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Speakout Starter End of course make up test

1 correct the mistake in each sentence

● Where do did you go yesterday?

● Can I have one those cakes please?
● My sister can cooking pizza
● Iam going play football
● There are any good shops in my town
● I love swim in the sea
● I hate talking to she
● This sandwich didn’t be good
● Is you like traveling ?
● He are a good teacher

9 points

2 complete the story with the words from the box

A any arrived on weren't didn`t visited

I went on holiday last year, I ________ France, I loved it so much, but the journey was bad, first my
plane was late, so I traveled by train, I ________ like the train because it was old and noisy, I ________ at
the train station2 hours late, I didn’t find _____ taxi to take me to my hotel so I walked. The food in the
hotel _______ good I didn’t like it, and there _______ any restaurants near the hotel


3 complete the questions for the answers. Use two or three words

● 1- A: where were you last week?

● B: I was in France
● 2- A: Where ___________ last holiday
● B: I went to England
● 3 A: ____________ cold?
● B it wasn’t cold, it was so hot
● 4 A: ___________ like the food?
● B: I didn’t like it at all, it was horrible!
● 5 A: what ____________ ??
● B: I saw many touristic places
● 6 A:_______________ fun
● B: yes, it was really fun

Writing: 10 points

Write a paragraph in which you talk about the following:

1- Introduce yourself
2- Talk about your last holiday
3- Talk about your future plan


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