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Limits of Exponential and

Logarithmic Functions
It is function whose form is f(x) = b, where

Exponential b > 0 and b ≠ 1. With this, general

Functions behaviors of the limits in an exponential
function can be seen on the graphs based
on its base b.

It is a function whose form is f(x) = logbx,

where b > 0 and b ≠ 1. In the graphs below,
we can see a generic behavior of the limits Logarithmic
of a logarithmic function based on b. Functions

Graph of Graph of
Exponential Exponential
Function Function

y=x+2 y=x+2

x x x x
When b > 1, lim b = 0 and lim b = ∞. When 0 < b < 1, lim b = 0 and lim b = ∞.
x→- ∞ x→+ ∞ x→+ ∞ x→- ∞

Graph of Graph of
Logarithmic Logarithmic
Function Function

y=x+2 y=x+2

When b > 1, lim log b x = -∞ and lim log b x = +∞. When 0 < b < 1, lim log b x = +∞ and lim log b x = −∞.
x→0+ x→+ ∞ x→0+ x→+ ∞

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