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Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Class Test 1 Memorandum

Copyright reserved

Module ELI 220

4 August 2023

Assessment ID

Test information
Full marks: 10 Maximum marks: 10
Duration of paper: 20 minutes Open/closed book: Closed book
Total number of pages (including this page): 4

1. The departmental rules relevant to electronically graded assessments apply.
2. Answer all questions on the answer OCR sheets provided. Sheet 01 refers to the grid-based
numeric OCR sheet, Sheet 10/11 refers to the the block-based OCR sheets (with open areas).
3. Unless the answer is an integer, round all answers to three significant figures, e.g., if the
absolute value for an answer is 531.94, the answer to 3 significant figures would be 532, if the
absolute value for an answer is 5.3194, the answer to 3 significant figures would be 5.32.
4. Complete the answer sheet in pencil. Use a clean eraser to erase mistakes.
The University of Pretoria commits itself to produce academic work of integrity. I affirm
that I am aware of and have read the Rules and Policies of the University, more specifi-
cally the Disciplinary Procedure and the Tests and Examinations Rules, which prohibit any
unethical, dishonest or improper conduct during tests, assignments, examinations and/or
any other forms of assessment. I am aware that no student or any other person may assist
or attempt to assist another student, or obtain help, or attempt to obtain help from another
student or any other person during tests, assessments, assignments, examinations and/or
any other forms of assessment.
Internal examiners: Dr. F. Palunčić

2023ELI220C01 Page 1 of 4 4 August 2023

Question 1 (2)
1/e jπ
in Cartesian (rectangular) form a + jb. Determine

(1) a Use Sheet 01–Number 01 for this question (1)

(2) b Use Sheet 01–Number 02 for this question (1)


1/e jπ = e −jπ
= cos(−π) + j sin(−π)
= −1 − j0
= −1

Therefore, a = −1 and b = 0.

Question 2 (4)
Determine the partial fraction expansion of F (s) where
s a0 a1
F (s) = = + .
(s − 1)2 (s − 1)2 (s − 1)


(1) a0 Use Sheet 01–Number 03 for this question (2)

(2) a1 Use Sheet 01–Number 04 for this question (2)

By Heaviside’s method for repeating factors,

a0 = (s − 1)2 F (s)
= 1,

a1 = (s − 1)2 F (s)
ds s=1
= [s]
ds s=1
= 1.

2023ELI220C01 Page 2 of 4 4 August 2023

Alternatively, by clearing fractions (i.e. multiplying both sides by (s − 1)2 )

s = a0 + a1 (s − 1)
= 1 + a1 s − a1
→ a1 = 1.

Therefore, a0 = 1 and a1 = 1.

Question 3 (4)
Use Sheet 10–Block 01 for this question

Sketch by hand x(t) = Im{4e (−1+j2π)t } against the independent variable t for
0 ≤ t ≤ 3.


x(t) = Im{4e (−1+j2π)t }

= Im{4e −t e j2πt }
= Im{4e −t cos 2πt + j4e −t sin 2πt}
= 4e −t sin 2πt. (1)

Plot of x(t) = 4e −t sin 2πt is shown below. The marks are awarded as follows:

• Correct expression of x(t) as in Eq. (1) (1).

• Correct envelopes in sketched signal (1).

• Correct frequency of sketched sinusoidal (1).

• Correct shape of sketched sinusoidal (1).

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x(t) = 4e−t sin 2πt



1 2 t



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