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Republic of the Philippines

Region X- Northern Mindanao

Province of Bukidnon
Municipality of Don Carlos
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Unknown Author
is licensed under Purok 2, Poblacion Norte, Don Carlos Bukidnon



An Action Research Proposal

Submitted to:


Class Adviser

Submitted By:

September 2023

I. Context & Rationale

II. Action Research Questions

III. Proposed intervention, Innovation and Strategy to be used

IV. Action Research Method

A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and
B. Research Design
C. Data Gathering Procedure
D. Data Analysis Plan

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timeliness

VI. Cost Estimate

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

VIII. References

IX. Appendices (Questionnaire/Letter Permission)

Context and Rationale

To become highly skilled and fluent in a specific language, individuals need to

become proficient in four core language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Among these skills, reading is particularly important as it significantly aids in
effective language learning as stated by (Teoh Ci Xin, 2020 ). "Reading" refers to the
process of examining a series of written symbols and deriving meaning from them.
Reading serves various purposes, such as acquiring information, confirming existing
knowledge, deriving enjoyment, or improving language comprehension.
Furthermore, reading plays a vital role in civic participation. Proficiency in reading is
crucial because it forms the foundation for achieving a thorough understanding of the
language, which is the ultimate goal. However, it is essential for individuals to first
develop a high level of reading fluency before fully comprehending the language.

Reading fluency refers to the ability to read at the right pace, with accuracy,
and expression. For both children and adults, being able to read fluently is essential
for understanding what they're reading, whether silently or aloud (Paige, 2020 ).
When people are learning to read, they need to realize that some of the signals in
written words don't match the way we speak, especially when it comes to how we
emphasize words. To become a fluent reader, they need to rely more on the way
words are built and how sentences are put together. Methods like repeated readings
help because they help readers figure out how sentences are structured in written
language. The key is for beginners to realize that they have to use different
strategies than just following the rhythm of spoken language to read and understand

The 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

highlighted a concerning trend for the Philippines, with the country scoring the lowest
in reading among 79 participating nations. PISA's findings also indicated that only
one in five Filipino students aged 15 or older attained the minimum level of reading
proficiency. Moreover, data from the 2019 Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics
revealed that just 10 percent of Grade 5 students in the Philippines reached the
required minimum proficiency in reading by the completion of their primary
education. These challenges are compounded by the World Bank's estimation in
June, which suggests that a significant 90.9 percent of individuals in the Philippines
are grappling with learning difficulties.

In this context, Sarah Van Erp's 2021 study provides a ray of hope. Her
research demonstrated that implementing the practice of repeated reading led to
substantial improvements in oral reading fluency rates, with students experiencing
increases ranging from 38% to 225%, depending on the individual. Notably, students
who initially read at a rate of 7 to 50 words per minute progressed to reading 19 to
69 words per minute by the study's conclusion. These findings underscore the
potential effectiveness of repeated reading as a strategy to address the pressing
issue of low reading proficiency among Filipino students.

Given the formidable challenges outlined, the initiative to undertake action

research for Grade 5 learners at Panalsalan Elementary School emerges as a vital
and timely endeavor and the Struggling readers will be identified through the
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills assessment (DIBELS). This
research has the potential to yield significant benefits by aiding these children in
enhancing their reading fluency, a skill fundamental to their overall educational
development through repeated reading. The importance of this undertaking is
underscored by the fact that these young learners have grappled with the disruptive
consequences of the pandemic for an extended period, during which some may
have lacked the crucial guidance and support from teachers to foster their reading
skills effectively.

Hence, this action research project not only addresses the pressing issue of
low literacy levels but also represents a proactive step towards creating a more
promising educational future for these resilient young students. By identifying
struggling readers and implementing targeted interventions, we aim to equip them
with the essential reading skills necessary for their academic success, bridging the
gap created by the challenges posed by the pandemic and fostering a brighter
educational outlook for these learners.
Action Research Questions

This study aims to make an action plan for the enhancement of reading
fluency of Grade 5 learners in Panalsalan Elementary School.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of reading fluency of Grade 5 learners?

2. Who among the Grade 5 learners are at the independent, instructional,
and frustration levels in fluency?
3. How effective is the enhancement of reading fluency for the Grade 5
learners through repeated reading?

Potential Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

The following are the suggested measures to acquaint learners with the
practice of repeated reading:

Text Selection
The educator will select texts that align with the learners' reading abilities. She
will choose materials that are both engaging and slightly challenging, striking a
balance that will allow students to focus on improving their reading fluency without
becoming overwhelmed by comprehension difficulties. It will be essential to opt for
texts with clear language and terms that learners can readily understand, promoting
their immersion in the text and boosting their enthusiasm for repeated readings.
When selecting a text, the educator will aim for one that matches the students'
current reading skills while gently encouraging them to explore the boundaries of
their competence. This approach will provide valuable support for learners as they
embark on new learning experiences. A carefully chosen text will enable students to
practice and apply the knowledge and skills they already possess while facilitating
the integration of new learning experiences.

Game Based Learning

Game-based learning constitutes an educational approach that leverages the
efficacy of games to define and bolster learning outcomes. Within the context of a
game-based learning environment, the objective will be achieved through the
utilization of educational games that integrate elements such as engagement,
immediate rewards, and healthy competition. These components are deliberately
designed to sustain and enhance students' motivation to learn while actively
engaging in these educational games.

As an illustrative example, a classroom practice will be introduced where

students pass papers among themselves until the music ceases. The student
holding the paper when the music stops will then assume the role of reading its
contents aloud to the entire class. This practice serves as an embodiment of the
principles of game-based learning, fostering active participation and reinforcing the
learning process in a dynamic and engaging manner.

Division of learners according to their fluency level followed by their pairing

Arranging students into groups based on their fluency levels can significantly
impact their fluency development. This educational approach serves a dual purpose:
it helps alleviate the influence of peer pressure and creates an ideal learning

For students positioned at the frustration level, the primary focus is on

addressing their specific knowledge gaps and refining the necessary skills essential
for achieving independent fluency. Similarly, students at the instructional level will
benefit from a tailored approach that builds upon the progress made during the
frustration level phase.

To further enhance this learning strategy, students at the independent level

will be divided into two groups and paired with peers from the instructional and
frustration levels. This collaborative framework aims to encourage more extensive
reading and ensures that students at the instructional and frustration levels receive
the support they need. Ultimately, the overarching objective is for all students to
reach the independent fluency level by the conclusion of the study.

Establish Reading Goals

Set clear goals for how many times the learners should practice. For instance,
learners could aim to read the assigned text three times in a row. When a learner
successfully meets this daily goal, the educator will award them a three-star
recognition. This recognition is designed to ignite enthusiasm and motivate learners
as they work toward their daily fluency targets.

Action Research Method

A. Participants and/ or other sources of Data and Information

This research work will encompass the active participation of 35 learners who are
currently in the fifth grade at Panalsalan Elementary School. The individuals that will
be selected for this study will be those who have successfully completed their
educational journey from the commencement of kindergarten, progressing through
each subsequent grade up to and including grade four.

B. Research Design

This study will employ an intervention research design, specifically tailored to

gather data about distinct groups. Within this design, the independent variable will be
regulated or influenced. There will be two delineated groups in this research: the
treatment group, comprised of the learners, and the control group, which will engage
in repeated reading as the intervention .

C. Data Gathering Method

Create a questionnaire: For this intervention, the educator will create a

questionnaire. She will decide which queries were legitimate. The hard work of the
individual will be used to work on and complete this. The educator will create a
questionnaire that is appropriate for the subject matter yet contained straightforward
questions that are basic enough for everyone to grasp.

Ask for permission: Following the completion of the questionnaire, the educator
will approach their individual teacher for permission. When the teacher say that the
questionnaire must be changed since it is unrelated to the subject, the educator will
replace it with another.
Distribution: After the teacher will give his approval, dissemination of the survey
questionnaires will be done. The educator will accept the person's decision when
they decline to fill out the questionnaire.

Analysis of Data: When examining the data, the researcher will determine how
each responder views the subject, and their individual responses will be compared
and calculated.

D. Data Analysis

Descriptive analysis will be used to analyze the data. Descriptive analysis will be
employed to analyze data, namely mean, frequency, and percentage, to determine
the effectiveness of repeated reading to reading fluency of learners.
Action Research Work
2023 Plan and Timeliness
R 2023 2023 2023 2024 Y

planning of

2. Drafting
Chapter one
from context
and rationale to
3.Drafting of
Pre-test, Post-
test and
4.Preparation of
validation and

of pretest to the

of research

of innovations
to help improve
learners who
are lagged
of Post test and
checklist to
9. Retrieval of
10. Data
tabulation of
discussion of
results based
on tabulation.
11. Completion
of research
12. Final
1.Research SEPTEMBER *3 reams 220 660
planning of of 2023 of bond
research paper

13. presentation 500 500
2. Drafting
of results of the SEPTEMBER *3 reams 220 660
Chapter one from 2023 of bond
and paper
rationale to
appendices. *Snacks
500 500
3.Drafting of Pre- SEPTEMBER *3 reams 220 660
test, Post-test and 2023 of bond
Questionnaire paper
500 500
4.Preparation of OCTOBER *3 reams 220 660
validation and 2023 of bond
questionnaire paper
500 500
5.administration NOVEMBER
of pretest to the 2023 *Snacks 500 500
*Fare 300 300

6.Presentation of NOVEMBER 500

research 2023 *Snacks 500
proposal. 300 800
*Fare 300
7.Administration DECEMBER 500
of innovations to 2023 *Snacks 500
help improve 300 800
learners who are
*Fare 300
lagged behind.
8.Administration DECEMBER *3 reams 220 660
of Post test and 2023 of bond 1,160
the questionnaire- paper
checklist to
learners. *Snacks
500 500
9. Retrieval of test JANUARY
questionnaire and 2024 *Snacks 500 500 800
*Fare 300 300
10. Data analysis, JANUARY
calculation, 2024
tabulation of
1,000 1,000 1,000 Cost
discussion of Estimate
results based on
11. Completion of FEBRUARY *3 reams 220 660
research output. 2024 of bond 1.160

500 500
12. Final revision FEBRUARY *3 reams 220 660
of output. 2024 of bond 1,160

500 500
13. presentation of FEBRUARY *3 reams 220 660
results of the 2024 of bond 1,160
conducted paper
500 500
Plan for Dissemination and Utilization

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