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BNT English




Sheet Answer Semantic Cue Phonemic

1 Bed Furniture
2 Tree Grows in the field
3 Pencil For writing
4 House Building
5 Whistle Makes a sound
6 Scissors For cutting
7 Comb To fix the hair
8 Flower Grows in the garden
9 Saw For the carpenter
10 Toothbrush To clean teeth
11 Helicopter Flies
12 Broom To clean the house
13 Octopus Lives in the sea
14 Mushroom Grows in the forest
15 Hanger It’s in the closet
16 Wheelchair To help with moving
17 Camel Animal
18 Mask Part of a disguise
19 Pretzel For eating
20 Bench For seating
21 Racquet For using in a sport
22 Snail Animal
23 Volcano A mountain
24 Seahorse Lives in the sea
25 Dart To throw it
26 Canoe To use it in water
27 Globe A map
28 Wreath To be put in the head
29 Beaver Animal
30 Harmonica Instrument
31 Rhinoceros Animal
32 Acorn A fruit from a tree
33 Igloo A house for skimos
34 Stilts To be higher
Sheet Answer Semantic Cue Phonemic
35 Dominoes A game
36 Cactus Grows in the desert
37 Escalator To go up
38 Harp Instrument
39 Hammock To lie down
40 Knocker To call a house
41 Pelícan A sea bird
42 Stethoscope Doctors use it
43 Pyramid In Egypt
44 Muzzle For dogs
45 Unicorn Mythological animal
46 Funnel To pour a liquid
47 Accordion Instrument
48 Noose For hanging
49 Asparagus To eat
50 Compass sirve para dibujar
51 Latch To lock the door
52 Tripod Photographers use it
53 Scroll Type of document
54 Tongs Utensil
55 Sphinx In Egypt
56 Yoke For draft animals
57 Trellis For plants to grow in it
58 Palette For painting
59 Protractor To measure angles
60 Abacus For counting

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