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Analyze the importance of Money, Banking and Financial Markets

Money-is essential for economic activity, specialization, and trade, without which
the barter system would be inefficient.
Banking-is essential for capital allocation, economic growth, risk management,
and financial transactions.
Financial markets-are essential for economic growth, stability, and economic
2. Examine the development of the Financial System in Fiji
Development of the financial system in Fiji have provided employment to many thousands of
individuals who work in the financial industry.
3. Evaluate the role of Bankers
-Duty to receive money and collect cheques for the customer’s account.
-Duty to advise the customer of any forgery of their signature and duty to give reasonable
notice before closing a credit account.
- The right to return unpaid any cheque, which would create an unauthorised overdraft

4. Examine the Importance of Money

Money serves as a medium of exchange, Supports Economic Stability, and store of value.
4. Analyze Functions and Characteristics of Money
money functions as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value.

6. Determine Demand and Supply of Money

7. Formulate Measures and Components of Money Supply

8. Evaluate Classification of Money and Monetary Base

9. Forecast Money, the Economy and Inflation

10. Evaluate Direct vs. Indirect Finance

11. Determine the Flow of Funds

12. Classify the Financial Instruments

13. Analyze Financial Intermediaries and types of Financial Intermediaries

14. Examine Financial Institutions

15. Justify reasons for government regulation

16. Analyze the Nature of Financial System

17. Evaluate Economics of financial intermediation

18. Evaluate the reason for Financial Intermediation in terms of transaction cost, portfolio
diversification and asymmetry information

19. Analyze Financial Intermediaries Assets and Liabilities

20. Translate Credit Risk and Interest Rate Risk

21. Evaluate the Structure and types of Banks

22. Analyze types of Risk

23. Evaluate Branch Banking and Unit banking

24. Examine Non-Bank Depository Institutions – Thrifts

25. Examine Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions

26. Evaluate Instruments, Requirements of Regulation and Banking Supervision Policies

27. Understand Banks performance looking at deposit and Liability side

28. Analyze Regulation of Non-banking Financial Institutions

29. Analyze Money supply processes in Fiji

30. Apply Monetary Policy Objectives to given situations

31. Examine Monetary Policy system in Fiji

32. Examine the Conduct of Open Market Operations in Fiji

33. Examine the Functions of RBF

34. Interpret Altering Excess Reserves

35. Discuss the Cheque Clearing Collection

36. Examine Deposit Expansion: The Single Bank

37. Evaluate Deposit Contraction 38. Evaluate Lending policies and Procedures

39. Examine loans procedures for Consumer loans and Real Estate lending

40. Analyze non-performance loans in terms of defaults, loan recoveries and effects on bank’s
liabilities (deposits)

41. Efficiencies brought about by the existence of financial markets in the economy.

42. Moral hazard and adverse selection

43. Portfolio diversification

44. Types of Credit Culture

45. 6 C’s of lending

46. Stock market in Fiji – SPSE 47. Channel of funds in the financial system

48. Economies of scale and economies of scope

49. Currency appreciation and currency depreciation

50. Fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate

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