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Country Operation:
Nature of Operation:
Current No. of WHs:
FS undertaken by:
FS date:


1. Type of planned assistance to
refugees Protacted (Ongoing Operation)
2. Has there been any change in the
operational context concerning the
number (#) of POCs?
3. What is the trend in the # of POCs?
4. Indicate # of new POCs needing
5. What is the projected # of trucks (20ft)
6. Will the WH feed into more extended
7. Is it possible to use the WH area as a
Distribution Point?
8. What is the assessed impact of the
new WH on the Host community?
9. What is the assessed impact of the
new WH on the environment?
10. Have all the local authority regulatory
requirements for setting up the WH
been met? Indicate if any are
11. Has the WH creation been approved
by the local authorities?
12. Do you have evidence of (10) above?
e.g. MoU with Government
13. Has the location been assessed in
relation to Natural hazards e.g.
14. What is projected operational time
horizon for the WH? less than 12

15. Are there any foreseen restrictions on
the direct delivery of goods to the
16. If Yes, please state the proposed
remedial measures.
17. Are there any foreseen restrictions on
the direct delivery of goods to the
Distribution Point?
18. If Yes, please state the proposed
remedial measures.

19. Is the WH location aligned to the
delivery infrastructure for ease of
movement IN/OUT?
20. Has the WH location been assessed
both during off-peak and peak times in
terms of road congestion or other
21. Is the WH connected to the national
electric grid? If not, provide
information on proposed measures.
22. Can the WH service the Final
Distribution Point (FDP) without the
need for additional storage at the
23. Is the WH connected to the national
Telecommunication infrastructure or
accessible by cell carrier(s) in the
24. Has the location been assessed in
relation to the Point of Entry of PoCs?
25. In relation to the # of PoCs, will the
proposed WH improve on efficiency in
meeting the needs? How?
26. Has a security assessment been
undertaken? State by whom in the
comment section

27. Is there a new requirement for the
storage of fuel or combustive items?
Please state why?
28. If so, are the required measures on
access, health and safety
implementable? Please state how?

29. Will there be high-value items (Assets)
required to support the operation
stored at this WH? State expected
assets to be stored at the WH for
operational support.

30. Is there a requirement to store bulky

and out-sized items e.g. timber,
construction items etc.? If so, please
state which ones.
31. In response to the operational context,
are Food items expected? If so, state
items and tonnage.

32. Is the WH expected to store spares in
support of a field workshop?

33. Will the WH be part of Centralised WH

or is it Independently managed

34. Will the WH be under direct
35. If not, does the Partner or 3PL
provider possess expert knowledge in
WH management?
36. Has the Office explored collaborative
arrangements with other existing UN
agencies in the area of operation?

37. Briefly explain the comparative

advantage informing the decision on
external management of the WH.

38. Has a Cost/Benefit Analysis been
carried out?
39. What costs were considered in the
40. What benefits were considered in the
41. Do the projected WH running costs
justify the benefits accrued?


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To proceed with the setting up of a new WH
it as een eci e

The SMS vision to provide excellence in supply-chain service delivery across UNHCR that supports
efficient and sustainable protection for people forced to flee requires our constant review of
business process compliance. Faced with a recurring audit observation of the current practices of
warehouse (WH) network management, Operations are expected to undertake a thorough Feasibility
Study (FS) to assess the needs and justify any request for the creation of a new warehouse. Chapter 8
- Warehouse Management, Section 4.

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