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ICNPÕ99, Nov.


TCP Trunking: Design, Implementation and Performance

H. T. Kung and S. Y. Wang

Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Abstract objectives. See [1] for discussions on requirements for

traffic engineering over MPLS.
A TCP trunk is an aggregate traffic stream whose data We study the use of TCP trunks [3, 4] as a means for
packets are transported at a rate dynamically determined providing congestion controlled aggregate streams. These
by TCPÕs congestion control. Typically such a trunk is streams are typically implemented on top of layer-2 virtual
implemented on top of a layer-2 virtual circuit or an MPLS circuits or MPLS label switched paths. A TCP trunk is a
label switched path. A management TCP connection is used circuit or path which transports data packets at a rate
to regulate the rate at which the trunk transmits its data dynamically determined by TCPÕs congestion control.
packets. Setting up a TCP trunk over a circuit or a path is Unlike fixed-bandwidth circuits, a TCP trunk is elastic in
easy, involving only the two end nodes of a trunk to imple- the sense that it will adjust its bandwidth to adapt to
ment the management TCP connection. A TCP trunk can changing load conditions of the network, using TCPÕs
guarantee minimum bandwidth while being able to grab congestion control algorithms.
additional bandwidth when it is available. When carried by
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an
a TCP trunk, UDP flows will be constrained in their band-
overview of TCP trunks and their properties. Section 3
width usage, although they themselves do not perform
describes our implementation of TCP trunks, based on a
congestion control. Experiments on testbed networks have
novel approach that decouples control from data in TCP
validated these properties. TCP trunking can be an effective
congestion control [16]. The implementation will allow
tool for network operators in managing bandwidth sharing
TCP trunks to have a guaranteed minimum bandwidth
between aggregates.
(GMB). Buffer management algorithms for routers on the
path of a TCP trunk and at its sender are discussed in
1. Introduction Sections 4 and 5. With these buffer management algorithms,
a TCP trunk can assure strong properties such as no loss of
Providing qualities of service (QoS) for the Internet has user packets due to congestion, and can improve its perfor-
been an active area of study in recent years. For instance, mance regarding utilization and fairness. In Section 6, we
QoS can be provided end-to-end at per-flow level using describe TCP trunking experiments on laboratory testbed
methods such as RSVP [18], or on a per-packet basis using networks, and report measured performance results. In
methods such as Diff-Serv [12, 5]. particular, we show that TCP trunks can guarantee
This paper addresses the issue of providing QoS for minimum bandwidths, while being able to acquire addi-
aggregate traffic streams rather than individual flows. An tional bandwidths when they are available, and can protect
aggregate stream is a collection of IP flows that are grouped interactive Web traffic from competing UDP or large TCP
together for the same routing and QoS treatment between flows. Section 7 summarizes and concludes the paper.
two points in a network. It is important for carriers to differ-
entiate service levels and provide contracted quality of
service for aggregates, as their commitments to customers
2. Overview of TCP trunks and their
are likely to be at the aggregate level rather than for indi- properties
vidual flows.
This section gives an overview of TCP trunks and their
Traditionally, layer-2 circuits such as ATM virtual properties. A TCP trunk is an aggregate traffic stream on a
circuits are used to pin down network paths that will carry layer-2 circuit or an MPLS path, where data packets are
aggregate traffic streams. Recently, it has also been transported at a rate dynamically determined by TCPÕs
proposed that MPLS [2, 15] be used to achieve similar congestion control. Figure 1 (a) depicts an IP network with

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four router nodes. Figure 1 (b) shows two TCP trunks: tcp- Under this approach, data packets are transmitted at
trunk-1 from A to C and tcp-trunk-2 from D to B. rates determined by TCPÕs congestion control, but are not
(a) (b) subject to retransmission and associated delays. We call this
D D approach Òdecoupling control from data for TCP congestion
controlÓ [16].
A TCP trunk can simultaneously satisfy a number of
A C A tcp-trunk-2 C properties of interest to various applications. These include:
P1. Guaranteed and elastic bandwidth. (See Section 3 for
implementation methods, and Figures 4 and 5 for experi-
mental results.)
B B - Guaranteed minimum bandwidth (GMB): A TCP trunk
tcp-trunk-1 can guarantee that it will deliver at least some number of
(c) D bytes of data over a period of a time when there are data
to be sent.
- Elastic bandwidth: Beyond GMB, a TCP trunk can grab
tcp-1 tcp-1
additional network bandwidth when it is available. A
TCP trunk can share the available bandwidth with other
tcp-2 tcp-2 competing TCP trunks in a fair way, in proportion to the
TCP Trunk TCP Trunk trunkÕs GMB, or in any other desired proportion.
Sender B Receiver P2. Immediate and in-sequence forwarding. (See Section
- At the trunk sender, arriving user packets will be imme-
Figure 1. (a) An IP network; (b) two TCP trunks over the diately forwarded to the trunk, provided this is allowed
network; and (c) two user flows (tcp-1 and tcp-2) over by the trunkÕs management TCP. Similarly, at the trunk
receiver, arriving user packets will be immediately
The layer-2 circuit or MPLS label switched path associ- forwarded to output network interfaces. In particular,
ated with a TCP trunk is called the path of the trunk. For the receiver will not wait for the arrivals of other user
example, the path of tcp-trunk-1 is from A to B and to C. packets which may be delayed due to retransmission or
The sender and receiver of a TCP trunk are, respectively, other reasons.
the source and destination of the trunk path. For example, - User packets arriving at the trunk sender or receiver will
tcp-trunk-1Õs sender and receiver are A and C, respectively. be forwarded out in-sequence, that is, in the order of
Like a conventional leased line or a layer-2 virtual their arrivals.
circuit, a TCP trunk may carry a number of user flows, P3. Lossless delivery. (See Section 4 for router buffer
which are host-to-host TCP or UDP flows. Packets of user requirements, and Figure 6 for experimental results.)
flows are called user packets. Figure 1 (c) depicts that tcp- - Suppose that routers on the path of the trunk can differ-
trunk-1 carries two user TCP flows, tcp-1 and tcp-2. entiate management and user packets by packet
marking, and during congestion, they will drop manage-
To implement TCPÕs congestion control for a TCP
ment packets before user packets. (This is similar to
trunk, we use a management TCP connection. Over this
what routers supporting diff-serv [12] can do.) Then the
management TCP connection, management packets will be
TCP trunk can guarantee that user packets will not over-
injected by the trunk sender into the network to sample its
flow buffers in these routers, while being able to adapt
congestion level. As in a normal TCP connection, based on
its bandwidth to network congestion using TCPÕs
arrivals of acknowledgment packets or their absence, the
congestion control. (Note, however, that user packets
sender will determine the rate at which management packets
may still be dropped at the trunk sender if they arrive at
will be sent. The sending rate of management packets will,
a rate higher than the available bandwidth of the trunk.
in turn, determine the rate of the trunk in transmitting data
This is similar to the situation when data arrive at the
sender of a fixed-bandwidth leased line at a rate higher
The use of management packets for TCP trunks is
than the bandwidth of the leased line. See Section 5 for
similar to that of resource management cells [19] for ATM
discussions on buffer management at the trunk sender.)
virtual circuits. These management packets or cells are
independent of user data in the sense that they are injected P4. Aggregation and isolation. (See Figure 9 for experi-
mental results.)
into and removed from the network without intruding on the
- By aggregating a number of user flows into a single
user traffic, and do not have to be aware of the user data
TCP flow, a trunk will reduce the number of flows

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routers on the trunk path will need to handle. This will
decrease packet drop rates, for the same router buffer TCP Trunk TCP Trunk
size [11]. Sender Receiver
- By using a TCP trunk to carry UDP flows, which are not Tunnel Queue
congestion controlled or not ÒTCP-friendlyÓ [20],
these UDP flows can no longer starve competing TCP
connections. (User Packets)
- By aggregating TCP flows from various user sites into VMSS VMSS VMSS
dedicated TCP trunks, sites with different numbers of
Management (Management Packets)
flows can share the network bandwidth fairly. TCP
We note that setting up a TCP trunk involves only the (ACK Packets)
two end nodes of the trunk to implement the associated
management TCP. Except some diff-serv-like settings Figure 2. TCP trunking implementation. At the trunk sender,
needed for assuring lossless delivery of user packets as arriving packets are redirected to the tunnel queue. The tunnel
noted above, routers on the trunk path do not require addi- queue plays the same role as a TCP socket send buffer for the
management TCP, except that once a user packet has been
tional set up. forwarded by the management TCP, its occupied buffer space
Using the approach of Section 3, we have implemented is immediately reclaimed. (Since there will be no retransmis-
the TCP trunk sender and receiver on FreeBSD 2.2.7 sion of lost user packets, there is no need to hold transmitted
machines. The rest of this paper describes our TCP trunking user packets in the buffer.) The management TCP sends out a
management packet without containing any TCP payload,
implementations, discusses their design considerations, and each time after user packets totaling, on the average, VMSS
reports experimental results on our laboratory testbed bytes have been forwarded out. At the trunk receiver, arriving
networks. user packets are immediately forwarded out based on their
Before experimenting with TCP trunking on the headers. All operations are done in the kernel; no user level
operations are involved.
network testbeds, we used the Harvard TCP/IP network
simulator [17] to simulate various properties of TCP trunks. The purpose of this management TCP is to control the
Our results from the simulator were consistent with those rate at which the trunk sender sends user packets. More
from the network testbeds reported in Section 6. precisely, each management packet transmitted by the
management TCP is followed by at most VMSS (virtual
3. TCP trunking implementation maximum segment size) bytes of user packets, where VMSS
is a parameter to be set for the trunk. Typically, VMSS =
This section describes our implementation of TCP 1500. This implies that the rate at which user packets are
trunks, for which Figure 2 provides an overview. sent will be at most VMSS/HP_Sz times the rate at which
management packets are transmitted, where HP_Sz is the
3.1. Management TCP size of management packets in bytes. Since transmission
rate of management packets is regulated by the management
To implement TCPÕs congestion control, a TCP trunk TCPÕs congestion window, so is the transmission rate of
is associated with a TCP connection, called management user packets.
TCP. The management TCP is a normal TCP connection To smooth its bandwidth change, the trunk can employ
from the trunk sender to the trunk receiver but does not multiple management TCPs. Suppose that there are M
actually transmit any real data. The management TCP management TCPs. Then a 50% bandwidth reduction from
works on a Òvirtual byte stream,Ó which does not physically any of them after TCP fast retransmit is triggered will only
exist. result in a reduction of the total trunk bandwidth by a factor
Each packet transmitted by the sender of the manage- of (1/2)/M. Experiment suite TT1 of Section 6.1 demon-
ment TCP is a management packet, consisting of only the strates smooth bandwidth transitions of TCP trunks when
TCP/IP header, and no TCP payload. Thus the management four management TCPs are used for each trunk.
packet identifies some bytes of the virtual byte stream that
the packet is supposed to carry, but does not actually carry 3.2. Sending user packets via tunnel queue
any data in the packetÕs TCP payload.
When the receiver of the management TCP receives a User packets arriving at the trunk sender will be redi-
management packet, it performs the normal TCP receiving rected to the queue of the tunnel interface as depicted in
operations such as generation of an ACK packet, but Figure 2, rather than the socket send buffer of the manage-
appends no data to the TCP receive buffer. ment TCP.

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Each time after a management packet is transmitted or queue, they will be sent out under the control of the
retransmitted by the management TCP, the trunk sender will management TCP as described in Section 3.1.
be allowed to dequeue user packets, totalling at most VMSS In this manner the sender will achieve its GMB under
bytes, from the tunnel queue. These packets are forwarded the control of the GMB controller, and also dynamically
out from the trunk sender as ÒrawÓ packets. That is, they are share the remaining network bandwidth under the control of
not encapsulated with the TCP/IP header of the manage- the management TCP.
ment TCP. When VMSS bytes have been dequeued from
the tunnel queue, the management TCP is eligible for
sending out the next management packet under the normal
4. Router buffer considerations
TCP control. To work with TCP trunks, a routerÕs buffer can be as
A TCP trunk will not automatically retransmit user simple as a single FIFO queue. The buffer will be shared by
packets in case they are lost. (This is in contrast to the both user and management packets. To prevent loss of user
management TCP of the trunk which will retransmit lost packets, the router buffer will need to ensure that (1) when
management packets.) Because different applications have the FIFO queue buildup occurs, it will drop some incoming
different reliability requirements (e.g., FTP requires reliable management packets early enough so that the corresponding
data transfer and video-conferencing can live with unreli- TCP trunk sender can reduce, in time, the rate of sending
able transfer), retransmitting user packets, if it is required, user packets; and (2) the buffer will have sufficient space
should be handled by the application or some reliable for user packets to accommodate control delay and possible
protocol on the end hosts. arrival of new TCP trunks.
It is important to note that user and head packets will More precisely, the router will drop a management
traverse on the same trunk path. For example, if the trunk packet when the number of management packets in the
path is on top of a layer-2 circuit or an MPLS path, then buffer exceeds a certain threshold HP_Th. Following the
these packets will have layer-2 or shim header with the arguments of [10, 11], we set:
same circuit ID or path label, respectively. Because user and
management packets use the same path, available band- HP_Th = α*N (1)
width detected by probing management packets applies to
where N is the expected number of active TCP flows that
user packets.
will use the buffer at the same time, and α is the number of
packets that the congestion window of a TCP connection
3.3. TCP trunking with guaranteed minimum
must have in order to avoid frequent timeouts. A reasonable
bandwidth choice for α would be 8. This is because if a TCP connec-
tion has 8 or more packets in its congestion window,
Suppose that via bandwidth provision and connection
chances that the fast retransmit and recovery mechanism [8]
admission, it is already guaranteed that the network can
can recover from a single packet loss are pretty good.
provide a guaranteed minimum bandwidth (GMB) of X
Because use of RED [7] can lower the value of α somewhat,
bytes per millisecond for a TCP trunk. We describe how the
for all of our experiments reported in this paper, a simple
trunk sender can send user packets at the GMB rate, while
RED-like scheme is used in routers.
being able to send additional user packets under the TCP
congestion control when extra bandwidth is available. Given α and N, we want to compute the required buffer
size, in bytes, to ensure no loss of user packets during
The trunk sender will use a GMB controller equipped
congestion. Let HP_Sz be the size of a management packet
with a timer. The GMB controller will attempt to send some
in bytes. Recall that VMSS is the virtual maximum segment
number of user packets from the tunnel queue each time the
size in bytes. (Typically, HP_Sz = 52 and VMSS = 1500.)
timer expires. (In our implementation, the timer is set to be
Three types of packets may occupy the buffer of a router.
1 millisecond.) When the timer expires, if there are packets
We consider their size requirements:
in the tunnel queue, the GMB controller will send some of
them under the control of a leaky bucket algorithm. The 1. Management packets. The required buffer size for these
packets is:
objective here is that, for any time interval of Y millisec-
onds, if there is a sufficient number of bytes to be sent from HP_BS = HP_Th*HP_Sz
the tunnel queue, the total number of bytes actually sent by
the GMB controller will approach the target of X*Y. 2. User packets. The required buffer size for these packets
For each expiration of the GMB timer, after the GMB
controller has finished sending all the user packets it is UP_BS_TCP=HP_BS*(VMSS/HP_Sz) + N*VMSS
supposed to send, if there are still packets left in the tunnel
The first term reflects the fact that a user packet is VMSS/
HP_Sz times larger than a management packet. The second

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term takes into account the worst case that each of the N For the rest of this section, we assume that all user
management TCPs has sent out VMSS-byte user packets flows are TCP flows, and consider the interaction of the two
but has not sent out the corresponding management packet. levels (i.e., trunk and user levels) of TCP congestion
control. We describe a solution for achieving fair and effi-
3. User packets sent under the control of GMB controllers. cient use of the trunk by its user flows.
Let the required buffer for these packets be UP_BS_GMB.
Suppose that the fraction of the output linkÕs bandwidth Consider the situation when a management packet of
allocated for the GMB traffic is β, with β < 1. Then one can the management TCP of the trunk is dropped on the trunk
expect that path. After detecting this packet loss, the trunk sender will
β = UP_BS_GMB/(HP_BS+UP_BS_TCP reduce its rate of sending user packets. In the meantime, any
+ UP_BS_GMB) user flow on the trunk may not necessarily experience any
packet loss yet. It will thus continue transmitting at the same
Solving the above equation for UP_BS_GMB gives: or increased rate, in spite of the fact that the underlying
trunk has already reduced its rate. The queue of the user
UP_BS_GMB = (HP_BS + UP_BS_TCP)*β/(1 - β) flow at the trunk sender will therefore build up, until some
Thus the total required buffer size, Required_BS, to accom- time after a packet from the user flow is dropped at the
modate these three types of packets is: queue due to queue overflow. The dropping of the user
packet will then trigger the sender of the user flow to reduce
Required_BS its transmission rate.
= HP_BS + UP_BS_TCP + UP_BS_GMB Ideally, when the trunk reduces its bandwidth by some
= (HP_BS + UP_BS_TCP)*1/(1- β) factor, we would want all the active user flows over the
= (HP_BS + HP_BS*(VMSS/HP_Sz) +N*VMSS) trunk to also reduce their bandwidths by the same factor.
*1/(1-β) (2) We use the following three methods to achieve this objec-
where by Equation (1),
M1. Provide a buffer of size RTTup*TrunkBW to be
HP_BS = HP_Th*HP_Sz = α*N*HP_Sz shared by all user flows, where RTTup is an upper estimate
of RTTs of user flows, and TrunkBW is the target peak
The actual buffer requirement should be a few percent bandwidth for the TCP trunk. This buffer is provided to
larger than Required_BS of Equation (2), to account for the accommodate the feed-back control delay for slowing down
fact that there could be a few percent more user packets than user flows.
management packets in the buffer. (This corresponds to the M2. Use a RED-like packet dropping scheme [7] to keep
fact that a few percent drops of management packets are the buffer occupancy at the TCP trunk sender below a cer-
normally expected due to loss of management packets when tain threshold. When the threshold is reached, each arriving
the management TCP probes for available network band- packet will be dropped with a probability proportional to the
width.) current buffer occupancy at the TCP trunk sender. When the
buffer is full, all arriving packets will be dropped.
Thus, given the actual values or bounds for α, β, N,
HP_Sz and VMSS, we can use Equation (2) to estimate the M3. After having dropped a packet from a user flow, the
trunk sender will try not to drop another packet from the
buffer requirement that will ensure no loss of user packets
same user flow, until the user flow has recovered its reduced
during congestion. Experiments have demonstrated this sending rate resulting from fast retransmit and recovery.
lossless property (see Figure 6 of Section 6). Recall that the user flow will reduce its transmitting rate by
one half. This rate reduction matches that of the underlying
trunk when its management TCP loses a single management
5. Trunk sender buffer considerations packet, and reduces its rate by one half.
The sender of a TCP trunk will need to buffer user We use a simple per-flow packet accounting method to
packets whenever they arrive at a rate higher than the avail- implement M3 above. The trunk transmitter will estimate
able bandwidth of the trunk. When the buffer is full, the total number U of packets that can be sent by a user TCP
arriving user packets will need to be dropped. This is similar flow source between the time it reduces its sending rate by
to a fixed-bandwidth leased line whose sender will need to one half and the time its sending rate is about to ramp up to
provide buffering. However, the TCP trunkÕs situation is its previous sending rate at the time when its packet was
more complex than the leased lineÕs situation, because the dropped. We use this number U to set a threshold for the
available bandwidth of the TCP trunk is subject to the minimum number of packets from the user TCP flow that
control of its management TCP and thus may vary dynami- should be forwarded before another packet from the same
cally. flow will be dropped.

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6. TCP trunk experiments and performance ¥ The propagation delay of the link between E and F is 10
measurements ms, and that of any other link is negligible.
¥ Each experimental run lasts 400 seconds or longer.
We have conducted TCP trunking experiments on
several testbed networks, including some lab testbeds at Experiment TT1 (a):
Harvard and an academic research testbed network in Configurations:
Taiwan that involves a 80km ATM connection between two ¥ Trunk 1: GMB = 400 KB/sec, VMSS = 3000 bytes
cities (Taipei and Hsinchu).
¥ Trunk 2: GMB = 200 KB/sec, VMSS = 1500 bytes
The hosts and routers in the testbeds are FreeBSD 2.2.7
systems running on 300 MHz PCs each with 96MB of RAM This experiment is to demonstrate that, trunks can
and Intel EtherExpress 10/100 cards set at 10 Mbps. A delay make full utilization of available bandwidth and share it in
box implemented in the kernel is used to simulate a linkÕs proportion to their GMBs. This is achieved by choosing
propagation delay. Using the delay box, we can set the RTT Trunk 1Õs VMSS to be twice as large as Trunk 2Õs VMSS.
of a connection to be any value with a 1-ms granularity. Thus the achieved bandwidths should be:
These experiments have validated TCP trunksÕ proper- ¥ Trunk1: 400 + 2/3 * (1200 - 400 - 200) = 800 KB/sec
ties in providing elastic and guaranteed bandwidths, deliv- ¥ Trunk2: 200 + 1/3 * (1200 - 400 - 200) = 400 KB/sec
ering lossless transport over a trunk, isolating UDP flows,
For each of the above two equations, the first term is
protecting Web traffic, etc. Due to space limitation, this
the trunkÕs GMB, and the second term is the extra band-
section describes a subset of these experiments.
width that this trunk should achieve when competing for
available bandwidth with the other trunk. The available
6.1. Experiments suite TT1: basic capabilities of bandwidth is the remaining bandwidth on the bottleneck
TCP trunks link (the link from E to F) after deducting Trunk 1 and
Trunk 2Õs GMBs (400 and 200 KB/sec) from the bottleneck
This experiment suite demonstrates the basic capabili-
linkÕs bandwidth (10 Mbps = 1200 KB/sec). Since Trunk
ties of TCP trunks in bandwidth management.
1Õs VMSS is twice as large as Trunk 2Õs, Trunk 1 should
A achieve two times Trunk 2Õs bandwidth in sharing the avail-
B able bandwidth. That is, Trunk 1 and 2 should achieve 2/3
G and 1/3 of the available bandwidth, respectively.
Trunk 1
The experimental results, as depicted in Figure 4, show
that each trunk achieves what the analysis above predicts.
That is, Trunk 1 and Trunk 2 achieve 800 and 400 KB/sec,
Trunk 2 E F H respectively.
Experiment TT1 (b):
Figure 3. An experimental testbed network with 4 hosts (A, Configurations:
C, G and H) and 4 routers (B, D, E and F). The sender and
receiver of Trunk 1 are B and F, respectively. The sender ¥ Trunk 1: GMB = 200 KB/sec, VMSS = 3000 bytes
and receiver of Trunk 2 are D and F, respectively. A user ¥ Trunk 2: GMB = 400 KB/sec, VMSS = 1500 bytes
flow from A to G, and another from C to H, use Trunk 1
and 2, respectively. All links are 10 Mbps. Trunks 1 and 2 This experiment is to demonstrate that trunks can make
share the same 10 Mbps link from E to F, which is the full utilization of available bandwidth and share it in
bottleneck link. proportions independent of the trunksÕ GMBs. In this
configuration, Trunk 1 has a larger VMSS value than Trunk
Below are the configurations common to experiments 2, although the former has a smaller GMB than the latter.
TT1 (a), (b) and (c): Based on the same reasoning as that used in TT1 (a),
¥ Each trunk uses 4 management TCPs, to provide smooth the bandwidth allocation according to the analysis should
bandwidth. be:
¥ Each trunk has a FIFO buffer (tunnel queue) of 100 ¥ Trunk1: 200 + 2/3 * (1200 - 400 - 200) = 600 KB/sec
packets. ¥ Trunk2: 400 + 1/3 * (1200 - 400 - 200) = 600 KB/sec
¥ The buffer in the bottleneck router E is of size Again, the experimental results, as depicted in Figure 5,
Required_BS given by Equation (2) of Section 4. show that each trunk achieves about 600 KB/sec. This is
¥ The user flows are greedy UDP flows using 1,500- byte what the above analysis predicts.

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Figure 6. Results of Experiment TT1 (c). Sampled buffer
occupancy in bytes in the bottleneck router E is shown. The
top thick line is the Required_BS value given by Equation
(2), i.e., 222,248 bytes. Note that sampled buffer occupancy
is always below the line. In fact, the logged maximum
occupancy is 210,306 bytes. Thus, in our experiment there
is no loss of user packets.
¥ Provide lossless delivery of user packets. Figure 6
(a) 10 Web servers send
shows that the maximum buffer occupancy in the bottle-
neck router E is below the Required_BS value given by 8KB Web pages
Equation (2) of Section 4.
max: 1,270 ms
[mean: 353 ms, std: 82 ms]
6.2. Experiments suite TT2: protecting
453 KB/s
interactive Web users RTT=10 ms
This suite of experimental results, depicted in Figure 7, Link_BW
shows that TCP trunking can provide protection for interac- 50 Pkts
=1200 KB/s
tive Web users when competing against long-lived greedy
TCP connections. That is, short Web transfers can receive
approximately their fair share of the available bandwidth
and avoid unnecessary timeouts. In these experiments, each
run lasts 10 minutes or longer.
Consider the configuration depicted in Figure 7 (b). On
the middle router where traffic merges, there are many (b)
short-lived Web transfers coming from an input port (a site)
10 Web servers send
to compete for an output port's bandwidth (1200 KB/sec) 8KB Web pages
with other long-lived greedy ftp transfers that come from
5 greedy
two other input ports (sites). max: 11,170 ms
ftp Òput fileÓ
Figure 7 (a) shows that when there are only short-lived, sessions [mean: 1,170 ms, std: 1,161 ms]
8KB Web transfers in the network, the offered load uses 453 122 KB/s
KB/sec bandwidth. (The offered load is limited to 453 KB/
sec, because TCP windows for these Web transfers never
ramp up significantly, due to the small 8KB size of the Link_BW
transfers.) The request-response delays for these short-lived =1200 KB/s
Web transfers are small and predictable. The mean delay,
5 greedy
maximum delay, and the standard deviation of the delays
ftp Òput fileÓ
are 353 ms, 1,270 ms, and 82 ms, respectively. sessions
Figure 7 (b) shows that after long-lived greedy ftp
transfers (Òput fileÓ sessions) are introduced into the
network, the short-lived Web transfers can only achieve 122
KB/sec bandwidth in aggregate, which is much smaller than (c) 10 Web servers send
their fare share (1200/3 KB/sec). The mean delay, 8KB Web pages
maximum delay, and the standard deviation of the delays 5 greedy
increase greatly and become 1,170 ms, 11,170 ms, and ftp Òput fileÓ max: 2,779 ms
1,161 ms, respectively. This means that the short-lived Web sessions [mean: 613 ms, std: 274 ms]
transfers are very fragile (the reasons are discussed in [9]) TCP 238 KB/s
and encounter more time-outs than before. As a result, they Trunk
cannot receive their fair share of the bandwidth of the
bottleneck link when competing with long-lived greedy ftp Link_BW
transfers. =1200 KB/s
Figure 7 (c) shows that when a TCP trunk is used for
each site to carry the site's aggregate traffic, the bandwidth 5 greedy
used by the short-lived Web transfers increases to 238 KB/ ftp Òput fileÓ
sec. The mean delay, maximum delay, and the standard sessions
deviation of the delays also improve greatly and become
613 ms, 2,779 ms, and 274 ms, respectively.
Figure 7. TCP Trunking Experiments Suite TT2. Web site
throughput: (a) under no competing ftp traffic and (b) under
competing ftp traffic. (c) Web side performance for load (b)
when three TCP trunks, one for each site, are used.

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6.3. Experiments suite TT3: protecting TCP flows
against UDP flows over a ring (a) (b) 1
This experiments suite shows that TCP trunks can help 5 5
2 2
protect TCP flows against UDP flows. We use a ring testbed
network of Figure 8, on which TCP connections will experi- Small
ence multiple bottlenecks. As depicted in the figure, the TCP
testbed has five routers on the ring, five edge routers where Transfers
the senders and receivers of TCP trunks are implemented, 3 3
and five hosts where senders and receivers of user TCP or 4 4 UDP
UDP flows reside. (c) (d) Flows
1 1
5 5
TCP Trunk 2 2
Sender or Receiver
Router Trunk1 Trunk1

3 3
4 Trunk2 4 Trunk2

Figure 9. TCP Trunking Experiments Suite TT3: small

TCP transfers compete with UDP flows. Performance
Figure 8. A ring testbed network for TCP trunking experi- results are summarized in Table 1.
ments TT3. The testbed consists of five hosts, five edge
routers which are used as TCP trunk senders or receivers, improved. The throughput for small transfers increases to
and five routers on the ring. about 270 or 252 KByte/s for case (c) or (d), respectively.
The delay statistics are also improved.
All the experiment runs last 300 seconds. Configura-
tion parameters and traffic loads have been so chosen that
possible packet drops due to congestion will only occur in Delay Statistics (ms)
routers on the ring. In particular, we have configured each Average
for 8 K transfers
of these routers to have a buffer of 50 packets for manage- Case Throughput
ment packets, and each trunk sender a buffer of 100 packets. (KByte/s)
Mean SD Max
All the links on the testbed have negligibly small propaga-
tion delays. The maximum window size for user TCP flows (a) 380.05 451.5 147.9 1336
is 64KB.
(b) 53.21 2541.1 4021.7 13053
In Case (a) of Figure 9, there are only small TCP trans-
fers with no competing traffic. In case (b), there is a (c) 270.45 507.9 136.5 1921
competing UDP flow from node 3 to node 4. This is an on-
off UDP flow with each on or off period lasting 10ms. The (d) 252.65 663.9 166.9 1892
source of the UDP flow will try to send as many 1024-byte
Table 1: Performance results of TCP Trunking Experiments
UDP packets as possible during each on period. In case (c) Suite TT3 (b) of Figure 9. Average throughputs and delays
there are two trunks: one trunk carries small file transfers for small TCP transfers from node 2 to node 1 are much
from node 2 to node 1, and the other carries UDP traffic improved when TCP trunks are used.
from node 3 to node 4. In case (d), there are two additional
greedy long-lived TCP transfers from node 4 to node 5, and
from node 5 to node 2.
7. Summary and conclusions
Table 1 shows average throughput and delay statistics TCP trunking is a method of providing congestion
for the small file transfers from node 2 to node 1. From the control for aggregate traffic streams, typically implemented
experimental results, we see that these small transfers suffer on layer-2 virtual circuits or MPLS label switched paths.
when they compete with UDP traffic. Their throughput is For per flow congestion control, TCP has been the most
reduced from about 380 KByte/s to about 53 KByte/s. Their widely used method. For aggregate streams, congestion
mean, standard deviation, and maximum delay are control has been studied in the context of virtual circuits,
increased. With TCP trunks, the situation is much

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including explicit congestion notification methods [6, 13, [4] A. Chapman, and H. T. Kung, ÒTraffic Management for
14] and ATM flow control schemes such as ABR [19]. Aggregate IP Streams,Ó Proc. the 3rd Canadian Conference
on Broadband Research, Nov. 1999.
The novelty of TCP trunking is its specific proposal of
[5] D. D. Clark and W. Fang, ÒExplicit Allocation of Best-Effort
using TCPÕs congestion control for aggregate flows. This Packet Delivery Service,Ó IEEE Transactions on
approach takes advantage of a large body of experience and Networking, Vol. 6, No. 4, August 1998.
knowledge built up over the years about TCP, regarding its [6] S. Floyd, ÒTCP and Explicit Congestion Notification,Ó ACM
efficient and fair use of the network, and its buffer manage- Computer Communication Review, V. 24 N. 5, October
ment requirements in routers. None of the other congestion 1994, p. 10-23.
control methods for virtual circuits have comparable knowl- [7] S. Floyd and V. Jacobson, ÒRandom Early Detection Gate-
edge bases. ways for Congestion Avoidance,Ó Transactions on
Networking, August 1993.
This paper describes how normal TCP congestion
[8] V. Jacobson, ÒCongestion Avoidance and Control,Ó Proc.
control algorithms can be effectively applied to the trunking SIGCOMM'88 Symp., Aug. 1988, pp. 314Ð32.
environment. This involves the concepts of management
[9] D. Lin, and H. T. Kung, ÒTCP Fast Recovery Strategies:
TCP and decoupling control from data for TCP congestion Analysis and Improvements,Ó Proceedings of IEEE
control, as well as buffer management algorithms for the INFOCOM'98, pp. 263-271.
trunk sender and for routers on the trunk path, and methods [10] D. Lin, and R. Morris, ÒDynamics of Random Early Detec-
for guaranteeing minimum bandwidth. We are able to tion,Ó SIGCOMMÕ97.
preserve congestion control effects of TCP algorithms, [11] R. Morris, ÒTCP Behavior with Many Flows,Ó IEEE ICNP,
while avoiding some of their drawbacks such as loss of user 1997.
packets when TCP probes network for available bandwidth, [12] K, Nichols, V. Jacobson, L. Zhang, ÒA Two-bit Differenti-
and delays due to retransmission of lost user packets. ated Services Architecture for the Internet,Ó IETF draft,
TCP trunking suggests a new way of providing QoS 1998.
attributes to layer-2 circuits and MPLS label switched paths. [13] K. K. Ramakrishnan, and S. Floyd, ÒA Proposal to add
The approach can realize various bandwidth management Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP,Ó RFC 2481,
January 1999.
objectives such as guaranteed minimum bandwidths and
elastic sharing of available bandwidth; transport objectives [14] K. K. Ramakrishnan and R. Jain, ÒA Binary Feedback
Scheme for Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks
such as lossless delivery of user packets; and aggregation with Connectionless Network Layer,Ó ACM Transactions on
and isolation objectives such as protecting Web connections Computer Systems 8(2): 158-181, May 1990.
and isolating UDP traffic. Experimental results of this paper [15] E. C. Rosen, A. Viswanathan, and R. Callon, ÒMultiprotocol
have validated that TCP trunks can indeed achieve these Label Switching Architecture,Ó IETF draft-ietf-mpls-arch-
objectives. 05.txt, April 1999.
For further information on the design and implementa- [16] S. Y. Wang, ÒDecoupling Control from Data for TCP
Congestion Control,Ó Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University,
tion of TCP decoupling, experimental results about TCP September 1999. (
trunks, as well as migration and deployment issues, see networking/decoupling.html)
[16]. [17] S. Y. Wang and H.T. Kung, ÒA Simple Methodology for
Constructing an Extensible and High-Fidelity TCP/IP
Acknowledgment Network Simulator,Ó INFOCOMÕ99.

This research was partially supported by Nortel, Sprint, [18] L. Zhang, S. Deering, D. Estrin, S. Shenker, and D. Zappala,
ÒRSVP: A New Resource Reservation Protocol,Ó IEEE
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Multidisciplinary Network 7(5), September 1993, pp. 8-18.
University Research Initiative Grant F49620-97-1-0382,
[19] ATM Forum Traffic Management Specifications 4.0.
and National Science Foundation Grant CDA-94-01024.
[20] The TCP-Friendly Website,
tcp_friendly.html, 1999.
[1] D. O. Awduche, J. Malcolm, J. Agogbua, M. OÕDell and J.
McManus, ÒRequirements for Traffic Engineering Over
MPLS,Ó IETF draft-ietf-mpls-traffic-eng-00.txt, October
[2] R. Callon et al., ÒA Framework for Multiprotocol Label
Switching,Ó draft-ietf-mpls-framework-02.txt, Nov. 1997.
[3] A. Chapman, and H. T. Kung, ÒEnchancing Transport
Networks with Internet Protocols,Ó IEEE Communications
Magazine, Vol. 36, No.5, May 1998, pp. 100-104.

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