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Name: Putu Anggi Yumika Shanti

Student Identity Number: 2212021060 (04)

Class: 2C

Part 1:
1. This text is beneficial for me as the student of foreign language department who’s learn bilingual
as well in giving information about bilinguals tend to show a slight superiority in IQ tests
compared with monolinguals so that this beneficial to develop my bilinguals skill.

2. This text is mainly intended for parents to raising bilingual children based on the sentence, “This
is the received psychological wisdom of the moment and is good news for raising bilingual

3. The possible goal of the author when writing the text is to encourage parents to start teaching
children more than one language in order to improve their cognitive abilities and creativity as

4. My reading might be biased because in my opinion as bilinguals monolinguals often maintain a

wider vocabulary in a target language relative to a comparable bilingual, and that increases the
efficiency of word retrieval in monolinguals. Monolinguals also access words more often than
bilinguals in a target language.
5. There is an information that against my belief about about raising bilinguals children because in
my opinion who’s not a parent yet the bilingual child might start mixing languages and using
words from one language when speaking a different one. This can create a risk of the child not
perfecting any of the two languages. At the end of the day, they will struggle to communicate
and to complete a formal education in either of them.

Part 2:

1. The main argument of the first text is to inform that bilinguals tend to show a slight superiority
in compared with monolinguals and the main argument of the second text is bilinguals have
thinking advantages and more creative over monolinguals .Because both of the text show a
claim and then support the claim with reasons so those are argument.

2. a. The author of the first text supports the main argument by giving the evidence (an IQ test)
that compares bilingual and monolingual student’s ability and shows the result of the bilingual
student is better in the IQ tests than the monolingual student. For me, the argument is not
convincing enough because the author does not attach more details about the research on IQ
test between bilingual and monolingual student, such as what year the test is held, where is it
held, how many bilingual and monolingual student took the test and how child who can operate
in either language in the curriculum in the school is likely to be ahead on IQ tests compared
with similar (same gender, social class and age) monolinguals

b. The author of the second text supports the main argument by providing interview results with several
bilingual and monolingual children which show how bilingual children are more likely to think creatively
than those who are not. To me, the support for this argument is not very convincing because there are
many details missing in this argument. The author does not explain how the interview was conducted,
how many children participated in the interview, what is the age range of bilingual and monolingual
children, and how bilingual children's answers can be considered as creative thinkers.
3. The argument that is stronger between those 2 text is in the first text, i would say. The first
text’s argument providing a research that held by credible source which is research from
Canada, the United States and Wales and also includes an evidence with test-based evidence (IQ
Tests) where the results are conclusive and not subjective while the argument in second text is
not really convincing and lack of supporting details.

4. Since the second text’s argument is weaker, how to make the argument stronger is by filling the
missing details to support the main argument of the text. The author should give more
explanation about the interview such as, how the interview was conducted (is it conducted in a
public school or international school) how many children participated in the interview (the exact
number of the children), what is the age range of bilingual and monolingual children (are they in
a same age, same gender, social class) to far from making people mentally confused, and how
bilingual children's answers can be considered as creative thinkers by trying to attacth an expert
opinion for example, Increasing evidence suggests that there are several cognitive benefits that
come from bilingualism, including creativity (Kharkhurin, 2009; Hommel et al., 2011; Leikin and
Tovli, 2014; Sampedro and Peña, 2019).
Part 1:
1. This text is beneficial for me as the student of foreign language department who’s learn bilingual.
This text is beneficial in giving information that where two languages are relatively well
developed, bilinguals have thinking advantages over monolinguals.

2. This text intended for monolingual children to motivated them to start develop bilinguals skill
since the skill is beneficial to make them think more creative based on the text.

3. The possible goal of the author when writing the text is to encourage children to start learning
more than one language in order to improve their cognitive abilities and creativity as well.

4. I can accept this information open mindedly because in my opinion as bilinguals, bilingualism
help to strengthens cognitive abilities and can make us be more open-minded, also find it easier
to focus on a variety of tasks simultaneously since being able to speak two languages.
5. There is no information based on the text that against my belief.

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