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[MATH 10]

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write all your solutions and answers on you activity notebook.

TEST I – IDENTIFICATION [2 points each]

Direction: Identify the word/words being described in each statement.

1. If , in lowest terms, is a rational root of the equation, then p is a of an and q is a common
root of an+1.
2. True/False. R(x) = 0 if and only if x – a is a factor of P(x).
r ( x)
3. In the fraction, , d(x) is called the .
d (x)
4. To solve sequence involving percent its must be multiplied to .
5. It is use to find the geometric means of a given sequence.
6. Polynomial equations is defined by , where n is a positive integer.
7. If one factor of x2 + 2x – 63 is x – 7, what is the other factor?
8. If a given polynomial has a divisor of 5x – 2, what must be used as a divisor if synthetic division method will be
used to solve the polynomial.
9. The nonzero constant of an arithmetic sequence is called .
10. The sum of the terms of an infinite geometric sequence .
11. A real number, r, is a of the given polynomial equation in x if r satisfies the equation when it
is substituted for x in the equation.
12. If P(a) ≠ 0, what can you say about x – a.
13. True/False. The first step in long division is to subtract the power of the variables of the dividend.
14. True/False. To solve the sum of arithmetic sequence, the first term must be known.
15. True/False. If geometric sequence is infinite, we can easily find the sum.
16. If P(x) is a polynomial equation of degree n and with real coefficients, then it has n real roots.
17. If a polynomial P(x) is divided by , then the remainder is r(x).
18. The name of a polynomial whose highest degree is 6.
19. It is a series of numbers in a definite order and specific connection.
20. It refers to the sum of the terms of a geometric sequence.
21. If a root occurs n times, it is called a root of .
22. If x – a is a factor of P(x), then .
23. An efficient way of dividing polynomial if the divisor is a linear binomial.
24. geometric sequence has the first term, but the last term is not known.
25. is inserting number of terms between two non-consecutive terms in a geometric sequence.

TEST II – SOLVING [5 points each]

Direction: Solve what is being asked in the problem.

3 3
1. What is the 5th term of the geometric sequence , , 15 , …?
20 2
2. Find the sum of the terms of a geometric sequence where the first term is 4, the last term is 324, and the
common ratio is 3.
3. The sum of the first 10 terms of an arithmetic sequence is 530. What is the first term if the last term is 60?
4. Insert 3 geometric means between 2 and 32.
5. Divide using Long Division: (4x5 – 25x4 + 40x3 + 5x2 – 30x – 18) ÷ (x2 – 6x + 9)
6. Divide using Synthetic Division: (x3 + 4x2 – x – 25) ÷ (x + 5)
7. Use the remainder theorem to find P(2) in P(x) = x4 – 16x3 + 18x2 – 128
8. Determine if a + 1 is a factor of 2a3 + 5a2 – 3.
9. Given P(x) = 2x4 – 17x3 = 13x2 + 53x + 21 = 0 one root is x = ‒1, find the other root,
10. Solve the equation: 2x4 – 11x3 + 11x2 – 11x – 9 = 0.
Prepared By:
Mrs. Alimah D. Mauna
Math Teacher

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