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In my perspective, the PGCHS bracket based on our research is within the standard bracket for Grade 10
students, ranging from 15-16 years old. Based on the result of this research, the higher rate number for
grade 10 students is aged 15 years old, which is the most common age for Grade 10. If there were
irregularities relevant to their age is not significantly an issue to question their abilities and capacity as a
student. Even though some seem to be a little old for the bracket it doesn't matter as long as you have
the perseverance and dedication to finish your goal and want a change in the future. And some are
unfortunate to have the privilege to continue their studies or worse their parents cant afford to send
them to school which is why we have to be grateful that our parents support us in every way we do.

This research made me realize that there is always hope as long as you are willing to give it a try and
never give up. You can fulfill your goals as much as you believe in yourself and dont be brazen up by
difficulties in life. Stand firm and continue doing what you wanted to achieve, no matter how old you are,
you have the right to finish your studies, just be patient and wait and all your dreams will come true.

By examining the age brackets of grade 10 students, this research seeks to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the diversity within this cohort and its potential impact on academic and socio-
emotional outcomes. The findings will contribute to the development of evidence-based educational
practices, ultimately fostering inclusive and effective learning environments for grade 10 students.

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