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The Street Braughing Page: 3

Made by: RK
Date: 10/02/23
Ref No: C702

Location: Wind loads


Wind load assessment based on BS6399-2:1997 (June 2002)

BS6399-2:1997 (June 02) offers two methods of assessing the wind load
onto a structure. The method adopted in this program is the "standard
method" to section 2.0 of this Code of Practice. To assess if BS6399-2
(Amendment June 02) is applicable, it is necessary to determine the
"Dynamic augmentation factor" which determines if the chosen structure
is "dynamic".

Dynamic augmentation factor

Chosen site is the Town; built up areas not less than 0.1 km upwind
of the site with an average level of roof tops at least Ho=5 m
above ground level. The site is assumed to be ò 2 km inside town

Free-standing parapet details

Effective height of free-standing parapet He=.8 m
3.2 m
1.6 m
0.24 m

³ ³ ³ ³ ³
He³ ³ A ³ B ³ C ³ D
³ ³ ³ ³ ³


Height of parapet H=He=0.8 m

Standard wind loads

Basic wind speed Vb=21 m/s
Structure is not located at the crest of a hill or escarpment and the
topography is not significant.
Site altitude above mean sea level deltaS=15 m
Altitude factor Sa=1+0.001*deltaS=1+0.001*15
Direction factor Sd=1
The structure is permanent or exposed to the wind for a continuous
period of more than 6 months.
Seasonal factor Ss=1.0
The basic wind speed has an annual risk of being exceeded of Q=0.02
Probability factor Sp=1
Town terrain with the closest distance to the sea being 50 km.
From Table 4 terrain & building factor Sb=1.114

SCALE 6.31 Office 1022 Proforma 702
The Street Braughing Page: 4
Made by: RK
Date: 10/02/23
Ref No: C702

Site wind speed @ height He Vs=Vb*Sa*Sd*Ss*Sp=21*1.015*1*1*1

=21.31 m/s
Effective wind speed Ve=Vs*Sb=21.31*1.114=23.74 m/s
Dynamic pressure at height He qs=0.613*Ve^2/1000=0.613*23.74^2/1000
=0.3456 kN/mý

Effective height He 0.8 m

DESIGN Altitude factor Sa 1.015
SUMMARY Direction factor Sd 1
Seasonal factor Ss 1
Probability factor Sp 1
Dynamic wind pressure qs 0.3456 kN/mý

Size effect factors

Clause in BS6399 offers the user to input diagonal dimensions
to derive a size effect factor. This program will use the simple
method where the size effect factor is set to 1.0.

Size effect factor Ca=1.0

Length of wall Lwall=10 m
Ratio lwHe=Lwall/He=10/0.8=12.5
Reduction factor for Cp krf=TABLE 21.1 for lwHe=12.5
Solidity value Zeta=0.8

Net pressure coefficients

Net pressure coefficient zone A CpA=1.2
Net pressure coefficient zone B CpB=1.2
Net pressure coefficient zone C CpC=1.2
Net pressure coefficient zone D CpD=1.2

Net pressure on parapet

Net pressure on parapet zone A Cpwin=qs*CpA*Ca=0.3456*1.2*1
=0.4147 kN/mý
Net pressure on parapet zone B Cpwin=qs*CpB*Ca=0.3456*1.2*1
=0.4147 kN/mý
Net pressure on parapet zone C Cpwin=qs*CpC*Ca=0.3456*1.2*1
=0.4147 kN/mý
Net pressure on parapet zone D Cpwin=qs*CpD*Ca=0.3456*1.2*1
=0.4147 kN/mý

SCALE 6.31 Office 1022 Proforma 702

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