming meetings and community events.

Meet-The-Teachers session is held once a year to provide opportunities for parents and
teachers to meet and interact. During the session, the teachers will share the year’s
curriculum goals and expectation for the class.


Centres will conduct two PTMs a year for a one-to-one session with parents for us to share
the progress of your child in the Centre. Parents will be presented with an electronic portfolio
assessment of your child during the PTM. The meetings are usually held in the middle and
end of the year.


We welcome your participation in your child’s development. Our educators will gladly
furnish you with any information about your child. Please call the Centre between 1pm
and 3pm, or simply send an email to the Center Principal.


We use Mulberry Learning’s Parent App channels to provide weekly updates and to stay
connected with parents. You may also use the App to communicate with our educators
regarding your child’s development and progress.
If you have a Facebook and/or Instagram account, please add us as a friend. You can find
us on Facebook at and Instagram at


You can browse through our website at .

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 16

In addition to Sundays and Public Holidays, the Centre will be closed for an additional 6 days in
a calendar year in accordance with the ECDA guidelines. The dates of the closure for each year
are stated in our Centre Closure dates and will be disseminated via Mulberry Learning’s Parent
App in the beginning of each year

The Centre will operate half days and close at 2:00pm on the eve of 3 public holidays (Christmas,
New Year and Lunar New Year).

We recognise the need for discipline in children and there are internal protocols in place to
ensure that disciplinary actions are administered fairly and consistently. We seek your support
and understanding on all disciplinary matters.

Mulberry Learning does not condone the use of corporal punishment, ridicule and any
behaviour that will affect the child physically and emotionally.

In the case when a child exhibits some challenging behaviour, e.g. hitting other children,
shouting at other children, disrupting the class etc., the staff would :
• Ensure there are sufficient and appropriate learning centres / resources in the classroom
to keep children meaningfully engaged.
• Spend some quiet time with the child to see if there is something troubling him/her.
• Spend some time talking to the child and reason with him/her in a way that he/she can
understand. Listen to what he/she has to say, help him/her to identify the problems and
recognise his/her feelings.
• Tell the child the consequences of his or her actions
• Time out (up to 5 minutes) for the child to cool down and reflect.

The Centre has outsourced the service to transport companies. The school bus arrangement is
based on mutual arrangement between the parents and the bus service provider. The Centre will
not accept any fees on behalf of parents and will not bear any responsibilities in the events of
any accidents, mishaps or injuries sustained during the trip.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 17

Upon registration, kindly submit a copy of ECDA Form 1 and 1A (if applicable for additional
subsidy), the Centre’s official registration form and a photocopy of the following documents
as per ECDA requirements:
A) Child’s Birth Certificate
B) Immunisation Records as per the child’s health booklet
C) Payslip or Original copy of Employment Letter of Mother (if the child’s mother is a
foreigner and the child is a Singapore Citizen) / Single Father stating gross monthly
salary and commencement date with the current company.
D) One recent photograph of the child in passport size

Note: Except for salary slip, original documents need not be forwarded but must be produced
upon request. We may contact you for additional documents should ECDA request for them.

Submission of enrolment forms is not equivalent to securing a place. For reservation of a

place, payment must be made for the registration fee (non-refundable) and one month’s

We know that having siblings in the same Centre strengthens their bond. There is ample
opportunity for them to be there for one another to comfort and support each other if they
should require it. You will be able to pre-register your child for a place and be assured that you
will not have to scout around for a Centre when your second child (and thereafter) comes of

We are extending a discount on the school fees of the older child until he/she graduates. :
• The discount begins from the commencement date of your younger child.
• The sibling discount is only applicable to school fees made for each full calendar month.
• The sibling discount is applicable to the older sibling who is registered in the same Centre.
• Only one type of discount is applicable to a child at any one time.
• Should you withdraw either child, you will no longer be entitled to this discount.

Kindly note that other terms and conditions may apply. Do check in with the Centre staff
if unsure.

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During the first month, all children are given 14 days paid trial period for the parents to assess
the suitability of the Centre and to help your child to adapt to the childcare environment. This
paid trial period will include Sundays and Public Holidays.
• One day’s written notice is required to withdraw the child who has enrolled for not more
than two weeks inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Failing which, the
deposit will be forfeited.
• No refund of the school fees will be made for the 14 days trial period once the child has
commenced the trial.
• Registration fees and Insurance premiums paid will not be refunded.
• The remaining school fees (2 weeks) paid in advance will be refunded.
• After the trial period, full monthly fees are payable regardless of the attendance of the
child at the Centre.


For existing students at the centre, you are required to give the Centre a minimum of one
calendar month’s notice in writing in the event of withdrawal. The deposit is refundable only if
the Centre is officially given the required notice in writing, failing which the deposit will be
forfeited. You are required to submit the withdrawal notice in writing to the principal on or
before the 1st of the month so that your deposit can be utilized as the last month’s school fee.
Should the withdrawal notice be handed to the Centre after the 1st for withdrawal by the end of
the current month, your deposit will be forfeited. For example, should you wish to withdraw
your child on 31st December, the withdrawal form must reach us on or before the 1st of

No amount or part thereof of the deposit will be refunded if the child’s last day of attendance
does not fall on the last date of the notice month.
• The type of programme cannot be changed whilst serving the notice of withdrawal
e.g. full day to half day programme.
• The full calendar month fee is still chargeable through the withdrawal notice period until
the termination date, regardless of whether or not the child has been attending the Centre.

For new students who are yet to commence at the centre, at least two full calendar month’s
notice before the commencement date in writing is required in the event you wish to withdraw
your child from the Centre before he/she starts the programme stated, failing which the
deposit will be forfeited/pro-rated as below:
• Full deposit will be refunded with at least two calendar month’s notice in writing before
commencement date is received.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 19

• 50% deposit will be refunded for less than two calendar month’s notice and more than
one calendar month’s notice before commencement date in writing is received.
• Full deposit will be forfeited with less than one calendar month’s notice before
commencement date in writing is received.

The Centre reserves the right to terminate its services to any child by giving the parents one
month’s notice in writing. The full deposit will be refunded to the parents accordingly.

All fees are due on the 5th of every month, regardless of government subsidy claims. We make
every effort to be as efficient as possible with submissions of claim forms and statistical data to
government bodies and make subsidy claims on your behalf. We appreciate your
understanding and support of our efforts by submitting your payment promptly, on or before
the 1st of each month to avoid unnecessary administrative delays and or a late payment
penalty fee of $25 (before prevailing GST if applicable).

The centre will collect a lump sum comprising the first month’s fee, deposit, registration
fee, insurance fee and charges for uniforms, starter kit and mattress (if applicable) upon



Gross school fees for the first month is payable at least two weeks before the
commencement date. (prevailing GST, if any, will be levied accordingly). All fees paid are
non-refundable and non-transferable.
School uniforms (min 4 sets) to be purchased at least 2 weeks before the commencement
date so it can be washed before the child wears it to school.
Parents will need to inform the Centre at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the
enrichment programmes, should they wish to enrol their child in these programmes.


Monthly invoice on fees and other charges will be given in the Mulberry Learning’s Parent
App on the 1st of each month. Subsidies for the 1st month would be used to offset against
subsequent months’ school fees.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 20

Payment of fees to be made by GIRO, PAYNOW, PAYLAH, NETS, or credit card (if
• Payment by GIRO: GIRO deduction will be made on the 3rd to 5th of the month. Parents
are required to ensure that there are sufficient funds in your bank account. An
administrative fee charged by the respective banks (before prevailing GST if
applicable) will be levied for any unsuccessful deduction due to insufficient funds in
your account or any other reasons caused by trustee/parents.

• Payment by NETS/PAYNOW/PAYLAH: These modes of payment are welcome.

• Payment by Credit Card (if applicable): An administrative fee is levied by the

respective banks for Credit Card transactions. Such fees, estimated to be 2% of the
transaction amount will added on to the transaction at the point of payment.

Please do not send cash payments through your child. The Centre shall not be responsible
for any lost or missing cash.

There will be no temporary withdrawal, refund / pro-rated in fees, or part thereof; if the child
falls ill during the month, is kept home for an incubation period, is away for holiday, or for any
reasons which keep the child away from the Centre. There will also be no refund in fees if
there is either a Mandatory or Voluntary Centre Closure due to outbreak of infectious diseases.

If the child suspends his/her attendance for a month or more, the full programme fees for this
period must be paid in order to secure the vacancy. Alternatively, parents may wish to withdraw
the child from the Centre and re-enrol to resume attendance, provided there is vacancy at the
time of re-enrolment. Registration fees will be charged accordingly.

A request for transfer to other Mulberry Learning Centres is allowed depending on the
availability of vacancies in the respective locations. Parents are to complete and submit the
Internal Transfer Form to the Centre.

Upon confirmation of an available place, at least one calendar month notice of withdrawal of
service at the existing Centre is required. Parents are to ensure there is no outstanding fee with
the current Centre before the transfer can take place.

Transfer can only take place on the 1st of the month and the monthly programme fees will
apply according to the fee of the Centre child is transferred to.

Deposit made to the current Centre will be transferred to the new Centre.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 21

Mulberry Learning reserves the right to terminate a child’s enrolment giving one month’s notice
in writing to the parents on the following instances:-
• When the behaviour of a particular child/parent threatens the safety of or is abusive
towards other children and/or staff in the Centre.
• When an issue cannot be resolved to mutual satisfaction between the Centre and parent
though such instance is rare.
• When the Centre management believes that a child requires special care that is beyond
the capability of the Centre.
• Repeated failure to pay the monthly programme fees by the due date.


Apart from parents, we will not release your child to anyone else except those persons listed in
the Authorisation Form for Relatives/Friends to fetch Child from the Centre. This Form is
available from the office.

If you would like an unauthorised person to pick up your child on any particular day, please
inform the centre preferably in writing, your instructions as well as name, NRIC Number, and
address of the person. For the security of your child, the person you have authorised is required
to bring along his/her NRIC for our verification.

Please note that we will not release a child to any individual younger than 18 years of age.

Parents are responsible for providing the centre with accurate, complete and current

For the safety and security of your child, please ensure that the main door is shut after entering
and leaving the Centre. Please refrain from opening the door to any visitors or strangers.

Please refrain from loitering around the Centre’s premises during arrival and departure time.
Visits by relatives or friends during school hours are discouraged as it will cause disruptions to
the children’s routines.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 22

All parents / guardians must fill in the sign in / sign out forms or login to the electronic system
(with arrival and departure time registered on the forms) located at the Lobby daily when
sending and fetching your child to and from the Centre.

This provides a check on the headcount of the children in the Centre during the day.



Breakfast 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Lunch 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Afternoon Tea 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Please be in school before 8:15 a.m. if you would like your child to have breakfast. Please let
us know as soon as possible, preferably a day’s notice, if you expect to be late on a particular
day. The menu for the week is displayed on the notice board.

In conjunction with our emphasis on healthy eating, we do not allow outside food to be
consumed in the Centre. Special dispensation will be granted to children with special diets on a
case by case basis.

For children with food allergies, do provide clearly written information / documents at the point
of registration.

There are no shower routines on Saturdays, half-days and eves of Christmas, New Year and
Chinese New Year. Otherwise, all full day programme children are showered daily.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 23

You are welcome to celebrate your child’s birthday in school. In the interest of the children’s
health, we do not encourage sweet treats or unhealthy snack such as sweets, chocolate, etc.
for the children if you are buying snacks for the goody bags.

You are required to inform your child’s educator at least a week in advance if you are bringing a
cake or other special food treat during the celebration so that we can make adjustments to the
menu. Please clearly indicate the ingredients of the cake so that our educators can discern the
suitability for children with food allergies.

It is best that you find out from the educators the number of children in your child’s class and
then consult the person at the cake shop for the most suitable cake size.

Note that:
A) Small paper plates, plastic forks/spoons, or serviettes should be provided.
B) Take home gifts are not necessary but are welcomed by the classmates.

If you are planning to give out goodie bags, do ensure the selection of healthy snacks e.g.
raisins, muesli bars etc, or stationery items appropriate to the age group of children (avoid toys
with small parts for Pre-Nursery and Nursery 1 classes).

Please have your child in school by 9:00 a.m. before lessons commence.

Please be punctual in taking your child home, including Saturdays. A late pick-up surcharge
of $10 (before prevailing GST if applicable) per child is payable for every block of 15 minutes:
A) After 1.00 pm on weekdays (for Half-Day Programme).
B) After 7.00 p.m. on weekdays (for Full-Day Programme)
C) After 2.00 p.m. on Saturdays, and eve of selected public holidays.

We seek your support and understanding on this matter as our educators have families as
well. They may also have other commitments outside working hours or courses to attend.

Before being enrolled into the childcare centre, each child should have received the
appropriate/ required immunization for his/her age. However, some infections cannot be
prevented totally by immunization.

Any child who is taken ill will be immediately isolated from the other children (under adult
supervision) until the arrival of his/her parents/guardian.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 24

Daily health inspections are conducted every morning and your child’s well-being will be
monitored throughout the day. Parents will be informed immediately by the educator or
principal if your child is sick or injured during his/her stay in the Centre.

The Centre will also inform the parents or authorised persons should medical care is needed
for the children. In cases of emergency, the Centre will exercise its discretion to seek medical
help. Parents shall bear the cost of transportation, consultation/ medication if the child is
brought to a doctor on urgent cases.

Please understand that children who are ill or not feeling well should not remain in the Centre
for too long to minimise the spread of any potential illness. It is thus important for you to fetch
your child as soon as possible or make arrangement for another authorized personnel to do

We seek the cooperation of all our parents to ensure your children do not return to the Centre
until they have fully recovered and are symptom-free for at least 24 hours.

Please keep your child at home if he/she is suffering from any of the following illnesses:
A) Fever (37.5°C), runny nose, cough
B) Throat infection
C) Diarrhoea
D) Vomiting
E) Infectious conjunctivitis (Eye infection)
F) Infection diseases: Measles, Chicken Pox, Rubella, Mumps, Nits and Lice, Stomach Flu,
Scarlet Fever, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease etc.
G) Any other contagious illnesses

Parents are required to obtain a Medical Certificate (MC) from a registered doctor when your
child is sick, shows signs of, is suspected to have or infected with a communicable diseases
or have fever and flu-like symptoms. Parents are required to have your child rest at home and
inform the Centre immediately. Your child may return to the Centre when his/her MC has
expired and he/she is well (i.e. no more symptoms of illness). Recertification is required if there
are doubts over your child’s health condition, Centre can request you to refer your child to a
medical practitioner for further assessment and ask for the certificate of fitness to return to the
centre. This is advisable to prevent secondary infections which could occur as your child’s
immune system is still weak.

For item (E) to (G), after the expiry of a doctor’s medical certificate, the child can return to the
Centre upon presenting the medical certificate and the letter of clearance from the doctor.

If your child is recovering from an illness but still on medication, he/she should continue to
rest at home and return to Centre only when he/she has recovered and is fit for school.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 25

Parents will be informed of the outbreak and the centre will take immediate action to control
the spread of the disease.

To minimise/control the spread:

• Entry to Centre will be limited to only children and staff of the Centre
• Communal activities including water play and sand play, and mass activities such as
mixed age group integration will be suspended
• Sleeping bag will be sent home for washing daily
• Toys, materials and equipment used by the children will be cleaned and sanitized daily
• Health screening will be done 3 times a day

In the best interest of all the children at the Centre, we seek parents cooperation in keeping
your child at home if he/she is not feeling well to seek immediate medical attention and to
allow your child to rest at home until his/her MC expires. This will not only prevent diseases
and illnesses from spreading, but also to safeguard the sick child as he or she is likely to be
more susceptible to acquiring another infection during this time.

If your child is infected and has a sibling or siblings at the Centre, would like to request that all
your children, including the siblings who may be infected, be kept at home as a precautionary


Parents must complete and sign the “Consent for Administration of Prescribed Medication”
Form each day if your child is under medication and needs to have medicine administered
while in the Centre. All forms have to be properly completed and signed.

Medication will be administered at the Centre according to the written instruction given by
E.g. before/after breakfast, before/after lunch, before/after tea break.

For long-term medication, both oral and external, a medical letter from a registered General
Practitioner is required.

However, we will not administer any non-prescribed medication (i.e., medicine from Pharmacy or
Chinese Medical Hall, etc) or medicine that is expired. Medication that is not prescribed
specifically to the child will not be administered.

All medication must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and stored in a clear sealed bag.
Any unused medication must be brought home daily.

© Mulberry Learning. All Rights Reserved | 26

The Centre reserves the right to use the photographs and videos taken during school activities
for display, marketing activities, media and social media. These include current children and
children who have left the Centre.

Parents are to refrain from taking photos, videos and audio recordings in the Centre without
prior approval from the Centre.

Parents must inform the Centre immediately of any changes in home or office addresses,
contact numbers and work place details.

If there is a change in the mother’s employment status, the Centre must also be informed and
ECDA Form 2 must be filled and submitted with the relevant documents to the center
immediately. Failure to do so may affect the subsidies granted.

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