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The Philadelphia zoo buys a panda

• Industry: Real Life
• This case focuses on: Non-Traditional Case, New Market Entry
• Quantitative Overview: Pro tability, Breakeven
• Qualitative Overview: Non-Traditional Case
2. Purchasing your co ee maker
• Industry: Real Life, Retail
• This case focuses on: creating initial frameworks, staying case speci c, utilizing the breakeven
• Quantitative Overview: Breakeven
• Qualitative Overview: Brainstorm
3. ShoeCo: Declining pro ts and challenging growth
• Industry: Retail
• This case focuses on: Pro t, Strategy, Merchandising
• Quantitative Overview: Graphs, Income Statement
• Qualitative Overview: Brainstorming
4. Hair Products:private equity case
• Industry: CPG
This case focuses on: Private Equity, Go / No-Go
• Quantitative Overview: Graphs, Accounting
• Qualitative Overview: Brainstorming
5. ChocolateCo:Pro ts are not as sweet
• Industry: Retail, Restaurants
• This case focuses on: Frameworks, Operational Hurdles
• Quantitative Overview: Graphs
• Qualitative Overview: Customer Reviews, Brainstorming
6. CarPool:Expansion across the Pond
• Industry: Technology and Transportation
• This case focuses on: New Market Entry
• Quantitative Overview: Market Sizing
• Qualitative Overview: Brainstorm
7. Fabio’s:Hair Salons and Headshots
• Industry: Real Life, Retail, Consumer
• This case focuses on: Creating initial frameworks, Staying case speci c
• Quantitative Overview: Market sizing, breakeven
• Qualitative Overview: Brainstorming
8. BudgetAir: A weighty decision
• Industry: Airline
• This case focuses on: Go / No-Go Decision
• Quantitative Overview: Breakeven, Pro tability
• Qualitative Overview: Brainstorming
9. Palm Beach capital: Cruise line acquisition
• Industry: Cruise Line
• This case focuses on: Private Equity Acquisitions
• Quantitative Overview: Valuation, Synergy Analysis, Pro t Calculation
• Qualitative Overview: Brainstorming, Non-Financial Factors
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