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20 Nassau Street

Princeton, NJ 08542
Suite 12A
609. 59. HAPPY

Client Name:_________________
Date: ______________________

Awareness of Pleasant Events

Instruction: For seven days, be aware of one pleasant activity / event while it is happening. At a later time (but
not later than that evening) reflect on your experience.

 What was the event / experience / activity?

 Were you aware of the pleasant feelings while the event / activity was happening?
 How did your body feel during this time? Describe your impression here.
 What feelings, thoughts and moods accompanied this event?
 What thoughts pop in your mind now while you reflecting on and writing about your experience?
Awareness of Pleasant Events
What was the event / Were you aware of the How did your body feel What feelings, thoughts What thoughts pop in your
experience / activity? pleasant feelings while the during this time? Describe and moods accompanied mind now while you reflecting
event / activity was happening? your impression here. this event? on and writing about your

Awareness of Pleasant Events
What was the event / Were you aware of the How did your body feel What feelings, thoughts What thoughts pop in your
experience / activity? pleasant feelings while the during this time? Describe and moods accompanied mind now while you reflecting
event / activity was happening? your impression here. this event? on and writing about your

Awareness of Pleasant Events
What was the event / Were you aware of the How did your body feel What feelings, thoughts What thoughts pop in your
experience / activity? pleasant feelings while the during this time? Describe and moods accompanied mind now while you reflecting
event / activity was happening? your impression here. this event? on and writing about your

Awareness of Pleasant Events
What was the event / Were you aware of the How did your body feel What feelings, thoughts What thoughts pop in your
experience / activity? pleasant feelings while the during this time? Describe and moods accompanied mind now while you reflecting
event / activity was happening? your impression here. this event? on and writing about your

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