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LLM-driven Data Engineering

Day 1
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Is data engineering doomed to
And what you can do about it!
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Here’s why data engineering is doomed
(according to shitty LinkedIn influencers)
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- LLMs are getting good at writing SQL

- LLMs increase productivity, reduce debug time, and reduce documentation
writing time
- LLMs can even write Spark code! Y’all saw the English SDK for Databricks
right? EcZachly Inc
- LLMs will guarantee amazing data quality!
LLMs and SQL
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I’m sure you’ve seen the

SQL is an important part of the data engineering equation

- LLMs are good but not great at SQL (we will see this in the lab today)
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I’m going to show you a chart soon
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- Red means, LLMs are going to have a significant impact, soon

- Yellow means, LLMs aren’t quite there yet but could disrupt in the future
- Green means, LLMs are far from accomplishing this

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Answering business questions (red)
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LangChain hooks into databases

directly and can easily make sense
of data warehouses!

This disruption is imminent! EcZachly Inc

Fixing Broken Pipelines (red)
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LLMs + Agents will be able to

significantly reduce the oncall burden.

- LLMs that process stack traces /

quality failures can recommend
possible remedies to unblock
(maybe even via Slack)

The amount of data engineering hours

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that are recovered from this is
something to be celebrated!

Tricky failures will still need manual

troubleshooting though
Writing analytical queries (red)
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- This will be disrupted 100% but complexity

matters here a lot.
- SQL practitioners probably won’t feel much
difference here
- Self-serve analytics will catch fire here though
This is something to be celebrated!
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Data engineers won’t have to hand hold
stakeholders through their analytical questions
nearly as much!
Writing pipeline code in:
SQL, Spark, or Flink (orange)
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LLMs can oftentimes give us a

good boilerplate to start with, but
debugging it is often not worth it!

We are still pretty far from

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prompts generating us optimized
and correct data pipelines!
Why ChatGPT sucks for SQL!
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LLMs are like having a good junior engineer

who can write SQL for you but you have to
check their work

The interface is

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The same prompt will output different things
depending on when you input it!


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Writing data documentation (orange)
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If you’ve done the upfront work of all the

conceptual and physical data modeling,
ChatGPT can give you beautiful
summaries and example queries. (We’ll
see this in the lab today)
ChatGPT will miss most business EcZachly Inc
context unless directly given it and if
you’re directly giving ChatGPT the
context, you might as well write the
documentation yourself at that point
Sprint Planning (orange)
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LLMs should be able to give us a

good idea about sprint planning.

The soft skills needed to prioritize EcZachly Inc

and push back are sadly not
present in ChatGPT
Dashboarding (orange)
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Presenting data is actually pretty

easy. Usually simple GROUP BY
queries does the job

Knowing you customer and what

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data to display and when is the
hard part that ChatGPT will
continue to suck at
Physical Data Modeling (orange)
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Optimizing logical/conceptual
data models to a specific
architecture is something
ChatGPT will excel at.
Having all the best practices in EcZachly Inc
place and understand the interplay
between data table, pipeline, etc is
hard for ChatGPT to understand
Writing tests for you pipelines (orange)
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Generating fake data will be a big

pain that LLMs can give us

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Knowing if we have adequate test
coverage is something ChatGPT
will continue to be bad at
Automated Data Quality Checks (orange)
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Suggesting automated checks is

something LLMs can do already

Having the business context to EcZachly Inc

know what checks are valuable is
something LLMs will have a hard
time with
Building data processing frameworks
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Once you hit a sufficient level of

complexity, LLMs fall apart.

Imagine asking ChatGPT,

“Give me the code for the next EcZachly Inc
generation of Spark”
Creating data best practices (green)
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Data best practices are most

often learned from experience.
Experience that needs to
permeate through the
organization. EcZachly Inc

ChatGPT will catch up 2-3 years

Conceptual / Logical Data Modeling (green)
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Data Modeling is a very soft skills

focused task.

Understanding what data is

needed, where it is, and how to get EcZachly Inc
it is a human-oriented task that
ChatGPT will continue to struggle
What’s the lab going to be about today?
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- When you should and shouldn’t use LLMs

- What types of tasks are LLMs better suited for
- How can you get the most out of each prompt?

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When should you use LLMs?
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- Debugging specific problems (similar to StackOverflow or Google)

- Getting your starter DAG boilerplate
- Boilerplate documentation
- Solving a very specific part of a query
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Generating Documentation
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- LLMs are actually decent at generating text and documentation

- Business context is often lacking though!
- Make sure to specify to use Markdown in the prompt
- The more context you give, the better the documentation
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How to use the OpenAI API
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- Install the openai Python library


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How the prompts work in Python API
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- You have multiple roles you can play

- System
- Assistant
- User

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The System Role
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Think of this as the “contextual” clues that guide the prompt the right way

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The Assistant Role
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This is for when you want to have a multiple prompt/response conversation

with ChatGPT

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The User Role
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This is the prompt that is used for the specific task at hand

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API Configuration
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Temperature - Scales from 0 to 2. Closer to 0 the more deterministic the

Max Tokens - you can set this as high as 4000. One token is about 4 characters
in English
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Today’s Lab
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- We’ll be interacting with GPT-4 in today’s lab

- We’ll generate an Airflow DAG
- A SQL query
- And documentation for our data sets

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