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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Local government is a fundamental means of developing grassroots level and it

is the weapon used to bring government nearer to the grassroots level.

Local government was established to facilitate the socio-economic development

not only at the grassroots level but also the country at large. It is opined that all the
local government are clearly stated in the schedule of 1999 Nigeria constitution. The
effectiveness of the function of the local government is through is impact in the

However local government practically from their saddled responsibility and this
is really resulting to deficiency in grassroots development in Nigeria. The cursory
look will be made at assessing the local government autonomy and grassroots
development in Nigeria choosing. Ido local government as a case study. Yekini M

Local government system exist in every country with narration in its structure
and function. Some countires operate single tier system where one local government
shore responsiblitity for providing range of service to the citizen in defined areas.

In this we shall examine the origin, meaning and characteristics of local

government in Nigeria using Ido local government . Adebayo T. (2003)

Autonomy itself is the financial independent of freedom given to local

government to exercise its assigned duties mainly to bring government nearer to the
local level.

The quest for a wide spread development in the country and economic
emaciation and basis for the federal government to create this tier of government
which is seen as the closet government to the people.

According to Okoli (2005) define local government as a unit of government as

administer the function of government and see to the welfare and interest of the local
dwellers under the local government system.

According to Kayode (2005) define local government as established to facilitate

the socio economic development not only at the grassroots level but also the country
at large. It is opined that all the local government are clearly stated in the schedule of
199 constitution of Nigeria.

According to Augustine (2010) local government refers to a government in

which popular participation both in the choices of decision makers and in the decision
making process is conducted by local bodies while recognizing the supremacy of the
central government it is able to accept responsibility for its decision.

The government in Nigeria is indispensable tier of local government in the

Nigeria federal system . it is deeply rooted n the law of the land and derives its power
from the constitution. Section 7 (1) of the constitution of the federal republic of
Nigeria state that the system of local government a democratically elected local
government council is under the constitution guaranteed.

From the above, it is clear that the local governemt is backed by law and
administratively should have people who are change with responsibility of moving the
government towards attaining sustainable growth for national government.

Local government can be defined as a political as a political authority vested

with autonomy to exercise as a third tier of government.

1.2Statement of the problem

Local government was established to bring government nears to the people at the
grassroots level. However, there are some problem that makes its operation ineffective
among which are:

 The effect of local government autonomy on grassroots development.

 Some various challenges confronting local government autonomy on them
shortage of personnel
 The defect of unparticipation of community on grassroots developement
 What are the various challenges confronting local goverrnment autonomy on
grassroot development based on joint account.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of this study

1. To assess the autonomy of local government and the development at

grassroots level.
2. To identify the impact of autonomy on the development of grassroots level
3. To determine impact of local government on grassroots development
4. To examine the effective performance of local government at grassroots
1.4 Research question
1. Is there any significant relationship between local government autonomy and
grassroots development?
2. Has local government autonomy play a significant role in the development of
grassroots in Nigeria
3. Does local has positive effect on socio economic development of grassroots?

4. Does provision of infrastructure facilities by the local government and rural

1.5 Research Hypothesis

HI: Policy formulation and service delivery has significant impact on local
government development

HO: Policy formulation and service delivery has no significant impact on local
government development

HI: The efficient administrative system depends on policy formulation and

implementation for attainment of the local government’s objective.

HO: The efficient administrative system does not depend on policy formulation and
implementation for attainment of the local government’s objective.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The important of the policy formulation and its implementation cannot be

overemphasized. It can be viewed in different context where it proves to be helpful.

This study will enable administrative students to know the process of policy
formulation and implementation and the important roles it play in achieving the
objectives of the local government.

This study will help in training of the future administrators by showing how
things should be done.

It will enable public policy formulator to provide guideline for the achievement
of the objective of the government establishment. It will help administrators to

economize their time since policies direct future actions, administrator does not
engage in daily guiding of sub-ordinates. It also enables the general readers to be
acquainted with the process of formulating policies.

1.7 Scope of The Study

The study is focused on assessment of local government in Ido locsl

government. The studies also examine the impact of local government autonomy and
the grassroots development. The study covers the period of 2010-2014 in which Ido
local government is the target of the study.

1.8 Limitations Of The Study

Due to lack of space and time, finance and material resources required to do a
more viable job, the research is limited to the effects of policy formulation and service
delivery on the development of local government (A Case study Ido Local
Government area of Oyo state). It embodies the role of local government executive
council, their contributions, achievements and failure to the entire Ido local
government area. It would be remembered otherwise to extend the research to cover a
variety of other local government areas to arrive at a finite conclusion. However, the
conclusion reached by the researcher will establish the true extent of policy
formulation and implementation on the development of Ido local government area of
Oyo state. It is also hoped that the study would help both students and researchers
whose study capitalizes on the effect of policy formulation and implementation on the
development of any local government area nationwide.

1.9Operational Definition Of Terms

Local government; this is the government at local level established by act of

parliament to perform specific functions within defined territory. It is also the
government that was established to facilitate the socio-economic development not
only at the grassroots level but also the country at large.

Constitution: this is the whole body of fundamental human right written or unwritten,
legal extra legal according to which particular country operate its government.

Autonomy: this is the financial independent given to local government to exercised its
assigned duties mainly to bring government nearer to local level

Third tier: this is the third tier or level of government established to operate its own
units as other level of government operates.

Development: Development refers to change from a former or old state of one to

another state of being.

Rural: it refers to the place where people resides or lines which are far awy from large
town and cities.

1.10 Historical Back ground of the Case Study (IDO Local Government;
Oyo State.)

The Ido local government was founded by federal government of Nigeria on 27

September 1991. The headquarter of the local government is located at Ido town after
Ibadan. Th component of the local government covers areas between Apete through
`Eleyele to Ido twwn and on the direction to Omi Adio. Somepart of this local
government are rural area while the wider parts fall within urban area.

Majotr towns in Ido local government is bounded by Apete, Apata, Omi, Adio etc Ido
government government is bounded by Ibarapa central local government . in the west
by Ibadan north local government and Ibadan south east local government in the south
east by Ibadan northwest local government .


As at 2006 population census, the local government area has the population of over
252,00 people.


Education is one of the primary concern of local government there are 10 public
secondary schools and private school secondary schools means of encouraging
education at the local government.

The administration gives scholarships awards to students who excelled in primary

schoos,junior secondary schools (J.S.S) and senior secondary school (s.s.s) classes.
Bursary awards are also offered to students of the local government in tertiary

Socio conomic and cultural characteristics agriculture

This is the major occupation of the people of Ido local government area
providing income and employment for over 75% of Cocoa, Timbeer e.t.c large
number of the people in Ido are farmer who reared farming in fish pond , cattle rearing

Some small scale industries have been established through the agricultural
products such as palm kernel industry soap etc which are located at Omi ,Adio, Apata
close to more plantation.

Health and medical service

There are 16 maternity and 12 dispensaries located in different area of Ido local
government. There are also 14 private hospitals and 8 private health clinics at different
areas in Ido local government


In the southern part of the government area there is secondary forest reserve.
The major river and streams are Eleyele river, Omi ado, Ido stream culture .

Like all other local government in Nigeria, Ido local government is enacted
with cultural heritage like Ogun, Egunun (Masqurades) Oya and other traditional
festivals. The local government also has Ifa priest and Ifa worshippers residing in
different areas.



2.1 Conceptual Review

2.1.1 Concept of Local Government

Local government constitutes the most critical level of government at which the
momentum to sustain national development can be created. to some countries in the
third world, it is the only semblance of authority known beyond the tradition (Bello

Local government can be seen as a political and delegation of authority 9Fajobi,


It is the administration under local committec to maintatain law and order based on
range of social amenities and to encourage cooperation and participation of people at
the grassroots to improve their living condition. Based on this , local government
administration streses on maintenance of law and order.

Derving from 1976 , local government reforms, the federal republic of Nigeria
articulated basic objectives for establishing its local government . These are

 To make appropriate service and developemt activities responsive to delegating

such service to local representative bodies
 To facilitate and bring the exercise of democratic self governance closeto the
local level of our society and to encourage initiative and leaderership potentias.
 To mobilize human and material resources through the imvolvemebt of
men=mber of public in their local government and to provide a two channel of

communication between local communities (both state and federal). (Fajobi
 To achieve social change and general economic growth require a spreading of
effort so that local communities and individuals can participate to bring
underideal condition, energy and enthusias and most important of all local
initiative to the working out of local development activities

The role of local government in promoting purely economic development is to

enhance a more effective use of and labour encourage a search for endogenously
derived technology and inculcates collectives action in solving many of the the
problem confronting agriculture.

Effective local institution represent a key aspect of the developing strategy of

development from above.

The specific power that local government are expected to exercise have always been
intimidating and in furtherance of development especially at the grassroots
level.Global and nationaldevelopment itself has been define by the united nation
organization as being concerne with bringing about a greater investment of
development effort and assurance of community by creating conditions whereby vast
underutilized human resources of local community may be developd and brought into
more effective play .

Community development adopt four mean approaches, thes are:

a. self help approach: in the case communities intiate project on their own to
improve their area.
b. Felt need approach: is one under which government wants until people express
their needs and in cooperation with the people initiate project to improve the
ara. This is know as response approach
c. Indirect approach or integrated approach : in this case , government manipulate
each community to adopt its (government ) innovations.
d. Direct approach: this is an approach in which the government or the elite group
go out and carry out project . from the forgoing , it is clearthat development is
about people in a federation like Nigeria responsility for development and
greneration of revenuein pursuit of are dispated among three tier of
Bckanan (1970) and Musgrave (1989( provide the theoretical basis for thes
which they refers to as
a.the geographical range of spillores effet of benefit from collective action.
This is otherwise called spatial characterritis of public service. The criterion
requires that service which will benefit the people in an unmediated
community be given to the tier of government closer to the resident with
service that dwwill benefit the general citizenery be charged to the central or
national government.
Economic of scale ; the assignment of tax jurisdiction among the tier of
government in a federation can slos be done on the basis of either two criteria,
administratiove efficiency and fiscal independence.
According to Mbenefo (1993) administrative efficiency criterion demand that a
tax be assigneed to that level of government should be much as possible raise
adequate resources from the revenue sources assigned to meet its need and
That the Nigeria constitution of 1979 and 1999 have given expression to
theretical repostions is not in doubt. The distribution of responisiblities tax
jurisdiction are wellprovided for in the 1999 consttitution of the federal
republic of Nigeria . it is however certain that all the tier of government in
Nigeria local government (as a tier is closer to the people).this is by
implication means that local government can serve as a vehicle to midwife
grassroots development in Nigeria
The extent to which local government can really serve as a catalyst in the bid
to development by Nigeria within the context of federal republic of Nigeia is
examined in thus chapter , effort should be made to separate between rhetic
and theories on one hand and what actually is obtainable on ground on the
other hand.

2.1.2 1999 Constitution and Overview of Developmental Related Provisions.

Adebayo 920030 post that it is certain that development is both multi-

dimensional and interdisciplinary, it is equally certain that development is also about
man and his society looking at development from these perceptive, it is clear that the
most far reaching general provision s that border on development are contained in
chapter 1 of 199 constitution entitled fundamental objectives and directives of
principle of state policy. This provision in this respect span section 13 to 24 of the
The general natural of these provisions is emphasized in the section 13 which
state that it shall be the duty and responsibility of all organs of government and all
authoriried and person to coform , to observe and apply the provision oofn the
chapter of this constitution. Since thes provisions are too expensive, readers are
provided only a highlight of them.
Section 14, subsection 2b, makes categorical pronouncement on the
relationship between the government and the people that border on development by
stating that it is hereby accordingly declared that (b) the secondary and welfare of the
people shall be the primary purpose of government. Bearing in mind the multi
dimensional nature development other relevant provisions are sub-summed under
political objectives 9section 15) economic objectives (section 16) social objectives

(section 17) educational objectives (section 18 ) foreign policy objectives (section 19)
and environment objectives (section 20) other provisions in term of directives and
duties of citizen corered under chapter II are contained in section 21 to 24.
For the purpose of this chapter, provision of section. 16are very relevant
section 16 (i) provided that the state shall within contest of the ideals and objectives
for which the provision are made on this constitution.
a. Harness the source of the nation and promote national prosperity and an
efficiency dynamic and self relevant economy
b. Control the national economy in such a manner as to secure citizen on the
basis of social justice and equality status and opportunity.
c. Without prejudice to its right to operate or participate in area of the
economy other than the major section of the economy manage and operate
the major section of the economy.
1. Provision section 6 (2) are also peculiarity releveant
2. The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring
a. the promotion of a planned and balanve economic development .
b. that the material resources of two nations are harnessed and
distributed as best as possible to serve the common good
c. that the economic system is not operated in such a manner as to
permit the concentration of production and exchange on the hand of
few individual or group.
d. The suitable and adequate shelter suitable an adequate food
reasonable maximum living wage, old age care and person
unemployment, seeks benefit and welfare of the disable are provide
for all citizen.

Section 17(1) actually provide that exploration of human or natural resource in any
form of whatsoever for reasons other than the good of the community shall be

The general nature of these provisions is very clear as they apply to all authorities
and person exercising legislative, executive or judiuary powers. It equally clear those
thes provisions are germane to the promotion of development. It is therefore establish
that development is a goal meant to be pursued by government at all levels on
Nigeria, while this may be so, it is equally clear that going by the theory of spatial
characteristics of public service, local governments are very important in mid willing
development along these provision of the constitution

It was apoparent compliance with the theory of spstisl chsrstereritics of public service
that Oyediran (1989:41) affirmed that the functions which local government bodies
should perform should be those :

a. Which require detailed local knowledge for efficient performance .

b. In which success depends on community responsiveness and particiapation
c. Which is of a personal nature requiring provision close to where the individual
affected life and in which significant use of discretion or understanding of
individual is needed.


According to Wake (2ooo) is not in vain that the 1999 constitution provide for a
local government system section 7(1) of the constitution provide as follows:

The system of local government by democratically elected local government

council is under this constitution, guaranteed and accordingly the government of
every state shall subject to section 8 of this constitution ensure their existence under a

law which provide for the establishment, structure, composition, finance and
functions of such councils.

With this provision local government in Nigeria cannot just a product of

subsidiary legislation but of the fundamental law of hand. It is a completely different
matters whether the provisions are adequate enough to endager the kind of autonomy
required of every tier of government in a federal system arrangement .

An examination of the role of local government in promoting development

should necessary revolve around their functions. What function local government
performs have a long history traceable to certain historical development, prominent
among thes document is.

a. the 1976 guidelines for local government perform which provided for
two separate lists of specific function of exclusive or mandatory
function and permissivw function.
b. The Dasuki report of 1984
c. The political Bureaucracy of 1987

The 1979 constitution is however the first time function of local

government would be entrenched in the constitution . similar provision has
been made in both 1989 and 1999 constitution make provision for the function
of the local government

A highlight of these functions is provided is provided here for ease references.

The main functions of local government council are as follows

a. The consideration and the making of recommendation to a state commission on

economic planning or any similar body on

i. The economic development of a state particularly in so far as the areas of the
council and of the state care affected.

ii. Proposals made by the said commission or body

b. Collection of rate, radio and television licenses.

c. Establishment and maintenance of commentaries burial ground and home for
destitute in firm
d. Licenses of bicycles, truck, cloth than mechanically propelled, Trucks, carries,
wheel barrow and cars.
e. Establishment, maintenance and regulations of slaughter houses, slaughter slab,
market, motor parks and public convience
f. Construction and maintenance of made streets, lighting drainage and other
public highways parks, gardens open space of such public facilities as may be
prescribed from time to home by the house of assembly of a state.
g. Provision and maintenance of the public conveniences sewage and refuse
h. Naming of roads and street and numbering of house
i. Registration of all birth, death and marriage certificate.
j. Assessment of privately acquired houses pertinent for the purpose of levying
such rates as may be prescribed by the house of assembly of a state.
k. Control and regulation of
i. Outdoor advertising hoarding
ii. All morement and keeping of rock of a;ll distription
iii. Shops and kiosk
iv. Restaurant and other places for sale or liquid.

2. the function of locsl government council shall include participation of such council
in the governemt of a a state as respect the following matters
a. the provision and maintenance of primary adult education or vocational education
b. the development of agriculture and natural resources other than explortation of
mineral resources.
c. the provision and maintenance of health services
d. such other function as may be conferred on the local government council by the
house of assembly of a state.
It is clear that with these functions it will provide for and the constitution
provision that a state house assembly can give additional function. Local government
undoubtly are tools for development it is however necessary to evaluate the extent to
which local government council have been agents of development in reality, this
assembly is the primary business of the next section.


For effective discharge of these responsibilities and license promotion of

development, adequate finance become imperative for the performance of local
government council the 1999 constitution has made elaborate provision. Some of
these provisions of the constitution .

a. the natural assembly shall make provision for statutory allocation of public revenue
to local government council in the federation.

b. the house of assembly of a state shall make provision for statutory allocation of
public revenue to local government councils within the state generally it is recognized
that local government councils in Nigeria can normally look forward generation to
revenue from servce such as

i. internal effort some of the items listed under function of local government are
indeed revenue yielding

ii. Allocation from government

iii. Allocation from federal government

Section 162 subsections 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are also relevant . these provision make
constitutional provision that make local government council benefitciaries of money
provided for under section 162(#) of the constitution section 162 (5) provided below

The amount standing to the credit of local government council in the federation
account shall be allocated to the state for the benefit of their government council on
such ternm and in such manner as may be prescribed as follow.

Each state shall maintained special account to be called government councils of the
state from the deferral and from the government to the state.

With these extensive provision one would think the adequate arrangements have been
made to properly find local government to make them effective agent of grassroots
development. But study has shown that this is not the case. The internal revenue base
on local government council is known as very weak and unattractive in very few cases
of lucrative source of revenue local government council have known to lack the
essentials capacity for effective collecting with this positions there is no respite also
from statutory allocation from one federation account . the revenue allocation formula
assign the least percentage to local government council yet this is the tier of
government that lias the largest component. Nigeria has a single federal capital36 state
government (excluding the federal capital territory) and with 774 local government
allocation of the lowest percentage to this tier therefore components the already
precious financial situation.

Apart from finance another factor that has militated against the performance of local
government council in being effective tool of grassroots development is a lack of
autonomy. This gradually becoming an age long proble. The state local government
and federal local government relationship have always been that of a waster servant.
The situation has long been seen

Indeed the Nigeria association of local govrmeent (NALGO) lodge this complaint
with the politicaltical bureau when in its memorandum . it complained of inlubiture
directive and disburse their revenue what percentagfe should go to certain service to
stagff salaries capital project e.t.c.

It does not appear that the 199 constitution has provision any respute

Section 62, subsection 5 and 6 appear to the local government council to the apron
strong of the state government. the principle of set of which is provided for in section
166 of the constitution does not help the matter either

The problem of autonomy is understand it multifaceted more responsibilities can be

trusted on local government councils by a state house of assembly without come
which assignment of more revenue even in situation where the constitution is clear
either collection or constitution responsibilities . There have been senior
encroachments by both federal and state government . for instance , there are cases
where the issue of constitution and maintenance of market have been over by some
state government in denounce constitutional provision making these exclusive
presence of local government councils to take over the responsibilities for primary
education, especially in terms of payment salary by the federal government is another


Local gobvernmet council in Nigeria have been in this predicament over sometimes.
Some of the factors identified by Ugwu (20000, observed that, there are some
shortcoming in the reform. Staff of the local government were not preparing for the

Secondly most local governmrnyt lack financial base to sustain the autonomy as many
of the could not generate more than 5% to 10% of their needed money from local
revenue source .

Some factor identified consstitutiomn the problem of inadequate finance capacity are
still subsisting these fators include

i. the relaxation of locl government of their internal revenue generation efforts,

following statutory provison which gare a higher propiortion of the
ii. Circle methos of revenus allocation
iii. Mismanagement of revenue allocation
iv. Poor and inadequate training facilities revenue administrator
v. Poor poor innovation of revenue generating staff in term of pay and fringe
vi. Underdevelo[ped commercial and indiustrial base fraud and embezzlement
for revenue by revenue collector
Form the foregoing , it is the the clear that although there are distributors
prvision in the 1999 constitution that should make local government council
a rentable tool for developemrnt ther are a lot been so even before the advent
of the 1999n constitution.
2.1.6 Concept of Autonomy

Three is a good deal of confusion and interpretation as to what the term
‘autonomy connotes, despites its regular usage, yet the real understanding of the term
leaves much to be desire. The numerous schooars and government functionaries who
used the term assumed that their violence understand the concept s.
Furthermore, government reforms that are intended to preserve or extend local
government autonomy land up short of their objective because the full meaning of the
term of the term autonomy has not been fully explained (odunfa 1991)
In view ot these conflicting cionceptual interpretation , the th term local
government autonomy is perceive as a local self government of grassroot democracy
is primarily aimed at giving the vast majoirity of the people the fullest opportunity to
participate in determing them waste the meagre resource at them disposal , there must
be a definition of boundaries of area of operation of each of them.
In essence when we talk of local government autonmy in Nigeria’s policy we
refer to the relative independence of local government free from control by both the
state and federal government. Therefore, it is the nature and three levels of
government that reveal this degree of local government autonomy (Adejeni 2005)



Although, local government has been historically and traditionally associated

with the provision and delivery of basis social amenenties such as health care delivery
service, education, provision of portable water and other welfare service yet social
service varies at different grassroots and are determined by each rural dominant values
and the policy preferences of the governing elites the fact of social relatively as
regards the nature of social service has been Joseph Viligant in
Agagu(2005) state that each country present a special set of circumstances and the
structure of its delivery system and is inevitably affected by its history , economic

ability. However, in spite of the variation in the form or content of the social service
from one society to another.
Nwabueze (1983) define the autonomy under a federal system to mean that
each government enjoys a separate existence and independence from the control of
other government. it is autonomy which requires not just the legal and physical
existence of an apparatus of government like a legislative assembly, governor, court
According to Nwabueze (1983) autonomy world only be meaningful in
situation whereby each level of government or directive from another.
In his contribution on the literature of autonomy, Darey (1991) opines that local
autonomy is primary concerned with the question of responsibilities, resources and
diction which are at the disposal of local government. It presumes that local
government must possess the power to take decision independent of external control
within the limit land down by the law. It must be efficient resources particularly of
finance to meet their responsibilities put differently; local autonomy is the freedom of
independence in clearing defined issue, aras as well as legal identity from other level
of government (Adeyemi 2005).


Grassroot development or rural development entail efforts directed towards

limiting policies, programmes and project meant for the improvement of the standard
of living of people in rural drivellers through provision of infrastructure social
amenities and service that impact positively on rural people. According to Coombe
(1974) rural development refers to the transformation change of method of production ,
economic institution and political infrastructure development as well as the
transformation iof human relationship and opportunities for the down trodden complete
and effective transformation is a goal but their cannot be achieved except through

integrated approaches. Integrated rural development is the answer to the problems of
rural development is the process of bringing improved level of living to the grasp of
the rural populations. And in Nigeria it is to make rural area attractive as the town for
the younger ones and more productive men and women to stay and make normal
permanent and uplifted living.
Also Mabogunje (1980: 94) state that grassroots development is concerned with
the improvement of the living standard of the low income population s and living in
rural area on self- sustaining basis, through transforming socio spatial structure of their
productive activities. In essence rural development or grassroots development implies a
broad based re- organization and mobilization of the rural masses so as to enhance
them to cope effectively with the daily task of their lives and with change consequent
upon this.


Efficiency service theory was propounded by French scholars named Langood

in 1953.
The efficiency school argued that what is central and important to the local
government is not about bring democracy but local government to be judge by its
service by providing in a standard from to the people. The crux of this theory is that
local government is to provide service to the local people. This theory also buttress its
view to the nearest to the people because of the smallness of the population of the
people. It also premise on by providing service diligently to the people by way the
federal and state will provide such service .
In nutshell, if there is no existence of local government there is tendency that
state and federal government may not deliver in items of service delivery. So therefore
local government existed for the purpose of service delivery to the people efficiently

and this factor is one of the basic principles of establishing local government in
Local government in Nigeria service like local roads, water supply, education,
agricultural service e.t.c in all we have mention local government is efficient agent of
providing service that are local in nature . it was argued by the school of thought that
because of the closeness of local government then it can provide service efficiently
than the central federal or state government



The local government is essentially created as a viable political and

adnidtrative organ for the transformation of all communicnities and for delivery fof
essebtial service to the citizens. Local government play a central role in enabling the
achievement of development aty the grassroot level. Government should therefore
continuously seek none and better ways to build service institution that have the
capacity to champion and advance the course of and villages, construction and
management of primary school. The essentials function department. Local
government must create appropriate and conductive environment for the people at the
local level through efficient and effective service delivery. It is responsible for the
creation of an appropriate and conductive environment in which all sector of the
economy can perform optimally and to search continuously for better ways to deliver
their service (Aluko 200)
By law, local government are mandated to provide the following public goods
and service; establishment and maintenance of roads within the town of the district
including sidewalk, streetlight and street drainage system , construction of water
reservoirs in town and village, construction and management of primary schools.
Other essential function include the construction and management of center for the

care of the mother and the child, physical planning of the settlement of the district and
registration of the immovable property, sold waste collection and disposal, food and
livestock markets, slaughter house and management of self help projects, registration
and maintenance of civil register and issuing business licenses among others.
A key purpose of local government is to promote the well being and quality of
the life of citizens and communities through effective and accountable representation
and efficient performance of functions and delivery of service. Local authorities have
certain advantage over more centralized organization. The constitution assign service
delivery responsibilities t o the three ties of government with the state and local
government playing the most significant role in the delivery of basic service such
education, health , housing , water and waste disposal service. Local government
committeemen to the principles of quality customer service have been illustrated in
recent years through a variety of practical development such as extending opening
hours of operation, improving facilities, providing more accessible service, e-
government initiates and published services standard in many cases through public
customer charter and customer service action plans.
In Nigeria, government service are described as inefficient and never meeting
client demand on time. When the present government came into power, it had vowed
to caring the lives of the citizens of the country from the better. It became necessary to
charge the methods of delivering service to the people. From the government to be
able to bring this ideal to reality, it was then urgent to move away from the
conventional approaches to public service delivery where government was the sole
alternative cost effective and efficient way of delivering service to the public in a
manner prescribed by the constitution…
Nyamkachi (2009) describe three ways in which government failure to deliver
service through local government can be interpreted: inability to achieve the goal that
government has planned and budgeted for, failure to deliever on unplanned and
unbudgeted goals; this become difficult to achieve as government’s plans are linked to
the budget. If not planned for, it means it is not budgeted for and therefore it will not
be realized during that time, this however, reflects on the government’s planning
process evident by the number of poor quality of service, the number of clinic that are
not properly equipped and the quality of needs that are constructed.
Poor service delivery and governance remains an overwhelming challenge is
most local government in Nigeria. Of major concern is the degree of corruption,
institutional capacxity constraint relating to appropriate skill and staff, lack of
transparency, dysfunctional of ward committee, lack of accountability by councilors
and municipal officials, lack of public participation in issue of governance, failure to
comly with municipal legislation and other by-laws, failure to prioritize community
need and budgeting process not aligned, tension between the political and
administrative sections of the municipalitivbe and weak financial viability of local
The present 1999 Nigeria constitution recognize the local government in
Nigeria re either cripple by the force of the state or willfully not performing to
people’s expectation in the country. One then ask these among many questions. What
is the role of local government and whatis the role of the state and how can it improve
the framework within local government operate in linine with the new public private
artnership of the federal government.
Describing the requirement of the access principle for effective public service
delivery, Batho (2006) explains that all citizen should have qual access to the service
to which they are entitled.
2.2.3 Challenges to efficiency service Delivery at the Grassroots Level in Nigeria
It is an irony of fate that the military include reforms in the Nigeria local
government has its attendant contradiction since the military structure is essentially
hieratical, this the operation of local government cannot be isolated from such
contradictions that characterized military hegemony. Adeyemo (1996) opined that the
Nigerian federalism remains a formidable problem is evident in the various
contradiction of military rule and the decree they have spanned. One of the greatest
challenges is that of limited capacity have groom steadily since independence, local
government are still not able to perform their roles and discharge their functions much
as expected. Their autonomy is limited and they remain unable to manage essential
functions without assistance from central government.
One of the most serous problem currently militating against local government is
on the exact statue of local government under 999 constitution of the federal replic of
Nigeria. The problem according to Adeyeye (20010 arise out of the various prvisions
in the constitution which tend to contradict one another,. Similarly some of the
provision are bluntly ambiguous and if stretched could easily result into operational or
functional stolidity. Similarly, the continuous overbearing role Bing exercised by the
state within the realm of various contradict over rules, instructions and supervisory
power passed down to the local council some of which are outside the constitutional
jurisdiction of the local government. Local government authority is Nigeria lack the
requisite financial autonomy desirable and necessary for effective management of
their resources. The much touted local government autonomy envisaged by the theory
and practice of the fiscal federalism in Nigeria is more or less political gimmick. This
is why it is myth rather than reality (Akinde & Olaopa 2002)
The talk of absence of effective service delivery in local government is to
talk of the presence of corruption in the local government system in Nigeria. Local
government have become vineyard of corruption where council political officers sit to
shame the statutory allocation from the federation account. Instead of being used for
public good the allocation from the federation account instead of being used for public
good, the allocations are merited to personal use.

Adedejo (1970) blames the ineffectiveness of local administration on the
following reason; lack of mission or lack comprehensive functional role; lack of
proper structure (i.e. the role of local government in the development process as not
know); low quality of staff and low funding .
According to him, these problems lead the local government into a vicious
circle of poverty because inadequate function and power lead to inadequate funding
which result in the employment of hollow skilled and poorly paid staff.
Another problem is inadequate finance to carry out its statutory responsibilities
local government do not possess viable source of generating fund especially the rural
based ones. They therefore depend heavily on fund allocations from the federation
account for the purpose of carrying out their basic responsibilities. The problem from
viewpoint of Enemo (1999) arises from their incapacity to raise fund internally and
insufficient transfer. From the central government on the country lack the required
finance to make their impact felt in every community community under their
jurisdiction. This has greatly affected the effectiveness and performance og=f local
government in Nigeria.
Employment at local government level in Nigeria is based om favouritism,
nepotism, ethnic and political consideration and other extraneons factors that replaced
and displaced competence, qualification, experience and performance. Entrance into
the local government staff forum is usually through junior staff cadre as the
compensatory tool of the chairman as necessitate by sports system and predenbalism
2.2.4 The way forward: Measure to meet the challenges
Effective service delivery must be tailored to the circumstance of the k=location
. this require credible evidence based measure aand sound economic reasoning . the
best way to make effective policy is to make sure that its guiding principles are
evidence based learned from experience.

Effort to strengthen service should therefore be directed at building the capacity
of local government organization.people have to be made to be taken on vboard and
policies for them to be made with them. The local authorities must ensure thjat their
finances are not mismanagedand standarards of interity and accountability are
maintained. There have to be strengthen through organization of workshops, seminars
and published material which enhance their kbnowldge and understanding of their
expected roles.
Accountability and transparency must be encouraged and promoted in the local
government system so as to attain good governance for effective development at the
grassroots level. There is need for a change of political value by the dominant political
elite, to accord local government the neededautonomy to carry out their
responsibilities. Thee is no doubt that Nigeria has come a long way with the
constitution inclusion of local government as a thied tier level of government not
solely dependent on the whims and caprices of the state . while the motive of the
constitutional recognition of local government which in the man is to answer local
government autonomy may not have been fully realized in Nigeria due to the obvious
failure of the higher level government especially state government to respect the
Local government in Nigeria need adequate autonomy that can facilitate their
operation and development of their localities. This should emanate from
institutionalized democratic process of election for representative should be in line
with what obtains at the state and federal government level where election are timely
conducted. Adequate autonomy should be manifestly finances, revenue generation and
expenditure, personnel administration development matter. The state joint local
government account should be abolished. As a way the federal government tried to
tackle the issue in 1988. There should be capacity building for local governance that

are being developed world wider. This must combine the political and administrative
cadre of the council.
Local government need to have adequate and sustained source of revenue so
that they can be responsive to the need of their communities. Revenue are not
presently collected in an efficient manner, though resistance from tax payer cannot be
rule out financial management practices employed at the local government was, until
recently quit primitive councilors and local government staff should realize that by
laws they are mandated to provide service to the communities in their localities, hence
great service delivery must be planned and budgeted specifically, the systemic
collection and proper disposal of garbage should be given utmost attention as it
grossly affects the health and well being of the society.
The theory of decentralization will be adopted in this study because
development itself needs to be decentralized so as to achieve its purpose.
The theory of decentralization explains the transfer of authority and the responsibility
for subordinate or quasi independent government organization and or the private
sector (Roindinell, 1981, Heywood 19997, Bonal). It is concerned with \how function
and responsibilities are given to different institution form the central government for
efficient and effective performance in terms of service delivery.
Two major forms of decentralization (olowu 995). The former alludes to the transfer
of state responsibilities and resource from the central to the periphery within the same
administrative system. It indicates an internal form of delegating of responsibilities.
On the other hand, devolution entails the transfer of specified responsibilities and
resource to community who are usually represented by their own lay or elected (i.e.
Non-appointed) officials.
For most African government, however decentralization is now views as a
strategy for mobilizing, local resources and initiative for national development. Since
it has been becoming evident that federal or state government alone cannot guarantee
development in the rural area, it then become imperative for power autonomy and
responsibility to be local government for the purpose of enhancing development in the
local areas. This is important because of the remoteness of the federal government to
the rural people. It is believed that decentralization would make local government
more competent in the provision of rural infrastructure. Decentralization can be
therefore viewed as an initiative to enhance rural development. It is encouraged by the
need to improve service delivery to large population and put in place meaningful;
structure to provide good government at the local level. Local government in Nigeria
is widely acknowledged as a viable instrument for rural development and for the
delivery of social service to the rural people. It is believed that this level of
government is strategically placed to fulfill the above function because of its
proximity to the rural people which enhances its ability to easily articulate and
aggregate the demand of the people. The 1976 local government reform in particular
was aimed at decentralizing some significant function of the state government at local
level in order to harness local resource for redefined development.

2.3 Empirical Review

Adeyey (2000) argued that in reality devolution and decentralization are not
mutually exclusive when implementing of this element is usually sought.
In the wake of widespread disenchantment when the centralized state structure
transfer of some paper and resource from the central to local government and
organization has been advocated (Aniforose and Enuemuo 1999).

According to W.A Robinson in the encyclopedia define local government as

involving. The conception of a territorial non sovereign community possessing the
right and the necessary organ to regulate us own affairs, this is in turn presupposes the

existence of the local authority with the existence of local authority with the power to
act independently of external control as well as the participation of local community
in the administration of its affairs.

According to Apkan (2008) define local government as a separate tie of

government that enjoy reasonable measure of autonomy with elected representative as

According to Ogunna (1996) local government are purposefully created by law

or constitution for local community by which they manage their local public affairs
within the law or constitution.


3.1 Research Methodology

Research methodology can be referred to s the analysis of the specification for

the frame work for collection, presentation and analysis of the data required for
proffering a solution to impending problem or persistently unanswered questions. It is
a set of rules, procedures method or techniques which guide the assumption bout the
study. It involves method of data collection, research design and instrument as well
as method of data presentation and analysis.

3.2 Research Design

This study used descriptive survey method because it was considered

appropriate for collecting data from a given population through the use of
questionnaire to get primary data from variable in the study. The question is in two
part A& B.

3.2 Study population

The 200 employee of local government council are the total population and to
avoid complexity an estimated population of 50 would be selected as the population of
the study simple random sampling technique is adopted for the study population.

The nature of the population of study consist of male and female

employee/workers as well as junior and senior workers varies department at Ido local

Frequency No. of staff

Administrative block 26
Accountancy 24
Total 50
Source: field work 2019

3.4 Sample and sampling techniques

Akinola (2007) defines sample of he study as the portion of fraction part of the
population carefully selected for the study. The government principle for choosing the
sample size is to choose a sample which scientifically would be on appropriate
presentation of larger population the sample size as selected random has no equal
chance to being selected.

Stella (1998) opines that random sampling techniques is a portion in which each
specimen of the real people. It is also a process of examine a representation on items
out of the whole population.

The research will adopt random sampling techniques for opinion of 50

respondents who will represent the whole population of the department in Ido local

3.5 Method of Data Collection

This refers to the various means or source which information was gathered for
this research work in the collection of the data. This research work main source is
primary and secondary source of data were utilized.

a. Primary method of data collection: This was mainly collected through

questionnaire which will be formulated and distributed to respondent to seek
their opinion about the research topic
b. Secondary method of data collection: It includes document such as textbook,
journals, magazine, seminar paper, as well as internet faculty.

3.6Source of Data
The main source of data is primary source to get information from the respondent
through the use of questionnaire.

3.7 Research Instrument

The researcher used a questionnaire. The questionnaire divided into two part. The
introductory section which looked at the bio data of the respondents. Part II comprises
of items arranged using Agreed, Disagreed, Strongly Agreed, undecided, Disagreed
and Strongly Disagreed.

1.8 Administration of Research Instrument

The instrument will be personally administrated by the researcher who also will
collect the complete questionnaire. All the fifty copies will be collected and retrieved
and used for statistical analysis. The respondent linker scale as follow : Agreed,
Disagreed, Strongly Agreed, undecided, Disagreed and Strongly Disagreed

3.7 Validation and Reliability of Instrument

The validity of the study was made possible by making use of the current data.
Also the population chosen is the people who are most concerned and the questions
used to elicit information are act ambiguous for easy understanding.

3.8 Method of data collection

Data collected through the instrument administered was analyzed by using

statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).



4.0 Introduction

This chapter is primarily aimed at presenting, analyzing and interpreting the

result of the questionnaires and interviews collected in the course of the research
study; it will likely produce some finding. This will provide data for research
hypothesis testing.

There are other findings from interview and answers to questionnaire, which
cannot be presented in tabular form but will show with the aid of tables. Respondents
are grouped in accordance with their reaction to each of the questions and their
percentage computed against total sample size.

4.1 Analysis of Data

Tables were used to present the result of respondents followed by a brief discussion of
each result.

Table 1: Reliability Statistics

Number of items Cronbach’s Alpha

20 .731
Source: Computer SPSS version 20.0, 2019.


Reliability of questionnaire: it must be up to 70.00 and is .731 i.e 73.1 (is reliable)

In evaluating the survey constructs, reliability test was done. Reliability test is said to
examine the degree to which individual items used in a construct are consistent with
their measures. The widely used cronbach’s coefficient alpha was employed to assess
internal consistency.

Table 2: Sex

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Male 20 40.0 40.0 40.0
Female 30 60.0 60.0 100.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the above table, 40% respondents are male while 60.0% are female. This shows
that majority of the respondents are female.

Table 3: Age

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

20-35years 35 70.0 70.0 55.0
36-45 years 10 20.0 30.0 100
46-55 years 5 10
56 years and above
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, 70% of the total respondents fall within the age range of 20-35 years.
20% of the respondents fall within the age range of 35 years-4years while 10%
representing 5 respondents are within the age range of 46 years – 55years.

Table 4: Marital Status

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Single 25 50 50 50.0
Married 25 50 50 100
Total 50 100 100.0
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the above table, 50% of the total respondents are single while 50% are married.
The result shows that there is no gap between the respondents.

Table 5: Educational Qualification

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

SSCE/WAEC 15 30 30 60
ND/NCE 30 60 60 100
M.SC/MBA 5 10 10
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table above, it shows the qualification of the respondents where 15
repondents representing 30% are with SSCE/WACE certificates, 3- respondents
representing 60% are with ND/NCE certificate while 5 respondents representing 10%
are with MSc/MBA certificates.

Table 7: Are the objectives of the Local government defined?

Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 27.0 54.0 54.0 54.0

Agreed 18.0 36.0 36.0 90.0

Disagree 1 2.0 2.0 92.0
Strongly disagreed 4 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

This shows that 54.0% representing 27 respondents STRONGLY AGREED that the
objectives of the Local government is defined, 36.0% representing 18 respondents

AGREED, 2.0% representing 1 respondents is DISAGREED and 80% representing 4
respondents is STRONDLY DISAGREED.

Table 8: Should the Head of the Local government be responsible in formulation

the policies in local government?

Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative

Strongly agree 24 48.0 48.0 48.0

Agreed 19 38.0 38.0 86.0

Disagree 7 14.0 14.0 100.0
Strongly 7 14.0 14.0 100
Total 50 100.0 100.0

Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

This shows that 48.0% representing 24 respondents STRONGLY AGREE that the
head of the local government should be responsible for policy formulation, 38% of 19
respondents AGREE and 14.0% representing 7 respondents is DISAGREED.

Table 10: Are the objectives of the Local government in line with the policies

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 19 38.0 38.0 38.0

Agreed 16 32.0 32.0 70.0

Disagree 15 30.0 30.0 100.0
Total 50 100 100

Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

This shows that 38.0% representing 19 respondents STRONGLY AGREE that

objective of the Local government are in line with the policies formulated, 32%
representing 16 respondents AGREE and 30.0% representing 15 respondents is

Table 11: Are the polices in the local government is effective and achieving the
objective of the local government?

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 29 58.0 58.0 58.0

Agreed 19 38.0 38.0 96.0

Disagree 2 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

This shows that 58.0% representing 29 respondents STRONGLY AGREE that the
polices in the local government is effective and achieving the objective of the local
government, 38% representing 19 respondents AGREE and 4.0% representing 2
respondents is DISAGREED.

Table 12: Is there any constraints that militate against the success of policies
formulation in your local government?

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 40 80 80 80

Agreed 7 14 14 94

Disagree 3 6 6 100
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 80.0% representing 40 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that there are constraints that militate against the success of policies
formulation in your local government, 14% representing 7 respondents AGREE and
6.0% representing 3 respondents is DISAGREED.

Table 13: Does implementation of policy has any effect on the personnel?

Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 17 34.0 34.0 34.0

Agreed 23 46.0 46.0 80.0

Disagree 3 6.0 6.0 100
Undecided 7 14.0 14.0 94.0
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 34.0% representing 7 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that implementation of policy has any effect on the personnel, 46.0%
representing 23 respondents AGREE, 6.0% representing 3 respondents is
DISAGREED and 14.0% representing 7 respondents is UNDECIDED.

Table 14 Does proper implementation of policies contribute to an efficient

administration system?

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 27 54.0 54.0 54.0

Agreed 18 36.0 36.0 90.0

Disagree 1 2.0 2.0 92.0
Strongly disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100
Total 50 100 100

Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 54.0% representing 27 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that proper implementation of policies contribute to an efficient
administration system, 36.0% representing 18 respondents AGREE, 2.0%
representing 1 respondents is DISAGREED and 8.0% representing 4 respondents is

Table 15: Is corruption among Nigeria political leaders militating against policies
formulation performance in local government?

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 27 54.0 54.0 54.0
Agreed 18 36.0 36.0 90.0
Disagreed 1 2.0 2.0 92.0
Strongly disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 54.0% representing 27 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that corruption is among Nigeria political leaders which is militating against
policies formulation performance in local government, 36.0% representing 18
respondents AGREE, 2.0% representing 1 respondents is DISAGREED and 8.0%
representing 4 respondents is STRONGLY DISAGREED.

Table 16: Can your local government achieve her objective through policy
formulation and implementation?

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 17 34.0 34.0 34.0
Agree 23 46.0 46.0 80.0
Undecided 6 12.0 12.0 92.0
Disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100
Total 50 100 100
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 34.0% representing 27 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that local government can achieve her objective through policy formulation
and implementation, 46.0% representing 23 respondents AGREE, 12.0% representing
6 respondents is UNDECIDED and 8.0% representing 4 respondents is

Table 17: Does weak financial base hinder the success policy formulation?

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 40.0 80 80.0 80.0
Agreed 7.0 14 14.0 94.0
Undecided 3.0 6.0 6.0 100.0
Total 50.0 100.0 100.0
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 80.0% representing 40 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that weak financial base hinder the success policy formulation, 14.0%
representing 7 respondents AGREE, 6.0% representing 3 respondents is

Table 18: Does local government serves as channel for administrative


Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 27 54.0 54.0 54.0
Agreed 18 36.0 36.0 90.0
DISAGREED 1 2.0 2.0 92.0
STRONGLY 4 8.0 8.0 100
Total 50 100.0 100.0
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 54.0% representing 27 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that local government serves as channel for administrative convenience,
36.0% representing 18 respondents AGREE, 2.0% representing 1 respondents is
DISAGREED and 8.0% representing 4 respondents is STRONGLY DISAGREED.

Table 19: Is there a free upward and downward flow of information in your local

Valid Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent

Strongly agree 40 80.0 80.0 80.0
Agreed 7 14.0 14.0 94.0
Undecided 3 6.0 6.0 100

Total 50 100.0 100.0
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

From the table, this shows that 80.0% representing 40 respondents STRONGLY
AGREE that there is a free upward and downward flow of information in local
government, 14.0% representing 7 respondents AGREE, 6.0% representing 3
respondents is UNDECIDED .

4.2 Testing of Hypothesis and Interpretation

Hypothesis is provision or tentative statement to guide an investigation. It is an

intelligent guess of an answer to the problem under study. It is an option statement
which has no evidence supporting it until a full investigation is carried out. It is also
define as a “a set of basis or reasoning, experience or investigation”.

Hypothesis One

Ho: There is no need for local government to created serves as the representative of
both the federal and state government among the local people.

Ho: There is need for local government to created serves as the representative of both
the federal and state government among the local people.

One-Sample Test
Test Value =2.5

T Df Sig.(2- Mean 95% confidence

(tailed) differences of the difference
There is need for
local government to
-1.075 34 .07 -.186 -.54 .17
created serves as the
representative of both
the federal and state
government among
the local people
Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

Independent sample T-test was conducted. The test shows that P< 0.05 i.e 5% level
significant. This shows that the statistical value of respondents have a 2-tailed sig.
level of 0.017. therefore null hypothesis is rejected because P< 0.05.

Hypothesis Two

Ho: There are no local government created to bring meaningful development to the
rural area.

Ho: There are local government created to bring meaningful development to the rural

One-sample Test

Test Value =2.5

T Df Sig.(2- Mean 95% confidence
(tailed) difference of the difference
There are local
government created -2.605 34 .014 -.471 -.84

to bring meaningful -.10

development to the
rural area.

Source: SPSS version 20 (2019)

Independent sample T-test was conducted. The test shows that P< 0.05 i.e 5% level
significant. This shows that the statistical value of respondents have a 2-tailed sig.
level of 0.014. Therefore null hypothesis is rejected because P< 0.05



5.1 Summary of Finding

This finding of the study have show that local government is the vital means of
accelerating socio economic development and only weapon for transforming rural
community. The concept of local government comotes a philosophical commitment to
democratic participation in the governing process at the grassroots level which is
being discussed in the chapter one

Also chapter 2 of this research work discussed the concept of local government was

The concept of autonomy was as well as reviewed, it was established here that the
local government was perceived local self government of grassroots which is aimed at
giving the rest majority of the people fullest opportunity.

This research work also look into local government as agent of development. The
various view opinion, ideals, submission of writer authors and scholars were logically
reviewed to ascertain the local government autonomy on rural development in
Nigeria. However methodology of this research was reviewed alongside the various
ways and methods of gathering data for this research work. Also the study population
given and study sample as well as discussed the summary of the findings,
recommendation; conclusion was not left in the project

5.2 Limitation to the study

Due to lack of space and time, finance and material resources required to do a
more viable job, the research is limited to the effects of policy formulation and service

delivery on the development of local government (A Case study Ido Local
Government area of Oyo state). It embodies the role of local government executive
council, their contributions, achievements and failure to the entire Ido local
government area. It would be remembered otherwise to extend the research to cover a
variety of other local government areas to arrive at a finite conclusion. However, the
conclusion reached by the researcher will establish the true extent of policy
formulation and implementation on the development of Ido local government area of
Oyo state. It is also hoped that the study would help both students and researchers
whose study capitalizes on the effect of policy formulation and implementation on the
development of any local government area nationwide.


Local government is the third tier of government that is saddled with the
responsibility of transforming grassroots level and accelerating the socio economic
development at the grassroots level.

It is believed that, the level of development of the country is determined by the

effective performance of the local government and local government promotes social
political and economic development through its efficient utilization of resources.

However local government performance is being obstructed as a result of inadequate

fund, shortage of personnel, mismanagement and embezzlement of funds. All these
factors are said to have created slow development at grassroots level.

5.4 Recommendations

Arising from summary of the finding of the study and conclusion of the study
the following are recommended.

 Effort should be made to make sure that local enable them perform their
constitutional roles in developing the grassroots level. Local government
should strive to raise and maintain revenue that would enable her deliver
project and service that guarantee quality living to the grassroots. This
has the potency of reducing rural urban drift.
 As a corollary, local government should be more people centered in
approach such that necessary collaboration/ partnership with
communities in its domain can facilitate the process of rural /grassroots
 The recommended a further review of the revenue allocation formula
with improved revenue to local government as the closet tier of
government of the people (rural & urban)
 Local government should play proactive roles in engaging the service of
agriculture extension officers and agent in teaching and dispersing
modern farming methods to the farmers. This has the advantage methods
in farming with improved yield which guarantee food sufficiency and
 The institution and natural groups that can facilitate the attainment of the
objective of rural development such as cooperative movement Local/
Town improvement union, National directorate of employment, Rural
bank development, cooperative and agricultural bank should be
strengthened and linked in a posture manner in order to galvanize rural
development in a sustainable manner.


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Fajobi O.F (2010) X-ray of Local Government Administration in Nigeria published by
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Ugwu S.C. (2000) issue in Local Government and Urban Administration in Nigeria,
Enugu Academy Publishing Company
Yekini M. (1998) The role of Local Government in Nigeria. Michael printing, press
Wale B. (2000) “Economic Development in Local level” Enik publisher, Lagos.
Adebayo T. (2003) “Local government in Nigeria” Benson Publisher Lagos.
Asika N. (2000) Research methodology in Behavioral science in Local Government
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Igbuzor O. (2004) Local government and Constitution research articles sent to centre
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Dear respondent,

I wish to solicit your kind response to this questionnaire which is specially designed
for the purpose of obtaining information on Local government autonomy and
grassroots development in Nigeria using Ido local government as the case study.
Therefore the findings would be strictly for research purposes.

I would be grateful if the questions in this questionnaire are answered correctly as

absolute confidentially is assured.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully



INSTRUCTION: Please tick or insert the appropriate option base on your



1. Sex classification of the respondent : (a) Male ( ) (b) Female ( )

2. Age: (a) 18-30 years ( ) (b) 31-40years ( )
(c) 41-50 years ( ) (d) 51-60 years ( ) (e) 61 years above ( )
3. Marital status: (a) Single ( ) (b) Married ( )
4. Academic Qualification:- (a) O-level SSCE ( )
(b) ND/NCE ( ) (c) HND/BSC ( )


5. Is there any significant relationship between local government autonomy and

grassroots development? (a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( )
6. What type of policy should be formulated in your organization (a) strategic
policy ( ) (b) tactical policy ( )
7. Who is responsible in formulation the policies in local government?
(a)chairman ( ) (b) councilor ( ) (c) members ( )

8. Are the objectives of the organization in line with the policies formulated? (a)
Yes ( ) (b) No ( )
9. Are the polices in your local government is effective and achieving the
objective of the local government?
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
10.Is there any constraints that militate against the success of policies formulation
in your local government?
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
11.Does weak financial base hinder the success policy formulation? (a) Yes
( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
12.Does local government serves as channel for administrative convenience? (a)
Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
13.Can your local government achieve her objective through policy formulation
and implementation?
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
14.Is corruption among Nigeria political leaders militating against policies
formulation performance in local government?
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
15.How is policy evaluated?
(a) evaluating criteria ( ) (b) motivation ( ) (c) feedback
mechanism ( )
16. Does implementation of policy has any effect on the personnel?
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
17.Is there a free upward and downward flow of information in your local
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )

18.Do you think that the creation of local government is intends to bring people of
common heritage or ancestry together as a political unit?
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )
19.Does proper implementation of policies contribute to an efficient administration
(a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ) (c) Not sure ( )


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