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Grade & Sec.: 11-GEOGRAPHY WEEK: 7 and 8

Learning Task 7: Rational Couple

- Since they’re only starting, they should follow what Carlos wants for now. A small apartment
located near his workplace is the best choice if you and your partner is just starting for that
reason they can focus on their growth as partners. Growth in terms of financially, physically,
mentally, and spiritually. Having a family on your own needs a lot of preparation so before you
decide on having one better prepare yourself first.

Learning Task 9: My Say

1. All of them have the same goal with different perspective. Based on feminism theory a
relationship I can root out between them is correlation. Correlation is a mutual relationship or
connection as I’ve said they’re interrelated to each other that’s why I see them as that.
2. Hermeneutics is the theory and practice of interpretation, where interpretation entails a
justifiable understanding. It encompasses both a collection of historically diverse approaches for
interpreting texts, objects, and concepts, as well as a philosophy of comprehension.
3. Multiple disciplines and subdisciplines, including but not limited to geography, anthropology,
ecology, human ecology, cultural ecology, political ecology, environmental sociology,
environmental anthropology, and earth systems science, study human-landscape interactions,
also known as nature-society or human-environment interactions.

Learning Task 12: On My Own

- Using historical and content analysis, this book chapter examines the role of music in the
political awakening of Filipinos through the years. Researchers are mainly interested in popular
music and anchor the study on concepts of popular culture and the process of meaning making.
This study therefore recognizes the intersection of music as a universal element of popular
culture and politics. It argues that politicized music in the Philippines is a contested site where
meanings are negotiated and where music of colonizers or a despotic ruler collides with songs of
protest or resistance. While samples of the songs that defined various historical periods are
analyzed, focus is on the anthems of the student protest movement of the sixties, seventies,
eighties and nineties that led to the People Power Revolution. Attention is given to the message
and why the lyrics not only resonated but also galvanized Filipinos to action.

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