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Worksheet for Final Paper

From the syllabus, this is the prompt if you decided to write a final paper:
Final Paper predicts what the sub-genre of youth films will look like in the near future.
This paper should offer a scenario for such a film, and make a case for it on historical,
political, cultural or scientific grounds. 1250-1500 words in length. Worth 35 % of the final
This worksheet proceeds from your cumulative knowledge of the films discussed in class. In
general, your essay should cover the following:
1. From our current post-Covid moment, pick a sub-genre of teen film: comedy, rom-com,
coming of age, sports, teen noir, "based on true event," etc.
2. Provide a detailed summary of your future film's plot. You can include sub-plots. But be sure
to account for the rationale for every plot-line you summarize. Be sure to include time period,
setting, number of protagonists, and any meaningful details that might make your film standout;
you should consider factors like race, class, sexuality, language, immigration, citizenship, etc.
3. Make an argument why you think this future teen film will:
a) be attractive to viewers;
b) make an important contribution to understanding an actual social trend, or a historical period,
or make a political statement;
c) contribute artistically the genre of teen films.
4. Optional: Consider whether your future teen film will be a Hollywood studio production, or an
independent program. Consider the opportunities and limits of either for producing your teen
5. Optional: Consider the role that casting will have on actual filming. Casting known versus
unknown actors?
6. Because you are speculating on the near future, you should draw from the films studied in this
course to help you make your argument. For example, what elements in Clueless do you think
would work in 2024? For example, what elements in The Breakfast Club should not be repeated
in 2024? You should draw from films that make sense to your future project.
7. Please remember you are writing an essay, which is argument driven. You are not submitting a

的电影情节,并从历史、政治、文化或科学的角度为其进行论证。文章长度为 1250-1500
字。论文占期末成绩的 35%。


1, 从我们目前的后新冠疫情时代选择一个青少年电影的子类型:喜剧、浪漫喜剧、成长、

2, 为你未来电影的情节提供详细的摘要。你可以包括次要情节。但确保为你概述的每一个

3, 请论述为什么你认为这部未来的青少年电影将:
a) 吸引观众;
b) 有助于深入了解一个实际的社会趋势、一个历史时期、或提出一个政治声明;
c) 在青少年电影的类别中具有艺术贡献

4, 可选:考虑你的未来青少年电影是否会是一个好莱坞工作室式的作品,或者是个人独立

5, 可选:考虑角色选定对实际拍摄的影响。应该选择知名还是不知名的演员?

6, 由于你正在推测的是不久的未来,你应该引用我们在这门课中学习的电影来帮助你进行
论证。例如,你认为《Clueless》中的哪些元素在 2024 年仍然适用?例如,你认为《The
Breakfast Club》中的哪些元素在 2024 年不应重复?你应该引用与你未来项目相关的电影。

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