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Good afternoon sir and classmates I am Precious lara emboltorio and we are the group disagree to

that/those statement that money can’t buy happiness In general, Happiness is a difficult word to
define. The way of measuring happiness is different for everyone. Few people trust that money
can buy happiness, whereas others disagree. According to me, although having lots of money
will surely provide us lot of ways to entertain ourselves but it can’t buy l happiness.

Money can’t buy love and a happy life comes from having good friends and family who care
about us. Our life becomes meaningful and happy when we are around loved ones. For example,
I have read an article about a famous actress in Hollywood who died due to depression and was
all alone during her last days. She had been a really popular actress because of her beauty and
acting skills. Even though she was earning a huge fortune every year, she was not happy as she
didn’t have any close friend or family who could take care of her. Whereas I have seen people
who have a happy life without money because they are surrounded by people who love them and
care for them.

In most cases people have to work hard to earn lots of money and due to which they have less
time for their social life. Many businessmen work 6 days a week and earn good money but they
don’t have the time to spend that money and remain stressed. People have money but if they
don’t have the time to enjoy their life than it is worthless. . Happiness is more or less a fantasy of
the mind. It's there, yet hidden. Money is an essential part of our lives and plays a key role in
meeting our basic needs and pursuing our goals. But while money can enrich our lives in many
ways, it cannot replace the deep bonds we form with other people. It’s important to understand
this issue because it helps us realize that society shouldn’t lead us in a direction where money is
everything. Instead of thinking of money as the be-all and end-all, we should try to boost our
self-esteem and how we’re perceived by others before worrying about how much money we’ve
or don’t have.
A lot of people think that happiness can be acquired with the help of money, or that you need
money to be happy. But there are a few of us that still believe that the best things in life are
free. Many things that can make us truly happy cost nothing. Friends, family, relationships all
are priceless. Such things cannot be bought and that is what real happiness is about. Several
people think that material wealth or just plain money can make them happy, or can buy them
the things they believe can make them happy.

Money can’t buy Happiness

Our family, friends, and relatives are the people that have been there for us all through our
lives. All the memories we have with us were created with them and every story behind our
bumps, bruises, embarrassments, dating experiences and all other extraordinary events is
known to them. No amount of money on the planet could pay for that. Memories are formed
and created hence they cannot be paid for or paid off. I have been a family oriented person, so I
don’t appreciate why some people would think that money could buy happiness.

Lot of us think of our friends as treasures. A friend is somebody that likes you for what you are
and who you are, and they continue to believe in you even when you stop believing in yourself.
The friendship which we form is a tight bond and we get emotionally involved with people.
Money can’t obstruct with our approach, nor can money buy us true friends. We as individuals
would be very sorrowful without friends to tell our secrets to and having a shoulder to lean on
when we need it.

I have personally seen people who buy clothes, accessories, food or anything to buy friends. It
might work but only for a while and then it just goes to demonstrate once again that money
cannot buy happiness.


The finest things in life are indeed free. We may occasionally take for granted the items we
have, which are priceless. We might not realize how important love, family, and friends are, but
when we really analyze it, we know that indeed the best things in life are free of cost. Money
can only buy the materialistic things and relations that last for a short while whereas no money
is required for the relations build with heart and emotions. Remember, money can’t buy you
happiness but happiness can get you more money!

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