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Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Semester Test 1 Memorandum

Copyright reserved

Module ELI 220

31 August 2023

Assessment ID

Test information
Full marks: 40 Maximum marks: 40
Duration of paper: 90 minutes Open/closed book: Closed book
Total number of pages (including this page): 14

1. The departmental rules relevant to electronically graded assessments apply.
2. Answer all questions on the answer OCR sheets provided. Sheet 01 refers to the grid-based
numeric OCR sheet, Sheet 10/11 and Sheet 20/21 refers to the the block-based OCR sheets
(with open areas).
3. Unless the answer is an integer, round all answers to three significant figures, e.g., if the
absolute value for an answer is 531.94, the answer to 3 significant figures would be 532, if the
absolute value for an answer is 5.3194, the answer to 3 significant figures would be 5.32.
4. Complete the answer sheet in pencil. Use a clean eraser to erase mistakes.
5. For multiple choice questions, write down the number corresponding to the correct answer on
your answer sheet.
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Internal examiners: Dr. F. Palunčić

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Question 1 (20)
Answer the following multiple choice questions. Enter the number corresponding
to your choice.

Use Sheet 01 for this question. Sub-question numbering = sheet numbering.

(1) The even component xe (t) of the signal x(t) = te −t is

1. te −t − te t
2. 12 (te −t − te t )
3. te −t + te t
4. 12 (te −t + te t )
5. none of the above

xe (t) = 21 [x(t) + x(−t)], therefore option 2.

(2) Z ∞
δ(t − 2)e −t dt

is equal to
1. 1
2. e −2
3. e2
4. e −(t−2)
5. none of the above


Z ∞ Z ∞
δ(t − 2)e dt = δ(t − 2)e −2 dt
−∞ −∞
Z ∞
=e δ(t − 2) dt
= e −2

Therefore, option 2.

(3) If E [x(t)] is the energy of a real-valued signal x(t), i.e.

Z ∞
E [x(t)] = x 2 (t) dt,

and E [y (t)] is the energy of the signal y (t), then E [x(t) + y (t)] = E [x(t)] +
E [y (t)] if
1. the power of x(t) and y (t) is zero
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2. x(t) → 0 and y (t) → 0 as |t| → ∞
3. −∞ x(t)y (t) dt = 0
R∞ R∞
4. −∞ x(t) dt = −∞ y (t) dt
5. none of the above


Z ∞
E [x(t) + y (t)] = [x(t) + y (t)]2 dt

= x 2 (t) + 2x(t)y (t) + y 2 (t) dt
Z−∞∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
= x (t) dt + 2x(t)y (t) dt + y 2 (t) dt
Z ∞ −∞ −∞

= E [x(t)] + 2 x(t)y (t) dt + E [y (t)]


Therefore E [x(t) + y (t)] = E [x(t)] + E [y (t)] if

Z ∞
x(t)y (t) dt = 0

Hence, option 3.

(4) Which of the following statements is false?

1. A system can be both continuous-time and digital
2. A system can be both discrete-time and analogue
3. An instantaneous system is a non-causal system
4. The identity system is a linear, time-invariant system
5. none of the above

An instantaneous system is a causal system. Since the continuous/discrete
nature of the time axis is independent of the continuous/discrete nature of
the signal value axis, a system can be both continuous-time and digital and
it can also be both discrete-time and analogue. It is clear that the identity
system is linear and time-invariant.
Hence, option 3.

(5) The period of

 2π  π π  π
x(t) = cos t + sin t + + cos πt −
3 2 4 6

2023ELI220S01 Page 3 of 14 31 August 2023

1. 12 s
2. 6s
3. πs
4. 6
5. none of the above

Since n 2π π o π
GCF , ,π = ,
3 2 6
the fundamental frequency is ω0 = 6 and

T0 =
= 12 s

Therefore, option 1.

(6) The odd component of the impulse function δ(t) is

1. 0
2. δ(t)
3. −δ(t)
4. δ(−t)
5. none of the above

Since the impulse function δ(t) is even, its odd component is zero. Alter-
δo (t) = [δ(t) − δ(−t)]
= [δ(t) − δ(t)]

Therefore, option 1.

(7) If a periodic signal x(t) has a jump discontinuity at t = t0 , then the Fourier
series of x(t) at t = t0 converges to
x(t0+ )+x(t0− )
1. 2
x(t0+ )−x(t0− )
2. 2
3. x(t0+ ) + x(t0− )

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4. x(t0+ ) − x(t0− )
5. None of the above

The Fourier series at t = t0 converges to the average of the value of x(t)
just before and just after the jump discontinuity at t = t0 . Therefore, option

(8) The solid-line signal in Fig. 1 is an approximation of a square wave (dashed-

line signal) by using a finite number of sinusoidal terms of the Fourier se-
ries. The highest frequency sinusoidal term appearing in this approximation is
which integer multiple of the fundamental frequency?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
5. none of the above



Figure 1: Fourier series approximation (red signal) of a square wave (blue signal) for
Question 1 (8).

In one period of the square wave, there are 5 cycles (oscillations). There-
fore, Option 2.

(9) A system represented by the input-output relationship

y (t) = t 2 x(t),

where y (t) is the output and x(t) is the input, is

1. linear and time-variant
2. non-linear and time-variant
3. linear and time-invariant
4. non-linear and time-invariant
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x1 (t) → y1 (t) : y1 (t) = t 2 x1 (t)

x2 (t) → y2 (t) : y2 (t) = t 2 x2 (t)


k1 x1 (t) + k2 x2 (t) → t 2 [k1 x1 (t) + k2 x2 (t)]

= k1 t 2 x1 (t) + k2 t 2 x2 (t)
= k1 y1 (t) + k2 y2 (t)

Therefore, the system is linear.

Time-variance: For a delayed input x(t − T ), the output is t 2 x(t − T ). The
output delayed by T is y (t − T ) = (t − T )2 x(t − T ). Since

t 2 (t − T ) 6= (t − T )2 x(t − T )

the system is time-variant.

Hence, option 1.

(10) Given the signal

x(t) = t 2 [u(t) − u(t − 1)]
the derivative dx(t)/dt equals
1. t[u(t) − u(t − 1)] − δ(t − 1)
2. 2t[u(t) − u(t − 1)] + δ(t − 1)
3. t[u(t) − u(t − 1)] + δ(t − 1)
4. 2t[u(t) − u(t − 1)] − δ(t − 1)
5. none of the above

By the product rule

= 2t[u(t) − u(t − 1)] + t 2 [δ(t) − δ(t − 1)]
= 2t[u(t) − u(t − 1)] − δ(t − 1)

Therefore, option 4.

(11) If h(t) is the impulse response of an LTIC system, then the step response of
the same system is
1. h(t)
2. dh(t)/dt
3. −∞ h(τ ) dτ
2023ELI220S01 Page 6 of 14 31 August 2023
4. u(t)
5. none of the above

Rt Rt Rt
Since u(t) = −∞ δ(τ ) dτ , and if x(t) → y (t) then −∞ x(τ ) dτ → −∞ y (τ ) dτ ,
it follows u(t) → −∞ h(τ ) dτ . Hence, option 3.

(12) If the spectra of an exponential Fourier series are expanded in frequency by a

factor of β (β > 0), the affect on the time-domain periodic signal is that it is
1. compressed in time by a factor of β
2. expanded in time by a factor of β
3. unchanged
4. time-reversed
5. none of the above

By expanding the spectra of an exponential Fourier series by a factor of
β, the fundamental frequency ω0 and all the harmonics are increased by a
factor of β. This means that the time-domain signal is compressed in time
by a factor of β.
Therefore, option 1.

(13) The fact that the impulse response of a system consisting of two subsystems
connected in series is the same irrespective of the order of the two subsys-
tems is due to the
1. commutative property of convolution
2. distributive property of convolution
3. shift property of convolution
4. width property of convolution
5. none of the above

Suppose that the two subsystems S1 and S2 have impulse responses
h1 (t) and h2 (t), respectively. If S2 follows S1 in the series cascading, the
impulse response of the overall system is h1 (t) ∗ h2 (t). If the order of
the subsystems is reversed, the impulse response of the overall system is
h2 (t) ∗ h1 (t). By the commutative property of convolution h1 (t) ∗ h2 (t) =
h2 (t) ∗ h1 (t). Therefore, option 1.

(14) If a period signal x(t) is delayed by T , the effect on the exponential Fourier
series coefficients Dn is
1. ∠Dn remains the same, but the magnitude becomes 2|Dn |
2023ELI220S01 Page 7 of 14 31 August 2023
2. ∠Dn remains the same, but the magnitude becomes |Dn |/2
3. |Dn | remains the same, but the phase becomes ∠Dn − nω0 T
4. |Dn | remains the same, but the phase becomes ∠Dn + nω0 T
5. none of the above


x(t − T ) = Dn e nω0 (t−T )
= Dn e −nω0 T e nω0 t

Hence, option 3.

e (1+j2)t + e (1−j2)t
1. e t cos(2t)
2. 2e t cos(2t)
3. e 2t cos(t)
4. 2e 2t cos(t)
5. none of the above


e (1+j2)t + e (1−j2)t = e t [e j2t + e −j2t ]

= 2e t cos(2t)

Therefore, option 2.

Question 2 (3)
Determine the power of x(t) = C cos(ωt + θ).

Use Sheet 10–Number 01 for this question


2023ELI220S01 Page 8 of 14 31 August 2023

Z T /2
Px = lim x 2 (t) dt
T →∞ −T /2
Z T0
= C cos2 (ωt + θ) dt
T0 0
C 2 T0 1
= [1 + cos(2ωt + 2θ)] dt (2)
T0 0 2
"Z #
T0 Z T0
= dt + cos(2ωt + 2θ) dt
2T0 0 0

= (T0 + 0)
= (3)

The marks are awarded as follows:

• Correct power formula for periodic signal as in Eq. (1). (1)

• Correct application of the cos2 identity as in Eq. (2). (1)

• Correct integration and final answer as in Eq. (3). (1)

Question 3 (4)
Given the function x(t) shown in Fig. 2, sketch x(−2t − 4).


0 1 2 t→

Figure 2: The signal x(t) for Question 3.

Use Sheet 10–Number 02 for this question

To obtain x(−2t − 4) from x(t), three operations are required: time shifting,
time scaling and time reversing. These operations can be applied in any order.
If we start with a time reversal, we obtain x(−t) which is shown below.

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−2 −1 0 t→

Thereafter, we apply compression by a factor of 2 to x(−t) to obtain x(−2t),

which is shown below.


−1 −0.5 0 t→

Finally, we advance in time x(−2t) by 2 to obtain x(−2(t + 2)) = x(−2t − 4),

which is shown below.

x(−2t − 4)

−3 −2 0 t→

A good way of validating the correctness of your final result is to test the bound-
ary points of x(t) (in this case t = 0 and t = 2) and verify that they correspond
to the boundary points of x(−2t − 4). The boundary points of x(−2t − 4) are
t = −3 and t = −2. At t = −3, x(−2(−3) − 4) = x(2). Thus t = −3 for
x(−2t − 4) corresponds to t = 2 for x(t). At t = −2, x(−2(−2) − 4) = x(0). This
indeed corresponds to the boundary points of x(−2t − 4) obtained graphically.
The marks are awarded as follows:

• Correct time reversal. (1)

• Correct time compression. (1)

• Correct time shift. (1)

• Correctness of the overall function x(−2t − 4). (1)

Question 4 (4)
Determine the impulse response h(t) of the system described by the differential
(D 2 + 4D + 4)y (t) = Dx(t)

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Use Sheet 11–Number 03 for this question

The characteristic equation is λ2 + 4λ + 4 = (λ + 2)2 = 0. The characteristic
roots are twice repeated λ = −2. Then

h(t) = [P(D)yn (t)]u(t)

yn (t) = (c1 + c2 t)e −2t
subject to ẏn (0) = 1 and yn (0) = 0. The derivative of yn (t) is

ẏn (t) = c2 e −2t − 2(c1 + c2 t)e −2t

= (c2 − 2c1 − 2c2 t)e −2t


yn (0) = 0 = c1
c1 = 0


ẏn (0) = 1 = c2 − 2c1

c2 = 1


h(t) = [P(D)yn (t)]u(t)

= [D(te −2t )]u(t)
= [(1 − 2t)e −2t ]u(t) (4)

The marks are awarded as follows:

• Correct characteristic roots twice repeated λ = −2. (1)

• Correct c1 = 0. (1)

• Correct c2 = 1. (1)

• Correct expression for h(t) as in Eq. (4). (1)

Question 5 (3)
Given the magnitude and phase spectra of a trigonometric Fourier series shown in
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, respectively, sketch the spectra |Dn | and ∠Dn of the correspond-
ing exponential Fourier series.

Use Sheet 11–Number 04 for this question

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0 1 2 ω→

Figure 3: Magnitude spectrum Cn of a trigonometric Fourier series for Question 5.



0 1 2 ω→

Figure 4: Phase spectrum θn of a trigonometric Fourier series for Question 5.

|Dn |:

• D0 = C0

• |Dn | = |D−n | = 12 Cn for n 6= 0

∠Dn :

• ∠Dn = θn

• ∠D−n = −θn

|Dn |


−2 −1 0 1 2 ω→

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π 6 Dn


−2 −1
0 1 2 ω→

− π4

− π2

The marks are awarded as follows:

• |Dn |: Correct plot of D0 = C0 . (1)

• |Dn |: Correct plot of |Dn | = |D−n | = 21 Cn for n 6= 0. (1)

• ∠Dn : Correct plot of ∠Dn . (1)

Question 6 (6)
Find the exponential Fourier series coefficients Dn for the periodic signal x(t)
shown in Fig. 5. Simplify the expression for Dn as far as possible.
Useful integral identity
e at
te at dt = (at − 1)

Use Sheet 20–Number 01 for this question


··· ···

−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 t→

Figure 5: Periodic signal x(t) for Question 6.


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T0 = 1 s and so ω0 = T0
= 2π rad/s.
Dn = x(t)e −jnω0 t dt
T 0 T0
Z 0
= −2te −j2πnt dt (5)
" #
e −j2πnt 
= −2 −j2πnt − 1 (6)
−2 h j2πn
= −1 − e (j2πn − 1)
= −j2πn (7)
= (8)

The integration in Eq. (2) made use of the integral identity

e at 
te dt = 2 at − 1
with a = −j2πn.
The marks are awarded as follows:

• T0 = 1 s (1)

• ω0 = 2π rad/s (1)

• Dn :

– Correct integral for Dn as in Eq. (5). (1)

– Correct integration as in Eq. (6). (1)
– Correct evaluation using the limits of integration as in Eq. (7). (1)
– Correct simplification and final expression for Dn as in Eq. (8). (1)

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