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Introduction to Corporation Law

What is a Corporation?

 An artificial being created by operation of law

having the right of succession, and the powers,
attributes and properties expressly authorized by
law and incident to its existence

Attributes of a Corporation

1. It is an artificial being.
2. It is created by operation of law.
3. It enjoys the right of succession.
4. It has the powers, attribute and properties
expressly authorized by law or incident to its

Advantages of a Corporation against an unregistered


1. enjoys perpetual succession under corporate

name and in an artificial form.
2. can take and grant property
3. can contract obligations
4. can sue and be sued in its corporate name as a
juridical person
5. capacity to receive and enjoy common grants of
privileges and immunities
6. no personal liability beyond value of their shares

Classes of Corporation

a. public – by State only; and
b. private – by private persons alone or with
the State.
a. public – governmental and
other functions; b. private – usually for
profit-making functions
a. public – Special Laws; and
b. private – Law on Private Corporations
a. de jure corporation –
corporation organized in accordance
with requirements of law
b. de facto corporation – a
corporation where there exists a flaw in
its incorporation
De Facto Corporation  Redeemable shares
o Permits the issuing corporation to
redeem or
1. The existence of a valid law under which it may o purchase its own shares.
be incorporated  Treasury shares
2. An attempt in good faith to incorporate
o Shares that have been earlier issued
3. Use of corporate powers; and
as fully paid and have thereafter
Remember: There exists a flaw in a de facto corporation been acquired by the corporation by
purchase, donation, and redemption or
5. AS TO PLACE OF INCORPORATION through some lawful means.
a. Domestic corporation- corporation  Founders' share
formed, organized or existing under laws o Shares issued to organizers and
of the Philippines
promoters of a corporation in
b. Foreign Corporation – a corporation
consideration of some supposed right or
formed organized or existing under any
laws other than those of the Philippines
 Voting shares
and whose laws allow Filipino citizens and
o With a right to vote.
corporation to do business in its own
 Non-voting shares
country or state
o Without right to vote.
a. stock corporation – a corporation in Other Kinds of Shares
which capital stock is divided into shares
and is authorized to distribute to holders  Over-issued stock
thereof of such share’s dividends or o Stock issued in excess of the authorized
allotments of the surplus profits on the capital stock. It is also known as spurious
basis of the shares held. stock. Its issuance is considered null and
b. Non-stock corporation – not issue stocks void.
and not distribute dividends to their  Watered stock
members, its purpose is for public good o A stock issued not in exchange for its
and welfare. o equivalent either in cash, property,
What are the Kinds of Shares? o stock dividends, or services.
 Common shares  Par value shares
o The basic class of stock ordinarily and o With a value fixed in the certificates of
usually issued without extraordinary stock and the articles of incorporation.
rights and privileges, and the owners  No par value shares
thereof are entitled to a pro rata share in o Have no par value but have issued value
the profits of the corporation and in its stated in the certificate or articles of
assets upon dissolution and, likewise, in incorporation.
the management of its affairs without 7. OTHER CORPORATIONS
preference or advantage whatsoever. a. Close Corporation (Sec 95 of the RCC)
 Preferred shares a. Limitation on the number of persons
o Those issued with par value, and to hold shares of stock, including the
preferences either with respect to limitation as to actual transfer of the
 assets after dissolution, shares
 distribution of dividends, or both, b. Special Corporations
and 1. educational corporation
o other preferences. 2. religious corporation
a. corporation sole
b. religious societies
Doctrine of Separate Personality  Incorporators
o They are those mentioned in the articles
 A corporation has a personality SEPARATE AND
of incorporation as originally forming
DISTINCT from that of its stockholders
and composing the corporation, having
or members.
signed the articles and acknowledged the
DOCTRINE OF PIERCING THE VEIL OF CORPORATE same before a notary public. They have
FICTION no powers beyond those vested in them
by the statute.
 Allows the State for certain justifiable reasons to
disregard the fiction of juridical personality for Note: Minimum Number is Removed by the
the corporation, separate and distinct from the Revised Corporation Code
persons composing it.
Qualifications of Incorporators:
Three Types in Piercing the Corporate Veil
1. Any person whether natural or juridical
1. Fraud Cases – when a corporation is used as a 2. of legal age (for natural persons)
cloak to cover fraud, or to do wrong. 3. each must own or subscribe to at least one share.

Example: A company was incorporated in order to funnel

funds and launder money coming from a Drug Cartel

2. Alter Ego Cases – when the corporate entity is

merely a farce since the corporation is an alter
ego, business conduit or instrumentality of a
person or another corporation.
a. Where one corporation is so organized
and controlled and its affairs are
conducted so that it is in fact, a
mere instrumentality or adjunct of the
other, the fiction of the corporate entity
of the “instrumentality” may be
disregarded. The control necessary to
invoke the rule is not mere majority or Articles of Incorporation (AOI)
even complete stock control but such
domination of finances, policies, practices  “Framework of the Corporation”
that the controlled corporation has, so to o It is essentially a contract between
speak, no separate mind, will or existence the corporation and the
of its own, and is, but a conduit for its stockholders/ members; between the
principal. stockholders/ member inter se, and
3. Equity cases – when piercing the corporate fiction between the corporation and the State
is necessary to achieve justice or equity
Contents of the AOI
Formation of a Corporation
1. name of corporation
Who and What comprises a Corporation? 2. purpose/s, indicating the primary and
secondary purposes
1. Incorporators 3. place of principal office
2. Corporators 4. duration; (Revised Corporation Code now
3. stockholders and members provides Perpetual Existence)
4. promoter 5. names, nationalities and residences of
5. Board of directors incorporators;
6. Executive committee; and 6. Number of Directors names, nationalities and
7. Officers of the corporation. residences of the first directors.
7. The Corporation’s Authorized Capital Stock 3. Must not impair contractual obligations –Art III
divided into the number of shares with its Sec 10,1987 Constitution
corresponding par value. 4. Must be general and uniform – they must
8. names, residences, and amount paid by affect all alike, and operate equally as to all
each subscriber on their subscription persons or matters standing in equal status or
9. name of treasurer elected by subscribers circumstances and without any
10. Undertaking to Change Name unreasonable discrimination as to any particular
11. if the corporation engages in a nationalized person or thing of the class
industry, a statement that no transfer of stock 5. Must be consistent with the charter or articles of
will be allowed if it will reduce the stock incorporation
ownership of Filipinos to a percentage below the 6. Must be reasonable not arbitrary or oppressive.
required legal minimum. Reasonableness depends upon:
a. Facts and circumstances of the case
What cannot be Amended in the AOI
b. Nature, Purpose, Object of the
Those matters referring to facts existing as of the date of corporation
the incorporation such as: c. Whether or not it is within the
corporation’s power of adoption
1. names of incorporators d. The relation which the person raising the
2. names of original subscribers to the capital stock question sustains to the corporation, i.e.,
of the corporation and their subscribed and paid- whether he is a stockholder or member
up capital or stranger to the corporation.
3. treasurer elected by the original subscribers
4. members who contributed to the initial capital of Binding Effects of By-Laws
a non-stock corporation
5. date and place of execution of the articles of
a. They have the same force and effect as
the provisions of the charter and articles
6. witnesses to and acknowledgment of the articles.
of incorporation. They have the force
LIMITS ON THE USE OF CORPORATE NAME of contract between the members
1. Names which are identical, deceptively, b. They are binding only upon the
or confusingly similar to that of any corporation adopting them and on its
existing corporation members and those having direction,
2. a name already protected by law management and control of its affairs.
3. a name which is patently deceptive, confusing, 2. AS TO THIRD PERSONS
or contrary to existing laws a. Strangers are not bound to know the by-
What are By-Laws? laws which are merely provisions for the
government of a corporation and notice
 “Refers to the Management of the to them will not be presumed.
Corporation Itself”
 “Set of Rules provided for the Conduct of Rationale: by-laws have no extra-corporate force and are
the Corporation’s Business” not in the nature of legislative enactments so far as third
persons are concerned.
Aptly defined as the rules for the internal government of
the corporation

Requirements for By-Laws to be Valid

1. Must not be contrary to existing law nor

inconsistent with the Code, else they have no
binding effect
2. Must not be contrary to morals and public policy
– State will interfere
AOI v. By-Laws

1. It is essentially a contract between the 1. It is more of a rule for the internal government of the
corporation and the stockholders/ members; corporation but has the force of a contract between the
between the stockholders/ member inter se, and corporation and the stockholders/ members, and between
between the corporation and the State; hence must the stockholders and members
be notarized themselves;

2. It is executed before incorporation 2. It is usually executed after the incorporation

although Sec. 46 allows simultaneous filling of the two

3.It is a condition precedent in the acquisition 3.It is a condition subsequent

of corporate existence

4. It is amended by a majority of the directors/ 4. It may be amended by a majority vote of the BOD and majority
trustees and stockholders representing 2/3 of the vote of outstanding capital stock or a majority of the member in
outstanding capital stock, or 2/3 of the members in non-stock corporation
case of non-stock corporations

5. Power to amend/repeal articles cannot be 5. Power to amend or repeal by-laws or adopt new by-laws may be
delegated by the stockholders/ members to the delegated by the 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or 2/3 of
board of directors/ trustees. the members in the case of non-stock corporation.

 Chairman of the Board

o Person who presides the meeting of
Management of Corporation Persons Involved Herein
the Board of Directors. He / She
The Power to Govern in a Corporation determines the order of the meeting, the
presence of a quorum, and determines
 Board of Directors is the governing body of
how each corporate act shall be approved
a corporation which exercises the
by the Board of Directors, based on the
corporate powers, conduct all business, and
by-laws of the Corporation.
control all properties of the corporation.
Note: In some instances, the President and Chairman is
one and the same
Stock Corporation – Board of Directors
 Corporate Secretary
Non-Stock Corporation – Board of Trustees
Person whose functions, relate to the Conduct of Board
 President Meetings, which include:
o Person who runs the day-to-
1. Sending of Meeting Notices and Agenda
day operation of the Corporation. He is 2. Taking of Minutes
elected from the members of the Board 3. Confirmation of Quorum
of Directors of the Corporation. He can 4. Issuance of Certifications related to
also preside the meetings of the Board Corporate Resolutions
when Chairman is absent. 5. Issuance of Certificates and Maintenance of the
Stock and Transfer Book
Statutory Requirements for a Corporate Secretary

1. Citizen of the Philippines

2. Resident of the Philippines

Note: The position of Corporate Secretary cannot be

concurrently held by President of the Corporation.

 Corporate Treasurer
o Person whose functions include
Financial Management of Funds and
Assets of the Corporation.
o In compliance with rules on Audited
Financial Statements and Annual Income
Tax Returns, the Treasurer needs to sign
the Statement of Management
Responsibility for the Corporation

Statutory Requirements of Corporate Treasurer

 He/ She must be a resident of the Philippines

Note: The position of Corporate Treasurer cannot be

concurrently held by President of the Corporation.

 Compliance Officer
o Under the Revised Corporation Code, a
corporation vested with Public Interest
must appoint a Compliance Officer, who
is usually in charge with reportorial
requirements and ensures that all
laws affecting the operations of the
corporation are observed and complied

Requirement of Independent Director

 An independent Director is one, who apart

from shareholdings and fees received from
the Corporation, is autonomous from
Management, impartial and free from any other
business which could or could reasonably be
perceived to interfere with the exercise of his/her
own judgment
 It is mandatory for corporations vested with
public interest to appoint an Independent
LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Cancellations of certificate or articles of limited
 It is formed by two or more persons having as
members one or more general partners and one 1. When the partnership is dissolved
or more limited partners, the latter not being 2. When all the limited partners ceased to be such
personally liable for partnership debts. (Art. 1843, (Art. 1864, NCC)
Rights and Obligations of Limited Partner
Characteristics of Limited Partnership
1. To have partnership books kept at principal place
1. It is formed by compliance with the stationary of business.
requirements 2. To inspect/copy books at reasonable hours.
2. One or more general partners control the 3. To have on demand true and full information of
business and are personally liable to creditors. all things affecting partnership
3. One or more limited partners contribute to the 4. To have formal account of partnership affairs
capital and share in the profits but do not whenever circumstances render it just and
participate in the management of the business reasonable.
and are not personally liable for partnership 5. To ask for dissolution and winding up by decree
obligations beyond their capital contributions. of court.
4. The limited partners may ask for the return of 6. To receive share of profits/other compensation
their capital contributions under conditions by way of income.
prescribed by law. 7. To receive return of contributions, provided the
5. Partnership debts are paid out of common fund partnership assets are in excess of all its liabilities.
and the individual properties of general partners.
Substituted Limited Partner
 It is a person admitted to all the rights of a limited
1. Secure capital from others for one’s business and partner who has dies or assigned his interest in
still retain control the partnership.
2. Share in profits of a business without risk of  Rights and liabilities of a substituted limited
personal liability partner.
3. Associate as partners with those having business
General Rule: He has all the rights and powers and is
skill. (De Leon, 2010).
subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of his assignor.
Exception: Those liabilities which he was ignorant at the
1. Certificate of articles of limited partnership which time that he became a limited partner, and which could
states the matters enumerated in Art. 1844, must not be ascertained from the certificate.
be signed, and sworn.
Requirements for the admission of a substituted limited
2. Certificate must be filed for record in the office of
the SEC.
1. All members must consent to the assignee,
NOTE: Strict compliance with legal requirements is not
becoming a substituted limited partner or the
necessary. It is sufficient that there is substantial
limited partner, being empowered by the
compliance in good faith. If there is no substantial
certificate must give the assignee the right to
compliance, the partnership becomes general partnership
become a limited partner.
as far as third persons are concerned, in which the
2. The certificate must be amended in accordance
member are liable as general partners.
with Art. 1865
3. The certificate as amended must be registered in
the SEC.
Liabilities of a Limited Partner 1. On the dissolution of the partnership
2. Upon the arrival of the date specified in the
1. To the Partnership
certificate for the return
o Since limited partners are not principals
3. After the expiration of 6 month notice in writing
in the transaction of a partnership, their
given by him to the other partners if no time is
liability as a rule, is to the partnership,
fixed in the certificate for the return of the
not to the creditors of the partnership.
contribution or for the dissolution of the
The general partners cannot, however,
waive any liability of the limited partners
to the prejudice of such creditors. NOTE: Even if a limited partner has contributed property,
2. To the Partnership creditors and other partners he has only the right to demand and receive cash for his
o A limited partner is liable for partnership contribution. The exceptions are:
obligations when he contributed services
1. When there is stipulation to the contrary in the
instead of only money or property to the
2. When all the partners (general and limited
o When he allows his surname to appear in
partners) consent to the return other than in the
the firm name
form of cash.
o When he fails to have a false statement in
the certificate corrected, knowing it to be Settlement of Accounts after dissolution
1. Those to creditors, in the order of the priority as
o When he takes part in the control of the
provided by law, except those to limited partners
on account of their contributions, and to general
o When he receives partnership property
as collateral security, payment,
2. Those to limited partners in respect to their share
conveyance, or release in fraud of
of the profits and other compensation by way of
partnership creditors
income on their contributions.
o When there is failure to substantially
3. Those to limited partners in respect to the capital
comply with the legal requirements
of their contributions.
governing the formation of limited
4. Those to general partners other than for capital
and profits
Dissolution of Limited Partnership 5. Those to general partners in respect to profits
6. Those to general partners in respect to capital
When may a limited partner have the partnership (Art. 1863, NCC)
NOTE: Subject to any statement in the certificate or to
1. When his demand for the return of his subsequent agreements, limited partners share in the
contribution is denied although he has right to partnership assets in respect to the claims for capital and
such return in respect to their claims for profits or for compensation
2. When his contribution is not paid although he is by way of income on their contribution respectively, in
entitled to its return because the other liabilities proportion to the respective amounts of such claims.
of the partnership have not been paid or the
partnership property is insufficient for their Effect of retirement, death, civil interdiction, insanity, or
payment. insolvency of a partner

Return of Limited Partner’s Capital  General partner

o The partnership is dissolved. (Art. 1860)
When all liabilities of the partnership, except liabilities to unless the business is continued by the
general partners and to limited partners on account of remaining general partners:
their contributions, have been paid or there remains  Under the right stated in the
property of the partnership sufficient to pay them and the certificate
certification is cancelled or so amended as to set forth the  With the consent of all partners
withdrawal or reduction:
 Limited partner
o The partnership is not dissolved except all
limited partners cease to be such

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