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Food insecurity has emerged as a leading health care issue in the United States and

impacts college students at a higher rate than found in the general public.Food
insecurity is more than feeling hungry. Food insecurity is a broad and multifaceted issue
determined by varying levels of influence holding the capacity to create shame and
frustration in the students experiencing the circumstance. In addition to having higher
rates of fair or poor physical health when compared to food secure students, those
experiencing food insecurity are more likely to report negative mental health symptoms,
such as depression and stress, which have been identified by students as factors
negatively impacting academic potential. (Conrad,2022)

Food insecurity may negatively impact students and is distinguished from direct hunger.
Food insecurity does not always mean the people in the household are hungry, but if
there is a lack of access to nutrient dense foods then the household is considered food
insecure (FAO, 2003; Hamilton, 1997). One of the fundamental conceptual issues
surrounding food insecurity and hunger is determining whether food insecurity and
hunger represent unique, but related constructs or represent a singular construct.
Hunger has been defined as, “the uneasy or painful sensation caused by a lack of food,
the recurrent and involuntary lack of access to food” (NRC; National Research Council,
2006). On the other hand, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defines food
insecurity as “not having adequate physical, social, or economic access to food for an
active and healthy life” (FAO, 2003). One of the primary conceptual differences
between hunger and food insecurity is that hunger can be a short-term feeling, but food
insecurity tends to be more chronic and may extend over longer periods of time
(Barrett , 2013). Hunger also seems to be more of a physiological experience or feeling,
whereas food insecurity is the result of an absence of adequate nutrition. Often times
the lack of adequate nutrition is the result of structural problems in larger social systems
rather than individual or familial based issues.
Food insecurity is a growing concern for many children and families across the United
States, affecting approximately one in six households with children. While food
insecurity itself is significant, its impacts on children's well-being are vast, reaching
beyond the realm of physical health to encompass emotional, social, and academic
effects. Among the many impacts of food insecurity on children's lives, academic
performance is one of the most pressing.

A team of conducted by a team of researchers from The University of New Mexico finds
that students who are food-insecure are more likely to fail or have a poorer academic
performance. According to Mechler, food insecurity is a strong impediment to some
students’ ability to succeed academically. When you are not eating enough and you are
experiencing anxiety about how you’re going to afford to feed yourself, you don’t have
much energy or focus left to devote to studying and going to class. Their analysis
showed that if you have two students from the same background with the same
personal characteristics, where one student is food secure and the other food insecure,
the student who is experiencing food insecurity is twice as likely to leave college and
over one-and-a-half times as likely to fail or withdraw from a course. Attaining a college
degree can lead to many opportunities for a better, healthier, and more fulfilling
life.However, it is disheartening that some students are locked out of these opportunities
because they lack stable access to affordable nutrition. (Mechler, 2021)
Research has consistently shown that food insecurity is negatively associated with
students' academic performance. For instance, a study by the National Institutes of
Health found that students from food-insecure households were more likely to have
lower GPAs as well as increased school absences and tardiness. Another study by the
United Nations Children's Fund found that food insecurity is associated with poorer
cognitive development, decreased attention span, and increased stress and anxiety, all
of which negatively impact academic performance. Students experience academic
burnout. These effects are likely due to the fact that food insecurity impacts children's
cognitive functioning, attention, memory and memory recall, all of which are crucial for
effective learning.(Harris,2019) Moreover, food insecurity can contribute to increased
distractions and stress, which can impact students' ability to focus and learn. For
instance, students who are food insecure may experience a sense of heightened
anxiety or fear due to financial stress, which may result in difficulty concentrating on
schoolwork and studying for exams. (McGovern,2019)
Providing free breakfast to students in need was found to be associated with improved
attendance, academic performance, and reduced suspension rates among low-income
elementary school students. The study found that when students were provided a free
breakfast at school, they were less likely to miss school due to hunger or financial
stress, and more likely to perform well academically and be present in class. This
suggests that for low-income students, providing free breakfast at school can be an
effective strategy for addressing food insecurity and improving academic outcomes.
(Goldin, 2020) A study found that providing free lunch to students in need can have a
significant positive impact on academic performance, attendance and overall well-being.
It suggested that providing free lunch to students in need can increase their energy
levels and focus, which can improve their ability to learn effectively in school.
Furthermore, the study showed that free lunches can reduce the financial burden on
low-income families and help to improve overall food security and reduce stress. Taken
together, these findings suggest that providing free lunch at school can be an effective
strategy for addressing food insecurity among students, and for improving their overall
well-being. (Brownell,2021)
In conclusion, food insecurity, the lack of access to sufficient and nutritious food, is a
significant problem facing many students around the world. The impact of food
insecurity on academic performance is well-documented, as students who are not well-
nourished may struggle with concentration, memory, and energy levels, which can lead
to lower grades and decreased overall academic performance. However, providing free
meals to students in need can help to address food insecurity and improve academic

The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of food insecurity on academic
performance of elementary school students. This is a qualitative study and we used a
purposive method in selecting participants. Based on our topic, we chose student as our
participants. Students are chosen as participants in this study because they are the
primary group affected by food insecurity and its impact on academic performance. By
interviewing students, we can gain a better understanding of their lived experiences, the
challenges they face and the strategies they use to cope with food insecurity.
The sample will consist of students who attend Sto. Domingo Integrated High School.
Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the students as well as an
analysis of academic performance data.Interviewing students is important in this
research as it allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of
students who are affected by food insecurity. By speaking directly with students, we can
better understand their perspectives and how food insecurity is impacting their
academic performance. Additionally, interviewing students can also provide valuable
insights into the barriers that students face in accessing food, as well as their coping
strategies for dealing with food insecurity. This information can help us to develop more
effective interventions and support services to address food insecurity in schools. The
data will be analyzed using a thematic method, and themes will be identified and
categorized based on the research question and hypotheses.
The study will be conducted in accordance with ethical principles of confidentiality,
informed consent, and protection of participants.
The study will provide insights into the impact of food insecurity on academic
performance of elementary school students and the importance of addressing food
insecurity to promote better educational outcomes. This study highlights the importance
of addressing food insecurity in schools to promote better academic outcomes. The
findings suggest that schools should prioritize providing resources and support to low-
income students to address food insecurity and improve their overall well-being.

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