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Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to the assistance or services that a company gives to its consumers.

a. After-sales support
b. Documenting events
c. BPO
2. It involves outsourcing non-core business functions, including customer support.

a. After-sales support
b. Documenting events
c. BPO
3. This involves keeping track of customer interactions, requests, and feedback.
a. After-sales support
b. Documenting events
c. BPO
4. It is an essential customer service strategy which ensures customer receive timely and accurate
responses to their inquiries.
a. Complaints
b. Return calls
c. Agreement
5. It is an opportunity to learn from your customers and improve their experience
a. Complaints
b. Return calls
c. Agreement
6. It is a commitment of understanding between customer and supplier.
a. Complaints
b. Return calls
c. Agreement
7. How many strategies did we discuss about initiating follow-up actions?

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
8. A process in which tasks, Or decisions to relate to document are task.
a. Document action
b. Document resolution
c. Agreement
9. It is the output of the problem-solving and risk-mitigating sessions which outline strategies for
meeting a desired goal.
a. Documenting action
b. Documenting resolution
c. Agreement
10. It is a legally binding formal agreement between two or more parties.
a. Documenting action
b. Documenting resolution
c. Agreement

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