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What Is Health?

WRITING How did the average life span change from 1900to 2000? What are some
possible reasons for this trend?
写作 从 1900 年到 2000 年,平均寿命是如何变化的?这种趋势可能的原因是什
Health Today
In the past, if you didn't have an illness, you were considered healthy. Today, the term
health no longer means just the absence of illness. Instead, health refers to the overall
well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationships with other people. Two
factors that can be used to evaluate health are life expectancy and quality of life
过去,如果你没有生病,你就被认为是健康的。 今天,健康一词不再仅仅意味

Life Expectancy At the time when your great-grandparents lived, it was quite an
accomplishment for a person to survive until age 50. Today most people live well
beyond age 50. The number of years a person can expect to live is called life
expectancy. In the United States, life expectancy increased by 30 years between 1900
and 2000. Some reasons for this increase were better healthcare, nutrition, sanitation,
and working conditions.
预期寿命 在你的曾祖父母生活的时候,一个人能活到 50 岁是一项相当大的成
就。今天,大多数人的寿命远远超过 50 岁。一个人可以预期寿命的年数称为预
期寿命。在美国,预期寿命在 1900 年至 2000 年间增加了 30 岁。这种增长的一
Quality of Life Two women are born in the same year. One woman is physically
active and mentally alert throughout her life. She has close relationships with family
and friends. The other woman has a series of health problems during her life that
reduces her ability to enjoy life, Although the women have the same life expectancy,
they have a different quality of life. Ouality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction
that a person gets from life, For many people, a high quality of life is one of their
goals. A goal is a result that a person aims for and works hard to reach.
生活质量 两个女人在同一年出生。一个女人一生都在身体活跃,精神警觉。她

Aspects of Health
To achieve a high quality of life, a person cannot concentrate on only one aspect of
health. Instead, the person must work hard to improve all aspects of health. The
aspects of health that are important to overall well-being are physical health, mental
and emotional health, and social health.
Physical Health Do you have enough energy to go to school, enjoy your spare time,
and take care of your responsibilities at home? If so, your physical health is probably
good. Physical health refers to how well your body functions. When you are
physically healthy, you are able to carry out everyday tasks without becoming overly
tired. A healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper medical and dental
care are all important for physical health.
身体健康 你是否有足够的精力去上学,享受你的业余时间,照顾你在家里的责
Mental and Emotional Health The state of being comfortable with yourself, with
others, and with your surroundings is called mental health. When you are mentally
healthy, your mind is alert, you can learn from your mistakes, and you recognize your
achievements. Emotional health refers to how you react to events in your life. You are
emotionally healthy when the feelings you experience are appropriate responses to
events. To maintain your emotional health, you need to take the time to relax, and you
need to share your feelings with others
心理和情绪健康 对自己、他人和周围环境感到舒适的状态称为心理健康。当你
Social Health Being able to make and keep friends is one sign of social health. Social
health refers to how well you get along with others. When you are socially healthy,
you have loving relationships, respect the rights of others, and give and accept help.
Building healthy relationships with family and friends is important for social health.
So is communicating your needs to others. But good social health doesn't just happen.
You have to work at it by getting involved with others at school and in your
community, and perhaps most importantly, by building strong relationships with
members of your family.
社交健康 能够结交和保持朋友是社交健康的标志之一。社交健康是指你与他人
FIGURE 1 All aspects of health are equally important. They “fit! together like the
pieces of a puzzle. A problem in one area can affect other areas. Evaluating How
would you rate your overall physical emotional, and social health?
图 1 健康的所有方面都同等重要。他们“适合!像拼图的碎片一样在一起。一
个区域的问题可能会影响其他区域。 评估 您如何评价自己的整体身体情绪和

Hands-On Activity
Health in the Balance
In this activity you will create a mobile that balances the three aspects of health.
cardboard scissors pen or pencil magazines · glue string · tape
纸板剪刀钢笔或铅笔杂志 ·胶线 ·磁带
Try This
1. Cut out a cardboard triangle that is 8 inches on each side. Label the sides of the
triangle "Physical Health," "Mental and Emotional Health," and "Social Health."
1.切出每边 8 英寸的纸板三角形。将三角形的边标记为“身体健康”、“心理
2 Carefully punch a small hole through the center of the triangle. Thread a piece of
string through the hole, then tie a knot.
2 小心地在三角形的中心打一个小孔。将一根绳子穿过孔,然后打一个结。
3 Cut pictures from magazines that show healthy activities.
3 从显示健康活动的杂志上剪下图片。
4 Glue each picture onto cardboard. Use string and tape to attach each picture to the
appropriate side of the triangle.
4 将每张图片粘在纸板上。使用字符串和胶带将每张图片附加到三角形的相应
5 Hang the mobile from the center string to see how well it balances.
5 将手机挂在中心字符串上,看看它的平衡性如何。
Think and Discuss
1 Describe each of the activities in your mobile and explain how it contributes to
physical, social, or mental and emotional health.
1 描述手机中的每个活动,并解释它如何有助于身体、社交或心理和情绪健康。
2 How well did the mobile balance? In your life, are your physical, social, mental, and
emotional health in balance? Explain.
2 手机平衡效果如何?在你的生活中,你的身体、社交、心理和情绪健康是否
3 Describe some things you could do to improve each aspect of your overall well-
3 描述您可以做的一些事情来改善整体健康的各个方面。
A Continuum of Health

The Health Continuum

Low energy level 低能量水平
Frequent aches and pains 经常疼痛
Prolonged illness 长期的疾病
Negative outlook on life 消极的人生态度
Isolated from others 孤立

High energy level 精力充沛
Enthusiasm for life 对生活充满热情
Strong sense of purpose 强烈的目标感
Feeling of well-being 幸福感
Supportive relationships 相互支持的人际关系
Suppose that someone asked you this question: “Would you say that you are in perfect
health or in poor health? How would you answer? You might not feel comfortable
choosing either of these options. You might wish that you had been given some
choices in between the two extremes.
Defining a Continuum Try to picture a solid line that is white at one end, then light
gray, gray, dark gray, and finally black at the other end. What you have just pictured is
one type of continuum. A continuum (kun TIN yoo um) is a gradual progression
through many stages between one extreme and another. In the example of the line, the
extremes are white and black and the stages are the many shades of gray in between.
定义连续体 尝试想象一条实线,一端是白色,然后是浅灰色、灰色、深灰色,
最后是另一端的黑色。你刚才描绘的是一种连续统一体。连续统(kun TIN yoo
A Health Continuum Figure 2 shows one model of a continuum for health. One end
of the continuum represents poor health, which is often referred to as “illness” The
other end represents perfect, or ideal health, and is often referred to as “wellness.
Wellness is a state of high-level health, Look at Figure 2 to see some characteristics
that describe people at either end of the continuum. Because the continuum include
the full range of health, each person's health status would be marked by a point along
the continuum.
健康连续体 图 2 显示了健康连续体的一个模型。连续体的一端代表健康状况
康”。健康是一种高度健康的状态,查看图 2 以了解描述连续统一体两端人员
Movement Along the Continuum Your location on the health continuum is not
constant throughout your life. You can move toward illness or you can move toward
沿着连续体的运动 您在健康连续体中的位置在您的一生中都不是恒定的。你可
At a point in the middle of the continuum, you are not sick, but you are not enjoying
the full benefits of overall health either. At one time, many people were satisfied just
to be in the middle of the continuum. They were more concerned about avoiding
illness and death than about improving the quality of their lives. Today, however,
achieving a higher level of health and a better quality of life is possible for most
Many of the choices you make on a daily basis affect your position on the health
continuum. Some decisions move you closer to the illness end of the continuum.
Suppose you choose to ride a bicycle without a helmet. If you are thrown from the
bicycle in a crash, the result could be serious brain damage. Some decisions move you
closer to the wellness end of the continuum. If you choose not to smoke, you will be
less likely to develop lung cancer or heart disease later in life. You have more control
over your health than you may think.

FIGURE 2 Your location on the health continuum and the direction in which you are
moving are both important Predicting How might deciding not to smoke affect your
position on the health continuum?
图 2 您在健康连续体中的位置和您前进的方向都很重要 预测决定不吸烟如何影

Section 1 Review
第一节 回顾
Key Ideas and Vocabulary
1. Why are both life expectancy and quality of life used to evaluate overall health?
1. 为什么预期寿命和生活质量都被用来评估整体健康状况?
2. What are the three aspects of overall health?
2. 整体健康的三个方面是什么?
3. What is a continuum? Describe the extremes of the health continuum.
3. 什么是连续统一体?描述健康连续体的极端情况。
4. How are the choices people make related to their positions on the health
4. 人们做出的选择与他们在健康连续体中的位置有何关系?
Critical Thinking
5. Comparing and Contrasting What is the difference between mental health and
emotional health?
5. 比较和对比 心理健康和情绪健康有什么区别?
6. Relating Cause and Effect What are two ways you could improve your physical
health? Your emotional health? Your social health?
6. 关联因果关系 您可以通过哪种方式改善身体健康?你的情绪健康?您的社交
7. Evaluating Cody eats a lot of "junk" food and doesn't get much exercise. However,
he doesn't have any obvious signs of illness. Where would you place Cody on the
health continuum? Explain.
7. 评价 科迪吃了很多“垃圾”食品,运动不多。然而,他没有任何明显的疾病

Health at School

Promoting Well-Being Think of two program that a school could offer to help
improve the overall health of students and teachers. Write a paragraph explaining your
促进福祉 想想学校可以提供的两个计划来帮助改善学生和教师的整体健康状况 。

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