(English) - MA SEM - 1 (DEC-2018)

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Seat No.

: _______________

M.A., Sem.-I
401 : English
(History of English Literature 1500 – 1660)

Time : 2:30 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instruction : Attempt all questions.
1. (A) Write a detailed note on the various characteristics of Shakespearean Tragedy as

detailed by A.C. Bradley. 20

(B) “Othello is a domestic tragedy elevated to Universal stage by the perfect
craftsmanship of Shakespeare.” – Discuss.

(A) “Of all the forms of poetry the epic has been the rarest and the noblest,
embodying immeasurably profound values of life.” Discuss.
i 20
(B) C.M. Bowra writes that “When Milton decided to write a heroic epic in the
traditional manner with a new purpose, he could hardly avoid altogether the old
type of hero. In Satan Milton displays various qualities that belong to the old

type.” Elaborate.

3. (A) Write Short Notes on any one : 7


(1) Arcadia
(2) Volpone
(3) Spanish Tragedy

(B) Answer in brief (Any Four) : 8

(1) Attempt a brief note on the tragic flaw of Shakespearean protagonist.

(2) Discuss briefly lago’s motive for revenge.

(3) Comment on the last scene of Othello.

(4) List the classical epics along with their authors.

(5) Write a brief note on similes used in Paradise Lost Book 1.
(6) Briefly discuss the epic conventions that we see in Paradise Lost.

4. Write the correct option (Any 15) : 15

(1) Renaissance tragedy adopted the Aristotelian notion of ______.
(A) Reversal (B) Plot
(C) Hamartia (D) The three unities

DA-118 1 P.T.O.

Instagram : @GRealsir
(2) A.C. Bardley divides tragedy into an/a _____ of the state of affairs.
(A) Exposition (B) Representation
(C) Analyses (D) Classification
(3) There is an absolute lack of ______ in Shakespearean plays.
(A) Comic relief (B) Poetic Justice
(C) Entertainment (D) Morality
(4) Coleridge says that Shakespearean tragedies have a _______ quality.
(A) Natural (B) Antique (C) Prophetic (D) Historical
(5) Othello is a play that derives its plot from Giraldi’s play titled _________.
(A) DegliHecotammithi (B) Cingona
(C) Floria (D) Medora
(6) Othello is easily swayed by lago’s insinuation because of his own__________.
(A) Stupidity (B) Jealousy (C) Insecurity (D) Depravity
(7) Brabantio warns Othello that Desdemona has already committed ____

(A) Matrilineal (B) Filial (C) Marital (D) Brotherly

(8) Othello grieves at the end of the play that he “loved not wisely, but too _____”.
(A) Forcefully (B) Strongly (C) Passionately (D) Well
(9) A Classical Epic is described as a long ______ poem.

(A) Descriptive (B) Narrative
r.i (C) Religious
In a Classical Epic there is a long list called epic ______.
(A) Catalogues
(B) Directories (C) Similes
(D) Divine

(D) Invocation
(11) The epic ______ leads to the causes of the main action of the epic.
(A) Repetition (B) Invocation (C) Question (D) Argument

(12) Why are there exaggerations in an epic ?

(A) To make the hero look larger than life.
(B) To make divine look more human.
(C) To bridge the gap between the divine and human.

(D) To bring comic relief.

(13) Milton’s Paradise Lost has two arcs, one is about Satan the other is about

(A) Good and Evil (B) Pagan Gods
(C) Fallen Angels (D) Adam and Eve

(14) Paradise Lost is a different kind of an epic, it is a ______ epic.

(A) Religious (B) Domestic (C) Divine (D) Social

(15) Who said that “Milton was in Devil’s party without knowing it” ?
(A) W.B. Yeats (B) William Shakespeare
(C) William Blake (D) T.S. Eliot
(16) The fallen angel who is second in command in Hell is called ______.
(A) Peter (B) Leviathan (C) Lucifer (D) Beelzebub
(17) John Leonard interpreted the “impious war” between Heaven and Hell as a/an.
(A) Civil War (B) Evil War (C) Final Battle (D) Dubious Battle
DA-118 2

Instagram : @GRealsir

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