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Test 2 Training Writing Task I

6 How manY words must You write?
1 What information Writing Task 1 based on?
you write about?
7 Which parts of the data must
2 How do you have to express the information?
Should You make comParisons?
3Doesitmatterwhetheryouuseaninformalstyle?8 and interpret?
What should you draw attention to
4 Are grammar, spelling and punctuation testedZ

5 How long should you spend on this task?

Useful language: the introduction

aDoesthecandidategiveenoughinformationaboutthetable? accurately?
b Does the candidate iescribe the information in the table
about students enrolled at Bristol
1 ln the table we can see some information
University from the year 1928 till 2008'
came from, in three different Years'
at Bristol University
3 This table shows the number of people who are studying
miles of Bristol and
categories:within 30
students come from, divided into triro
at Bristol
4 The table illustrates some information about student enrolments
University.Thetableshowsthepercentagesofmaleandfemalestudentsandhow 1 958 and
o|. *Ithin 30 miles of Bristol in 1928'
many students came from overse",
1928,1958 and 2008'

(There are no language errors')
drawing attention to important data
3 Underline any useful words or phrases
you might use when writing about other topics'

Test 2 Training 83
Writing Task 1
Useful language: drawing affention to important data
I These sentences were written by IELTS candidates to describe different graphs

and tables. Underline the words in each one that you could use in writing about
other topics.
1 Also nofeworthy is the low governmenf expenditure on education.
2 Tlnis Vrnptn slnows a slriKiuV ditlrrr+'c" betwee+t tt*e lou+Ver ^ffe Vroup a'vtd
troe older one.
3 The mosf sfriking {ealure o{ lhe graph is lhe sudden inc,rease ;n lhe popularily o{
com?u+er games.

4 Another factworth nottcmg /ntle ta-b/e rc tlat/ena'\es Are /7z0re llLLmerl'rc tlan na/es'
5 The wrosl rewrarrkatble poihl is lharl lhe \uqber o* u,ratles wilh at cviwrinatl
v ecov )t incveatseA /vatu.ratlicarlly.
6 lt, Ls nohr*obln lhaL expend)*ttre on photngrlph! rqtdned. sLo,blx, ftom 1??L
to ZOOO.

2 Using the sentences in Exercise 1 as models, expand these notes into full sentences.
1 noteworthy / fall in graduate numbers
2 striking similarity / teenagers in the USA / teenagers in South America
3 most striking feature / sudden decline / birth rate
4 fact worth noticing / high cost / fossil fuels
5 most remarkable / growth rate / increased suddenly
5 noticeable / few schools / swimming pools
Useful language: numbers and percentages
I s Be careful to use the appropriate nouns to report different kinds of numben
Choose the correct word in these IELTS candidates'answers.
I ln 'l 997 the employmentfigure/number was two million.
2 The data shows the difference between lhe percentage/percentages of men and
women doing full-time jobs.
3 n future the size/number of the population will increase sharply'
4 n Britain people spent the smallest number/amount of money on personal stereos.
5 Cinemas expect an increasin glevel/number of attendance in the future across all
: it(

6 :; rg out to restaurants decreased dramatically to seven percentagelper cent.

7 --e ,:lmberlquantity of people who came to Australia started to drop after 1994.
8 --e eraph shows that the percentage/per cent of 14- to 24-year-olds who are
: -:r-a-goers is higher than other groups.
9 ',', e :a. also see that Ihe rate/proportion of males gaining diplomas was higher than
:na: a'fentales.
10 A ,;cl1t'proportion of graduates are self-employed.
I 1 lt can be seen that the majority of prisoners are male as the percentage/share of
prisoners t','ho are female is only 4%.
12 The number of books published depends on the literacy rate/figure.

84 I tiest2Training Writing Task

in brackets'
2 Write sentences using phrases 1-7 and the words
Test I writing Tosk t for usefulverbs
1 the rate of UnemPloYment
2 the proPortion of ComPuter ownershiP
the poPulation
unemPloYment l,/
(1979 and 1985) t/

the amount of Industrial energy 4 the number of cars
consumPtion (public transPort)
energy (industry)

the quantitY of food Food waste

the level of
(affluent parts of the
literacy (change of
L,r^--,,r world)


ta Change of government

the share of global

resources (the
poorest countries)

1 9B0s

Useful language: sPelling

made by |ELTS candidates. How fast
ttrese sentences contain 22 0t themost common speiling mistakes
."n yo, find and correct them?
and deduct one
mistake, another mark for putting it right co*ectly
Give yourserf one mark for spotting each
that were not wrong!
mark for any changes you make to words th"e
1 NoWdakS, K+towradVe hDU't
NowdaTs t K,yt0WLh6%e ,:u,:r.*-"::.t'^;:::i,::"::::::a!,:il:';t;::.derstnud
nboutt two ovLvtt '- - -"-'- tt tt
^t,^, lo be aware of wo* fwe.,X cnu coilitbult lo lt"is'
beuiils at educaft'vt| ch'ildeu udi{r'
9" ^" ,, -D o t)olt " .)t oa,tt ed o'ttlq t4 0Lh0t Cl4t''ie ' t'o'

vsft t/rts Vart of tAe wortd'

lhe in*otwratlion wich is giverr in 42vavlisw enls'
3 ll is uny oggirriorr lhatl Pew ieoilebeleive ta accqt yespowsz -: '' '''
t0 r,qere cars vtwrLLL €Aeu aye preyared, '
4 TeewacJeys s),cowd, wor be aLLov,tecl
rAave o',ntw ""-t'')
road vtsers'
affectt\tatbad drLvLwg cawl4ave ow oL)aer

Test 2 Training
*Jriting Task 1
Writing Task I
Before you write
Action Plan reminder
3 Select data and highlight or make notes before
1 Look at Writing Task 1 below' you begin to write Your summary'
o What does the first part of the question tell 4 Write Your summary.
r YOu? r What should you avoid copying word for
r What three things does the rest of the word?
question rernind You to do?
r Should you try to write a-uout all the data?
2 Look at th.e table in Writing Task 1 below'
r Should You challenge the data?
r , de you lear,n fl'om the titte of this table?
, : r,.,What do the'headingi of the,thr:ee colLrrnns After you write
tell You? S What s! td you ch$:for:whenyo .1i,.1! i,,'
, lt? fin'ished?
''''..i;"a numu"o in the first rsw,.,;'.'t... <@ Test t writingTask 1

task' fTiDt Remember You'll need more

You should spend about 20 minutes on this \--r- time for Task 2 than Task 1 '

Bristol university in 1928, 1958 and 2N8'
the main
summarise the information by setecting and reporting
features, and make comparisons where relevant'

/rite at least 150 words. Don't lose rnarks bY writing

tr,p! too llttle.
Bristol University student enrolments -

Betw,een inirn y"oo 1tas the increose in

lvhat Percentage enrolments greoter?
r,",.rere female?
lvhat percentage 'waiil*.#;tlji.P+ P!:gaata' '

'.rere male?
'"Vhat pereentaEe When drd the Peientage of overseos
came fforn wrthin $.$ $t4r$'ri@ stud"rs chonge iost maftedlY?

Test 2 Exam Practice 87

Writing Task 1

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