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Tittle: Do you trust everything you see on TV news and read in newspapers


So some may argue that the media can be trusted. I think all issues have 2 diferent sides, audiences need
to be able to discern information wisely, should not belive completely in media

The mass media is inescapable in modern life. People are exposed to it through traditional channels such
as television, newspapers, radio, books, as well as surfing the I. to get information from blogs, social
media sites, and videos. So a famnous author said "Whoever controls the media can controls the mind."
Some politicians cover up of information to serve their needs through national media so that they gently
alter people’s perceptions.
Namely, because of the censorship of media of chinse government, most of chinese think that Hoang Sa
and Truong Sa island belong to China and they call these islands is "Tam Sa".
Moreover, Media is inherently drive by ratings and profits. Therefore, They often post sensitive
informations of the famous artist to get views. They also in some advertisement exaggerate the use of the
product, they use the adjustment technologies to lead customer unreality like losing weight fast without
exercise. So that People end up buying and spending more than they need.

However the oficial media always be relied upon to provide accurate, unbiased truths, and to uphold
social responsibility that allow reader to access information, society can be educated and stay up to date
on the happenings of the world.
Example: official newspaper like Vn express, Thanh nien,… local newspapers, state television stations,
always comprehensively reflect all aspects of social life, including the good and the negative sides of
society, the illegal activities, propagate the law to the people. Those provide science knowkedge as well.

In Viet nam in particular, and most of democracy countries always uphold freedom of speech.
That law assure that people present their thoughts, feelings and aspirations. At this point, Media also still
produced and distributed by responsible people who still want to give the truth.

Conclusion, The presence of mass media in our everyday lives makes it an undeniable influence on
values. It cannot be trusted because its primary interests does not lie with the welfare of society. There is
thus a need to maintain the standards and values of society with increasing globalisation and rise of new

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