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Air pollution is the changing composition of the air that is harmful to people.

Recently, air pollution has become a global problem that affects almost every country.

There are two main causes of air pollution: rising numbers of vehicles and increasing


The first cause of air pollution is the rising number of vehicles. Today, the

population is increasing dramatically; therefore, almost every adult has their own

automobile. Hence, the gases emitted from vehicles such as jeeps, trucks, cars, buses, and

so on pollute the environment. For example, an average car creates almost six tons of

pollutants each year, which is approximately equivalent to the weight of seven small cars.

Therefore, motor vehicles are responsible for about seventy percent of air pollution. As a

result, the growing number of automobiles is a factor in air pollution.

The second cause of air pollution is the increasing number of factories. Factories

make useful products, but they also make waste. Hence, toxic gases released by factories

are one type of factory waste that harms the air. For example, factories produce some

common pollutants, including nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrocarbons. These

chemicals react with sunlight to produce a haze of air pollution. Or they can mix with

moisture and cause acid rain. As a result, the growth in factory construction is a

component of air pollution.

In conclusion, toxic gases are contained in air which emited from some resouse.

The expansion of factories and the number of automobiles are the two main contributors
to air pollution. To solve air pollution, countries must work together toward a common


In conclusion, air pollution is a serious problem that has bad consequences. Both

the environment and human health are negatively impacted by air pollution. To solve air

pollution, countries must work together toward a common goal.

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