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ThemC 4
PRG Book No. *1 f,',
Enler informolion
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" ,'ll-S lo whorn this tcxtbook is issued rnusl not write on ony .

s .rrork ony prrr, o{ rl rrr ony wiry, rorrsumoble textboohs €xcefrr.rl.,orly writte.r in ink irr the spoces obove in

), ,,,r i,,. r;nrlition -,i thc, book, New; Good; Foir;
A Park for . 1

Arthur'sBook ,.: g
HanknsPandas. .. ! .17
Marta'starks. .

.CrownsPlan. r, 33,
-r\ f
@ by
righrs reset.ved.
Houghton Mitflin Company.
Brent Skunk Sings : . 1+ I
No part of this work may bc reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
Where Do I Start? . +q
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording,
or by any information storage or retrieval system without dre prior written
Word Lists 56
permission of Houghton Mifflin Company unless such copying is expressly
permitted by federal copyright law. Address inQuiries to School
I Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company, 222 Berkeley Strcct, Boston,
MA 02116.

Printed in China

ISBN - ll: 978-0-618-38722-9

ISBN - 10: 0-618-38722-6

7 8 9-SDP-08 07

Design, Art Management, and Page Production: Silver Editions.

A Park
for Parkdale by Patty Moynahan
illustrated by Bethann Thornburgh

Porkdolq is a uery nice town. It hos

houses ond forms ond stores. It hos o
morket thot sells neorly everything. It
is o fine town, except f<:r one thing.
Porkdole hos no pork.
a,m tr-a ffi) I -J-

At the town meeting, Bort Horn stood "Fcrdon me," soid Coro Bqrkwoy, "but "
up. "I hove something importont to soy how will we poy for this pork? We will
this mornin gi' he told the town bocrd. need lond. We will need someone to
"We feel thct o town nomed Porkdcrle tend to this pork. "
needs o pork." The people begcrn to think. Then Bort
Doctor Short nodded. Sc did Miss hod on ideo.
U ffi, )

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"Listen!" soid Bort. "We will work Bort led everyone to on old, weedy lot.
together to moke this pork. " "Let's moke o porkl" he shouted.
The people liked this smort plon. Doctor Short ond others cleoned up
"We'll stort right now!" soid Bort. !
osh. Miss Mortin plonted o garden.
"l know o good spot for pork." [ore ond more people come to help.

oo I

kd ote



ffi On Morch first, Porkdole Pork ope n(
fe(d. Porkdole is cr very nice town. It
hl People ote ond ployed ond hod fun. TThIE hos houses ond forms ond stores
ffi moyor mode o speech. ond o morket.
$) He soicl, "We ore proud. See whqt CCttn And now it hos o pork!
ffi hoppep when everyone helps out!"
M J t
ffiwffifuwmffi*w ffimwM
by Patty lVloynohon
illustroted by John Monders


Arthur wonted to write his own

book. He hod stocks ond stocks of nice
white poper. He hqd three new pens.
He hod lots of time for writing. Just
one thing wcls missing. "

r .-. . .. ,:i .. _, .- d


I ':r.

Arthur needed on ideo. He storted Arthur looked out the window. He

thinking ond thinking. sow his cot chosing his dog.
"l'll tell o tole obout o frightful seo "How will this seo creoture oct?" he
creoture," he tolcl himself. "It could be osked. "Thot's the question. "
o mixture of foct ond fiction." Arthur kept thinking ond thinking.
10 11

J it

Then Arthur looked bqck outside. He

Outside, his dog jurnped up cr tree. scrw his cot run up the tree. He sqw his
Arthur did not see. dog in the tree. It wos very funny.
"My broin is stcrrting to hurt," soid "Seo creotures do not do funny things
Arthur. "How hnrd con it be to get like thot!" Arthur soid. "I need cr new
on ideq?" ideo. "
12 l3



Arthur felt thqt it might be helpful "Thot's itlt' he yelled. He hod on ideo.
to look ot books. ,He picked up 0 book "My story will be obout o cot thot
from the fiction section of his shelf. choses o dog. I know obout thot!" he
Just then, his dog ond cot roced by. soid.
They mode him drop his book. Thot got Then he went bock to his desk ond
his ottention. storted to'errite.
t+ 15
anUs Pandas
by Linda Dunlap
iLLu str ated by Teri 5lo at

My big brother is nonted Honk. He

tokes core of pondos at Animol Pork.
Honk tells me stories obout his work. If
I wont, he tokes me to see his pondas.
I li,' .,t .r',
,l irr' i .d' l
I ',"! / .r'

Honk begins his work daY bY feeding Then Honk might vtreigh the new
the pondos. Zoo pondos eot foods thot boby. It is so smoll! Honk con hold it in
wild pondos eot. They chomp on plonts. his orms.

Between his chores, Honk just Mom ond her boby drink pond woter.
wotches the pondos. He likes to think Dod sits close by.
ond leorn obout pondos. Flonk tells me
whot he sees.
20 21
^\, I




Pondos hove nice fur.

They groom it Mom cleons boby pondo. Dod lends o
every day. Theif light parts look os hond. Then they go to sleep.
clean cts snow. Honk ond I go lway quietly. We will
be bock to see the pondos soon.
22 23
I Marta's Larks
by t-inda Dunlap
llustrated by Christlane Beauregard

Ltt \

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i:r ' rtirltir

EA ',+i',i'"'lr 1"

Morto wos bom on 0 form. She hos

chores every doy. The chore she likes best is
feeding larks. Lorks ore birds thot sing o lot.
Morto likes to heor them eoch doy.


A ,rrtr.
In Morch, Morto works in her gorden. Morto picks up the leof. A fot bug looks
She sees lorks try teomwork to tum o leof. bock of her! "Wow! Those lorks ore smort!"
"Whot is under thot leaf?" Morto thinks. exclqims Morto. "l will stort wotching lorks

of work."

m26 27
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Morto sees lorks working hord,finding Mortq sees lorks working hord moking
food. Even little lorks eot lots of bugs. Lorks nests. Lorks pull bits of bork from lorge trees.
swoop ond dort in the sky. Hordly ony bugs They toke blodes of gross from the yord.
get owoy! Lorks flnd tom yaffL. They cafiy these things
to o sofe ploce. Then lorks fum bork, gross,
ond yarr: into nests!




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Morto likes wotching lorks ot work. And Morto is o port of her lorks' life. Lorks
lorks feel sofe when Morto is close. Morto perch on her orrns. Others eot seeds from
would never horm her lorks! her honds. Morto is glod to hove lorks for
.e foiends.
30 3'l
Crow's PIan
hy Melismm ffiImckwell ffiwrlqe
iIIustrateu{ {:ly flary l}hilltps


l'j t\ ,l


The onimols ot Ook Loke hod o big

ploblem. They met in the field to
speok obout it.
"Long ago, Ook Loke flowed cleon,"
soid Crow. "Now trosh floots in it. We
..i' must moke this loke flow cleon once
more. "


"How con we help?" Tood crooked. "This loke looks good ond cleon," Tood
"We will mcrke wor on trosh. Follow crooked. "Let's keep it this way."
me!" soid Crow. "We con woit in this hollow tree,"
' Holf the onimols went oround one Crow soid. "Then we will show everyone
side of Ook Loke. The rest went oround how to toke core of the loke. It must be
the other side. They picked up trosh our goo1. " ,

ond put it in trosh cons.

3+ 35
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fqmily come to Ook

Soon o roccoon Crow dropped thot trosh in o trosh
Loke. The fomily ote o picnic in their con. He flew bock ond bellowed of thot
rowboot. When they finished, the little fomily.
roccoon tossed something. In o flosh, "I think I know why Crow is mod," the
Crow dove ond got thot trosh in his beok dod exploined. "We won't throw trosh
before it hit Ook Loke. ogoin, fellow," he yelled up of Crow.

36 37
Crow went bock to the hollow tree
ond spoke with the onirnols. "This is
how we will show e\zeryone. It must be
our gool. "
"Yes," they soid. "You hove our ooth. Sowhen you heor onimols crook or
If we see someone throw trosh, we will moon or bellow, think obout this tole.
crook or moon or bellow. " And don't throw trosh!

3B 39
Brent Skunk
ji:r,y Niell issa $it$aakvu,i:r[ $.&]Krke

ill1rr"$sthrate{$ }*y [-a*ra tr|{e[iska- ffiiefrtk

It wos time for Brent Skunk to moke

his first trip to the dentist.
"This bird is the best dentist in this
lond," Gronddod Fronk soid. "He is
quite nice. When we go, he will cleon
your teeth ond check them out. It will
not hurt o bit. "

Brent Skunk wos ofroid. Brent Skunk ond Gronddod Fronk sot
"This dentist visit won't tqke longi' in the woiting room.
Gronddod Fronk sqid. "And You con When it wos time to see the dentist,
bring thot yo-yo you like so much." Gronddod Fronk found Brent Skunk
So Brent Skunk und Gronddod Fronk behind o plont.
went down to the dentist. Gronddod Fronk yonked Brent Skunk
+2 +3
Gronddod Fronk set Brent Skunk But Brent Skunk kept his mouth
down. Brent Skunk slumped. closed tight. He just sot there
Just then, the dentist come in. blinking.
"Brent Skunk, you'll be fine. We'll "We'll get you ct new toy with o string
just count ond cleon ond check those when we ore through," the dentist soid.
teeth. Let me get my lamp on so we "Now pleose open up."
con see. Open wide, pleose." Brent Skunk stiil kept his mouth closed
++ +5
skunk hos me stu_r_npg4flJ the
* l*^-

dentist soid. "Whot do you think we

con try , Fronk?" "l've got it!" Gronddod Fronk soid.
"He opens wide when he loughs. We "Brent con't poss up o. chonce to sing.
need to moke him lough. Con you do o How obout it, Brent?"
stunt with thot yo-yo?" Gronddod Fronk So Brent Skunk song, ond opened

osked. wide. .i
The dentist did three stunts. And The dentist counterC ond cleoned ond
Brent Skunk loughed, but with his hond checked Brent's teeth.
over his mouth. It did not hurt o bit.
4,6, ,,'

trlt nre Do I S+o r*?

6y AroJ"
illu,*.o*eJ 6r C[,.i,]inn Beou.ego .J

Something wos wrong. I hod to

write o biogr aphy. I couldn,t think of
onyone to write obout. I hod no ideo
whot to scry.
"I don't know where to stort,,, I soid.
"I'fyt stumped!"
r ilii$i$i
t.\ Whof did goutike to do when
r.i:, 4F
, {r&i$ii!*r.

*r*gou wene lifflep

W 2. Whot did gouwqnt to be

when gou gnew

How did gou choose theJob


go0 do nowP
+ -.::.-1ee*,e6dery.*Fi!i;ihsids

4. i Wh"Lglg_ggu pr''oud
'- of doi -'ng?
, :


"Think of someone brove or with o

speciol tolent," soid Dod. "Is there
someone you know with ct neot iob?"
I thought ond thought. "I could write Dod colled Mr. Porks. I wrote down
qbout your friend Mr. Porks!" I soid. mony of my questions.

50 5l

Mr. Pqrks come thot night. We sot in
the kitchen ond I osked my cLuestions. I
used o notebook to toke notes. When he wqs o boy, Mr. Porks liked to
I olreody knew thot Mr. Porks tokes wotch oceon onimols. Now he tokes
pictures of seo onimols. I found out pictures of creotures like seo horses,
thot he lives on the seococtst ond goes to wholes, ond shorks. His pictures con be
work on cr boot. seen in noture books ond rnagazines.

52 53

ltj-],til''iltllr '

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Mr. Porks told me mony stories. Once We tolked ond tolked. Before Mr.
he sow o lorge, dork bump on the oceon Porks left, I thqnked him for his help.
floor. At first he thought it wos ct When he wqs gone, I grooned loudly.
sqndbor. Then he thought it could be o "Whot's wrong now?" qsked my dod.
monster. As he got closer, he sow thot it "I took so mony notes," I soid . "l'll
wos o sunken ship! need to give my hond q rest before
I stort!"

5+ 55
Word List
Theme 4 Afihuf's Book (p. 9) accompanies 0fficer Buckte and Gtoria.
A Park for Parkdale 1p. t1 accompanies 1fficer Buckte and Gloria. DECODABLE WORDS
DEGODABLE WORDS Target Skill (Review)
Target Skills Common Syllobles -tion, -ture
r-Controlled Vowel ar ottention, fiction, section, creoture, creotures, mixture
Borkwoy, Bort, forms, gorden, Morch, morket, Mortin, pordon, pork, Words Using Previously Taught Skills
Porkdole, smort, stort obout, oct, on, ond, Arthur, osked, ot, bock, be, book, Lrooks, broin,
r-Controlled Vowels of ore by, can, cot, choses, chosing, desk, did, dog, drop, foct, felt, for,
Coro, Doctor, for, Horn, importont, moyor, morer morning, Short, frightful, from, funny, get, got, hod, hord, he, helpful, him, himself,
stores his, how, hurt, in, is, it, iumped, just, kept, know, look, looked, lots,
mode, might, missing, my, need, needed, new out, outside, own,
Words Using Previously Taught Skills
not, pens, picked, question, roced, run, sclq secrf see, shelf, stocks,
on, ond, ot, ote, but, come, con, cleoned, did, everything, except, storted, storting, story, tole, tell, thot, thot's, then, thing, things,
feel, fine, first, fun, good, had, hoppen, hos, he, help, helps, houses, thinking, this, three, time, tree, up, went, white, will, write, writing,
how, is, it, know, lond, led, let's, Iiked, Iot, mode, moke, me, yelled
meeting, Miss, nomed, need, needs, nice, no, nodded, now on,
opened, out, poy, plon, plonted, ployed, proud, right, soy, see, sells, HIGH.FREOUENGY WORDS
shouted, so, speech, spot, stood, tend, thot, then, thing, think, this, Previously Tought
town, trosh, up, we, weedy, we'll, when, will o, could, do, I, ideo, of, one, poper, soid, the, they, to, told, very,
UCEEE wonted, wos
boord, )isten, told
Previously Tought
o, ore, begon, everyone, hove, I, ideo, neorly, old, one, opened,
others, our, people, soid, someone, something, the, to, together, very,
whot, work

56 57
Hank's Pandas (p. 17) accompanies Ant Martab Larks (p. 2s) accompanies Anr.

Target Skills Target Skill (Review)

Words witb. nd, nt, fftpt ng, nk r-Controlled Vowels -ar, -or, -ore
chomp, drink, hond, Honk, Honk's, kingdom, Iends, pondo, pondos, orms, bork, born, chore, chores, dort, form, gorden, hord, hordly,
plonts, pond horm, lorge, Iorks, Iorks', Morch, Morto, Morto's, port, smort, stort,
Bose Words ond Endings -s, -es, -ies
torn, yord, yorn
chores, foods, ports, sees, stories, tokes, tells Words Using Previously Taught Skills
Words Using Previously Taught Skills
ond, ot, ote, bock, best, big, birds, bits, blodes, bug, bugs, by, close,
doy, eoch, eot, every, excloims, fot, feeding, feel, felt, find, finding,
ond, onimol, orms, os, ot, owoy, boby, bock, be, big, by, con, cleon,
food, for, from, get, glod, gross, honds, her, in, is, leof, likes, looks,
cleons, close, dod, doy, eot, feeding, for, fur, go, groom, he, her, his,
if, in, is, it, just, Iight, likes, Iook, me, might, mom, my, nomed, new, Iot, Iots, moking, nests, on, perch, picks, ploce, sofe, seeds, sees, she,
sky, swoop, toke, thot, them, then, these, things, thinks, those, trees,
nice, on, pork, quietly, see, sits, sleep, snow so/ soon, thot, then,
tree, we, wild, will, with, zoo
try, turn, up, when, will, wow
Previously Tought
between, core, weigh
a, c-rry, ore, owoy, even, friends, hos, hove, heor, I, into, little, never,
of, others, pull, the, they, to, under, wos, wotching, whot, work,
Previously Tought works, working, would
o, obout, begins, brother, every, hove, hold, I, leorn, smoll, the, their,
they, think, to, wont, wotches, woter, whot, work

5B 5q
rlrr- EI

Brent Skunk Sings (p. 41) accompanies The Great Ball Game.
Crow's Plan (p.33l accompanies lfe Great Ball Game.
Target Skill (Review)
Target Skill-
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk
Vowel Po.irs oa, ow
ond, behind, blinking, Brent, Brent's, bring, count, counted, dentist,
bellow, bellowed, crook, crooked, Crow, fellow, floots, flow flowed,
found, Fronk, Gronddod, hond, lomp, lond, plont, song, sing, Skunk,
follow, gool, hollow, know, moon, Ook, ooth, rowboot, show sloq
slumped, string, stumped, stunt, stunts, think, went, yonked
throw Tood
Words Using Previously Taught Skills
Words Using Previously Taught Skills
obout, osked, be, best, bird, bit, but, come, con, con't, chonce, check,
obout, ond, onimols, oround, ot, ote, be, before, big, bock, beok,
checked, cleon, cleoned, closed, did, down, fine, for, get, 9o, got,
come, con, cons, core, corry, cleon, dod, don't, dove, dropped,
hod, hos, he, him, his, how, hurt, is, it, I've, just, kept, Iet, like,
everyone, fomily, finished, flosh, flew, for, good, got, hod, he, help,
listen, moke, me, mouth, much, my, need, new, nice, not, on,
his, hit, how, if, in, is, it, keep, Ioke, let's, little, Iooks, mod, moke,
opened, opens, out, over, poss, pleose, quite, room, sot, set, so, see,
me, met, more, must, my, now, on, other, picked, picnic, problem,
still, toke, teeth, thot, them, then, this, those, three, tight, time, toy,
put, roccoon, rest, sow see, side, so, soon, speok, spoke, toke, tole,
trip, try, up, visit, woiting, we, we'll, when, wide, with, will, won't,
thot, this, then, think, tossed, trosh,.tree, up, woit, woy, we, went,
you, you'll, yo-yo
when, why, will, with, won't, yelled, yes, you
Previously Tought
o, ofroid, ore, behind, do, first, in, lough, loughed, Ioughs, long,
ogo, field, holf, wor
open, soid, the, there, through, to, wos, whot, your
Previously Taught
o, obout, ogoin, hove, heor, I, Iong, of, once, one, or, our, said, the,
their, they, to

Where Do I Start (p. 49) accompanies Focus on Biographies.
DECODABLE WOBDS (,ro(l(' I co[ found like piece though Grode 2 reoson
r coLry four little ploy thoughts ACIOSS roll
Target Skills (Review) rrlrk' cought friend live present three 090 soldier
r-Controlled Vowels ar, or, ore rrlxltl children full long pretty through beoutiful special

before, born, dork, horses, lorge, Mr. Porks, sondbor, shorks, stort rrlrovc climb funny look pull tiny behind stond
rrlrrrid cold gorden love put to believe story
Finol Syllobles ond Endings -ed, -er, -est, -ing, -ly, -tion, -ture illlor color girl many reod todoy between stroight
osked, colled, closer, creotures, doing, grooned, liked, loudly, noture, 0(l0in come give me reody together boord surprise

pictures, questions, stumped, tolked, thonked, used

rrr;uinst could go minute right too bought told
rrll cow goes more room try brother touch
Words Using Previously Taught Skills , rI rr'ody donce gone morning soid turn brought until
rrlso divide good most sow tlvo busy wor
onimols, onyoner os, ot, be, boot, books, boy, brove, bump, come, r rlwoys do green mother school under core weigh
con, choose, clipboord, couldn't, dod, did, didn't, don't, got, grew, r rrrcl does grow my second upon clothes whole
hod, hos, help, him, his, how, I'll, I'm, iob, knew, Ieft, lives, rrrrimol done hoppy neor see very different winter
mogozines, meet, monster, need, neot, night, no, notes, pick, proud, nr)y door hord never seven wolk during word
ulc down hove not sholl woll even yeor
rest, sot, soy, seo, seocoost, seen, ship, someone, sunken, toke, tolent, (rnns drow he now shorp wont field youn9
thot, them, think, thought, tired, wotch, wholes, whot's, when, with, rrround eot heod oceon she worm lloor
wrong, wrote (rwoy edge heor of shoe(s) wos front
lxrby eight her off shout wosh greot
HIGH.FREQUENCY WORDS lrt,oL else here old show wotched 9Uess
lrr,touse enough hold on sing w0ter holf
Previously Tought lrlt'n evening horse once smoll we heord
a, obout, oll, olreody, ond, ore, before, could, do, down, hove, I, in, lrclirre ever house one so weor importont
is, it, first, floor, for, found, friend, give, goes, gone, hond, he, ideo, lx'r;on every how only some were kitchen
lx,r;in foll hungry open soon whot lody
kitchen, know, Iike, Iittle, live, mony, me, my, oceon, of, on, once, lrirr I fomily hurl or stort where loter
or, out, now, soid, scrw, so, something, speciol, stories, the, there, to, Irlrrc for I other sure who letter
told, too, up, wont, wcls, we, were, whot, where, who, work, would, I rorly fcrther ideo our toble why Iion
write, you lrrllt find in out tolk work listen
I rr rrrk first is over toll world move
l,rown five jump own teocher would order
l,rrilcl flower kind poper the write poor
I'illlor fly know port their you quiet
l,ry follow lough people there your
l,t for learn person these
,rrll forest light picture they

ttrt:ottitrg Skills Taught to Date: Shoft Vowels 4 4 Base Words and Endings -s, -e4 -rng; Short Vowels
c; VCCV Pattern; Long Vowels a, l(CVCe); Long Vowels 4 4 e (CVCe); Two Sounds lor g,'
rr, rr,
( ,r )r:;onant
Clusters /i /, s,'Two Sounds for c; Double Consonants; VCV Pattern; Final k and clc,
I r{,r:ir)nirnt Digraphs th, wh, sh, ch, (tch);BaseWords and Endinos -eli -esl; Vowel Pais ai, ay;

Lrnrtf0undWords; Vowel Paitsow, ou;Suffixes -ly,-ful;Vowel Pairsee,ea,'CommonSyllables -fion,

/ilr r,; r .Controlled Vowels af or, ore;Words wilh nd, nt, mp, ng, nk; BaseWords and Endings -s, -es,
r.,r;, Vowel Pairs oa, ow;Final Syllables and Endings; r- Controlled Vowels

62 63

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