Business Law and Regulations - Notes - Finals

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Incorporation, Formation and Powers fact that the parties refer to it as a purchase or

some other contract.

of the Corporation
Pre-Incorporation Subscription Contract
Share of Stock
Subscription of shares of stock of a corporation still to be
 Interest or right which owner has in the formed shall be irrevocable for a period of at least 6
management of the corporation, and its surplus months from the date of subscription, unless:
profits, and, on dissolution, in all of its assets
1. All of the other subscriber’s consent to the
remaining after the payment of its debt.
Doctrine of Equality of Shares 2. The incorporation of said corporation fails to
materialize with said period or within a longer
 When the articles of incorporation do not provide
period as may be stipulated in the contract of
for any distinction of the shares of stock, all
subscription; provided that no pre-incorporation
shares issued by the corporation are presumed to
subscription may be revoked after the submission
be equal and enjoy the same rights and privileges
of the articles of incorporation to the SEC. (Sec.
and are also subject to the same liabilities.
60, RCC)
Capital and Authorized Capital
Post Incorporation Subscription Contract
CAPITAL – actual property or estate of the corporation
 Entered into after Incorporation. After the SEC
whether in money or property.
has release your Certification of Incorporation.
AUTHORIZED CAPITAL STOCK – total amount in the
What is an Underwriting Agreement?
Articles of Incorporation, which may be raised by the
corporation for its operations.  It is an agreement between the Corporation and
the “underwriter” by which the latter agrees for a
Trust Fund Doctrine
certain compensation to take the stipulated
 Provides that the Subscribed capital stock of the amount of stocks or bonds specified, if such
corporation is a trust fund for the payment of shares are not taken by those to whom they are
debts of the corporation which the creditors have first offered.
the right to look up to satisfy their credits.
Valid Consideration for Subscription
Corporation may not dissipate this, and the
creditors may sue stockholders directly for the 1. Cash
unpaid subscription. 2. Property
3. Labor or services actually rendered to the
How does one Become a Shareholder?
A person becomes a shareholder the moment he: 4. Prior corporate obligations
5. Amounts transferred from unrestricted retained
1. Enters into a Subscription Contract with an
earning to stated capital.
Existing Corporation (Meeting of His offer and
6. Outstanding shares in exchange for stocks in the
acceptance by the juridical entity)
event of reclassification or conversion.
2. Purchases Treasure Shares from the Corporation
3. Acquires shares from the existing shareholders by NOTE: Shares of stock shall not be issued in exchange for
sale or any other contract or acquires shares by promissory notes or future services.
operation of law like succession.
Subscription Contract
 A subscription is one entire and indivisible whole
 Any contract for the acquisition of unissued stock contract.
in an existing corporation or a corporation still to  It cannot be divided into portions.
be formed shall be deemed a subscription within
the meaning of this Title, notwithstanding the
Minimum Capitalization 2. Implied – can be inferred from necessary for its
 Stock corporations are still not required to have a
3. Incidental – those that are incident to the
minimum capital stock, unless specifically
existence of the Corporation.
provided by a special law.
 Moreover, the RCC removed the requirement THEORY OF GENERAL CAPACITY
that 25% of the authorized capital stock be
 Corporation is said to hold such powers as are not
subscribed and that 25% of the subscribed capital
prohibited for withheld from it by general law
stock be paid for purposes of incorporation as
(everything is allowed except when prohibited.)
previously mandated under Section 13 of the
Corporation Code, which was deleted in its THEORY OF SPECIAL CAPACITY
entirely. (Sec. 12.)
 However, the 225%-25% requirements was  Corporation cannot exercise powers except those
retained for any increased in the authorized expressly or impliedly given. (everything is
capital stock. prohibited except when allowed.)

Corporations Required to have Minimum Capitalization General Corporate Powers and Capacity (Sec. 35 of the
1. Domestic Insurance Corporations
2. Private Domestic Banks 1. To sue and be sued
3. Investment Companies – paid up of atleast 2. Of succession
P500,000. 3. To adopt and use of corporate seal
4. Savings and Loan Corporations 4. To amend Articles
5. Financing Companies 5. To adopt by-laws
6. Listed companies under the Philippine Stock 6. For stock corporation – issue and sell stocks to
Exchange subscribers and treasury stocks, for non-stock
corporations – admit members
Process of Incorporation in the Philippines 7. Purchase, receive, take, grant, hold, convey, sell,
lease, pledge, mortgage and otherwise deal with
I. Pre-Incorporation Phase
real and personal property pursuant to its lawful
II. Subscription Contract – Those to Original
business. “Known as the property rights of the
III. Articles of Incorporation signed and passed to the
SEC Sec. 35 of the RCC
IV. Certification of Incorporation then issued by the
SEC 8. To enter into partnership, joint venture, merger
V. Post Incorporation – Subscription Contract to or consolidation
those interested to Subscribe from the Unissued 9. To make reasonable donations for:
Shares a. Public welfare
b. Hospital
Certificate of Stock c. Charitable
d. Cultural
 Evidence of holder’s ownership of the stock and
e. Scientific
of his right as a shareholder and up to the extent
f. Civic, and similar purposes
specifies therein
Prohibitions: No foreign corporation can enter donation
Remember: A stock certificate is only issued when you
have fully paid your subscription.
I. Political party
Subscription is different from issuance.
II. Consolidate
Power of the Corporation III. Partisan political activity

1. Express – those explicitly listed in the RCC and the

10. To establish Management Contract
a. Pension
 Contract entered into between two corporations
b. Retirement
whereby one corporation undertakes to manage
c. And other plans for the benefit of:
all or substantially all of the business of the other
i. Directors
corporation for certain period of time, whether
ii. Trustees
such be a service contract, operation agreement
iii. Officers
or otherwise.
iv. Employees
11. Other powers essential or necessary to carry out Who exercises there Powers?
its purposes
Unless otherwise provided by the Code, the corporate
Special Powers powers of all corporation shall be exercised, all business
conducted and all property such corporations controlled
1. Power to extend or shorten corporate term
and held by the board of directors or trustees to be
o Perpetual existence is now provided in
elected from among the members of the corporation,
the RCC unless otherwise provided by the
who shall hold office for one yar and until their successors
Articles of Incorporation of a specific
are elected and qualified.
2. Increase/Decrease Corporate Stock – Authorized Except:
Capital Stock
o A corporation increases its capital stock in 1. Executive Committee
2. The corporation enters into a management
order to facilitate expansion and invite
other investors to be their Stockholders.
3. Incur, Create bonded indebtedness Executive Committee
o Refers to the power of the Corporation to
contract loans and raise funds by ISSUING  A body created by the By-Laws and composed of
BONDS/SHARES OF STOCK to pay to not less than 3 members appointed by the Board
another a specified sum of money at a of Directors to act on Matters as expressly
specified date or dates in the future. authorized by the Board.
4. Sell, dispose, lease, encumber all or substantially However, it cannot act on the following:
all of corporate assets
o When the corporation sell all or almost of 1. Matters needing stockholder approval
its assets and properties thereby 2. Filling up of board of vacancies
rendering the juridical entity incapable of 3. Amendment, repeal or adoption of by-laws
continuing its business or accomplish the 4. Amendment or repeal of any resolution of the
purpose for which it was incorporated. Board which by its express terms is not
5. Purchases or acquire own shares provided amendable or repealable
I. There are unrestricted retained 5. Cash dividend declaration
earnings What is an Ultra Vires Act?
II. For legitimate purpose
6. Invest corporate funds in another corporation or  It is an act committed outside the object for
business for other purpose rather than primary which a corporation was created as defined by
purpose the Articles of Incorporation and therefore
7. Power to declare dividend out of unrestricted beyond the powers conferred by the Revised
retained earnings Corporation
o Dividend are declared when there are
Distinguished from an Illegal Act:
profits earned by the Corporation.
8. Enter into management contract  An ultra vires act is merely VOIDABLE, which can
be enforced ratification or estoppel, while an
illegal act is VOID from the beginning and cannot
be validated.
Ultra Vires Act v. Unauthorized Act What constitutes doing business in the Philippines?

An act may be within the purposes by which a 1. Continuity Test – Doing business implies a
Corporation was created but not within the powers of a continuity of commercial dealings and
particular corporate officer. arrangements, and contemplates to some extent
the performance of acts or works or the exercise
of some functions normally incident to and in
An IT Company is authorized to purchase additional progressive prosecution of, the purpose and
equipment related to IT Maintenance. However, its object of the Organization
Corporate Secretary purchased 500,000 worth of
2. Substance Test – Whether the Foreign
equipment from third part supplier.
Corporation is continuing a body or substance
Here the act of purchase may be valid, but it was done by of the business or enterprise for which it was
an Authorized individual. organized or whether it has substantially retired
from it and turned it over to another
Hence, it is not an ultra vires act of the corporation but an
Ultra vires act of a corporate officer. Necessity of a License

A foreign corporation has the right to transact business in

the Philippines after it has obtained a license to do
Foreign Corporations business.

Foreign Corporation  In order to subject a foreign corporation

doing business in the country to the
 A corporation that is organized under the laws jurisdiction of our courts, it must acquire a
of the a Foreign Country, provided said foreign license from SEC and appoint an agent for
country allows Filipinos and Philippine service of process. Without such license, it
corporations to do business there. cannot institute a suit in the Philippines
General Rule: Isolated Transactions
 Foreign Corporation (FC) can have no legal  When a single or isolated acts, contracts, or
corporation or status beyond the bounds of the transactions of FC are not regarded as a doing
State or sovereignty by which it is created or or carrying on of business
incorporated  When series of transactions which are
Foreign Corporations are allowed to do business in the occasional, incidental, and casual not of a
Philippines character to indicate a purpose to engage in
 the Foreign Corporation may act in another Instances when a Foreign Corporation was allowed to
State or country with the latter’s express or Sue
implied consent, however, subject to 1. To protect Its corporate reputation, name and
conditions and restrictions it may impose goodwill
 continuity of commercial dealings incident to 2. To enforce its right not arising out of a business
prosecution of purpose and object of the transaction
organization. Isolated, occasional, or casual
3. To seek redress for an isolated business
transactions do not amount to engaging in
business. But where the isolated act is not
incidental/casual but indicates the Foreign 4. The subject contracts provide that Phil. Courts
Corporation’s intention to do other business, will be venue to controversies
said single act constitutes engaging in
business in the Philippines
5. A license subsequently granted enables the FC to do business and/or exercise of rights as such by
sue on contracts executed before the grant of the the investor
license (Subsequent Compliance)
b. Having a nominee director or officer to represent
6. Recovery of misdelivered property its interests in such corporation and

7. Where unlicensed FC has a domestic corporation c. Appointing a representative or distributor

domiciled in the Philippines which transacts
8. Estoppel when after contracting or accepting
business in its own name and for its own account
benefits with a FC, a domestic firm or individual
can no longer deny the former’s capacity to sue How to Apply for a License to Do Business

9. Wrongful assumption of Jurisdiction by a court SEC will issue a license if the following Conditions are
Remember: Suability of Foreign Corporations
a. Submit AOI ang By-laws with an Application
under Oath
Doing Business in the May sue and can be sued
b. Appointment of a Resident Agent
Philippines, With a License in the Philippines
I. Either a Filipino or domestic
Doing Business in the Cannot sue, but may be
Philippines, Without a sued in the Philippines corporation
License II. Power of attorney for SEC to receive
Not doing Business in the May sue and May be process
Philippines, but on sued c. Must prove that FC’s country grants reciprocal
Isolated Transactions rights to Filipinos and Philippine corporations
(Oath of Reciprocity)
d. Establish an office in the Philippines
What Constitutes Doing Business? e. The application for a license to transact business
(Under Sec.3(d) of Foreign Investments Act of 1991) in the Philippines shall likewise be accompanied
by a statement under oath of the president or
a. Soliciting orders any other person authorized by the corporation,
b. Service Contracts showing to the satisfaction of the Commission
c. Opening offices, whether called “liaison” offices and when appropriate, other governmental
or branches agencies that the applicant is solvent and in
d. Appointing representatives or distributors sound financial condition
domiciled in the Philippines or who in any f. Within sixty (60) days from the issuance of the
calendar year stay in the country for a period/s license, it Must file a bond of P500,000 which
totaling 180 days or more may be in the ff. form:
e. Participating in the management, supervision or I. Surety bond
control of any domestic business, firm, entity or II. Government Securities
corporation in the Philippines III. Securities of political subdivisions
f. Any other act/s that imply continuity of IV. Shares of stock of registered with SEC
commercial dealings or arrangements, and V. Shares of stock of any corporation
contemplate to that extent, performance being sold at the stock exchange
normally incident to, and in progressive
prosecution of commercial gain or of the purpose That within 6 months after each fiscal year, SEC shall
and object of the business organization require the deposit of additional securities equivalent to
2% of the amount more than P10,000,000 of the gross
Not Doing Business in the Philippines income.
Doing business” shall not be deemed to include: Who can be a Resident Agent?
a. Mere investment as a shareholder by a foreign  A resident agent may be either an individual
entity in domestic corporations duly registered to residing in the Philippines or a domestic
corporation lawfully transacting business in the
Philippines: Provided, That an individual resident h. Transacting business in the Philippines as agent of
agent must be of good moral character and of or acting on behalf of any foreign corporation or
sound financial standing: Provided, further, That entity not duly licensed to do business in the
in case of a domestic corporation who will act as Philippines
a resident agent, it must likewise be of sound i. Any other ground as would render it unfit to
financial standing and must show proof that it is transact business in the Philippines.
in good standing as certified by the Commission.
Laws Applicable
Resident Agent must file the Power of Attorney with the
 A foreign corporation lawfully doing business in
the Philippines shall be bound by all laws, rules
 As a condition to the issuance of the license for a and regulations applicable to domestic
foreign corporation to transact business in the corporations of the same class, except those
Philippines, such corporation shall file with the which provide for the creation, formation,
Commission a written power of attorney organization or dissolution of corporations or
designating a person who must be a resident of those which fix the relations, liabilities,
the Philippines, on whom summons and other responsibilities, or duties of stockholders,
legal processes may be served in all actions or members, or officers of corporations to each
other legal proceedings against such corporation, other or to the corporation
and consenting that service upon such resident
In sum, the reportorial requirements are still applicable to
agent shall be admitted and held as valid as if
Foreign Corporations doing business in the Philippines
served upon the duly authorized officers of the
foreign corporation at its home office.

The form and substance of the authority given must be in

Merger and Consolidations
accordance with the requirements set forth by the SEC.
What is a Merger?
License to do Business can be revoked by the SEC
MERGER – one corporation absorbs the other and
a. Failure to file its annual report or pay any fees as
remains in existence while the other is dissolved (Sec. 76).
required by this Code
b. Failure to appoint and maintain a resident agent Example:
in the Philippines as required by this Title
c. Failure, after change of its resident agent or A Corporation plus B Corporation
address, to submit to the Commission a Equals
statement of such change as required by this Title
d. Failure to submit to the Commission an Either A or B Corporation
authenticated copy of any amendment to its What is Consolidation?
articles of incorporation or bylaws or of any
articles of merger or consolidation within the CONSOLIDATION – a new corporation is created, and
time prescribed by this Title consolidating corporations are extinguished (Sec. 76).
e. A misrepresentation of any material matter in any
application, report, affidavit or other document
submitted by such corporation pursuant to this A Corporation plus B Corporation
f. Failure to pay any and all taxes, imposts,
assessments or penalties, if any, lawfully due to C Corporation
the Philippine Government or any of its agencies
or political subdivisions Three Levels of Transfers and Acquisitions
g. Transacting business in the Philippines outside of 1. ASSET ONLY LEVEL.
the purpose or purposes for which such o Purchase of raw assets of the enterprise.
corporation is authorized under its license
Transferee is NOT liable for the debts and liabilities of the corporations shall be necessary for the approval of such
transferor corporation as there is no privity of contract plan.
between transferee and creditors except when there is
Any dissenting stockholder may exercise the right of
fraud, assumption of liability, or take over of the assets of
appraisal in accordance with this Code: Provided, That if
a dissolved corporation.
after the approval by the stockholders of such plan, the
board of directors decides to abandon the plan, the right
of appraisal shall be extinguished.

2. Business Enterprise Level

o Purchase of substantially all the assets of Note: Notice of such meetings shall be given to all
the corporation extending to its “going stockholders or members of the respective corporations
concern”. in the same manner as giving notice of regular or special
meetings under Section 49 of this Code. The notice shall
This includes the ability to do business and make money,
state the purpose of the meeting and include a copy or a
goodwill, clientele,stock-in-trade and the transferee is
summary of the plan of merger or consolidation.
liable for the debts and liabilities.
III. Amendment on the Plan of
A “free and harmless clause” holding the transferee free
from the liabilities of the transferor is binding only
between them and cannot prejudice creditors who are Any amendment to the plan of merger or consolidation
not parties thereto. may be made: Provided, That such amendment is
approved by a majority vote of the respective boards of
Remember, Bulk Sales Law applies in the sale of all or
directors or trustees of all the constituent corporations
substantially all assets of the corporation
and ratified by the affirmative vote of stockholders
3. Equity Level representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding
o Purchaser takes control of the business capital stock or of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of
by purchasing the shareholdings. each of the constituent corporations. Such plan, together
with any amendment, shall be considered as the
Purchasing corporation is still protected by the limited agreement of merger or consolidation.
liability feature but the same can be pierced.
IV. Articles of Merger/ Consolidation
Procedure for Merger/ Consolidation o After the approval by the stockholders or
The Board of Each corporation shall draw-up a: members, the articles of merger or
articles of consolidation shall be executed
I. Plan of merger or consolidation setting forth by each of the constituent corporations
a. Names of corporations involved by the president or vice president and
b. Terms and mode of carrying it out certified by the secretary or assistant
c. Statement of changes, if any in the secretary of each corporation setting
present articles of surviving corporation; forth:
or the articles of the new corporation to a. The plan of the merger or the plan of
be formed in case of consolidation consolidation
d. Such other provisions with respect to the b. As to stock corporations, the number of shares
proposed merger or consolidation as are outstanding, or in the case of non-stock
deemed necessary or desirable corporations, the number of members
c. As to each corporation, the number of shares or
II. Approval of the Plan of Merger/ Consolidation members voting for or against such plan,
The affirmative vote of stockholders representing at least respectively
two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock of each d. The carrying amounts and fair values of the assets
corporation in the case of stock corporations or at least and liabilities of the respective companies as of
two thirds (2/3) of the members in the case of nonstock the agreed cut-off date
e. The method to be used in the merger or surviving or consolidated corporation had itself
consolidation of accounts of the companies incurred such liabilities or obligations; and any
f. The provisional or pro forma values, as merged or pending claim, action or proceeding brought by
consolidated, using the accounting method or against any of such constituent corporations
g. Such other information as may be prescribed by may be prosecuted by or against the surviving or
the Commission. consolidated corporation. The rights of creditors
or liens upon the property of any of such
Mergers under the Philippine Competition Law
constituent corporations shall not be impaired by
Parties to the merger or acquisition agreement where the such merger or consolidation.
value of the transaction exceeds One Billion Pesos
(P1,000,000,000.00) are required to notify the Philippine
Competition Commission (PCC) of such agreement, and
they cannot consummate the same without the approval
Appraisal Right
of the PCC.
Any stockholder of a corporation shall have the right to
The PCC may also prescribe other criteria (e.g., increased
dissent and demand payment of the fair value of the
market share in the relevant market in excess of
shares in the following instances:
minimum thresholds) that would trigger this notification
requirement a. In case an amendment to the articles of
incorporation has the effect of changing or
The PCC investigates and evaluates mergers and
restricting the rights of any stockholder or class of
acquisitions which are likely to substantially prevent,
shares, or of authorizing preferences in any
restrict, or lessen competition in the relevant market or in
respect superior to those of outstanding shares of
the market for goods or services.
any class, or of extending or shortening the term
Effects of Merger/Consolidation of corporate existence
b. In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer,
1. The constituent corporations shall become a
mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all or
single corporation
substantially all of the corporate property and
2. The separate existence of the constituent
assets as provided in this Code
corporations shall cease, except that of the
c. In case of merger or consolidation
surviving or the consolidated corporation
d. In case of investment of corporate funds for any
3. The surviving or the consolidated corporation
purpose other than the primary purpose of the
shall possess all the rights, privileges, immunities
and powers and shall be subject to all the duties
and liabilities of a corporation organized under How is the Appraisal Right Exercised?
this Code
Any dissenting stockholder who votes against a proposed
4. The surviving or the consolidated corporation
corporate action may exercise the right of appraisal by
shall possess all the rights, privileges, immunities
making a written demand on the corporation for the
and franchises of each constituent corporation;
payment of the fair value of shares held within thirty (30)
and all real or personal property, all receivables
days from the date on which the vote was taken:
due on whatever account, including subscriptions
Provided, That failure to make the demand within such
to shares and other choses in action, and every
period shall be deemed a waiver of the appraisal right.
other interest of, belonging to, or due to each
constituent corporation, shall be deemed If the proposed corporate action is implemented, the
transferred to and vested in such surviving or corporation shall pay the stockholder, upon surrender of
consolidated corporation without further act or the certificate or certificates of stock representing the
deed stockholder’s shares, the fair value thereof as of the day
5. The surviving or consolidated corporation shall be before the vote was taken, excluding any appreciation or
responsible and liable for all the liabilities and depreciation in anticipation of such corporate action.
obligations of each of the constituent
corporations in the same manner as if such When Shares are yet paid to the Dissenting Stockholder
If, within sixty (60) days from the approval of the In this instance the right of the stockholder to be paid the
corporate action by the stockholders, the withdrawing fair value of the shares shall cease, the status as the
stockholder and the corporation cannot agree on the fair stockholder shall be restored, and all dividend
value of the shares, it shall be determined and appraised distributions which would have accrued on the shares,
by three (3) disinterested persons, one of whom shall be shall be paid to the stockholder
named by the stockholder, another by the corporation,
and the third by the two (2) thus chosen.

The findings of the majority of the appraisers shall be

final, and their award shall be paid by the corporation
within thirty (30) days after such award is made:

Provided, That no payment shall be made to any

dissenting stockholder unless the corporation has Meetings of Corporations and
unrestricted retained earnings in its books to cover such
Corporate Records
payment: Provided, further, That upon payment by the
corporation of the agreed or awarded price, the Meetings of the Corporation
stockholder shall forthwith transfer the shares to the
corporation. Regular Meetings of Stockholders

Effect of Demand for Payment and Termination of Rights Date:

 From the time of demand for payment of the fair Regular meetings of stockholders or members shall be
value of a stockholder’s shares until either the held annually on a date fixed in the bylaws, or if not so
abandonment of the corporate action involved or fixed, on any date after April 15 of every year as
the purchase of the said shares by the determined by the board of directors or trustees:
corporation, all rights accruing to such shares, Venue:
including voting and dividend rights, shall be
suspended in accordance with the provisions of Principal office of the corporation as set forth in the
this Code, except the right of such stockholder to articles of incorporation, or, if not practicable, in the city
receive payment of the fair value thereof: or municipality where the principal office of the
Provided, That if the dissenting stockholder is not corporation is located: Provided, That any city or
paid the value of the said shares within thirty (30) municipality in Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, Metro Davao,
days after the award, the voting and dividend and other Metropolitan areas shall, for purposes of this
rights shall immediately be restored. section, be considered a city or municipality.

What if the Stockholder changes his mind, can he Notice:

withdraw the exercise of his Appraisal Right? That written notice of regular meetings shall be sent to all
Answer. Yes. With the Consent of the Corporation. stockholders or members of record at least twenty-one
(21) days prior to the meeting, unless a different period is
In this instance the right of the stockholder to be paid the required in the bylaws, law, or regulation
fair value of the shares shall cease, the status as the
stockholder shall be restored, and all dividend Contents of the Notice
distributions which would have accrued on the shares, Each notice of meeting shall further be accompanied by
shall be paid to the stockholder the following:
What happens if the Corporation withdraws the planned a. The agenda for the meeting
Corporate Action, or the SEC denies the plan of Merger/ b. A proxy form which shall be submitted to the
Consolidation corporate secretary within a reasonable time
Answer. Same as the Earlier Scenario, Section 83 of the prior to the meeting
RCC. c. When attendance, participation, and voting are
allowed by remote communication or in absentia,
the requirements and procedures to be followed
when a stockholder or member elects either any material change in the corporation’s
option business, strategy, and other affairs
d. When the meeting is for the election of directors d. A financial report for the preceding year, which
or trustees, the requirements and procedure for shall include financial statements duly signed and
nomination and election. certified in accordance with this Code and the
rules the Commission may prescribe, a statement
Remember: For Notices and Agenda
on the adequacy of the corporation’s internal
Primary Corporate Officer Responsible: controls or risk management systems, and a
statement of all external audit and non-audit fees
Corporate Secretary - Notice of meetings shall be sent e. An explanation of the dividend policy and the fact
through the means of communication provided in the of payment of dividends or the reasons for
bylaws, which notice shall state the time, place and nonpayment thereof
purpose of the meetings. f. Director or trustee profiles which shall include,
Take Note Also: among others, their qualifications and relevant
experience, length of service in the corporation,
A director, trustee, stockholder, or member may propose trainings and continuing education attended, and
any other matter for inclusion in the agenda at any their board representations in other corporations
regular meeting of stockholders or members. g. A director or trustee attendance report, indicating
Contents of the Preliminary Report the attendance of each director or trustee at each
of the meetings of the board and its committees
At each regular meeting of stockholders or members, the and in regular or special stockholder meetings
board of directors or trustees shall endeavor to present h. Appraisals and performance reports for the board
to stockholders or members the following: and the criteria and procedure for assessment
i. A director or trustee compensation report
a. The minutes of the most recent regular meeting
prepared in accordance with this Code and the
which shall include, among others
rules the Commission may prescribe
I. A description of the voting and vote
j. Director disclosures on self-dealings and related
tabulation procedures used in the
party transactions
previous meeting
k. The profiles of directors nominated or seeking
II. A description of the opportunity
election or reelection. A director, trustee,
given to stockholders or members to
stockholder, or member may propose any other
ask questions and a record of the
matter for inclusion in the agenda at any regular
questions asked and answers given
meeting of stockholders or members.
III. The matters discussed and
resolutions reached Board Meetings
IV. A record of the voting results for each
agenda item Regular Meetings of Directors:
V. A list of the directors or trustees, Meetings of the board of directors or trustees of every
officers and stockholders or members corporation shall be held monthly, unless the bylaws
who attended the meeting provide otherwise.
VI. Such other items that the
Commission may require in the Venue:
interest of good corporate Meetings of directors or trustees of corporations may be
governance and the protection of held anywhere in or outside of the Philippines, unless the
minority stockholders. by-laws provide otherwise.
b. A members’ list for non-stock corporations and,
for stock corporations, material information on Notice:
the current stockholders, and their voting rights
Notice of regular meetings stating the date, time and
c. A detailed, descriptive, balanced and
place of the meeting must be sent to every director or
comprehensible assessment of the corporation’s
performance, which shall include information on
trustee at least two (2) days prior to the scheduled FORM – in writing, signed by the Shareholders or member
meeting, unless a longer time is provided in the bylaws. and filed before the scheduled meeting with the
corporate secretary.
A director or trustee may waive this requirement, either
expressly or impliedly PERIOD OF VALIDITY – unless otherwise provided in the
proxy, it should be valid only for the meeting for which it
Are General Waivers of the Notice and Agenda allowed
is intended. No proxy shall be valid and effective for a
for Stockholders?
longer period than five years at any one time.
Answer: General waivers of notice in the articles of
Proxies are also considered as corporate devise for
incorporation or the bylaws shall not be allowed.
securing voting control of the corporation.
While waivers for a particular meeting can be done by the
Stockholder either expressly or impliedly.


Who presides the Stockholders/Directors Meeting?
Answer: The chairman or, in his absence, the president
1. election of the board of directors or trustees
shall preside at all meetings of the directors or trustees as
2. voting in case of joint ownership of stock
well as of the stockholders or members, unless the
3. voting by trustee under voting trust agreement
bylaws provide otherwise.
4. pledged or mortgaged share
Special Meetings 5. as provided for in its by-laws

Stockholders’ Meetings: What is a Voting Trust Agreement?

Special meetings of stockholders or members shall be A voting trust agreement is a contractual agreement in
held at any time deemed necessary or as provided in the which shareholders with voting rights transfer their
bylaws: Provided, however, That at least one (1) week shares to a trustee, in return for a voting trust certificate.
written notice shall be sent to all stockholders or
This gives the voting trustees temporary control of the
members, unless a different period is provided in the
bylaws, law or regulation. A stockholder or member may
propose the holding of a special meeting and items to be One or more Shareholders of a stock corporation may
included in the agenda. create a voting trust for the purpose of conferring upon a
trustee or trustees the right to vote and other rights
Board of Directors Meetings:
pertaining to the shares for a period not exceeding five
Special meetings of the board of directors or trustees may (5) years at any one time.
be held at any time upon the call of the president or as
Purpose of a Voting Trust Agreement
provided in the bylaws. Notice of special meetings stating
the date, time and place of the meeting must be sent to  This represents a person or group trying to gain
every director or trustee at least two (2) days prior to the control of a company often created for a specific
scheduled meeting, unless a longer time is provided in the vote, the voting trust is usually more permanent,
bylaws intended to give a bloc of voters increased power
as a group—or indeed, control of the company,
What is a Proxy?
which is not necessarily the case with proxy
 A proxy is a formal authority given by a voting.
stockholder empowering another to exercise his
Formalities of a Voting Trust Agreement
right to vote. It is a special form of agency, and a
proxy holder is in the eye of the law an agent and 1. A voting trust agreement must be in writing and
as such a fiduciary. notarized, and shall specify the terms and
conditions thereof.
Formalities of a Proxy
2. A certified copy of such agreement shall be filed
with the corporation and with the Commission;
otherwise, the agreement is ineffective and meeting meeting (if not
unenforceable. continuing)
3. The certificate or certificates of stock covered by A trustee can vote and A proxy can only vote in
the voting trust agreement shall be cancelled and exercise all the rights of the absence of the owners
new ones shall be issued in the name of the the stockholder even of the stock
trustee or trustees, stating that they are issued when the latter is present
pursuant to said agreement. 9. An agreement must not A proxy is usually of
exceed 5 years at any one shorter duration although
4. The books of the corporation shall state that the
time except when the under RCC it cannot
transfer in the name of the trustee or trustees is
same is made a condition exceed 5 years at any one
made pursuant to the voting trust agreement of a loan time.
5. The term is for not longer than five (5) years
However, if the voting trust was a requirement
for a loan agreement, period may exceed 5 years
but shall automatically expire upon full payment
How do we Vote shares that are Co-owned?
of the loan
 The consent of all the co-owners shall be
Voting Trust Agreement must be registered in the Stock
necessary in voting shares of stock owned jointly
and Transfer Book
by two (2) or more persons, unless there is a
 The trustee or trustees shall execute and deliver written proxy, signed by all the co-owners,
to the transferors, voting trust certificates, which authorizing one (1) or some of them or any other
shall be transferable in the same manner and person to vote such share or shares: Provided,
with the same effect as certificates of stock. That when the shares are owned in an “and/or”
capacity by the holders thereof, any one of the
Any other stockholder may transfer the shares to the joint owners can vote said shares or appoint a
same trustee or trustees upon the terms and conditions proxy therefor.
stated in the voting trust agreement, and thereupon shall
be bound by all the provisions of said agreement. Can Treasury Shares Vote?

Proxy v. Voting Trust Agreement Answer: No. Treasury shares shall have no voting right as
long as such shares remain in the Treasury.
1. The trustee vote as The proxy holder votes as Treasury shares may be re-issued by the Corporation and
owner rather than as agent once sold, stockholders can now use them for voting
mere agent depending on its rights and privileges.
2. The trust may vote in The proxy must vote in
person or by proxy unless person What if Stocks were used to Secure a Loan, can the
the agreement provides Creditor for the said
otherwise Shares?
3. The beneficial owner The principal in a proxy
Answer: NO. In case a stockholder grants security interest
ceases to be recognized as does not cease to be a
in his or her shares in stock corporations, the stockholder-
a shareholder of record stockholder
and the trustee assumes grantor shall have the right to attend and vote at
practically all the rights of meetings of stockholders, unless the secured creditor is
a stockholder expressly given by the stockholder-grantor such right in
4. Trustee acquires legal Proxy has no legal title to writing which is recorded in the appropriate corporate
title to the shares of the the shares of the principal books.
transferring stockholder
Executors, administrators, receivers, and other legal
5. The agreement must be Proxy need not be
notarized notarized representatives duly appointed by the court may attend
6. The agreement is Revocable anytime except and vote in behalf of the stockholders or members
irrevocable one with interest without need of any written proxy.
7. Trustee is not limited to Proxy can only act at a What is Stock Certificate?
act at any particular specified stockholder’s
It is an instrument that is issued formally by the Contents
corporation, with the intention that the same constitute
a. All stocks in the names of the stockholders
the best evidence of the issuance of shares of stock that
alphabetically arranged
are fully paid and no longer assessable.
b. The installment paid and unpaid on all stock for
It is the evidence of a holder’s interest and status in a which subscription has been made, and the date
corporation. of payment of any installment
c. A statement of every alienation, sale or transfer
It is a written instrument signed by the proper officer of a
of stock made
corporation stating or acknowledging that the person
d. Such other entries as the by-laws may prescribe
named in the document is the owner of a designated
number of shares of its stock.

It is prima facie evidence that the holder is a shareholder

of a corporation
Corporate Secretary is in charge of the Stock and
Are Stock Certificates Negotiable? Transfer Book

Answer: Partly. Yes. These are Quasi-Negotiable with Entries made on the stock and transfer book by any
normal mode of dealing with such certificates is by the person other than the CORPORATE SECRETARY, such as
process of endorsement and delivery. those made by the President and Chairman, cannot be
given any valid effect.
It must be noted that “endorsement and delivery”
of certificates of stock may be for any of the three It is the CORPORATE SECRETARY’s duty and obligation to
purposes register valid transfers of stock and if said corporate
officer refuses to comply, the transferor-stockholder may
a. For sale or assignment of the shares
rightfully bring suit to compel performance
b. Pursuant to a trust or nominee arrangement
c. By way of pledge or encumbrance of the shares. What happens to Stocks not Fully Paid?

Endorsement and Delivery This will be subject of a Delinquency Sale

Endorsement is an essential ingredient in dealing with 1. The Board of Directors must make a call by
certificates of stock, and generally cannot be dispensed resolution demanding the payment of the
with. balance of the subscription. This is called the
The delivery of the stock certificate duly endorsed by the
2. The NOTICE OF CALL shall be served on each
owner is the operative act of transfer of shares from the
stockholder either personally or by registered
lawful owner to the new transferee.
Registration of the transfer of the share in the stock and 3. If the stockholders do not pay the amount due on
transfer books is necessary to complete the process of the date designated in the notice, the Board shall
negotiation of the certificate of stocks. issue, by resolution, a NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY.
4. NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY shall be served on then
How to Validly Transfer Shares? Non-paying subscriber either personally or by
1. The certificate must be endorsed by the owner or registered mail plus Publication in a newspaper of
his attorney-in-fact or other persons legally general circulation in the province or city where
authorized to make the transfer; the principal office of the corporation is located
2. There must be delivery of the stock certificate; 5. PERIOD FOR PUBLICATION Once a week for two
and consecutive weeks.
3. To be valid against third parties, the transfer must Contents of the Notice of Delinquency
be recorded in the books of the corporation.
1. The amount due on each subscription plus
What is a Stock and Transfer Book? accrued interest.
“Record of all Stockholders” 2. The date, time and place of the sale.
In the public auction, the highest bidder is the one who is d. Provided, That if there is a pending contest
willing to pay the amount of the balance of the regarding the ownership of said certificates of
subscription for the least number of shares. stock the issuance of the new certificates of stock
in lieu thereof shall be suspended until the final
After the bidding, the corporation will give the highest
decision by the court.
bidder the certificate of stock in the number of his bid
while the remaining number, if any, will be issued a Important Records of the Corporation- Must be at
certificate of stock in favor of the original subscriber as Principal Office
fully paid.
a. The articles of incorporation and by-laws of the
On the other hand, if there are no bidders, then the corporation and all their amendments;
corporation must bid for the whole number of shares b. The current ownership structure and voting rights
(regardless of how much the stockholder has paid), which of the corporation, including lists of stockholders
shall then pertain to the corporation as fully-paid treasury or members, group structures, intra-group
stock relations, ownership data, and beneficial
ownership; (Stock and Transfer Book)
What if your Stock Certificates got lost, stolen or
c. The names and addresses of all the members of
the board of directors or trustees and the
You can ask for a replacement through the following executive officers;
procedure d. A record of all business transactions;
e. A record of the resolutions of the board of
a. The registered owner of certificates of stock or directors or trustees and of the stockholders or
his legal representative shall file with the members;
corporation an affidavit setting forth, if possible: f. Copies of the latest reportorial requirements
i. The circumstances as to how the submitted to the Commission
certificates were lost, stolen or g. The minutes of all meetings of stockholders or
destroyed; members, or of the board of directors or trustees.

ii. The number of shares represented by Request for Financial Statements

each certificate, the serial numbers of the A corporation shall furnish a stockholder or member,
certificates; within ten (10) days from receipt of their written request,
iii. The name of the corporation which its most recent financial statement, in the form and
issued the same substance of the financial reporting required by the
iv. He shall submit such other information
and evidence which he may deem Dissolution and Liquidation of
b. The corporation shall publish a notice in a
newspaper of general circulation published in the Dissolution of a Corporation
place where the corporation has its principal DISSOLUTION OF A CORPORATION – extinguishment of
office, once a week for three (3) consecutive the franchise of a corporation and the termination of its
weeks at the expense of the registered owner. corporate existence
c. However, instead of waiting for one (1) year, the
registered owner may file a bond or A corporation formed or organized under the provisions
other security running for a period of one (1) year of Revised Corporation Code may be dissolved voluntarily
for a sum and in such form and with such sureties or involuntarily
as may be satisfactory to the board of directors in Voluntary Dissolution
which case a new certificate may be issued even
before the expiration of the one (1) year period Where no creditors are affected (Sec. 134)
1. administrative application filed with the SEC by a Documentary Requirements for Voluntary Dissolution
majority vote of the BOD
1. Amendment of AOI
2. notice thru registered mail or delivered twenty
2. Publication
(20) days prior to the meeting
3. Oath undertaking by majority of SH or officers to
3. Publication of the notice in a newspaper of
personally answer for obligations
general circulation
4. BIR clearance of tax liability
4. Resolution approved by majority of the OCS
5. Listing of creditors and Consent to the shortening
5. Copy of Resolution Certified by majority of BOD
of the term
countersigned by secretary;
6. Affidavit of assumption of liability by SH
6. Within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the
7. Latest audited financial statement of corporation
verified request for dissolution, and in the
absence of any withdrawal within said period, the Involuntary Dissolution
Commission shall approve the request and issue
the certificate of dissolution A corporation may be dissolved by the Commission motu
proprio or upon filing of a verified complaint by any
Where creditors are affected (Sec 135 of RCC); interested party. The following may be grounds for
dissolution of the corporation:
(a) Non-use of corporate charter as provided
1. Petition signed by majority of BOD/trustees/
under Section 21 of this Code;
verified by President/ Secretary/ Director
(b) Continuous inoperation of a corporation
2. Claims and demands must be stated in the
as provided under Section 21 of this
a. the reason for the dissolution
(c) Upon Receipt of a lawful Order of Court.
b. the form, manner, and time when the
(d) Upon finding by final judgment that the
notices were given; and
corporation procured its incorporation
c. the date, place, and time of the meeting
through fraud;
in which the vote was made.
(e) Upon finding by final judgment that the
3. Stockholders’ approval representing 2/3 OCS
4. SEC order Setting date for objections
i. Was created for the purpose of
5. Publication of the order and Posting
committing, concealing or aiding
a. a copy of the order shall be published at
the commission of securities
least once a week for three (3)
violations, smuggling, tax evasion,
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of
money laundering, or graft and
general circulation/principal place of
corrupt practices
ii. Committed or aided in the
6. Hearing
commission of securities
Remember violations, smuggling, tax evasion,
money laundering, or graft and
Upon five (5) days’ notice, given after the date on which
corrupt practices, and its
the right to file objections as fixed in the order has
stockholders knew
expired, the Commission shall proceed to hear the
iii. Repeatedly and knowingly
petition and try any issue raised in the objections filed;
tolerated the commission of graft
and if no such objection is sufficient, and the material
and corrupt practices or other
allegations of the petition are true, it shall render
fraudulent or illegal acts by its
judgment dissolving the corporation and directing such
directors, trustees, officers, or
disposition of its assets as justice requires, and may
appoint a receiver to collect such assets and pay the
debts of the corporation. Effect of Involuntary Dissolution

The dissolution shall take effect only upon the issuance If the corporation is ordered dissolved by final judgment
by the Commission of a certificate of dissolution. pursuant to the grounds set forth in subparagraph (e)
hereof, its assets, after payment of its liabilities, shall, A dissolved corporation continues to be a body corporate
upon petition of the Commission with the appropriate for 3 years from the time it is dissolved for the purpose of
court, be forfeited in favor of the national government. liquidation or winding up its corporate affairs. The
termination of the life of a juridical entity does not by
This is called ESCHEAT.
itself cause the extinction or diminution of the rights and
Such forfeiture shall be without prejudice to the rights of liabilities of such entity nor those of its owners and
innocent stockholders and employees for services creditors alike
rendered, and to the application of other penalty or
Corporate Proceedings under the FRIA LAW
sanction under this Code or other laws.
The applicable law is Republic Act No. 10142, known as
Shortening of Corporate Term
the Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010

 It refers to the dissolution of a corporation prior The FRIA took effect on 18 July 2010.
to the expiration of its term as fixed in the articles
FRIA Law was enacted to “encourage debtors, both
of incorporation.
juridical and natural persons, and their creditors to
 This is done by following amendment of the AOI
collectively and realistically resolve and adjust competing
following the procedural requirements of the
claims and property rights” and to “ensure a timely, fair,
Revised Corporation Code.
transparent, effective and efficient rehabilitation or
Expiration of Corporate Term liquidation of debtors.

In the case of expiration of corporate term, dissolution Rationale of the FRIA LAW
shall automatically take effect on the day following the
Under this law, rehabilitation refers to the restoration of
last day of the corporate term stated in the articles of
the debtor to a condition of successful operation and
incorporation, without the need for the issuance by the
solvency. When rehabilitation is not feasible, it is in the
Commission of a certificate of dissolution.
interest of the State to facilitate a speedy and orderly
Effects of Dissolution liquidation of these debtor’s assets and the settlement of
their obligations.
1. Transfer of Legal Title to Corporate Property
2. Ceases to be a Body Corporate for the On the other hand, liquidation is a process by which
Continuation of Business. assets are converted to cash.
3. Creation of a New Corporation- Consolidation of
The proceedings involved under FRIA are considered as in
rem, which means that it binds the whole world.
4. Cessation of all Corporate Existence upon the
Jurisdiction over all persons affected by the proceedings
Expiration of the three(3) year period.
shall be considered as acquired upon publication of the
Appointment of a Trustee notice of the commencement of the proceedings in any
newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.
At any time during said three (3) years, the corporation is
authorized and empowered to convey all of its property Coverage of the FRIA LAW
to trustees for the benefit of stockholders.
The definition of a debtor is important to be able to
Corporate Liquidation determine if the parties may avail of the proceedings
provided by FRIA. The term debtor covers a:
The process by which all the assets of the corporation are
converted into liquid assets (cash) in order to facilitate 1. sole proprietorship duly registered with the
the payment of obligations to creditors, and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
remaining balance, if any, is to be distributed to the 2. a partnership duly registered with the Securities
stockholders or members. and Exchange Commission (SEC),
3. a corporation duly organized and existing under
NOTE: Philippine laws,
4. an individual debtor who has become insolvent.
However, the term debtor does not include banks, 3. prohibit suppliers of goods or services from
insurance companies, pre-need companies, and national withholding supply for as long as the debtor
and local government agencies or units. makes prompt payments;
4. prohibit the debtor from making any payment of
Exception of Banks under the Coverage of the FRIA LAW
its outstanding liabilities; and
Section 138. Application of Relevant Legislation. - The 5. issue a stay or suspension order (FRIA section 16).
liquidation of bank, financial institutions, insurance
Who is a Rehabilitation Receiver?
companies and pre-need companies shall be determined
by relevant legislation. The provisions in this Act shall Rehabilitation receiver shall refer to the person or
apply in a suppletory manner. persons, natural or juridical, appointed as such by the
court pursuant to the FRIA LAW and which shall be
The rehabilitation of banks, insurance companies and pre-
entrusted with such powers and duties as set forth
need companies is governed by Republic Act No. 7653
herein.The rehabilitation receiver shall have the following
(the New Central Bank Act), Presidential Decree No. 612
minimum qualifications:
(Insurance Code of the Philippines) and Republic Act No.
9829 (Pre-Need Code of the Philippines), respectively 1. A citizen of the Philippines or a resident of the
Philippines in the six (6) months immediately
preceding his nomination;
Rehabilitation under the FRIA LAW 2. Of good moral character and with acknowledged
integrity, impartiality and independence;
Rehabilitation refers to the restoration of the debtor to a 3. Has the requisite knowledge of insolvency and
condition of successful operation and solvency, other relevant commercial laws, rules and
There are three types of rehabilitation, namely: procedures, as well as the relevant training
and/or experience that may be necessary to
1. Court-supervised rehabilitation enable him to properly discharge the duties and
2. Pre-negotiated rehabilitation; and obligations of a rehabilitation receiver; and
4. Has no conflict of interest: Provided, That such
3. Out-of-court/Formal Restructuring conflict of interest may be waived, expressly or
impliedly, by a party who may be prejudiced
Court-Supervised Rehabilitation
An insolvent debtor may file a verified petition for
Duties of a Rehabilitation Receiver
rehabilitation when approved by the owner in the case of
a sole proprietorship, or by a majority of the partners in The Rehabilitation Receiver is in charge of a Rehabilitation
the case of a partnership or, in the case of a corporation, Plan
by a majority vote of the board of directors or trustees
and authorized by the vote of the stockholders Rehabilitation Plan shall refer to a plan by which the
representing at least two-thirds of the outstanding capital financial well-being and viability of an insolvent debtor
stock, or of the members, in a stockholders’ or members’ can be restored using various means including, but not
meeting duly called for the purpose. The petition must limited to, debt forgiveness, debt rescheduling,
establish the insolvency of the debtor and the viability of reorganization or quasi-reorganization, dacion en pago,
its rehabilitation (FRIA section 12). debt-equity conversion and sale of the business (or parts
of it) as a going concern, or setting-up of new business
If the court finds the petition to be sufficient in form and entity as prescribed in Section 62 of the FRIA LAW hereof,
substance, it will issue a commencement order, which or other similar arrangements as may be approved by the
shall, among other things: court or creditors.
1. appoint a rehabilitation receiver; Pre-Negotiated Rehabilitation
2. summarize the requirements and deadlines for
creditors to establish their claims against the The second way of rehabilitation is the pre-negotiated.
debtor; Under this preceding, an insolvent debtor, by itself or
jointly with any of its creditors, may file a verified petition
with the court for the approval of a pre-negotiated
Rehabilitation Plan which has been endorsed or approved The commencement order in rehabilitation proceedings
by creditors holding at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total includes a stay or suspension order that suspends all
liabilities of the debtor, including secured creditors actions or proceedings, in court or otherwise, for the
holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the total secured enforcement of claims against the debtor and suspends
claims of the debtor and unsecured creditors holding all actions to enforce any judgment, attachment or other
more than fifty percent (50%) of the total unsecured provisional remedies against the debtor (FRIA section
claims of the debtor. 16(q)).

Out of Court Rehabilitation Attempts to seek legal or other recourse against the
debtor outside the rehabilitation proceedings shall be
For an out-of-court or informal restructuring/workout
sufficient to support a finding of indirect contempt of
agreement or Rehabilitation Plan to qualify, it must meet
court (FRIA section 17).
the following minimum requirements:

1. The debtor must agree to the out-of-court or

informal restructuring/workout agreement or
Rehabilitation Plan;
2. It must be approved by creditors representing at
least sixty-seven (67%) of the secured obligations
of the debtor;
3. It must be approved by creditors representing at Liquidation under the FRIA
least seventy-five percent (75%) of the unsecured Liquidation is the process by which assets are converted
obligations of the debtor; and to cash.
4. It must be approved by creditors holding at least
eighty-five percent (85%) of the total liabilities, A liquidator is a natural person or juridical entity
secured and unsecured, of the debtor. appointed as such by the court and entrusted with such
powers and duties as set forth under the FRIA. If the
Summary of Rehabilitation under FRIA Law liquidator is a juridical entity, it must designate a natural
There are three types of rehabilitation, namely: person who possesses all the qualifications and none of
the disqualifications as its representative, it being
1. Court-supervised rehabilitation understood that the juridical entity and the
 2/3 of the OCS or Total Membership representative are solidarity liable for all obligations and
2. Pre-negotiated rehabilitation responsibilities of the liquidator.
 Approved by all Creditors holding at least 2/3
Liquidation can be voluntary or involuntary
of the TL = At least 50% of the SC and At least
50% of the USC. Voluntary Liquidation under the FRIA
3. Out-of-court/Formal Restructuring
 85% of all Creditors = At least 67% of the SC In Voluntary Liquidation, an insolvent debtor may apply
and 75% of the USC for liquidation by filing a petition for liquidation with the
court. The petition shall be verified, shall establish the
Debtors under Rehabilitation will be managed by the insolvency of the debtor and shall contain, whether as an
Management Committee attachment or as part of the body of the petition:
The management committee shall take the place of the 1. a schedule of the debtor’s debts and liabilities
management and the governing body of the debtor and including a list of creditors with their addresses,
assume their rights and responsibilities. amounts of claims and collaterals, or securities, if
The qualifications and disqualifications of the members of
the management committee shall be set forth in the 2. an inventory of all its assets including receivables
procedural rules, taking into consideration the nature of and claims against third parties; and
the business of the debtor and the need to protect the
interest of all stakeholders concerned. 3. the names of at least three (3) nominees to the
position of liquidator.
Stay Order in Rehabilitation Proceedings
At any time during the pendency of court-supervised or  If there is still an excess after satisfying the
pre-negotiated rehabilitation proceedings, the debtor claims or liens under Article 2244 – all other
may also initiate liquidation proceedings by filing a common credits shall be satisfied pro rata.
motion in the same court where the rehabilitation
Involuntary Liquidation under the FRIA
proceedings are pending to convert the rehabilitation
proceedings into liquidation proceedings. In case of Involuntary Liquidation, three (3) or more
creditors the aggregate of whose claims is at least either
The motion shall be verified, shall contain or set forth the
One million pesos (Php1,000,000,00) or at least twenty-
same matters required in the preceding paragraph, and
five percent (25%) of the subscribed capital stock or
state that the debtor is seeking immediate dissolution
partner’s contributions of the debtor, whichever is higher,
and termination of its corporate existence.
may apply for and seek the liquidation of an insolvent
Voluntary Liquidation under the FRIA debtor by filing a petition for liquidation of the debtor
with the court. The petition shall show that:
If the petition or the motion, as the case may be, is
sufficient in form and substance, the court shall issue a 1. there is no genuine issue of fact or law on the
Liquidation Order. claims/s of the petitioner/s, and that the due and
demandable payments thereon have not been
An individual debtor whose properties are not sufficient
made for at least one hundred eighty (180) days
to cover his liabilities, and owing debts exceeding Five
or that the debtor has failed generally to meet its
hundred thousand pesos (Php500,000.00), may apply to
liabilities as they fall due; and
be discharged from his debts and liabilities by filing a
verified petition with the court of the province or city in 2. there is no substantial likelihood that the debtor
which he has resided for six (6) months prior to the filing may be rehabilitated.
of such petition. He shall attach to his petition a schedule
3. At any time during the pendency of or after a
of debts and liabilities and an inventory of assets. The
rehabilitation court-supervised or pre-negotiated
filing of such petition shall be an act of insolvency.
rehabilitation proceedings, three (3) or more
Rules on Preference of Credits creditors whose claims is at least either One
million pesos (Php1,000,000.00) or at least
The Liquidation Order shall not affect the right of a
twenty-five percent (25%) of the subscribed
secured creditor to enforce his lien in accordance with
capital or partner’s contributions of the debtor,
the applicable contract or law, unless he waives his
whichever is higher, may also initiate liquidation
right. Thus, there is preference accorded to secured
proceedings by filing a motion in the same court
creditors, but they must file a manifestation that reflect
where the rehabilitation proceedings are pending
their desire to maintain their rights under the security or
to convert the rehabilitation proceedings into
liquidation proceedings.
In the settlement of the assets of an insolvent debtor,
Involuntary Liquidation under the FRIA
the priority of claims depend on the type of property
used to satisfy the debt, as follows: In case of an individual debtor, involuntary liquidation
takes place when a creditor or group of creditors with a
 If personal or movable property is involved –
claim of, or with claims aggregating at least Five hundred
the preference shall follow Article 2241 of the
thousand pesos (Php500,000.00) files a verified petition
Civil Code.
for liquidation with the court of the province or city in
 If real or immovable property is involved –
which the individual debtor resides.
the preference shall follow Article 2242 of the
Civil Code.
 If none of the foregoing claims apply to Proceedings under the FRIA are independent actions to
personal or real properties – the preference the formal Dissolution under the RCC
shall follow Article 2244 of the Civil Code as
A Corporation has the option to rehabilitate or liquidate
amended by Article 100 of the Labor Code
its assets under the FRIA Law before/during proceeding to
formal Corporate Dissolution.
Thus, while rehabilitation and liquidation are under the
jurisdiction of the courts (FRIA section 4(g)), corporate
liquidation is under the jurisdiction of the SEC

An important difference between the two is the

automatic stay of claims in the rehabilitation or
liquidation under the FRIA, which is not present in
corporate liquidation.

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