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• We dont give our voice much expression we dont give it muchh energy, much welly(and also
need to believe in yourself)
• Greatest greek orator isolated himself for months and practiced and he is the greatest orator in
the history
• The power of practice, is to sing, sing somewhere
• The most powerfull person in the room has the most better breathing pattern
• Key to relaxed con dence power is to breath
• In movies king always stays relaxed thats how we know he is the king. Everyone else walks
around him
• Next time if we get nervous trying getting still.
• Diaphram below the lungs upon the stomach is the king to con dence.
• Make your thumbs up and psuh it on the diaphram below the lungs just below bra strap
• Push it out while breathing in and push your thumb away, now breath out push it back.
• Also we can feel your ribs while you are nervous. In those moments do these focus on
breathing by diaphram or ribs
• Breathing low and slow skills of breathing low and slow deep taking my time.
• Its because we breath our thoughts. All Speech, all songs is our breath.
• put your hand on the diaphram and and when you breath in think of some one you really love,
so if we would speak on uour out breath it would be full of love
• Now breath in again with the feeling of excitment for the day that is gonna come come because
it woud be so good
• If we were to breath in and then speak on that feeling then we have excitment in our voice .

Rome words, inspiration and respiration have the same root, the romans understood that we
breathe our thoughts
So we know the simplest thing about the in breath: close your mouth
Big secret is that if you want the con dence you should know when to shut your mouth

1. lesson Power of practice
2. Importance of diaphram

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