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The dangers of tobacco substance use cannot be exaggerated.

Tobacco use has been

associated with a great number of negative health outcomes, including cancer, heart
disease, respiratory illnesses, and premature death. Despite the well-known risks,
tobacco remains one of the most widely used addictive substances in the world. In this
essay I will discuss the dangers of tobacco substance use, using the story of Godfrey's
father( Godfrey being my friend) to illustrate the harmful effects of tobacco on the

Tobacco is a highly addictive substance that contains nicotine, a stimulant that can
lead to addiction with just a few uses. When tobacco is smoked, it releases a cocktail
of chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde, among others.
These chemicals can cause damage to the body's organs and tissues, leading to a host
of negative health outcomes.

One of the most well-known dangers of tobacco use is the increased risk of cancer.
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide, with lung cancer
being the most common type of cancer associated with tobacco use. However,
tobacco use has also been linked to other types of cancer, including mouth, throat,
esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney, and cervix cancer. These cancers can be very
deadly which can even lead to death, and even if they are treated, they can leave
lasting damage to the body.

In addition to cancer, tobacco use is also a major risk factor for heart disease. Tobacco
use can cause the blood vessels to narrow and become damaged, which can lead to a
build-up of plaque and eventually, a heart attack or stroke. Smoking also causes the
heart to beat faster, which can lead to an irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia. Over time,
the damage to the heart and blood vessels can become irreversible, leading to a
significantly increased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.

Tobacco use can also have a significant impact on the respiratory system. Smoking
can cause chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other respiratory illnesses. Chronic
bronchitis is characterized by a persistent cough, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.
Emphysema is a condition in which the air sacs in the lungs are damaged, leading to
shortness of breath and difficulty getting enough oxygen into the body. These
respiratory illnesses can significantly impact a person's quality of life and can be

My friend Godfrey's father is an example of the harm that tobacco can cause. For 12
years, he smoked cigarettes, exposing his body to harmful chemicals and increasing
his risk of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illness. Eventually, his body began to
show the signs of damage, and he started experiencing chest pains and difficulty
breathing. When he went to the hospital for a checkup, he was shocked to learn that
his lungs were almost completely damaged. At this point, he knew he had to make a
change, and he quit smoking immediately and start living healthily.

It's been five years since he quitting smoking( this being the sixth). Godfrey's father
went for another checkup last year (2022)and was amazed to learn that his lungs had
regrown up to 80%. This is a testament to the incredible healing power of the body
when it is no longer exposed to harmful substances. However, it is important to note
that even though his lungs had started to heal, the damage caused by his years of
smoking had already taken a toll on his body. He was lucky to have caught the
damage before it was too late.

In conclusion, the dangers of tobacco substance use cannot be overstated. Tobacco

use has been linked to a variety of negative health outcomes, including cancer, heart
disease, respiratory illnesses, and premature death. Despite these risks, tobacco
remains a widely used addictive substance. The story of Godfrey's father is a reminder
of the harm that tobacco can cause and the importance of quitting smoking as soon as
possible. While the body has an incredible ability to heal, the damage caused by

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