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‫د‪ /‬سليم الرياشي‬

‫تجميعات ‪Head and Neck‬‬


‫آالء الحبابي‬
‫دائرة األناتومي دفعة ‪ 38‬طب بشري‬
Subclavian Axillary Brachial
1- Vertebral (from the 1st part of subclavian)
- Spinal
- Meningeal
- Ant. spinal
- Post. spinal
- Post. Inf. Cerebral artery.
- Basilar (union of the 2 vertebrals):
- Poninc.
- Labyrinthine.
- Ant. Inf. Cerebellar.
- Sup. Cerebellar.
- post. Cerebellar.

2- Internal thoracic (from the 1st part of subclavian).

- Pericardico-phrenic
- Mediastinal
- Thymic
- Sternal
- Perforating mammary
- Pair of Ant. intercostal
- Musculophrenic
- Sup. epigastric
3- Thyrocervical trunk: (from the 1st part of subclavian).
1- Inf. Thyroid:
- Ascending cervical
- Inf. laryngeal
- Esophageal
- Tracheal
- Pharyngeal
- Terminal Glandular
2- Suprascapular.
3- Transverse cervical.
4- Costocervical Trunk: (from the 2nd part of subclavian)
- Superior intercostal a.
- Deep cervical a.
- Dorsal scapular a.


A) Cervical part of I.C.A: no branches


1- 1-2 Cortico-tympanic arteries to the middle ear cavity.
2- a small br. to the pterygoid Canal.
1- sup. & inf. hypophyseal arteries to pituitary gland.
2- meningeal branches to the meninges of ant. cranial fossa.
(1) ophthalmic a:
(1) Central a. of retina
(2) lacrimal a.
(3) post. & ant. ethmoid aa.:
(4) post. & ant. ciliary aa.:
(5) supratrochlear & supraorbital aa.:
(6) muscular & palpebral branches.:
(7) dorsal nasal a.
(2) ant. choroid a.
(3) post. Communicating a.
(4) ant. Cerebral a.
(5) middle cerebral a.


1. Sup. thyroid a:
1. Infra hyoid a.:
2. Sternomastoid br.
3. Cricothyroid br.
4. Sup laryngeal a.
5. terminal glandular branches.

2. Lingual a .:
1- 1st part: gives the suprahyoid a.
2- 2nd part gives 2 dorsalis lingulae aa.
3- 3rd Part gives the sublingual a..
3. Facial a. :
1- in the neck:
(1) tonsillar brs. to the tonsil .
(2) submental a.
(3) glandular brs. to the submandibular salivary gland.
(4) ascending palatine to the soft palate.
2- in the face:
1. inf. labial a. to the lower lip.
2. Sup. labial a to the upper lip.
3. nasal a. : to the nose.

4. occipital a
1) mastoid br.
2) descending br. To anastomoses with deep cervical a.
3) terminal occipital branches.

5. Post. auricular a.:

(1) stylomastoid br.
(2) terminal brs. to the back of scalp.

6. Ascending pharyngeal a:
(1) Pharyngeal.
(2) Tonsillar.
(3) Inf. Tympanic

7. Superficial temporal a:
(1) Glandular to the parotid gland
(2) transverse facial a . .
(3) zygomatic-orbital a.
(4) ant. auricular a
(5) middle temporal a.
(6) terminal brs.: frontal & parietal branches

8. Maxillary a:
1- Branches from the 1st part:(M-I-A-D-A)
(1) middle meningeal a:
(a) anterior
(b) Posterior.
(2) inf. alveolar a.
(a) mental br
(b) incisor br.
(3) accessory meningeal a.
(4) deep auricular a.
(5) ant. tympanic a.
2- Branches of the 2nd Part of Maxillary a.
(1) masseteric a. to masseter m.
(2) deep temporal arteries to temporalis.
(3) branches to lat. pterygoid m.
(4) branches to med. pterygoid m.
(5) buccal a.

3- Branches of the 3rd part of Maxillary a.:

(1) post superior dental (alveolar) a
(2) greater palatine a:
(3) (3) 2-3 lesser palatine aa..
(4) sphenopalatine a.
(5) pharyngeal br. :
(6) artery of pterygoid canal:

4- infra-orbital a. ( terminal branch).:

(1) orbital branches:
(2) ant. sup. dental a.
(3) terminal branches in the face:
1- palpebral.
2- Nasal.
3- Labial.
1. Internal jugular vein
1- Interior petrosal sinus
2- Pharyngeal
3- Lingual
4- Common Fascial
5- Superior thyroid
6- Middle thyroid

2. External jugular vein:

1- Post. auricular
2- Post. Branch of retromandibular
3- Occipital
4- Post. External jugular
5- Ant. jugular
6- Suprascapular
7- Superficial (transverse) cervical

3- Retromandibular v.
1- Superficial temporal.
2- Dental
3- Maxillary.
4- Deep facial
5- Transverse fascial.
6- Inf. Ophthalmic
7- Pterygoid plexus.
8- Ant. branch to join facial
9- Middle meningeal.
10- Post. branch to external jugular
11- Greater palatine
12- Sphenopalatine
13- Buccal

4- Facial vein:
1- Supratrochlear
2- Supraorbital
3- Superior ophthalmic
4- Palpebral
5- External nasal
6- Labial
7- Submental
8- Deep facial
9- Submandibular
10- Tonsillar
11- Ext. palatine (paratonsillar)

5- Dural venous sinuses:

1- Sup. Sagittal
2- Inf. sagittal
3- Straight
4- Transverse
5- Sigmoid
6- Petrosquamous
7- Occipital

6- Antero-inf. Group:
1- Cavernous.
2- Sup. petrosal
3- Inter-cavernous.
4- Spheno-parietal
5- Inf. petrosal.
6- Basilar
7- Middle meningeal vein

Lymph Node
1- Deep cervical L.Ns.:
1- Superior (including jugulodigastric)
2- Inferior (including jugul-omohyoid)
2- L.Ns Draining superficial tissue in the head:
1- Occipital
2- Retro-auricular(mastoid)
3- Parotid
4- Buccal (facial)
3- L.Ns Draining superficial tissue in the neck:
1- Submandibular
2- Submental
3- Ant. cervical
4- Superficial cervical
4- L.Ns Draining deep tissue in the neck:
1- Retropharyngeal
2- Paratracheal
3- Lingual
4- Infrahyoid
5- Prelaryngeal
6- Pretracheal
❖ Cranial nerves and branches:
➢ Olfactory (1st ) (from olfactory mucous membrane)
➢ Optic (2nd )
➢ Oculomotor (3rd ):
Sup. ramus to sup. rectus and levator palpebrae superior.
Inf. ramus to med. rectus, inf. rectus, inf. Oblique muscles and ciliary g.
➢ Trochlear (4th):
to sup. Oblique muscles (SO4)
➢ Trigeminal (5th) the branches:
1- Ophthalmic and its branches are:
A- Lacrimal.
B- Frontal:
A- Supratrochlear
B- Supraorbital
C- Naso-ciliary:
A- Sensory root to the ciliary ganglion
B- 2 long ciliary nerves.
C- Post. Ethmoidal.
D- Ant. ethmoidal:
A- external nasal.
B- Internal nasal
E- Infra-trochlear.
2- Maxillary and its branches are:
A- Meningeal
B- Pterygopalatine (Ganglionic branches)
C- Zygomatic:
A- Zygomatico-facial.
B- Zygomatico- temporal.
D- Post. sup. alveolar
E- Middle. Sup.alveolar
F- Ant. sup. alveolar
G- Infraorbital:
A- Palpebral
B- Nasal.
C- Sup. Labial

3- Mandibular
1- Branches of the main trunk (one sensory & motor).
A- Nervus spinosus (Sensory).
B- med. pterygoid (and tensor velipalatine and
tensor tympani).
2- Branches from the Anterior division: (3motor & 1 sensory)
A- Masseteric
B- 2 Deep temporal
C- lat. pterygoid
D- Buccal (Sensory)
3- Branches from the Posterior division: (1motor & 3 sensory)
A- Auriculotemporal
B- Lingual
C- Inf. Alveolar:
A- Mental.
B- Incisive.
C- N. to mylohyoid. (motor)

➢ Abducent (6Th):
to lat. rectus muscle.
➢ Facial (7th):
1- Branches of the intrapetrous part:
A- Greater superficial petrosal.
B- Chorda tympani.
C- Nerve to stapedius.
2- Branches of the extracranial part:
A- Post. auricular (to occipitalis and auricular muscles)
B- posterior belly of digastric & stylohyoid
C- 5 Terminal branches to frontalis and muscles of facial expression:
Marginal mandibular

➢ Vestibulocochlear (8th) :
1- Cochlear: (impulses from colis of cochlea)
2- Vestibular: (impulse from utricle, saccule and ampullae of semicircular ducts).

➢ Glossopharyngeal (9th) :
1- Tympanic
2- Lesser petrosal (from tympanic plexus of the tympanic nerve)
3- Carotid
4- Pharyngeal
5- Muscular (to stylopharyngeus)
6- Tonsillar
7- Terminal lingual
➢ Vagus (10th)
1- Branches from sup. Ganglion:
A- Meningeal
B- Auricular
2- Branches from inf. Ganglion:
A- Pharyngeal (to muscles of pharynx and soft palate except stylopharyngus
and tensor veli palatini).
B- Sup. Laryngeal:
A- Internal laryngeal
B- Ext. laryngeal (to cricothyroid)
D- Carotid body
3- Right recurrent laryngeal (to muscle of larynx except cricothyroid)
4- Left recurrent laryngeal (to muscle of larynx cricothyroid)
5- Cardiac (cervical)
6- Cardiac (thoracic)
7- Pulmonary
8- Esophageal
9- Ant. trunk:
A- Gastric
B- Hepatic
10- Post. trunk:
A- Coeliac
B- Gastric
➢ Accessory (11th) :
1- Cranial root (to muscle of palate and possibly larynx via vagus)
2- Spinal root (to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius)

➢ Hypoglossal (12th) :
1- 4 Branches arising from hypoglossal n. itself:
A- n. to styloglossus m.
B- n. to hyoglossus m.
C- n. to genioglossus m.
D- nn. to all intrinsic muscles of tongue.
2- 4 Branches derived from C1 joining hypoglossal n.:
A- Nerve to geniohyoid m.
B- Nerve to thyrohyoid m.
C- Descenden hyoglossi forming the sup. Limb of Ansa cervicalis
(supplying infrahyoid muscle)
D- Meningeal branches (sensory to dura mater).

❖ Collection of nerve supplies of head and neck:

1- All mm. of pharynx supplied by phrayngeal plexus except
stylopharyngeus supplied by glossopharyngeal nn
2- All mm. of palatine supplied by pharyngeal plexus except
Tensor velipalatine.
3- All mm. of larynx supplied by Recurrent laryngeal except
cricothyroid supplied by Ext. laryngeal nerve.
4- All mm. of tongue supplied by hypoglossal nerve except
palatoglossus supplied by pharyngeal plexus.
5- All mm. of Facial expressions with buccinator supplied by Facial nerve.
6- All mm. of mastication supplied by Mandibular nerve.

❖ Cervical plexus and branches :

1- Lesser occipital from C2
2- Greater auricular from C2,C3
3- Transverse cervical from C2,C3
4- Supraclavicular from C3,C4
5- Phrenic (to diaphragm) from C3,C4,C5
6- Communicating:
(With vagus and hypoglossal nerve and sup. Cervical sympathetic ganglion)
7- Muscular (to rectus capitis laterlais , rectus capitis anterior, longus capitis and
longus colli and by lower root of ansa cervicalis (descending cervical) to
sternohyoid, sternothyroid and inf. belly of omohyoid) from C1,C2,C3.
➢ Muscles of the head:
1- Epicranius
2- Occiptofrontalis
3- Teporoparitalis

➢ Muscles of nose:
1- Procerus
2- Nasalis(compressor and dilator naris)
3- Deprossor septi

➢ Muscles of eyelids:
1- Orbicularis oculi
2- Corrugator supercilii
3- Levator palpebrae superioris

➢ Muscles of mastication:
1- Masseter
2- Temporalis
3- Lat.ptrygoid
4- Med. pterygoid

➢ Muscles of the mouth:

1- Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
2- Levator labii superioris
3- Zygomaticus minor
4- Zygomaticus major
5- Levator anguli oris
6- Mentalis
7- Deprossor labii inferioris
8- Deprossor anguli oris
9- Buccinator
10- Orbicularis oris
11- Risorius
➢ Muscles of the neck:
1- Superficial and lateral muscles:
1- Platysma
2- Sternoclcidomastoid
3- Trapezius
2- Anterior vertebral muscles:
1- Longus colli
2- Longus capitis
3- Rectus capitis anterior
4- Rectus capitis lateralis
3- Later vertebral muscles:
1- Scalenus anterior
2- Scalenus medius
3- Scalenus posterior
4- Suprahyoid muscles:
1- Digasterc
2- Stylohyoid
3- Mylohyoid
4- Geniohyoid
5- Infrahyoid muscles:
1- Sternohyoid
2- Sternothyroid
3- Thyrohyoid
4- Omohyoid

➢ Muscle groups in head and neck:

1- Muscles of pharynx:
1- Superior constrictor
2- Middle constrictor
3- Inferior constrictor
4- Stylopharyngeus
5- Palatopharyngeus
6- Slapingopharyngeus
2- Muscles of palate:
1- Palatoglossus
2- Palatopharyngeus
3- Tensor veli palatine
4- Levator veli palatine
5- Musclus uvulae
3- Muscles of larynx:
1- Cricothyroid
2- Posterior crico arytenoid
3- Later crico arytenoid
4- Transverse arytenoid
5- Oblique arytenoid
6- Aryepiglottic
7- Thyro arytenoid and vocalis
8- Thyro epiglottic

4- Muscles of tongue:
A- Extrinsic:
1- Genioglossus
2- Hypoglossus and chondroglossus
3- Styloglussus
4- Palatoglossus
B- Intrinsic:
1- Superior longitudinal
2- Inferior longitudinal
3- Transverse
4- Vestical

➢ Muscles of orbit:
1- Levator palpebrae superioris
2- Orbitalis
3- Muscles of the eye ball
4- Superior rectus
5- Inferior rectus
6- Medial rectus
7- Later rectus.
8- Superior oblique.
9- Inferior oblique.
Skull foramen
❖ Internal foramina of the skull:

1- Anterior cranial fossa:

1- Foramen caecum:
➢ Site: Between the frontal crest of the frontal bone and ethmoid in crista galli.
➢ Structures passing:
Emissary veins to (between the nose and sup. Sagittal sinus).

2- Olfactory foramina in cribriform plate:

➢ Site: cribriform plate
➢ Structures passing:
A- Olfactory nerves (1st)
B- Anterior ethmoidal nerves and vessels.

2- Middle cranial fossa:

1- Optic canal:
➢ Site: between the body and 2 roots of the lesser wing of sphenoid.
➢ Structures passing:
A- Optic nerve (2nd)
B- ophthalmic artery

2- Superior orbital fissure:

➢ Site: between the body and lesser & greater wings of sphenoid with a
fragment of the frontal bone at the lateral extremity.
➢ Structures passing:
A- Oculomotor nerve
B- Trochlear nerve
C- Lacrima, frontal, and nasociliary.
D- Abducent nerve
E- Filaments from internal carotid sym. plexus.
F- Orbital branches of middle meningeal artery.
G- Recurrent branches of lacrimal artery.
H- Superior ophthalmic veins

3- Foramen rotundum:
➢ Site: in the greater wing of sphenoid
➢ Structures passing:
Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve [V2]
4- Foramen ovale:
➢ Site: in the greater wing of sphenoid
➢ Structures passing:
A- Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve [V3]
B- lesser petrosal nerve
C- Accessory meningeal artery.
D- Emissary vein (from the cavernous sinus to pterygoid plexus).
5- Foramen spinosum:
➢ Site: in the greater wing of sphenoid
➢ Structures passing:
A- Middle meningeal artery.
B- Nervus spinosus.
6- Venous (emissary sphenoidal) foramen:
➢ Site: in 40% of skulls in the greater wing of sphenoid med. to f. ovale
➢ Structures passing:
Emissary vein (from cavernous sinus to pterygoid plexus)

7- Petrosal (innominate) foramen:

➢ Site: occasional, in the greater wing of sphenoid med. to
f. spinosum
➢ Structures passing:
Lesser petrosal nerve. (If not throw the f. ovale)

8- Foramen lacerum:
➢ Site: between the sphenoid, apex of the petrous temporal and basilar part of
➢ Structures passing:
A- Internal Carotid a. (Entering from behind and emerging above).
B- Greater petrosal nerve. (entering from above and behind and leaving
anteriorly as nerve of pterygoid canal)
C- Nerve to pterygoid canal.
D- Meningeal br. of ascending pharyngeal a.
E- Emissary v. from the cavernous sinus to the pterygoid-plexus of veins.

9- Hiatus for the greater petrosal nerve:

➢ Site: in the tegmen tympani of petrous temporal, Infront of arcuate eminence.
➢ Structures passing
A- Greater petrosal nerve
B- Petrosal branch of middle meningeal artery.

10- Hiatus for the lesser petrosal nerve:

➢ Site: in the tegmen tympani of petrous temporal, about 3mm in front of the
hiatus for the greater petrosal nerve
➢ Structures passing:
Lesser petrosal nerve
3- Posterior cranial fossa

1- Internal acoustic meatus:

➢ Site: in post. Surface of the petrous temporal.
➢ Structures passing:
A- Facial nerve [VII]
B- Vestibulocochlear nerve [VIII]
C- Labyrinthine artery

2- Aqueduct of the vestibule:

➢ Site: in the petrous temporal about 1cm behind Internal acoustic meatus:
➢ Structures passing:
A- endolymphatic duct and sac.
B- a branch from the meningeal branch of the occipital artery.
C- a vein from Labyrinthine and vestibule to the sigmoid sinus.

3- Jugular foramen:
➢ Site: Between the jugular fossa of petrous temporal and occipital bone.
➢ Structures passing:
A- Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]
B- vagus nerve [X]
C- accessory nerve [XI]
D- inferior petrosal sinus.
E- sigmoid sinus (forming internal jugular vein)
F- meningeal branch of occipital artery.

4- Hypoglossal canal:
➢ Site: in the occipital bone above the ant. part of the condyle
➢ Structures passing:
A- hypoglossal nerve [XII] and its (recurrent) meningeal branches.
B- meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery.
C- emissary vein from basilar plexus to internal jugular vein.

5- Condylar canal:
➢ Site: occasion from the lower part of the sigmoid groove in the lat. Part of the
occipital bone to the condylar fossa on the ext. surface of occipital bone
behind the condyle.
➢ Structures passing:
A- Emissary vein (from sigmoid sinus to occipital).
B- Meningeal branch of the occipital artery.
6- Mastoid foramen:
➢ Site: in the petrous temporal near the post. Margin of the lower part of sigmoid
groove, passing backward to open behind mastoid process.
➢ Structures passing:
A- Emissary vein (from sigmoid sinus to occipital).
B- Meningeal branch of the occipital artery.

7- Foramen magnum:

➢ Site: in the occipital bone.

➢ Structures passing:
A- Apical lig. Of the dens of axis
B- Tetorial membrane.
C- Medulla oblongata and meninges (including 1st digitation of
denticulate lig.
D- Spinal part of the accessory nerve.
E- Meningeal branches of the upper cervical nerve.
F- Vertebral artery.
G- Ant. spinal artery.
H- Post. Spinal artery.

❖ In the base of the skull externally:

Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Foramen lacerum
Carotid canal
Condylar canal See inside the skull
Hypoglossal canal
Mastoid foramen
Jugular foramen
Foramen magnum

1- Inferior orbital fissure : see in the orbit.

2- Lateral Incisive foramen:
➢ Site: incisive fossa in the the mandible at the front of the hard palate.
➢ Structure passing:
1- Nasopalatine nerve
2- greater palatine vessels.

3- Greater palatine foramen:

➢ Site: between the maxilla and palatine bone at the lat. border of hard palate
behind the palatomaxillary fissure.
➢ Structure passing:
Greater palatine nerve and vessels
4- Lesser palatine foramina: (2 or 3)
➢ Site: in the inf. And med. aspect of the pyramidal process of palatine bone.
➢ Structure passing:
Lesser palatine nerves and vessels

5- Palatovaginal canal:
➢ Site: between the lower surface of vaginal process

➢ Structure passing: of the root of med. pterygoid plate and upper surface of
sphenoidal process of palatine bone.
1- Pharyngeal branches of the pterygopalatine ganglia.
2- Pharyngeal branches of maxillary artery.

6- Vomerovaginal canal:
➢ Site: med. to palatovaginal canal between the upper surfaces of vaginal
process of the root of med. pterygoid plate and lower surface of ala of vomer.
➢ Structure passing:
Pharyngeal branches of sphenopalatine artery.

7- Pertosquamous fissure
➢ Site: between the squamous temporal and tegmen tympani.
➢ Structure passing:
Petrosquamous vein.

8- Petrotympanic fissure:
➢ Site: between the tympanic part of the temporal bone and tegmen tympani.
➢ Structure passing:
1- Chorda tympani
2- Ant. ligament of malleus.
3- Ant. tympanic branch of maxillary artery.

9- Cochlear canaliculus:
➢ Site: in the petrous temporal at the apex of a notch in front of the med. part of
jugular fossa.
➢ Structure passing:
1- Peri-lymphatic duct.
2- Emissary vein ( from the cochlea to the internal jugular vein or interior
petrosal sinus).

10- Carotid canal:

➢ Site: in the inf. Surface of petrous temporal bone.
➢ Structure passing:
1- internal carotid a.
2- Internal carotid symp. plexus (around the artery)
3- Deep petrosal nerve: from the I.C. symp. Plexus
4- plexus of emissary veins ( connecting the cavernous sinus with I.J.V.
11- tympanic canaliculus:
➢ Site: in the inf. Surface of petrous temporal bone, between the carotid canal
and jugular fossa.

➢ Structure passing:
1- the tympanic br. of glossopharyngeal n. to the middle ear cavity.
2- Inf. tympanic branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery

12- mastoid canaliculus:

➢ Site: in inf. Surface of the petrous temporal , on the lat. Wall of jugular fossa
➢ Structure passing:
the auricular branch of the vagus n.

13- stylomastoid foramen:

➢ Site: between the styloid and mastoid process of the temporal bone.
➢ Structure passing:
1- Facial nerve [VII]
2- Stylomastoid branches of the post. Auricular artery.

4- In the orbit:
OPTICAL CANAL BOTH see inside the skull
1- Frontal notch or foramen:
➢ Site: in the supra orbital margin of frontal bone one finger’s breadth from the
➢ Structure passing:
Supratrochlear nerve and vessels

2- Supra-orbital notch foramen:

➢ Site: In the supra-orbital margin of the frontal bone two finger’s
breadths from the midline
➢ Structure passing:
Supra-orbital nerve and vessels

3- Anterior ethmoidal foramen:

➢ Site: In the medial wall of the orbit between the orbital part of the frontal born
and the ethmoidal labyrinth.
➢ Structure passing:
Anterior ethmoidal nerve and vessels

4- Posterior ethmoidal foramen:

➢ Site: Occasional, 1 to 2 cm behind the anterior ethmoidal foramen
➢ Structure passing:
Posterior ethmoidal nerve and vessels.
5- Zygomatico-orbital foramen:
➢ Site: In the orbital surface of the zygomatic bone
➢ Structure passing:
Zygomatic branch of the maxillary nerve.

6- Nasolacrimal canal:
➢ Site: at the front ,lower ,medial corner of the orbit formed by the lacrimal bone
and maxilla
➢ Structure passing:
Nasolacrimal duct

7- Inferior orbital fissure:

➢ Site: toward the back of the orbit, between the maxilla and the greater wing of
the sphenoid
➢ Structure passing:
1- Maxillary nerve
2- Zygomatic nerve
3- Orbital branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion
4- Infra orbital vessels
5- Inferior ophthalmic veins

8- Infra orbital canal:

➢ Site: in the orbital surface of the maxilla.
➢ Structure passing:
Infra-orbital nerve vessels.


1- Infra orbital foramen:

➢ Site: the anterior opening of the Infraorbital canal. In the maxilla bellow
the infra-orbital margin.
➢ Structure passing:
Infra-orbital nerves and vessels.

2- Mental foramen:
➢ Site: in the outer surface of the body of the mandible below the second
premolar tooth or slightly more anteriorly.
➢ Structure passing:
Mental nerve and vessels

3- Mandibular foramen:
➢ Site: in the inner surface of the ramus of the mandible. overlapped
anteriorly and medially by the lingula.
➢ Structure passing:
Inferior alveolar nerve and vessels.
4- Foramina inthe infratemporal (posterior) surface of the maxilla :
➢ Structure passing:
Posterior superior alveolar nerve and vessels

5- Pterygomaxillary fissure:
➢ Site: between the lateral pterygoid plate and the infratemporal
(posterior) surface of the maxilla, and continues above with the
posterior end of the inferior orbital fissure.
➢ Structure passing:
A- Maxillary artery (anterior pterygopalatine fossa)
B- Maxillary nerve (entering inferior orbital fossa )
C- Sphenopalatine veins

6- Sphenopalatine foramen:
➢ Site: at the upper end of the perpendicular plate of the palatine between
its orbital and sphenoidal processes and (above) the body of sphenoid,
in the medial wall of the pterygopalatine fossa (viewed laterally through
pterygomaxillary fissure) and lateral wall of nasal cavity ( viewed
➢ Structure passing:
A- Nasopalatine and posterior superior nasal nerves
B- Sphenopalatine vessels

7- Foramina in the perpendicular plate of the palatine

➢ Structure passing:
Posterior inferior nasal nerves

8- Pterygoid canal:
➢ Site: at the root of the Pterygoid process of the sphenoid in line with the
medial Pterygoid plate, leading from the anterior wall of the foramen
lacerum to the posterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa (and only
clearly seen in a disarticulated splendid)
➢ Structure passing:
A- Nerve of Pterygoid canal
B- Artery of the Pterygoid canal

9- Musculotubular canal:
➢ Site: at the lateral side of the apex petrous temporal, at the junction of
the petrous and squamous part, and divided by a bony septum into
upper and lower semicanals.
➢ Structure passing:
A- Tensor tympani (upper semicanal)
B- Auditory tube ( lower semicanal)

10- Parietal foramen:

➢ Site: in the parietal bone near the posterosuperior (occipital) angel
➢ Structure passing:
Emissary vein (from the superior sagittal sinus to the scalp)

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