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Vener Santos
Days will pass,
And things will grow old. Flowers will bloom,
And soon will decay
But when friendship start All of the year it will remain fresh

Friends will grow old

But friendship will never
As long as we both care,
It will remain young forever. Death wit separate it on earth, But it will re-
born in heaven
Friendship (critique)
While this passage has a beautiful message about the strength and
longevity of friendship, there are a few points that can be critiqued.

The first two lines imply that friendship is permanent and unchang-
ing, which can be misleading. While friendships can certainly last a long
time, they may also change or even end over time due to various factors
such as distance, change in interests, or differences in values. The lines
"Death will separate it on earth, but it will be reborn in heaven" suggest a
religious belief that may not resonate with all readers. While some people
may find this messaging comforting and inspiring, others may find it irrel-
evant or even off-putting. The message may lack nuance and complexity.
While the sentiment of the passage is certainly positive, it does not explore
the challenges that may arise in friendships or the ways in which relation-
ships can be maintained and strengthened over time. This may leave some
readers wanting more depth or insight into the complexity of human con-

From a moralist perspective, Venner Santos' argument in "Friend-

ship: The Highest Form of Love" could be seen as a compelling one. The
idea that friendship is the highest form of love suggests that the commit-
ment and devotion we give to each other in our relationships are a source
of meaning and purpose in our lives. This view of friendship as a moral
obligation to cultivate strong relationships could be seen as a guiding prin-
ciple for acting ethically and living a meaningful life.

From a formalist perspective, it could be argued that Santos' essay

effectively uses language and structure to convey his ideas. The use of po-
etic imagery and literary devices such as repetition and parallel structure
reinforces the central theme and adds emotional depth to the text. The es-
say's use of metaphor and analogy also provides a deeper understanding of
the concept of friendship as a higher form of love. These formal elements
combine to create an engaging and thought-provoking piece of writing.
The essay employs a variety of literary devices such as repetition, parallel
structure, and imagery, creating a harmonious and impactful narrative. The
use of poetic language, metaphor, and allegory further enhances the emo-
tional impact of the essay. These formal elements combine to create an en-
gaging and thought-provoking piece of writing.
Overall, Venner Santos' essay "Friendship: The Highest Form of
Love" can be viewed as a compelling exploration of friendship from both
moralist and formalist perspectives. From a moralist perspective, the essay
offers a perspective on the value of friendship as a source of meaning and
purpose in our lives, while from a formalist perspective, the essay effec-
tively uses language and structure to convey its ideas. Whether through
moral or formal considerations, the essay provides readers with a frame-
work for understanding the importance of relationships and the power of

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