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Research Article

International Journal of Distributed

Sensor Networks
2018, Vol. 14(8)
Intelligent health monitoring system Ó The Author(s) 2018
DOI: 10.1177/1550147718794318
based on smart clothing

Chung-Chih Lin1,2, Chih-Yu Yang1, Zhuhuang Zhou3,4 and Shuicai Wu3

In this study, we proposed an intelligent health monitoring system based on smart clothing. The system consisted of
smart clothing and sensing component, care institution control platform, and mobile device. The smart clothing is a
wearable device for electrocardiography signal collection and heart rate monitoring. The system integrated our pro-
posed fast empirical mode decomposition algorithm for electrocardiography denoising and hidden Markov model–based
algorithm for fall detection. Eight kinds of services were provided by the system, including surveillance of signs of life,
tracking of physiological functions, monitoring of the activity field, anti-lost, fall detection, emergency call for help, device
wearing detection, and device low battery warning. The performance of fast empirical mode decomposition and hidden
Markov model were evaluated by experiment I (fast empirical mode decomposition evaluation) and experiment II (fall
detection), respectively. The accuracy and sensitivity of R-peak detection using fast empirical mode decomposition were
96.46% and 98.75%, respectively. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of fall detection using hidden Markov model
were 97.92%, 90.00%, and 99.50%, respectively. The system was evaluated in an elderly long-term care institution in
Taiwan. The results of the satisfaction survey showed that both the caregivers and the elders are willing to use the pro-
posed intelligent health monitoring system. The proposed system may be used for long-term health monitoring.

Intelligent health monitoring system, smart clothing, empirical mode decomposition, hidden Markov model,

Date received: 9 March 2018; accepted: 11 July 2018

Handling Editor: Kenneth Loh

According to the World Health Organization,1 the 1
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, College
aging population will rise to nearly 25% of the global of Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
population in 2050, and this number can even reach 2
Division of Neurology, Linkou Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial
33% for the developed countries. The issues of elderly Hospital and College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan,
health care are becoming increasingly important, Taiwan
College of Life Science and Bioengineering, Beijing University of
because more and more health problems occur with Technology, Beijing, China
age, including heart disease, physical decline, and phys- 4
Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology,
ical resilience decline. Therefore, developing intelligent Beijing, China
elderly health care techniques is of vital importance.
The fast growing of wearable devices has brought Corresponding author:
Chung-Chih Lin, Department of Computer Science and Information
their application in intelligent care, including smart Engineering, College of Engineering, Chang Gung University, 259, Wen-
bands2,3 and smart clothing.4–6 The wireless transmis- Hwa 1st Road, Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan 33302, Taiwan.
sion modes include radio frequency identification Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 1. Architecture of the proposed intelligent health monitoring system.

device (RFID),7,8 Bluetooth,9 and Bluetooth low energy detection, and device low battery warning. The system
(BLE).10,11 Great progress has been made in the field of integrated our proposed Fast-EMD (empirical mode
intelligent care.12–21 Yao et al.17 developed a low-cost decomposition) algorithm for ECG denoising and
interrogation system that was able to dynamically inter- HMM (hidden Markov model)-based algorithm for fall
rogate the antenna sensor and wirelessly transmit the detection. Experiments were designed to evaluate the
acquired data to a smart device. Sundaravadivel et al.18 two proposed algorithms. Also, the proposed system
introduced a piezo-electric-based accelerometer sensor was applied and evaluated in a real scenario of elderly
design which helped in tracking the physical activities health care.
of family and friends. With the three-dimensional (3D) This article is organized as follows. In section
printing technique, Zhang and Amft19 proposed a per- ‘‘Materials and methods,’’ methods are described.
sonal fitted regular-look smart eyeglasses frames Experiments and results are presented in section
equipped with bilateral electromyography recording to ‘‘Experiments and results.’’ In section ‘‘Discussion and
monitor the activity of temporalis muscles, so as to conclusion,’’ discussion and conclusions are given.
monitor chewing and eating. Daher et al.20 developed
smart tiles–based elder tracking and fall detection sys- Materials and methods
tem, which used pressure sensors and accelerometers
hidden under the smart tiles. Yao et al.21 presented a System design
compact antenna sensor interrogator for pressure sen- The architecture of the proposed intelligent health mon-
sing; they developed a frequency-modulated continuous itoring system is illustrated in Figure 1. The system was
wave generator to detect the resonant frequency of mainly composed of three parts: (1) smart clothing and
antenna sensors, which encoded the pressure informa- sensing component, responsible for receiving data; (2)
tion. However, an intelligent health monitoring system care institution control platform, responsible for health
based on smart clothing, which provides integrated ser- data analysis and abnormality alert; and (3) mobile
vices such as cardiac function tracking and fall detec- device, responsible for displaying of data and warning
tion, is still lacking. of abnormal events, and for providing mobile services.
In this study, we designed and developed a smart The smart clothing collected ECG signals through four
clothing–based intelligent health monitoring system, electrode patches and then transferred the analog ECG
which was composed of smart clothing and sensing com- signals to the sensing component through conductive
ponent, care institution control platform, and mobile fiber. The sensing component converted the analog
device. The smart clothing was used for electrocardiogra- ECG signals into digital signals. The G-Sensor of the
phy (ECG) signal collection and heart rate monitoring. sensing component was used for collecting the gravita-
BLE was used for wireless data transmission. tional acceleration (GC) data. The microprocessor unit
The intelligent health monitoring system provided (MPU) of the sensing component analyzed digital ECG
eight kinds of services for the elders, including surveil- signals and postures (GC) in real time using specific
lance of signs of life, tracking of physiological func- algorithms. The ECG and posture data were then trans-
tions, monitoring of the activity field, anti-lost, fall mitted through BLE, which were received by the BLE-
detection, emergency call for help, device wearing to-WiFi receiver in the environment. The BLE-to-WiFi
Lin et al. 3

Figure 2. Smart clothing and sensing component.

receiver transmitted the received data to the back-end 3. Monitoring of the activity field. The position of
management platform for analysis, where the data were the elderly in the care institution is recorded reg-
finally converted into meaningful health data. The ularly and analyzed to track whether the posi-
health data were presented in Web mode to the mobile tion is varied or whether the elderly stays
device of the nurse station or the caregiver. indoors.
The architecture of smart clothing and sensing com- 4. Anti-lost. It is detected by indoor positioning
ponent is shown in Figure 2. The design details of the whether the elderly gets close to the alert area
smart clothing are illustrated in Figure 3. The smart defined by the care institution. The system is
clothing was made of conductive fiber. The four elec- capable of detecting up to 10 m.
trode patches on the smart clothing were used for col- 5. Fall detection. Falls are detected at any time. On
lecting analog ECG signals, which were sent to the detecting a suspected fall incident, an emergency
sensing component. The analog-to-digital converter call for help packet will be sent immediately.
(ADC) of the sensing component converted the analog 6. Emergency call for help. The sensing component
ECG signals into digital signals with a sampling fre- has an emergency call for help button, which
quency of 250 Hz. The digital ECG signals were ana- can be used for real-time call for help when the
lyzed by the MPU of the sensing component to obtain body is found to be abnormal.
the health data, which were sent as broadcast packets 7. Device wearing detection. If there is no sensing
in a frequency of 1 Hz through BLE. component within the system architecture, the
The proposed intelligent health monitoring system required service cannot be reached, so it is
provided the following eight kinds of services (Table 1): important to detect whether the elderly wears
the sensing component.
1. Surveillance of signs of life. The heart rate of the 8. Device low battery warning. For the same reason
elderly is detected at any time, and alert is trig- as (7), it is necessary to detect whether the sen-
gered when the heart rate is above 140 Hz or sing component is in low battery.
lower than 50 Hz.
2. Tracking of physiological functions. Using the
collected data of step number, monthly and
daily step number variation is analyzed. For a
ECG signal denoising and heart rate calculation
specific physical state, it is determined whether ECG signals are strongly affected by movement arti-
the amount of exercise corresponding to the facts, which must therefore be effectively removed.22–24
physical state is achieved. To this purpose, we used empirical mode decomposition
4 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 3. Design details of the smart clothing.

Table 1. Services provided by the proposed intelligent health monitoring system.

Service Content Warning threshold

Surveillance of signs of life Monitoring of the heart rate of bedridden \50 Hz or .140 Hz
Tracking of physiological functions Daily/monthly activity, total activity time, 1. Does the activity time during the day
times of getting out of bed reach the set standard?
2. Is the fall-sleep time and sleep time
Monitoring of the activity field Recording of activity locations and ranges Reminder for no activity in more than 1 h
Anti-lost To remind all the staff when specific elders Set according to different fields
enter into the alert area
Fall detection Reminder of getting out of bed at night, 1. More than 15 min in the toilet
warning of staying too long in the toilet 2. Warning of getting out of bed at night
during the day or the night, warning of 3. Immediate warning of falling down
falling down
Emergency call for help To immediately learn about the location of Notified by the elders themselves
the emergency
Device wearing detection Abnormal wearing of the device Whether the smart clothing and the
sensor are properly connected
Device low battery warning Monitoring of device battery Battery lower than 20%

(EMD)25 to filter noise. Previous studies have demon- X


strated that EMD can reduce motion artifact and base- x(t) = IMFj (t) + rN (t) ð1Þ
line wander of ECG signals.22–24 With EMD, the ECG
signal, x(t), was decomposed into N intrinsic mode func- The pseudo-code of the EMD algorithm is as
tions (IMFs) and residual, r(t) follows:
Lin et al. 5

Figure 5. Illustration of QRS complexes and RR interval of

ECG signals.

In this study, we improved the EMD algorithm to

speed up the algorithm for wearable devices. First, cal-
culation of SD in (3.6) was removed and the stopping
criterion SD(i)\e in (3.7) was replaced with i\iter,
where iter was the iteration threshold set according to
different states of motion. In this work, iter was experi-
mentally set at 14. Second, the stopping criterion in (6)
was replaced with the number of extrema in rj (t)  2
and j  order, where order was a preset iteration thresh-
old for j. In this work, order was experimentally set at
12. The improved EMD algorithm is called ‘‘Fast-
EMD.’’ The flow chart of Fast-EMD is shown in
Figure 4.
With Fast-EMD, the denoised ECG signal, y(t), was
obtained by summing up the 1st, 2nd, ..., Kth IMFs,
K  N

Figure 4. Flow chart of the proposed Fast-EMD algorithm. X

y(t) = IMFj (t) ð2Þ
1. j 1 (jth IMF)
2. rj21(t) x(t) // residual Using the denoised ECG signal y(t), a novel QRS
3. Extract the jth IMF complex waveform (Figure 5) morphology analysis
3.1. hj, i1 (t) rj1 (t), i 1; // i: number of algorithm called MWqrs proposed in our previous
iterations; work6 was employed to differentiate between QRS
3.2. Extract local maxima and minima of hj, i1 (t); complexes and artifacts. Three feature points were cal-
3.3. Compute upper envelope Uj, i1 (t) and lower culated after the algorithm detected a possible QRS
envelope Lj, i1 (t) by interpolating local max- complex. Heart rate was calculated by
ima and minima of hj, i1 (t), respectively;
3.4. Compute the average of Uj, i1 (t) and Lj, i1 (t): HR = ð3Þ
mj, i1 (t) (Uj, i1 (t) + Lj, i1 (t))=2;
3.5. Update: hj, i (t) hj, i1 (t)  mj, i1 (t), i i + 1; where the RR interval, tint, was the time between two
3.6. Calculate stopping criterion: adjacent R-peaks of the denoised ECG signal y(t), as
jhj, i1 (t)hj, i (t)j
shown in Figure 5.
SD(i) = 2 ;
t=0 ðhj, i1 (t)Þ
3.7. Decision: repeat (3.2) to (3.6) until SD(i)\e
and then put IMFj (t) hj, i (t); // jth IMF Fall detection
4. Update residual: rj (t) rj1 (t)  IMFj (t); In this study, a fall detection method based on accelera-
5. Repeat (3) with j j + 1; tion data and HMM proposed by our group was
6. Stop when the number of extrema in rj (t)  2. employed.26 For completeness, the method is described
6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 6. Four states of a fall.

in brief as follows. Accelerations along x, y, and z axes

are denoted as ax, ay, and az, respectively. The resultant
acceleration norm is A = a2x + a2y + a2z . The fall state
will be reflected in the change of body acceleration. We
can classify four distinct patterns of the resultant accel-
eration A as shown in Figure 6:

1. Balanced state. The amplitude of the resultant

acceleration curve is approximately 1 gravita-
tional (g) acceleration.
2. Imbalanced state. The acceleration is approxi- Figure 7. Flow chart of the proposed hidden Markov model
mately 0g when the body loses balance in a short (HMM)-based fall detection method.
period of time.
3. Falling state. There are multiple peaks once the
body collides with ground. The peak of the transformation from {oi} to {Oi} is as follows
resultant acceleration can exceed 4g.
4. Normal state. A person cannot stand up imme- > 1 if 0  oi  0:4 g
diately after a fall occurs and the acceleration is >
< if 0:4\oi  0:7 g
almost 1g again. Oi = 3 if 0:7\oi  1 g , i = 1, 2, :::, 10 ð4Þ
> 4 if 1\oi \2 g
The different states of resultant acceleration are col- 5 if 2 g\oi
lected to build an HMM. We used the Baum–Welch (B-
W) algorithm27,28 to train the HMM, which involved 3. The classical B-W algorithm is used for training
the following three steps: the HMM. The major idea of the B-W algo-
rithm is to update the probability weight of the
state by recursive iteration, so that the model
1. Intercept the acceleration sampling data of parameters can better explain the training
about 0.5 s with a time window to obtain a data sequence. We set the threshold of probability P
set {ai}, i = 1, 2, ..., 100. The data set {ai} is at 51.4%. The probability threshold acts as the
divided into 10 data units, and the average value criterion to detect the probability of a fall. The
of the sampled data in each data unit was calcu- flow chart of detecting falls is shown in Figure 7.
lated to obtain the time sequence {oi}, i = 1, 2,
..., 10.
2. In order to distinguish the different grades of
the motion state, the variation range of the
acceleration sampling data is divided into sev-
Experiments and results
eral sections, and the feature values of each sec- Two groups of experiments were performed, experi-
tion are defined to obtain the observing feature ment I: Fast-EMD evaluation and experiment II: fall
sequence {Oi}, i = 1, 2, ..., 10. The detection. Ten young college students (male) were
Lin et al. 7

recruited (aged between 22 and 24, height ranging from Table 2. Accuracy of R-peak detection with the proposed fast
165 to 178 cm, and weight between 51 and 76 kg) to empirical mode decomposition (Fast-EMD) method.
participate in the two groups of experiments. Finally,
K 0 km/h 1 km/h 2 km/h 3 km/h
the proposed intelligent health monitoring system was
applied and evaluated in a real scenario. 1 22.38% 28.96% 23.81% 28.13%
2 94.87% 95.67% 92.49% 89.71%
3 97.42% 97.27% 96.22% 93.59%
Experiment I: Fast-EMD evaluation 4 97.70% 97.26% 96.53% 93.39%
5 97.76% 97.81% 96.33% 93.08%
The ECG data of the participants were collected as
6 97.71% 97.86% 96.67% 93.33%
they exercised for 5 min. They exercised at different 7 97.81% 97.61% 96.40% 92.98%
speeds such as 0, 1, 2, and 3 km/h. Each condition was 8 97.85% 97.68% 96.49% 92.54%
repeated twice. We compared the difference using the 9 97.76% 97.78% 96.44% 92.61%
data with and without Fast-EMD. The accuracy and 10 97.73% 97.68% 96.77% 92.82%
11 97.95% 97.80% 96.77% 92.52%
sensitivity of R-peak detection with Fast-EMD are 12 97.66% 97.53% 96.34% 92.24%
shown in Tables 2 and 3. From Tables 2 and 3, it can 13 97.78% 97.33% 96.21% 92.48%
be found that for speed  2 km/h, using K = 11 pro- 14 97.71% 95.84% 95.41% 91.12%
duced the best performance for R-peak detection; and
for speed = 3 km/h, using K = 10 did. If we cannot
predict the speed, using K = 11 will generally produce
the best performance, with the overall accuracy and Table 3. Sensitivity of R-peak detection with the proposed fast
sensitivity of R-peak detection being 96.46% and empirical mode decomposition (Fast-EMD) method.
98.75%, respectively.
K 0 km/h 1 km/h 2 km/h 3 km/h

Experiment II: fall detection 1 77.85% 82.84% 78.94% 81.32%

2 99.41% 99.63% 98.68% 98.19%
We collected 150 datasets pertaining to normal activi- 3 99.21% 99.45% 98.71% 97.90%
ties including walking, jogging, sitting, standing, and 4 99.41% 99.45% 98.76% 97.54%
5 99.42% 99.67% 98.56% 97.26%
climbing downstairs, and 150 sets of falling data includ- 6 99.39% 99.67% 98.83% 97.34%
ing falling forward, falling backward, falling to the side, 7 99.44% 99.56% 98.66% 97.09%
falling when walking, and falling when jogging. Cross 8 99.47% 99.58% 98.76% 96.65%
validation was used. The HMM was built using 30 sets 9 99.41% 99.62% 98.71% 96.87%
of fall data selected randomly. We built four HMMs 10 99.39% 99.58% 98.87% 97.00%
11 99.55% 99.56% 98.91% 96.87%
using 120 sets. The remaining 30 falling data and 150 12 99.34% 99.47% 98.64% 96.63%
normal activities’ data were then used as testing data. 13 99.44% 99.47% 98.68% 96.69%
The performance of the HMM-based fall detection 14 99.39% 98.70% 98.22% 95.98%
method is shown in Table 4. The average accuracy, sen-
sitivity, and specificity of fall detection using the HMM
were 97.92%, 90.00%, and 99.50%, respectively.
Table 4. Performance of the proposed hidden Markov model
(HMM)-based fall detection method.
Application in real scenario
# Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
The proposed intelligent health monitoring system has
been applied in an elderly long-term care institution, 1 97.78% 93.33% 98.67%
that is, Yi-De Elderly Long-term Care Center, Min- 2 98.89% 93.33% 100.00%
Sheng Healthcare, Taoyuan, Taiwan. The elderly care 3 98.33% 90.00% 100.00%
4 96.67% 83.33% 99.33%
institution has a room area of 9917 m2. The capacity is Average 97.92% 90.00% 99.50%
200 people. A floor of the institution was used for
experiment scenario, which was shaped like P. There
were 50 subjects from 10 rooms, with 5 subjects from information of the subjects, and altering when an emer-
each room. Each subject wore a set of smart clothing gency event occurred; the caregiver could check at any
with sensing components. time on the Web through the mobile device. In the
The nurse station at the floor was equipped with a environment, we used power over Ethernet (POE)-pow-
central control center. The main functions of the con- ered BLE-to-WiFi receivers. Each room was equipped
trol center included (1) adding, modifying, and deleting with one BLE-to-WiFi receiver. There were also a
personal basic data, and setting the BLE-to-WiFi recei- number of BLE-to-WiFi receivers equipped at walk-
ver; and (2) monitoring the position and gait ways, halls, elevators, and escape exits.
8 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Through the sensing component, the information of implemented the HMM-based fall detection algorithm
subjects’ positions and gaits and component abnormity in the wearable device and (2) the algorithm was evalu-
can be obtained. When a subject has an emergency, ated in an online manner through the proposed intelli-
such as falling, entering into the alert area (elevator, gent health monitoring system. The performance of
escape exit, etc.) and pressing the emergency button on the Fast-EMD and HMM algorithms have been evalu-
the sensing component, the caregiver can receive the ated by experiment I and experiment II, respectively.
alert notification and conduct real-time treatment The evaluation results demonstrate the satisfying
through the central control center at the nurse station performance of the proposed Fast-EMD and HMM
or through the mobile device. algorithms.
The proposed intelligent health monitoring system In recent work,29 a remote health monitoring system
collected and recorded the subjects’ data of daily events, for the elderly based on smart home gateway was intro-
including the times of staying in situ for over 2 h, times duced, which consisted of three parts: smart clothing,
of approaching the alert area, times of falls, times of smart home gateway, and health care server. Compared
getting out of bed at night, times of staying in the toilet with the work by Guan et al.,29 we have achieved the
for over 15 min, times of emergency call for help, and following improvements in this work. The smart
sleep time and activities. The system conducted data clothing–based intelligent health monitoring system in
analysis based on these indices to assist the caregiver in this work integrated our proposed Fast-EMD algo-
easily understanding the status of each subject, so as to rithm for ECG signal denoising and the HMM-based
improve the quality of care. fall detection algorithm, supporting some of the eight
Satisfaction survey of the proposed intelligent health kinds of services provided by the system. Moreover, the
monitoring system was conducted to the caregivers and proposed system was applied and evaluated in a real
the subjects. The survey results showed that 95% of the elderly care institution, with satisfying performance.
caregivers would like to use the system, 97% of the care- In conclusion, we have designed and developed an
givers thought that the system was easy to operate, 92% intelligent health monitoring system based on smart
of the subjects would like to use the system, and 98% of clothing in this work. A Fast-EMD-based ECG denois-
the subjects thought that the smart clothing was com- ing method and an HMM-based fall detection method
fortable and was willing to wear the smart clothing for a have been proposed and integrated into the system.
long time. In the future, the proposed intelligent health The system can provide eight kinds of services to the
monitoring system will be applied and improved for elderly. The proposed intelligent health monitoring sys-
healthy communities and home-based elderly care to tem has been applied and evaluated in a real scenario,
achieve the purpose of elderly care in situ. that is, an elderly long-term care institution. The results
of the satisfaction survey show that both the caregivers
and the elders are willing to use the system. The future
Discussion and conclusion direction of the proposed intelligent health monitoring
We have proposed a smart clothing–based intelligent system is elderly care in situ for healthy communities
health monitoring system. The system is mainly com- and home-based elderly care.
posed of smart clothing and sensing component, care
institution control platform, and mobile device. The Acknowledgements
system can provide eight kinds of services for the elders,
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
including surveillance of signs of life, tracking of phy-
their insightful comments and suggestions.
siological functions, monitoring of the activity field,
anti-lost, fall detection, emergency call for help, device
wearing detection, and device low battery warning. To Declaration of conflicting interests
our knowledge, such a system has not been reported in The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
the literature. respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The system has integrated our proposed Fast-EMD article.
algorithm for ECG denoising and the HMM algorithm
for fall detection. The Fast-EMD algorithm was Funding
improved based on the EMD algorithm for wearable
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
devices to suppress motion artifacts. The HMM-based
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
fall detection algorithm was originally proposed in our article: This work was supported by Ministry of Science and
previous study.26 However, the algorithm was imple- Technology (National Science Council) of Taiwan (Grant
mented and evaluated in an off-line way in the study by Nos. MOST 104-2218-E-182-005-MY3 and MOST 105-2627-
Cao et al.26 Compared with the study by Cao et al.,26 E-182-001) and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Grant No.
the improvements in this work were as follows: (1) we CMRPD3E0063). S.W. was supported by National Natural
Lin et al. 9

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