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If you can differentiate btw love and attraction, you're up

2. Badal, beach, and Mountain are my happy place
3. If she puts efforts to show her love for you, she is the one
4. One lie can ruin your relationship, mental state, and life eventually
5. If having her around helps you to do better she is the one
6. Don't want to die and say I couldn't able to convert maybe to finally
7. If you watch an emotional scene and cry it won't make you less of a man
8. Over things is a side knife, use it to defend yourself from the world and try
not to harm yourself
9. If your love was real then it's hard to move on
10. If I'm your therapist then you have to listen to me also, I have to cry too
11. Goodmorning and Goodnight msgs ain't a duty call, but you have to do it
12. Having someone to share trauma with
13. Introduce her to your loved one, can make her feel special
14. Having someone to cuddle with
15. Having someone to speak your heart out
16. Roses, letters, calls, msgs, kisses, and hugs are my love language
17. Only food and having her around gives me butterflies now
18. If she likes your music taste, she is the one
19. My playlist can cure depression
20. Sometimes I want to dance all night, and sometimes I don't even want to go to
21. If you want to have fun, get high it can help you to stop thinking
22. Only 19 and act like everything is finished, stress is too much
23. Travel can make you happy at least for a moment but it'll be worth it
24. It's hard to be real with ppl
25. I can make excuses in every situation
26. Just want to act like a victim for my whole life
27. If every bad thing happened in my childhood why do I still want to be a child
28. A dumb person can live a happier life than a smart ass
29. Make a small effort for me, I am gonna surprise you with more than you expect
30. being real ft. the right person
31. Why my favorite color is black -
32. Music and being with the right person can heal you more than anything
33. A relationship that ends like this -
34. Don't argue with those who don't have the mind to understand things
35. Money is creased, so are we. eventually, have to die/gone
36. Every day I live the life of two ppl who are inside my mind and have a
different POV
37. Read and think is borning, think and read is the way to go
38. Once a week my mind says You have to make an impact in this world
39. When she calls you with cute names >>
40. Actions speak louder than words, so don't say fuck you just punch them in the
41. I can't see a disabled person with a serious face now, the internet has ruined
42. The only thing that I want to say to my loved ones is that I love them and they
mean so much to me
43. The hardest word to say is 'I love you'.
44. When they wanted to teach me, I didn't pay attention. Now I want to learn but
they don't care.
45. Just one more day, either you're close to making it or you're close to death.
46. You are cute when you ask questions, you are rude when you answer them back.
47. Words have so much power, they can make you the king of the world or lose
48. I'm the loudest person in my mind and quietest IRL.
49. Just say f this shit, we'll see what happens
50. Being broke is the main reason why I am single
51. Don't have the guts to talk to girls and want be mingle.
52. Money and Writing can solve all of your problems

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