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TEMPLO DATE: 9/19/23



A. Goals as a Student in the University:

As a student in the University, my primary goals are to excel academically, develop essential life
skills, and contribute positively to the university community. Additionally, I aim to graduate with a strong
academic record and a well-rounded skill set that will prepare me for a successful career and personal

B. Steps to Achieve These Goals:

 Attend all classes regularly and punctually.

 Actively engage in class discussions and ask questions when clarification is needed.
 Maintain a study schedule and manage my time efficiently to balance coursework.
 Seek help from professors or academic advisors when facing academic challenges.
 Join or form study groups to enhance learning and share knowledge.
 Skill Development:
 Participate in extracurricular activities such as clubs, student organizations, or sports teams.
 Volunteer for internships or part-time jobs related to my field of interest.
 Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to enhance both soft and hard skills.
 Develop effective communication, teamwork, and leadership skills through involvement in
campus activities.
 Positive Contribution to the University Community:
 Be a responsible and respectful member of the community, treating peers, faculty, and staff with
courtesy and consideration.
 Contribute to campus initiatives, events, or projects that align with my interests and skills.
 Seek opportunities to collaborate with others and foster a sense of belonging.
 Advocate for positive change and be an active voice for issues important to the student body.
 Strong Academic Record and Graduation:
 Monitor academic progress regularly and seek academic advising when necessary.
 Ensure that I meet all course requirements and prerequisites.
 Plan my course schedule carefully to avoid conflicts and ensure timely graduation.
 Seek guidance from academic advisors to plan for post-graduation goals, whether it be further
education or entering the workforce.
C. Importance of Following University Policies, Rules, and Regulations:

Adhering to university policies, rules, and regulations is essential for several critical reasons.
Firstly, it upholds the bedrock of academic integrity. Following policies on academic honesty ensures
that the knowledge and skills gained are genuine and ethical. Academic misconduct not only
compromises individual learning but also undermines the credibility of the institution and devalues the
achievements of all students.

Furthermore, these policies play a crucial role in ensuring community safety. Universities have
established guidelines pertaining to safety, health, and conduct to create a secure and harmonious
learning environment. Compliance with these rules not only safeguards individuals but also fosters a
positive campus culture where all members can thrive. Moreover, universities often have policies focused
on promoting equal opportunity and inclusivity. These policies ensure that all students, regardless of
their background, have equal access to educational opportunities. Respecting and abiding by these
policies is not only a moral imperative but also contributes to a campus environment that celebrates
diversity and encourages the full realization of every student's potential. Additionally, many university
rules, such as those concerning attendance and submission deadlines, mirror the expectations students
will encounter in their future workplaces. Adhering to these policies helps students develop crucial skills
in time management and responsibility that will serve them well in their future careers.

Lastly, recognizing and fulfilling legal and ethical responsibilities is paramount. Universities have their
own legal obligations to uphold, and students are expected to comply with these regulations. Failure to
do so can result in disciplinary actions that may have long-term consequences on one's education and
future prospects.

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