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Muscle tissue

 Types
1. Skeletal Tissues
2. Smooth tissues
3. Cardiac Tissues
 Classification is mainly based on Excitability, Shape , origin , presence of haemoglobin , on type of contraction , fast and
slow twitch (fatigue ) and size .
 Striations are used to identify tissues and not classify

Shunt and Spurt Muscle

 Difference between origin and insertion

 Spurt provides forceful rotation
 Spunt is close to the
 Antagonist agonist synergids and fixator
 Synergids muscle usually helps the particular group of muscle in achieving the target
 Antagonist opposes the agonist movement
 Agonist helps in primary movement
 Fixator is proximal to the area where movement occurs and stabilises it

Type of contraction

 Isotonic – When tone is same but length is always the same example 5 kg weight force is already made but only the
length is being changed
 Eccentric – length may increase acc to the demand of the body
 Concentric – in this case the tension of the muscle increases or decreases as it contracts or shortens
 Isometric – when length is same but tone increases or decreases example bus travelling bar ko pakad liya maintaining
that position of 90 degree wala angle

 Muscle – Mus means mouse and tendons means representing tail

 Definition of muscle is muscle is a contractile tissue which brings about movements muscle can be regarded as motors
of the body

Parts of muscles
 Origin is the part of muscle which usually remains fixed during contraction
 Insertion is the part which moves during contraction
 Flashy part is known as belly, which is contractable
 And the fibrous parties inelastic, which is non contractile
 Example in a hand, the belly part, which usually contracts, controls the fibrous parts. Example, the tendons. So
example, when you have to move your index finger, what you actually do is that you input the Stimulus on the fleshy
part or belly, which then is connected to the fibrous part tendons, which then extends till the index finger
Structure of Striated muscles

 Contractile tissue- 1. Each muscle is made up of numerous muscle fibres and is a multinucleated crosshatched
cylindrical cell called as myocyte. It is around one to 300 mm long It is made up of sarcolemma cell membrane
enclosing cytoplasm
 The series for such muscle says muscle then fasciculi then fibre, then myofibril, then myofilament

Supporting tissue

 Supporting tissue usually helps in organisation of contractile tissue For example endometrium surrounds each muscle
perimysium surrounds each bundle and epimysium surrounds the entire muscle

Types of fibres

 Type I also known as red fibre slow

 Type two known as white fibre fast
 Intermediate fibres – Citizen combination of type 2 and typhoon fibre but it is literally resistant to fatigue more than
the type two, but less than the type one

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