Mock Exam For ALE 2012 (Modules I, II, and III) PDF

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Mock Exam for ALE

(Modules I, II and III)

Test I. Multiple Choice

1. Extension belongs to this type or mode of education
(a) Formal (c) Non-formal
(b) Informal (d) None of the above
2. Extension may be defined in terms of:
(a) Service (c) Out-of-school education
(b) Technology Transfer (d) All of the above
3. In the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997, extension services
that need to be provided to improve the status of farmers and fisherfolk include
(a) training (c) support services
(b) information (d) All of the above
4. This refers to the body of principles that governs the conduct of human activity
(a) Philosophy (c) Vision
(b) Principles (d) Mission
5. This Republic Act is also known as the Agriculture and Fisheries
Modernization Act of 1997
(a) RA 8345 (c) RA 8435
(b) RA 8534 (d) None of the above
6. A statement of a desired or ideal future
(a) Philosophy (c) Vision
(b) Excellence (d) Mission
7. Which of the following is not typical of a non-formal mode of education
(a) setting demonstration plots (c) field day
(b) farmers classes (d) making assignment
8. In non-formal mode of education the clients include
(a) farmers/ fisherfolks, housewives, out–of-school youth
(b) farmers only
(c) farmers and fisherfolks
(d) none of the above
9. This type of development means making progress without sacrificing the
welfare of the generations yet to come.
(a) Sustainable development (c) Community development
(b) Rural development (d) none of the above
10. Empowerment means
(a) providing people with knowledge and skills for knowledge sake
(b) providing people with knowledge and skills to capacitate them so they can
respond to their needs and problems
(c) providing opportunity to people to exploit others
(d) none of the above
11. The ultimate measure of extension success is
(a)Number of technologies disseminated
(b)Measurable changes in the behavior of the clients
(c) Number of farm visits done
(d) None of the above
12. The gap between an individual’s current status from a desired state is
(a) need (c) want
(b) problem (d) none of the above
13. The underlying philosophy of extension is
(a) Man as the means and end of development efforts
(b) Man as the center of the universe
(c) Man should be the focus of all development efforts
(d) None of the above

14. This is education for citizenship

(a) Public affairs (c) Complementation
(b) Leadership development (d) None of the above

15. This term means using land, labor, capital and managerial ability in the best
possible combination to produce marketable product with the least expenditure
(a) Managerial ability (c) Effectiveness
(b) Efficiency (d) None of the above

16. This term has been defined as the ability to make decisions that achieve goals
in the most efficient manner
(a) Family Living (c) Efficiency
(b) Managerial ability (d) Effectiveness

17. This term also means partnership among different organizations involved
(a) Cooperation (c) Coordination
(b) complementation (d) Commitment

18. This concept means the harmonized and unified efforts of organizations
(a) Cooperation (c) Coordination
(b) Collaboration (d) Commitment

19. This means giving the best of oneself in helping others

(a) commitment (c) complementation
(b) coordination (d) none of the above

20. Extension work in the Philippines started in

(a) 1565 (c) 1765
(b) 1655 (d) None of the above
21. The founder of home extension in the Philippines
(a) Maria V. Orosa (c) Maria Y. Tabora
(b) Maria Y. Orosa (d) None of the above

22. The US Study Mission who came after World War II to look over the post-war
situation to make suggestions for improvement of extension service in the
Philippines was headed by:
(a) Daniel W. Benor (c) William W. Bell
(b) Daniel W. Bell (d) None of the above

23. The 4H Club work in the Philippines started sometime in

(a) 1945 (c) 1950
(b) 1947 (d) 1955

24. The term extension was first coined in

(a) United States of America
(b) England
(c) Spain
(d) None of the above

25. Which of the following is not typical in extension

(a) programs are based on people’s needs and problems
(b) participation is compulsory
(c) people differ in their culture
(d) local leaders
26. These are statements of what we want to achieve in extension
(a) Philosophy (c) Vision
(b)Objectives (d)None of the above
27. Which of the following statements is incorrect
(a)The environment issue is everybody’s concern
(b)Protection of the environment needs group action
(c) Planting and caring for trees help in protecting the environment
(d) Water is an infinite resource so there is no need to conserve it
28. Which of the following is not true
(a) Leadership can be developed
(b) To be a good leader, one must be a good follower
(c) Leaders are born not made
(d) None of the above
29. Extension work in the Philippines during the Spanish regime was highlighted by
the establishment of
(a) granja modelos or model farms
(b) technology business incubators
(c) extension centers
(d) none of the above
30. Executive Order 156 created this office charged to coordinate and integrate the
activities of all departments of the government engaged in community
(a)Presidential Assistant for Community Development
(b)Rice and Corn Production Coordinating Council
(c)Bureau of Agricultural Extension
(d) None of the above
31. This legislation enacted in 1952 created the Bureau of Agricultural Extension
(a) RA 680 (c) RA 068
(b) RA 860 (d) None of the above
32. In 1987, this agency was born by virtue of Executive Order No. 116 to be
responsible for the training of all extension workers and their clientele who are
mostly farmers and other agricultural workers.
(a)Bureau of Agricultural Extension
(b)Agricultural Training Institute
(c) Philippine Training Center for Rural Development
(d) None of the above
33. The Local Government Code of 1991 transformed the local communities into self
managing local institutions, which means
(a)LGUs become the frontline institution in RD
(b)LGUs must work closely with different institutions involved in RD
(c)LGUs must be responsible in the efficient delivery of basic social and economic
services including extension in the rural areas
(d) All of the above
34. Stakeholders in rural development may include
(a) those whose interest are affected by the issue or those whose activities
strongly affect the issue
(b) those who possess information, resources or expertise needed for strategy
formulation and implementation
(c) those who control relevant information
(d) All of the above

35. This principle considers the involvement of the people in the planning
implementation and evaluation of extension programs, projects or activities
(a) participation (c) leadership
(b) cooperation (d) interests and needs
36. Extension provides educational opportunities basically through;
(a) coersion (c) prescription
(b) compulsion (d) voluntary participation

37. This is the principle of extension which considers the knowledge and economic
status of the people
(a) grassroots approach (c) participation
(b) cooperation (d) leadership

38. The principle of voluntary education means

(a) participation with coersion (c) free-willing participation
(b) participation with compulsion (d) participation with lukewarm attitude

39. Globalization concerns can be addressed thru extension by enhancing this among
people in agriculture and fisheries in both domestic and foreign markets
(a) cooperation (c) competitiveness
(b) complementation (d) commitment

40. This is considered as a lifelong process of learning

(a) education (c) management
(b) administration (d) extension

41. Communication in extension must be:

(a) Purposive (c) Value-oriented
(b) Pragmatic (d) All of the above

42. This is considered the basis of all social interaction

(a) communication (c) training
(b) education (d) none of the above

43. Communication for rural development is termed as:

(a) mass communication (c) agricultural journalism
(b) development communication (d) none of the above

44. Communication is said to be purposive if

(a) agricultural technologies are disseminated to farmers to increase production
(b) fast growing species of tilapia are shown to fish farmers
(c) a campaign is held to emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity of local
leaders in POs
(d) all of the above

45. Communication in extension is pragmatic if it can answer positively the following:

(a) did it gain the attention of the receiver?
(b) did it gain meaning for the receiver?
(c) did it gain acceptance and action on the part of the receiver
(d) all of the above

46. Which of the following are characteristics of a credible extension worker

(a) believable (c) knowledgeable
(b) acceptable (d) all of the above

47. To be an effective communicator, an extension worker must not possess this

(a) conceitedness (c) consideration for clients
(b) competence (d) knowledgeable

48. The extension function formerly vested to the Bureau of Agricultural Extension is
now devolved to the
(a) LGUs (c) NGOs
(b) POs (d) none of the above
49. The ultimate objective of extension is:
(a) economic development (c) social development
(b) people empowerment (d) infrastructure development

50. Which of the following is not mass level of communication

(a) Conducting result demonstration in a community
(b) Broadcasting relevant agricultural info via radio
(c) Distribution of leaflets to the rural people
(d) TV plug on pest and diseases of rice

51. Majority of the Filipinos are involved in agricultural economy and resides in
(a) Rural areas (c) Rurban areas
(b) Urban areas (d) Coastal areas

52. Which of the following is a manifestation that the principle of cooperation is

(a) Assistance provided by local leaders
(b) Working alone to minimize errors
(c) Identifying cooperators
(d) Working together in the implementation of the project

53. The Philippines is composed of ____ regions suggesting the variability of the
culture of the Filipino people
(a) 13 (c) 20
(b) 16 (d) 15

54. There are ____ provinces in the Philippines

(a) 76 (c) 86
(b) 80 (d) 96

55. As of 2010, the population of the Philippines is about

(a) 99.1 million (c) 78 million
(b) 68 million (d) 86 million

56. As of 2006, the proportion of Filipino people living below the poverty line is
(a) 32.9 percent (c) 50 percent
(b) 29.3 percent (d) 40 percent

57. In 2007, a Filipino family should earn a combined monthly income of how much in
order to meet their most basic food and non-food needs
(a) P 6,195 (c) P 5,495
(b) P 7,500 (d) P 8,600

58. This is the first formally organized Office that implemented extension and
research in the Philippines
(a) Demonstration and Extension Division
(b) Farm and Home Division
(c) The Extension Division
(d) The Demonstration Division

59. He is considered the author of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of
(a) Edgardo J. Angara (c) Roberto Sebastian
(b) Salvador A. Escudero III (d) Leonardo Montemayor

60. The Gintong Ani food production program and security program was launched
during the administration of
(a) Pres. Ferdinand Marcos (c) Pres. Corazon C. Aquino
(b) Pres. Fidel V. Ramos (d) Pres. Joseph Estrada
61. He is the current director of the Agriculture Training Institute
(a) Asterio T. Saliot (c) Proceso ALcala
(b) Nicomedes Eleazar (d) Luis Lorenzo, Jr.
62. This legislation paved the way for the enactment of Organic Agriculture Act of
(a) RA 8435 (c) RA 100680
(b) RA 10068 (d) RA 10860
63. He is considered the father of Organic Agriculture in the Philippines
(a) Arthur C. Yap (c) Bernie Fondevilla
(b) Proceso J. Alcala (d) Domingo F. Panganiban
64. Under the administration of Pres. Corazon C. Aquino, the following were named
as MAF Minister/ DA Secretary
(a) Ramon V. Mitra, Carlos G. Dominguez and Roberto Sebastian
(b) Ramon V. Mitra, Carlos G. Dominguez and Senen Bacani
(c) Ramon V. Mitra, Senen Bacani, Arthur C. Yap
(d) Arthur C. Yap, Luis P. Lorenzo, Jr. and Proceso J. Alcala

65. He introduced the Key Production Approach which became the basis in the
formulation of the Medium-term Agricultural Development Plan during the
administration of Pres. Fidel V. Ramos
(a) Salvador H. Escudero III (c) Roberto C. Sebastian
(b) William D. Dar (d) Edgardo J. Angara
66. He was the “rice czar” during the administration of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos for he
successfully implemented a production program that enabled the Philippines to
export rice for the first in 1968.
(a) Benjamin M. Gozon (c) Fernando Lopez
(b) Jose Y. Feliciano (d) Arturo R. Tanco, Jr.
67. In 1998, Pres. Joseph Estrada designated this man as Acting DA Secretary who
introduced the Estrada administration 10-point agenda in agriculture and fisheries
under the Agrikulturang Makamasa Program.
(a) William D. Dar (c) Arturo R. Tanco, Jr.
(b) Edgardo J. Angara (d) Proceso J. Alcala
68. The National Extension Program was appraised by the World Bank Mission in
(a) 1978 (c) 1980
(b) 1979 (d) 1977
69. Which of the following does not describe extension?
(a) demonstration process (c) communication process
(b) educational process (d) autocratic process
70. Which of the following does not describe “communication as a process”
(a) It does not have a beginning and an end
(b) It is unidirectional
(c) It is continuing
(d) It is ever changing
71. In 1982, as the province was designated as the political unit of management for
inducing agricultural development, coordination and supervision of operations of
the various agencies involved in the delivery of agricultural services became the
responsibility of the ___________
(a) Mayor (c) Provincial agriculturist
(b) Provincial governor (d) Provincial
72. The principle of AFMA that the state shall enhance the competitiveness of the
agricultural and fisheries in both domestic and foreign market is _______
(a) Globalization (c) Quality assurance
(b) Excellence (d) Accreditation
73. On August 8, 1963, the Bureau of Agricultural Extension was changed into
(a) Agricultural Productivity Commission
(b) Presidential Assistant for Community Development
(c) Rice and Corn Administration
(d) Community Development Council
74. On July 1, 1973, the Bureau of Agricultural Extension was placed under this
(a) Department of Agriculture
(b) Department of Interior
(c) Department of Forestry
(d) Department of Natural Resources and Environment
75. The establishment of credit unions (Rural Bank of 1952) to provide production
credit to farmers was started during the term of _____as President
(a) Manuel L. Quezon (c) Elpidio Quirino
(b) Manuel B. Roxas (d) Ramon Magsaysay
76. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform program was a Program of President
(a) Joseph Ejercito Estrada (c) Fidel V. Ramos
(b) Ferdinand E. Marcos (d) Corazon C. Aquino
77. The Masagana 99 was a program of President
(a) Joseph Ejercito Estrada (c) Corazon C. Aquino
(b) Ferdinand E. Marcos (d) Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
78. He was the first president of the Republic of the Philippines who was granted a
loan of P 75M and during his term, agricultural production increased substantially
(a) Manuel L. Quezon (c) Manuel Roxas
(b) Elpidio Quirino (d) Ramon Magsaysay
79. The functions of the Bureau of Agriculture Extension was devolved to the local
government units through the enactment of Republic Act No. 7160 on November
10, 1991 otherwise known as:
(a) Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act
(b) Land Reform Code
(c) Local Government Code
(d) Organic Agriculture Act
80. The Philippines adopted the Training and Visit System as a result of the appraisal
of the country’s agricultural extension service by the
(a) World Bank Mission (c) ASEAN Mission
(b) Bell Commission (d) Asian Bank Mission

81. Every barangay has IRA wherein 20% development fund is allocated, IRA means
(a) Internal Rural Appraisal (c) Internal Rapid Appraisal
(b) Internal Revenue Allotment (d) none of the above
82. Programs and projects in extension are based on existing ____ affecting a great
number of people
(a) local/ political leaders (c) climate
(b) problems and needs (d) religion

83. All programs/ projects in extension must contribute to the development of ____
and foremost
(a) technology first (c) people first
(b) resources first (d) environment first
84. Resources in the community can be categorized as
(a) human (c) institutional
(b) physical and natural (d) all of the above
85. Needs that are recognized/ readily identified by the rural people are termed as
(a) felt/ recognized needs (c) family
(b) unfelt/ unrecognized needs (d) none of the above
86. Which of the following does not pertain to the source-receiver factors that affect
communication effectiveness
(a) communication skills
(b) knowledge level of the source on the subject-matter
(c) attitude of the source/ receives towards themselves
(d) level of difficulty of language used
87. Which of the following is not an intended effect of communication in extension
(a) Increased farm productivity
(b) Improved income
(c) Increased incidence of pests and diseases
(d) Change in knowledge, attitude and skills
88. The governor issues a memorandum to the municipal mayors in his province,
enjoining their cooperation for the implementation of a Food production program.
This is an example of:
(a) Upward communication
(b) Downward communication
(c) Horizontal communication
(d) None of the above
89. Which of the following does not belong to the same category
(a) hybrid rice production (c) grafted tomato production
(b) tilapia production (d) training on goat production
90. Which of the following does not affect communication effectiveness
(a) elements of the communication process
(b) resources in the community
(c) attributes of the technology
(d) none of the above

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