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What was good about my presentation?

Nine out of eleven people throughout the peer feedback forms referenced good volume and
clarity when speaking which makes it clear to me that the verbal side of the presentation
was not an issue. Visual quality of slides was good; essentially every feedback form
commented that the slides were detailed, with engaging pictures, backgrounds, and
animations. Overall pacing when speaking was well managed, the majority of feedback
forms stated that the information was conveyed at a digestible speed. The information was
relevant to the topics at hand and every single feedback form commended the detailed
nature of the information presented.

Which elements could be improved?

Personally, my paragraphs were far too lengthy and should be cut down for more ease of
processing and readability; this stems from the fact that the majority of feedback relayed
that there was too much information on the slides making it difficult to retain all the facts
and information. This ties into the aspect of the presentation as a whole being too long due
to the over-extended nature of the information paired with technical difficulties regarding
the digital presentation board. Slides may have benefitted from a consistent theme as a few
feedback forms spoke about the mismatched style of the slides due to all 3 presenters
working on their own slides; it was also said that the words would occasionally blend into
the backgrounds in which a unified, clear style would help solve this issue.

How can you improve them using editing?

Technical issues regarding the presentation board that caused delays can be edited out to
retain the flow of the presentation; this will also contribute as a resolution to bringing down
the run time of the presentation. Quiet/mis-spoken lines can be replaced by a voiceover
which will help the feeling of engagement as lines will become well-delivered and straight to
the point. Graphics can be used to be visually engaging especially in my own slides as the
visual quality did take a down trend despite heavier use of animations and transitions.

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