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Name: _________________________

Date: ____________________

Grade 6
Social Studies Diagnostic

1. Neolithic Revolution

a. The Neolithic Revolution began at different times in separate

locations around the world, but approximately when did it first occur?
i. 30,000 BC
ii. 5,000 BC
iii. 10,000 BC
iv. 40,000 BC

b. What development made the Neolithic Revolution such an important

time in history?
i. Invention of the bow and arrow
ii. Creation of cave art
iii. Development of the calendar
iv. Domestication of crops

2. Mesopotamia

a. What concept were Babylon's laws based on?

i. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
ii. Payment was always required
iii. Victim was killed
iv. Everyone is equal

b. What modern-day country is Mesopotamia now?

i. China
ii. Uzbekistan
iii. Iraq
iv. Reykjavik
3. Ancient Egypt

a. 1. What does the word “hieroglyphs” mean?

i. Sacred writing
ii. Colors
iii. Title of kings
iv. Sand

b. What is the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt?

i. The Colossus of Rhodes
ii. The Sphinx
iii. Pyramids of Giza
iv. Tower of Pisa

4. Ancient Israel

a. The most sacred text in Judaism is the

i. Torah
ii. New Testament
iii. Talmud
iv. Dead Sea Scrolls

b. How did ancient Judaism differ from other religions at the time?
i. Famous leader-heroes
ii. Rules for how to act
iii. More elegant temples
iv. Belief in one God
5. China and India

a. Which values are most closely associated with the fundamental

principles of Buddhism?
i. self-determination and democracy
ii. practicing nonviolence and giving up worldly desires
iii. maintaining the caste system and providing education
iv. competition and financial success

b. In China, Confucianism emphasized the idea that

i. harmony is achieved by the proper behavior of everyone
ii. salvation could be attained by prayer and good deeds
iii. equality should exist between all members of society
iv. individuals should be placed ahead of the group

6. Democracy, Mythology, and Ancient Greece

a. The ancient Greeks were

i. Monotheistic
ii. Polytheistic
iii. Atheists
iv. Christians

b. How was ancient Greek democracy different from democracy in the

United States today?
i. citizens listened to the ideas of powerful speakers
ii. citizens voted directly on all issues
iii. citizens gave their leaders total power
iv. citizens elected representatives to make laws

c. The ruler of all the Greek gods was...

i. Poseidon.
ii. Ares.
iii. Zeus.
iv. Athena.
7. The Roman Empire

a. I am a city destroyed in 79 A.D. A volcano erupted and covered me in

ash. Where am I?
i. Alexandria
ii. Rome
iii. Pompeii
iv. Messina

b. How did the Romans get water supplied to the city?

i. Tunnels
ii. Aqueducts
iii. plumbing (pipes etc.)
iv. directly from the River Tiber

c. During the reign of Constantine I, what religion was promoted in

ancient Rome?
i. Judaism
ii. Buddhism
iii. Islam
iv. Christianity

8. Birth of Islam

a. What is the holy book of Islam?

i. The Bible
ii. The Quran
iii. The Torah
iv. Bhagavad Gita
b. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
i. the major duties required of all Muslims
ii. the times during the day when Muslims must pray
iii. the various divisions of Islam
iv. Muhammad and the four leaders who followed him

9. The Middle Ages

a. How did the Black Death (Bubonic plague) spread across Europe?
i. Knights' horses carried the disease infecting their enemies in
ii. Birds carried the disease from Asia to Europe and North Africa.
iii. Rats carrying diseased fleas infested ships and houses.
iv. People ate infected grain that came off a ship in Sicily.

b. Pope Leo III made Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans in the year
800. Why is this an important event in Europe's history?
i. This event would end religious influence in politics in Europe.
ii. Charlemagne would be able to defeat many enemies because of
his new title.
iii. This event revived the idea of a united Christian empire which
affected politics in Europe for years.
iv. Charlemagne remains a well-liked figure in French history.

c. What was the major effect of the Crusades on Europe?

i. Reluctance to travel outside of Europe
ii. Increased influence of the Pope
iii. Religious toleration for Jews
iv. Increased trade with non-European cultures

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