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I$ TO AAS ABE HI cat BR NS Bae 1000 1000 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N5 P-OPAFS— with English Translation keém ban dich tiéng Viét Diy ld m6t quyén thude bé sach duige chia theo cap 46 ciia Ky thi Nang lve Nhat ngit va quyén sach nay danh cho cae ban dang hudng dén mye tigu thi du NS. Ching ti 4a Ioe ra mét danh sich eae tir vung thuong xudt hign trong Ky thi Nang lye Nhat ngtt cing nhw e6 ich trong sinh hogt thuéng ngay. C6 dé tai theo timg chong, phan, dé cac ban cé thé vira hinh dung tig tinh huéng vira hoe. Vi cé kém theo ban dich tiéng Anb va tiéng Viét nén cdc ban 6 thé kiém tra ¥ nghia ea tir vung va céu vi du mét cfch dé dang. TAt ca chit Kanji déu c6 phién Am cach doc nén ban c6 thé hoc ma khéng can dén ty dién efing li diém hap din cia cudn sach nay. Ngoai ra, ching 16i ciing da chudn bi ca tim bia d6, phan phat am tir vung va cau vi dy, bai thi thir trong timg chuong. Day la b6 sch c6 ndi dung ma duong nhién cde ban dang hoc tap tai Nhat va ca cée ban dang hoe tai cae nude ngoai Nhat Ban du 06 thé hinh dung dé dang. Sé tay tir vung nay khéng chi la déi séch luyén thi ma cn 1a mét quyén sich h6 tr tinh thén manh m8 cho cae ban hoe tép tiéng Nhat Ching ti thinh tim chit eae han thi dfn ‘Thang 2 nam 2017 Nhém tic xa Chapter J UTL ESD Self Introduction / Ty gidi thigu. E~cs ~is/ia~ EASES. Good moming, / Xi EB] p< Family Gia dinn i EA BAIA TSA. How many people? / Bao nhigu ngwdi? « By ~05 2EU Came from~/ én tir~. - Chapter 2 NAEKD «© Study / Hoe tip a 3445 School / Truimg hoe -~ ED BS Nombor/s8 aém Eq 656 Day ofthe Week / Thir trong tui ED CEE Words Ti nae Bi vpe2cs study/ Hoc tap Chapter 3 LUC Work / Céng vige ED sE5< to Work / Lim vige, tao dong + BA LEE Work /Céng vise Ey cis GTS. Whats this? / Day Mac ai? EY Bz FORTH. How many is there? / C6 bao hide i EX ee time / Toi gian- Chapter Qo RIB Friend / Ban be ED Eh A? Wharkind of person? / Newdi nhu thé do? B DpVE ST UF. Lam wearing a shirt, / Me do. Ey 20-be BARS. woara skin. /Mac vay. « Baza Phy / choi Ey G town Pho x4, thi rine Chapter EKDO Tlth ~~ Today’s Meal / Com hém nay ESE - KS Moming, Evening /Séng_Téi 70 si BA 2x5 - M6 Ea, Drink/An-Ubn E0450 Cooking /Mén an BA LAbSY Resturant / Nha han, Bh eS5T30. Howisitr /Nhw thé nio’ ChapterG& Lie Hobby / Sé thich BA Lee Hobby / $6 thich-. Bd Bbti< Masic / Am nhse « Ey 2x Sports /Thé thao « Baz Weather / Thai ti BLD Season / Mia Chapter 7 Bly Shopping / Mua sim ED 8197 shopping / viva sim BA 2 Shop / Cita hing, cita tigm EX ATM 41M / may nittién we dong EY BA grandfather grandmoth ‘Ong (ni, ngogi), dng cy ba (ndi, ngoai), ba cu 4600 "a om i 470 460 weean 90 BARSL Bewsh BEJEMK WSITIAL BhlcCweTDo How many people? / Bao nhiéu ngwoi? 10 520 530 54. Ve!) tet) RIEL alSK. one person two people three people four people mt ngwoi hai nguéi ba ngudi bén ngwdi % TMM TNT 55 56) 570 leh Sslee LE/RBIKA five people six people seven people nim ngwdi sdu ngudi bay ngwoi OOOO OBER Gb00000 MMMM MMMM TMM 5380 590) 600 (tBIEL €/ 39K Caja ‘eight people nine people ten people tam nguéi chin ngudi mudi mgd Chapter 4 El Ml eLisk AekELTT OS o Bfacktte eee me eee méy ngwht bao nhiew A: How many People are there? / B: It’s three people. & A: Bao nhiéu ngudi” / B: 3 ngudi. mee ao ao But aee adult child ngubi lia tré em, tré con, con cai ao 00 60 70 Beonur BKtOBe BLINI BLALOS man woman boy girl nguii din ong ngudi phy noe cu bé, dita bé trai bé, dita bé gai ~D5 KLE 68 5 Sk country dat nwée, nude 4s havelexists 06, 6 {s use 1 express ina tant vat thi King which dau, hurting nao Tt Seager 3 Oo The FBLA came from dé 2 o UA person from ~ (nationality) nguiti ~ 73 = 5 BF map ban dd a ata world thé gibi ( ©) hislt PUY TCH Tam from Malaysia Nuée (cia ti) la Malaysia, bvEt. ‘There isa Disneyland in China, G Trung Quéc 06 Disneyland. imate objects exis. phi Wi sinh atti ding’ AT) (Kls CEL THA BI7=7TtHJ ‘A: Which country are you from? / B: I'm ftom Kenya. A: Nase ciia ban 6 diu? / B: Kenya (LIL) TAY Ad ELKO =e I came from the United States. Ay. prt 4EYALATT. Lam British ‘Téi la ngudi Anh. (IELO BFE SYETH. Do you have a map of Japan? Ban c6 bin do Nhjt Ban khong? HHO SFL HVETM. Do you have a map of the world? Ban cb ban dé thé gidi khong? (ISIE Japan Nhje Dan 47¥ South Korea Han Quée a4 ‘Thailand ‘Thai Lan Abd Taiwan ‘Dai Loan BoIirs China Trung Quée Rr SIL Nepal Nepal Waiver Philippines Phillippine 84 oO Chapter 4 EI AbrA Vietnam vVigt Nam. Leer ‘Myanmar, Burma Turkey ‘Tho Nhi Ky A-AbFIT Australia Uc 2a=7=37F ‘New Zealand New Zealand TAA United States of America My Ee Canada Canada AxYI Mexico Mexico Section 5 93 Fav =e D ayy Russia Nea 4¥AZ Britain Anh FILA France Phap EA Germany Dire a-oy/t PEP Fr RAR Switzerland Thyy SF eur Ttaly ¥ aay Spain PL Chapter 103 ~ 117 153 ~ 174 ESmES “1245 oc. 172 ~ 196 Section | Ron eaten es 103 ote teacher thay, ¢6, gide vién CP When king abot yours language eater) hi noi mi thi ing “3 vie ting Nha) 104 ae 0 Fan student. hge sink, sinh vign $05) SAE Sat foreign student du hgc 106 EB school trurdng hoc Wh XLS L 944) study hoe, hge tip: WE ISIEA SRR Japanese school trong day tiéng Nhgt, trudng Nhat angie 109 2 o ee elementary school trudng tiéu hoc WEBEAIS EL TIO ETT. cae fort ‘Yamada-san is a Japanese teacher. Ong / Ba Yamada la gido vién wudng tiéng Nhat. use “kyeshi", a in “watashi wa nitongo no kyoshi desu" am a Japanese 29 UY vi dumb bf: LE EELS LIL TH" COIN sito HEFL FETT. My brother is a student. Em trai tdi A sinh vién, EXYSAENFFLD | GA EOTT. Hien-san is a foreign student from Vietnam, Chi Hign li du hoe sinh Vigt Nam. PHIL BA YET. eae The school is in Japan. ‘Truong hoe 6 Nhat Ban, EASE ALE LILES. I study Japanese. Toi s hge tiéng Nhat. bEyealt ILS PK RO FETT. TS ec. Hien-san is a student at the Japanese language school Chi High ld sinh vign trong Nit ny PYSAIL AFRO FETT. ives? then Ali-san is an elementary schoo! teacher. Ong / Ba Ali Ia gido vién wuong tiéu hoe. Chapter D bASAlL PERO HETT. Bes Glew Tom-san isa junior high school teacher. Anh Tom la gido vign trang trang hoc co 36. teudng ofp 2, eudag trang hge 60 si ¢ Be TAINO BRC NLELILEF. high school I study at an American high school. feubngelp 3 tratae FT 5: cstec gi imine ché ising inn hoo eta VS. phé théng trung hge RERXMLKFO KETHO Ret Bhan ‘Smith-san is a teacher at a university. Anh Smith la gio vién dai hoe. HEE RAGLIC VET, tae classroom: The teacher is in the classroom. phong hoe, l6p hoe Thay / C6 é lép hoe. 1 JGR DARI Yb FAK BE VETS class ‘There are foreign students in the class. lép Trong Idp 06 du hoe sinh, 115 Ge Gy tts 20 [will go to school. di Téi di hoe. 1632 ~*d 5 RS REK IBS RET come ‘The teacher is coming. aén Gio vign st dén nha. 7 yz FBS BET. 0 #2 cry leave, go home I will go home. ve ‘Toi vé nha. PT oats 118 190 1200) 1210 1220 a Ve le ay UsZEX zero one two three four 86 0, khong mot hai ba bén 1230 1241 1251 12670 2700 = 4s Lb/ae (£6 {/809 five six seven eight nine nam siu bay tim chin 128 | 129 130 Ud Cogs Usdie ten eleven twelve mudi mgt mudi hai 140 = 11~«12 110 a2 1A 51 January thang Mot, thang Gitng 5A May ‘thang Nam oA 4m September thang Chin 132 what month thing may? 2H E45 February thang Hai 6# Bio June thang Sau 10A vor # October thing Murai March thing Ba Uste July tang Bay 114 teins November thing Mwai mgt A SMAtt A. BISATtT.I A: What month is it? / B: It’s May. ‘A: Thing may? / B: Thing 5. en Cae April thang Tw 8H IBA August ‘thang Tam 127 tot December thang Mudi hai, thang Chap 133 im ett 1340 1350) 1360 HIj8 me Sunday Monday Tuesday Cha nbgt thi Hai thir Ba 141 Day of the Week / Thit (trong tuan) EFA svotteweek mija te what day thir may? ey today hom nay SLA tomorrow ngay mai 404 yesterday hom qua Hutch every day hang ngay, mdi ngay ~lLoirr week(s) ~tuiin wo 6138090 1400 ALjB KLIB KLjB ALjB Slja +1548 Boe ee OO Oe ee Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday thir Tu thiNam = thirSdu thir Bay A [bLAélt ALIBTT | B Dc a atts ‘A: What day is tomorrow? / B: It’s Tuesday. A: Nety mai la thir may? / B: La thir Ba. S25t RLIaTT. Today is Monday. Hom nay la thir Hi aLA, PN Test. ‘Tomorrow I will go to school. Ney mai, tdi di hoe. 3D4, KPA (THELHW eS Yesterday I went to the university. Hom qua, t6i da di dén trudng Dai hee. EWEH, HATE SLE L7LETF. I study Japanese every day. Hang ngay, t6i hoe tiéng Nhat. TAYAN 209 T went to America for two weeks. Téi da di My 2 tuan, 151 152 one if month(s) number of times may lin TIA MES) part-time job vvige Him thém +4 do lam Chapter D IEAK IE 1A SAE LILELA oe I studied Japanese fora month. age ting What 1 thang, BASE SE WEL I was in South Korea for five years, ‘Toi da 6 Han Quoc 5 nam. TL aIHAI SON go to the convenience store three times a week. 1 tuan, t6i di dén ctra hang tign loi 3 lan. A m4 Lodjhats fos eth! B [2 taet.] A: How many times a week to you go? B:I go twice a week. ‘A: L tuan ban di may lin? B: Toi di lin, #t3ak Tt he LET. L will go to my part-time job on Saturdays ‘Téi lam thém vio tha Bay. BLGalE ThE LERLS I don’t go to my part-time job on Sundays. Chi mht, (61 KhOng lam them, Words / Ti ngit 153 - Oo cur word/anguage tir nga, ting 154 a> ot letter chir 1S EIS Oo Japanese tiéng Nhat 156 Oo ~language tiéng ~ 157 o Rt talk, speak slowly 160-4 5 \ oO epugre once more mgt idin ata BRO lvlds bo stL. rae I don’t understand the Japanese lanugage Toi khong biét tiéng Nhi BRT BAD FE NL LILEL S423 eae | studied Japanese letters in high school Toi di hoe chit Nhat 6 trang cap IIL EYP MELTS SLE 7LEL I studied Jopancse in Esyp\ i da hge tiéng Nhat ¢ Ai AVET BLT (EB Please speak in English Hay néi bing tiéng Anh. REL AMMEAOT Gis Léy. me I speak Japanese with the teacher. Toi ndi chuyén vGi thay / ¢6 giao bing tiéng Nit, HEE 3") BLT. wien we The teacher speaks slowly. Ihiy / Ca giao nix chuyéin chim rt 6!) oT CF Ve Please repeat what you said slowly. Hay néi chim. BUubE Bt. Iwill say it one more time. ‘Toi sé noi lai Han nit 181 Baa LET please Chapter D $I VBL BHAWLET. lease repeat it one more time. Xin vui long Fo Bog Pe pbs UbAuH DHNET. understand, know I know hiragana. hiéu, biét ‘Téi biét chit Hiragana. 163 pL DLE DL DOYEF. O #: * little Iknow a few kanji. mot chit ‘Téi biét chit Han mét chit. - Peas BFPL 6 BLT alittle Please speak a little slower. mOt chit nira Hay ndi cham thém mot chit nira. 165 + £6 DIVE. ot ae well [understand well. 1b, gidi, t6t Toi da hidu 16, 166 Ur vps s bit Ute Oo roughly, about [roughly understand. dai khai ‘Toi da hieu dai khai. fw 4ELAEL A [baye LAS BWA. EAE DAY ELKT feo) not at all A: Did you understand it? hoa toan B: No, didn’t understand i tall A: Ban c6 hiéu khong? B: Khéng. Téi hoan ton khéng hiéu. 168 1690 1700 m0 Oba Dtearte Be hiragana katakana Toma (chit) Hiragana (chi) Katakana (Roman alphabet) chit Han chit Latinh: EBo6S syd ase Mihonge 172 se 2 read dge Ou book sfich, quyén sich 174 #¢ IEAIO KE BAET. ac Tread a Japanese language book. Téi doe sdch tiéng Nhat. Boj CORE Was Lite I read a Chinese language book. Toi da doe sich tiéng Trung Quoc. aRUE BAET. i wi FBT CD & MaET. hear T listen to the CD at home. nghe Téi nghe dia CD 6 nha. us CD FART CD & MEELA. CD (compact disc) [listened to the CD at school. dia CD Toi di nghe dia CD 6 trudn a Lez ULet Cte Lexa. look up. Took up a word in the dictionary. dictionary yin 61 tra tir bing tyr didn. 203, CD € Hrd he OLLIE Rvdlin T bought a Japanese language dictionary. ‘Tai df maa tir dién tiéng Nhat Chapter D WO SLULUL | PALELAT aE LEE electronic dictionary T will check the meaning using the electronic dictionary. J uglits bing wc dién didn tit. a Wh KEL IO VAAt HOU EL. meanii [don’t understand the meaning in Japanese. § ‘Téi khéng hiéu nghia ting Nhét. 7 MALS White CERN do one’s best Do your best. cb ring HaycO elaa les * Lad#yy Srdlt Lac kua jvEt. homework Today, | have homework to do. bai tap vé nha Hém nay e@ bai tap va nh. 184 --3 ME % B &8 EOS, e eset. diary L write in my diary every day. nhat ky ‘Hang ngay, 161 that ky. * bat. BET URE BSE LI L wrote a report at school Téi da vidt bai bio cdo 6 tring, LLEbAT RE RHETT. meer I read a book at the library. 6 thu book store. [bought a dictionary at the book store. tigm sich mua ty dién 6 tiém séch. e HLL OITS) | HAUS HLL DILEF. practice I practice kanji. luyén tp Toi luygn tap chit Han, Section 5 189 ses speech aug bigu, iu ciuyét BIELS memoriz nhé, ghi ni HTHNS forget quén thir problem cu hoi, vin dé mV example vidy cea answer 4 Idi Lota(ra) question cw hoi (FAAS (FS) observation tham quan, HLF FRAT AE-FE LELAW eo ast I gave a speech at school on Saturday. Toi da hing bign 6 wudny va uedy EVIKCB, PLUG BERET. Bay. eam kanji every day. Hang ngay, i ghi nhé: 1 forgot my homework. Toi da quén bai tap vé nba. Me BLT CHV. Please read the question Hay doe edu hoi HOE RT 4 Please look at the example. Hay xem vi du. AM DOVEtL. I don’t know the answer Toi khong bidt ciw tra li, BHIS LObALET. ales I went to observe the Japanese language school T6i di tham quan trudng tiéng Nhat Chapter 3 Lee EEE = BOK. Cts 266 ~ 269 (kES< to Work / Lam v Roo as 1975 z TT Oo awl e bazld BAO ON Le tt. company Toyota is a Japanese company. Toyota la cong ty ctia Nhat Ba BeFult LIT Mh bWT VET. bank My younger brother works at a bank. ngan hang Em trai t6i lam viée 6 ngfin hang. 199 deb ¢ EVE, BABEET. Oo work wouk every day, Jam vige, lao d@ng, Hang ngay, (6i lam vige. 200 ; DF, OL OE had Le Re a takea leave of absence, est | Yesterday, I took a leave of absence from work nghi, nghi ngoi Hém qua, ti di nghi lam. 201 3 3 by tke (helt RLF BY BLIDTH. holiday, day off The days off are Saturdays and Sundays. ngay nghi Ngay nghi la the Bay va Chi nhat. 202 UDA VEtKAale Lak Kuve Let. Oo 2 ee lunch break Ido my homework during lunch break. nghi trea Téi Lim bai tip vé nha vio gi nghi trua. a” ut SLA OTH. not busy, free Tam not busy tomorrow. rah ri Negay mai t0i rinh 16i, cat WEATLUY EVIEK, VSALUTHS busy Tam busy every day. ban ron Hang ngay, t6i ban rén. 205 484544) Loobsi(t 4) business trip cing tie Lada Lek office yan phong. nq ? Cey factory, nha may, aipaly reception (desk) meeting room hop ose telephone dign thogi O sre’, make a phone call gi (dign thogi) (EBe)AIS Chapter 3 Fegle FAFLILIEF. Today I work overtime. VIAN Loobrilete 16h I will take a business trip to France. ‘Téi s8 di Phap cdng tic LBLa AVA SVET. $87 ‘The office is in Taiwan, Van phing 6 Dai Loan. Bair Aa Hts. ‘There is a large factory in China O Trung Quée 6 nha may lon. FOFT MT PES Please ask at the reception desk. S29. DOA HET. We have a meeting today. Hém nay e6 eude hop, ex At VF LOIC eae ‘Yamada-san is in the m: ‘Anh / Chi Yamada 6 phi On v¥ LoL BO bY t+th. mae There is no telephone in the meeting room. O phong hop khéng e6 dign thogi. Olek Bee HET. uD Iwill call the company. Toi ggi dign thoai dén céng ty. Section 4] 214 oO &Lél hello alo BwsltL 25 phone number 86 dign thogi nee know biée AE L tk what number s6 may BLAS teach/tell chi, day, cho biét T3hF help sip ao 24% make Jam, tyo ra, sin xuat els a helpful 6 feh A[SLEL LEAH.) B [ites 49.040) ‘A: Hello, is this Yamada-san’ / B: Yes, 11s. A: Al, c6 phai anh /chj Yamada khéng? B: Ving, diing véy. A SAO BslLN5E Lot veto] nie a A: Do you know Yamada-san’s phone number? A: Ban c6 biét sé dign thoai cua anh / chj Yamada khong? Bfwa, LUFEL B: No, I don't B: Khong, t6i khéng biet, BwIEAs5 (kAILLTH AS What is the phone number? 'S6 ign thoai ciia ban 1a s6 may’ HBTLF 8 BLAT CF Please tell me the phone number. Hay cho t6i ign thos. RO LICE LoKkwst. Thelp my father’s work, Toi gitip cong viee cho b6. cHE Ben SIELIT DCUELA. This was made at a Japanese factory. Cai nay 4 @uege) lam tai nha may ea Nhgt. CMe P A: Co ‘may tinh? vv.) 2697] = TaN T7ees QTE see Siwy BENS ee == =| Cl oOo Of go ay B wooo A [eet tao) B [atte] A ‘Wha. Lime is it? / B: It’s 3 o'clock. A: Miy gi? /B:3 gid of what time a A [eta CH 4. | set B reat 209TH. what time A: Wal time ENT It's 6:20. miy phat A: May gid may phut? / B: 6 gi¢ 20 phat ~hours ~ aio ey ea om be 2m oa ae Be Chapter 3 2 11 BF 12% ES ~ minutes ~phit Section 5 1s 2 20 30” 40 Hhte> ate SM 40 BLS PRN TSE To GRU Bees Sa around khong ~ (chi thoi diém) THA budi sing (tink dén 12 ity trua) 1 go 10 school around 8:40 am. Toi di hoc vio Khong 8 git 40 phiit SHA LCT. It’s 1:00 am. 1 id sing, budi chiéw ti (tinh tir Gas 7 gid ti mn A fuad, HTT B rea cof now ‘A: What time ist now? /B:10s 2:30. bay gio A: Bay gid, may gid ri? / B: 2 gid rudi. Chapter 3 279 ~ (blimIld)le] BET HLKS 1 order thin and flat things | machines and vehicles thirty, tuinty | vatméng,dgp | miyméevixe ~t ah 1 VBIEK ObaU 2 Teh rm 3 SAK Shaw 4 thith EhEO 5 Tied, Tau 6 ZAth Bhd ir wUIEK WEEN 8 (SBI abe0 9 SoIdh Bosee 10 Up iith erie ? @hEL hE > (tifs}(k}(h] BET (&LKS NV ‘books and notebooks | _ frequency | thin and Jong things | 4th, in capsanl sss sichyayo | timsuat,sblan | vt om, ing rmgcic vs. ~f ~a ~k ~h 1 [| wo8 ome oth Wolke Zz 37 ia (th (idee 3 | 435 SLIM SAUER Ear 4 | t43> ELAN th EME 5 To Tak ia 6 | 4035 Bom Bok Balfa 7 | 28s aN wealth welt 8 | tkos0 ome (holt Wolke 9 | 39385 ado) EI FoF 10 | Uwst> Unom Upalkh Ue sit 7 | *ha2 BAI BAEK WME Chapter | section 2 | YrVZETUHET. 306~ 324 Iwear a EEEES 2+-heweas. 35~ 43 shirt, / Mie vy. Ears scx 344 ~ 365 EE ® Ties urnin 366 ~ 393 2 ERE ca friend ban be BS way what kind of nu thé nio Lh A? Ta RO Tonto PeaN oe maar eer ce icltt~ 7adt. e Iwill go to Yokohama with my fiend. 61 s€ di Yokohama véi bi A PALASAIL CAG ATTA. A: What kind of a person is Smith-san? A: Anh Smith fa ngudi nhur thé nao’ og al kina tirté 28 A Lte everyone moi ngudi aaa Oo aes energetic, fine, happy khde manh 70 Hts beautiful, clean gp, sach CP Coeniul @ cea, ordy pep ® Sec s2, ngin np Bl LAtoe BI LAtoe ATT] D: He/she is a hind person. B: La ngudi wr té RiRSMILLHIOCT. Smith-san is kind, Anh Smith tet RKB AAG LAEOTTH. All of my friends are kind, Ban 16i moi ngudi déu tir RiASLO BLS XA ‘Smith-san’s grandmother is doing fine. Ba cia anh Smith khée manh. QA vehld Sve Att. @rO FRs FHUTHO @Hein-san is a beautiful person. (®This school is beautiful @Chj Hanh li ngwdi dep. @Tnéng hoe may sach dep. BDV cute a& throng Boley cool dep trai, phong do HEA VW intelligent ‘thong minh eS LAN kind tirté, hign Lan height iiéu cao, lung, mts nh tall cao Udy short thap Chapter 4 HT VEAL NYHLTH Huang-san is handsome. ‘Anh Hoang dep tai PIB SLM POWITH. Lara-chan is cute. Bé Lala €8 thurong, Yarrthlt Pow ho John-san is cool Anh John phong dd. WHAM SEEM WITH. ean ‘Yamada-san is intelligent ‘Anh / Chi Yamada théng minh, AAEM PXLWTH. Hein-san is kind Ch Hanh higa lanh, WBS Lt 2-ETH HYVES. eat Yamada-san is humorous. Anh / Chi Yamada e6 6c hai hurde. ATV EAlS tO Ett. Huang-san is tall, Anh Hoang cao. ATP SAM WTA toe BOTH. eae z Huang-sanis taller than Yamada-san Anh Hoang cao hon anh Yamada te Lld td ULUTH. Tam short ‘Toi thap. Section 4] GIbrhlt BH AIT. we Lara-chan has big eyes. Be Lala wit vv. Aart. There is a big dog. C6 con ché lon, 1 Flt WEA DELO AAZIEDETH. My camera is small. May chup hinh cia «61 nho, 204, DAE RNELKL Yesterday, leut my hair. Hom qua, tdi da cat t6e. M4 LEME DAD ETT. Hein-san’s hair is long. Chi Hanh t6e dai. a ACA DIbOME DAM ALIUTH. short Lara-chan’s hair is short. ngin Bé Lala téc ngan. 306 Oo 307 ial 308 oO 309 oO 310 fy 31 Ey 312 Oo 313 (wih 3g clothes fo quin YAR size kich oo TCSe fancy, nice dep, tuygt FZ design thiét ké, miu ma 44 wear mic 4a take off coi bm) red. do, Sb blue xanh (da tréi) + Ske Hd LA Yesterday I bought some clothes. Hom qua, ti KAW HAAH HEL ord ‘There are no large sizes. Khéng o6 kich o& lin. BIW LH ITH He FTETT. That is @ fancy shirt, 1 looks great. Chiée do thun ngau ahi. That dep. Tse Cth. I's great design Miu ma dep ahi JO¥E AEF [will wear my overcoat. ic do khosic. sI-he M¥EF, +408 FET. Lwill take off'my coat. /1 -T6i e6i do choing. / -T6 HN I-KE RELA. I bought a red coat. Toi di mua o chodng 46. HEY Yee TVET. Tam wearing a blue shirt. ‘Téi mae ao thun xanh, Section D Law 2-7E RATHI. Lwant to buy a white suit. Toi muén mua bO vél wing. LB U-I—E BETS I will wear a black sweater. ‘Téi me ao len den, BOSU GLE RsT Iwill buy yellow clothes. Toi sé mua do ving. VSS FILE b9T ETF. OZO03% various nhidu log, dG thir Thave various hats, Ti c6 nhiéu Logi: mai nén. 3180) 3190) 3200 32100 yay t—7— a-h Z-9 shirt sweater coat suit io thun, do so-mi, do do len fo khodc, do chodng — dé vét OR LJ Gy i 3220 3230 324) JdO¥ me ztOD jacket, coat, top underwear kimono io khoae db lot kimono, d0 mie AN—he (4EKT. en ane sy 3 Ite 3 2A bE EBS. wear Twear a black skirt. ne mae (vy, quiin) Toi mie vay den. i (Cp “Kie” i oed for wearing something above the waist and “hala is ued for wearing someting below Fed ioeoab Vat treo tien thi dang "34", te eo we xudng th dang “12 326) 3270 328) 329) Ry Cae aay 2A pants jeans pants skirt quan, quiin dai quan jeans quan tay 3001 3310 <2 KOU shoes socks gidy vo, tat @ oJ Section 3 = HSS CB EF LE DEST. wear T wear a black hat, a Toi doin de, _ (moan e) HARE TET. OltS wear (glasses) I wear a pair of glasses deo (mit kinh) Toi deo mit kink. 3350 33601 Ont UVYTIFRA sasses sun glasses méit kinh ‘kinh mat SU/ \g@ (a Chapter 4 ol (DUDE)TS | He HUE Let. ‘wear (a ring) [wens beouiifulldng, acy (un) Toi deo uhide ubiin dep, 3380] 3390) 3400) YS ADIN Up cite 5 necktie ring watch ie ea vat chide ahiin dong ho at We A [HELE £6425] Blk, SYMEFIONV ETS Av Shall | hold the bag? / B: Yes, thank you, Av Toi cdan thi xdich cho ban nhé. / B: Vang, cam on. 40 341 oO hold 6, edim, git, xiich, 3420 38.0 IEA AS bag. purse ep, tii xéeh vi, bop eS Section 4 ENA tat SES have fun choi dita, choi MS BL tt) guide huong din, vidi thigu ME CHAS pick up din Mr eqting take dain di bring over din dén dong vat, con vat CISALK 700 si thi Woont6s “HEGAK FLEL BEVEL Uke mis btu Heat I played with the children on Sunday, Twill go have fun in Shinjuku -Chit nhit,t8i da choi dita eting cfc con SLjCE HAGVOLET. L will show you Kyoto. Toi sé vidi thiéu Kyoto. NAN RE LOA TFET. {wil pick up my father at Narita di di dén Narita dé dén bé. FLEE CISOAAN DH SELEY 100k the children to the zoo. Toi da din con di so thi. BLILH IBN Rrbe PUTHEL My younger brother brought home his friend. Em trai tdi dan ban dén nha. VBVBU 1 saw various animals. Toi da xem Fete e I went to the 200 with the children, Téi da di s6 thi v6i cée con. elephant con voi a2 horse con ngya [é]#0 festival We hgi [b] Tb temple chia CALe shrine dn tho Thin dgo Yrintd) travel LoL uss) preparation chudn bi edt) reservation dit rude Chapter 4 FROEF SORA SYTHE VEL There was a panda at Ueno Zoo. 690 thd Ven 06 yu ue IAT HIE REL [saw an elephant in Thailand ‘Téi di xem voi 6 Thai Lan, aE Bis ‘TT. ard want to see a horse Toi mudn xem con ngya. HAT KEDAH HY ET. There isa festival in Asakusa O Asakusa 06 18 hoi, bECD ThA VET. There are temples in Kamakura, G Kamakura 06 chia. SE7UC ELEesdteel I went toa shrine in Kyoto. Toi di di dén tho Than dao 6 Kyoto, HAI YsI7t LET. or ill uavel during the holidays. YrlIM LwKUE Ltd, [ will prepare for the trip chun bj cho chuyén du lich HFVE LPM LEF. will reserve a hotel. Toi dt khich san, ATI hotel Khach sgn CES stay over nghi tro HFM CHE MGT. up Twill call the hotel. Toi yoi dig duo dé Knicl . SMV HIVE LEVEVTT. want to stay at a beautiful hotel ‘Toi muén nghi 6 khach san sach dep. IS Bass HYET. “kb lobby sinh BAR souvenir aa 4 ER service dich vu t-LAT A(T) homestay. homestay. There is a phone in the lobby. G samh cb dién thoai. DEN BATE Huet. [bought souvenirs for the family Téi s& maa qui cho gia dinh. HF WL YEAR WHS The hotel has good serviee. Dich vu (cia) khich san 161. TAYAT K-LATFALELEW I did a homestay in America. Téi da homestay 6 My. roi ae ee Mair 366 LaPld CF FIO MCF. Oss oF Shibuya is a city in Tokyo. ‘Shibuya la khu phd 6 Tokyo. FAKA—Fr Flt SILVA HVT. Poor ST he prefecture tinh Disneyland is in Chiba Prefecture Disneyland nim 6 tinh Chiba, 3690 é 5 443 le Tokyo “ee 00 370 3 B20 BAC Use eae 320 = 330 Lites AL BadltS J Shinju Akihabara 3740 aE) Lx FAS ‘Shibuya oa 3760 ee & aos Ha @ ao 3780 foltt wE< db Yokohama Kamakura Section 5 39 go 5 oO Hokkaido 380 O %alkS Sapporo mi} 382 oO Sendai lese4 383 O° 304 385 4. Nagoya eer 5E Kyoto te HN tb Nara Osaka, L9N Kobe 390 USLE Hiroshima br Fukuoka 982 gee Nagasaki 33 Bete Okinawa 3 Bbay Chapter aol as abe 483 = 503 budi sing 395 Oo US noon/iaytime budi truva, ban ngay 396 Oo t4 BS Om Ed oS dt. wake up at 6:00 a.m. in the momi Budi sing, ti thire day luc 6 gid. US, Lote Let. I work during the day. Ban ngiy, t6i lam vige. £3, RE RAET. aed Tread in the evening. 104 doe sich. SEER mdi sing = EvIL every night indi 399 5 Oo Ws this morning, sing 400 GT AIEh good evening thi nay 401 oO B2S wakeup thie diy coe Has tv. | listen to the CD every morning, MBi sang, t6i nghe dia CD. EMEA, SLELFE LW ET. I study every night MGi tdi, 16: hoe bi = Bist WNSELAL nnd this morning. i da goi dign thoai cho ban ti Tonight I will stay in a hotel. Téi nay, 161 s@ 6 (tro) lai khich san, zt. ESS, 7H tee wake up at 7:00 am. every morning. MBéi sang, t6i thie day lic 7 gids 409 Chapter 5 duit, 4 ACS hETe [sleep around 11:00 p.m. every night. Mi i, 101 di nga Kee 11 gid. FUER HKAL Ldtthe [never watch television. ‘Téi hodn toan khéag xem tivi ees tin ete zee = x 7a 22k MAES. radio [listen to the radio in the evening, radio ti nghe tin tie qua radio. FVE Let SYEA. television I don’t havea television at home. tivi Nha t6i khOng 66 Foon A TUS. Satie BSEL AI C B fideuedaa.] carly A: [woke up at 5:00 a.m, this morning, / B: That’s carly. som A: Sang nay, t6i da thire day hie 5 git. / B: Sém nhi. [be A[eRRLI Hb BBLHET 2HMETH | B flteuottn. fast A: It takes two and a half hours from Tokyo to zeke. nhanh B: That's fast. A: Tir Tokyo dén Osaka mat 2 tiéng nudi. /B: Nhanb nhi. BIN ATHOLL, 1854 et.) B fBzucta.] late A: I go to sleep around 1:00 a.m, every night, tré, muda, chim, liu B: That’s late. A: Mi ti, t6i nga vao khoang 1 gid / B: Mudn nhi. Section 4] “ bards PRAT OBE LET mirror I see my face in the mirror, guig st Toi ub ange wong yong /TOH svi yun. Mans 42 445 bY, DHE HUET. gfe cb) bbw face wash T wash my face in the morning. mit vita Budi sing, t6i nta mat, M3 [E]3. 414 BSSIc AFT. B (Ble 4h dS BSI I): bath take Ttake a bath, béa tim, tim vao, di (tim) Toidi tim. “5 yap #6 : or = ye bUET. qr? o bVS shower take Take a shower bi tim (vai sen) Gi tim vai sen, on AA 1kE AMET. teeth brush T brush my teeth. ring: damh, chai (ring) | Toi danh rang. & a) cat in RAY to fod 6 in, thie ain HRI breakfast ‘com sang, diém tam BS TILA lunch com tru (EACILA dinner com toi FA TH lot nhitu ogi, R—1t— supermarket situ thi ii thie BRT USTIAE RAEF. 9 —— eat lunch at school Toi an inca tai trudng. CHIL SbTAOD BNUTT. ate This is Vietnamese food, Diy li dé An Vigt Nam. THIS BAIUALE RAST. eat breakfast at 7:00 a.m. Toin sing lic 7 gid. 12 BRE DSL E RAEF. [eat lunch at 12:00 p.m. Téi in tra lic 12 gid. Abe (ELSIALE RAE LHe Tate dinner with my friends. Toi da an t6i véi ban ti NYE RAL ENE Lhe [ate Jot of bread abiéu bal AAS Hoste B® buy meat at the supermarket. Toi mua thit 6 sigu thi. 4260) a7 428 429) A oj SA cn ek Et ee ee meat beet pork chicken thit thit bo thit lon, thit heo thit ga a fe te Ys 4300 410 432 4330 & Ree aN Cie (A ir ({ 434 4357) 436 4370 SSF YAS Ley AML banana apple lemon mandarin orange chudi tio chanh quyt Sa CRB 4380 4390) 44079 PRG [Bloc Ftaalb-h bread snacks chocolate banh keo s-c0-la Chapter 5 441 5 my fb KE MART. drink: I drink water. udu, Toi udng nude. M2 2.49 A [ikaayls aa wera. | Cy Ka Kawi MH B fa-e-€ BHAWLET.J drinks ‘A: What would you like to drink / B: Coffee please. thite uéng ‘A: Ban thich uéng gi? / B: Vui ldng cho 16i ca phé. 443 DIN RD RALTH. oO *% gee water | want to drink cold water. nude ‘Téi mudn udng nude Ign. “ [B]o AyYTI2 BOE MET. hot water Twill pour hot water in the cup. nude ndng, Téi cho nude néng vao ly. “ HHL aR RAEOTHS cold I want to drink cold juice. lgnh ‘Téi mudn uéng nude trai cdy lanh. 7 Otay A [D-E-¥ L5G RE VEOMUUTH OY B[cibes ese) want/better A: Which would you like, coffee or tea? thich ~~ tit, ~ duge B: | would like tea. ‘A: Ban thich ca phé hay héng tra? B: Téi thich héng tra, WP wl 525“doeh WANS AK BIELI RE AMET. as putin [put milk in my tea. / I put the book in the bag. cho vio ‘Oi cho sita vao héng wa. / Toi cho sich vao tii xch. oe IW JHeIc SIZE ANETF. milk put milk in coffee, sia Téi cho sita vo ca phé. Section D * UEFA | LEGALS T thats Ross vending machine I buy drinks at the vending machine. aay Wantage Olae Ne (10 tube tue mong big may Daina dour 4500) 45100 4520) 4530) Fo7lca7 wa ee [7b milk juice coffee tea sita toi nude trai cay ca phe hong tra 454) 455) 456 4570 bE» [é] 31+ En Ace green tea sake beer wine i (Japanese rice wine) — ig rugu vang argu sake ( ib 458 459 AV Dy7 cup cup tich, eée Iysede K Cooking / Mén an 460 5 = 3 a Yr54 SHlt BRO 25TH. cooking/cuisine This is Japanese food. mén an Day la m6n &n (ciia) Nhat Ban. 46101 4620 4630 Shh TUR 4 oF BEF) rice sandwich onigiri (rice ball) com banh mi sandwich com nim 4640 4650 4660) [BINA%9 27 ARI box lunch. ramen noodles pasta com hop mi ramen mi¥ Section 3 4670 4680 4690 FOL Az TASB udon noodles soba noodles tempura don mi soba tempura (mén an tim bot chign) 470) 4 472( So tls] AMV-AAA sukiyald (Japanese beef hot pot) sashimi (sliced raw fish) curry rive sukiyaki (mén liu) sashimi (cd song) com ed ri 473.0 4740 FoIChd [61tL beet bow sushi com bo xao sushi (com cud) Chapter 5 4760 TART —4 ice cream kem au CB REGE LOT KHAN get Please pass me the sugar. ly Hay lly duong gidim tdi. 4780 479 4800 4810 482 SEG Lé Ladm (=a774 Fy7a— eer walt ay aan ‘nue mam, nam pla duvig mudi aude taoig (Vietmamese (Thai fish sauce) fish sauce) nude mam muroe mim (Thai Lan) CP “te mais Vemmens i sae,“ lis Tih 008 se Ti Ln “Nuc miny” I in Vigt Nam, cn “Nan Section 4 CUE ame mired something cai gi a6, Eee t GS ATLAbAYT HME RAELAM| BAPE RAELAA ‘A; What did you eat at the restaurant? / B: | had pasta A Bin an glochs bing?/B: TeidatnmiY. A [és 4 PRAE LAM] B fay Ae BAEEKTL? J ‘A: Did you eat something in the morning? B: No, I had nothing. A: Budi sing ban 0d An gi d khang? B: Khéng, tdi da khéng dn gi ca. ) | LALEFT RABE LaCULslre Oo meal Thad my meal with my friend at the cafeteria. bita an ‘TOi ding bia vedi ban 6 quan an, 24 mio FUd BAO DIB YEINTCH. famous. Sushi is a famous Japanese dish. ndi tiéng Sushi li mén an néi tiéng etia Nhat Ban. ABT ety OVAbFvIE AV Ete oa & au Civile oa vao 1 will enroll in a university. CP Caner inside some DVi0 woe QI hoe " UAhaY restaurant nha hang OTSi vio nha hing ®TEi vio dai hoe. Qentoll ina senool T went to the restaurant with my friend, Toi di nha hing voi ban. Chapter 5 WO Liet9 Lasealt 11 Bob 7 HETTH. o teins be cafeteria (igun an, yuu an erik ¢ set meal com phn (bao gsm com, canh, thite din) 4oXtTA coffee shop quan mde The cafeteria is open from I am. to7 p.m. Quius au (bit dau) tir 11 gid déu 7 gid. Lage ae Tulle NEF. [eat the set meal at the cafeteria Téi An eom phan 6 quan in, SoSTAT HY FA FE BNE Tate sandwiches at the coffee shop Toi da an sandwich 6 quin nude. 492 KI-VLNV-FARE BNET. oO t with ~ leat eurry rice with a spoon. bing ~ ‘Téi An com cd ri bang thia. 493) 494) 495) 496 t£L AG = TA) PAT, chopsticks speat tat knife dia mudng, thia dao 4970 4980 sa) Bebs _ bowl chén, bit O CP Woe ois hs Neri thing Section 4 im) 499 - Welcome. WoL eUrE tte inn chao quy khéch Oo What would you like to order? Quy khsieh goi mon gi? 0 Geena? YY RAF ® BRAVLET. One sandivich, please Cho tai sandivich “ INT BHAWULET. Okay. Vang. This one, please. Lay cho ti cai may, 502 zac anything else ngoai ra, khae 53 XS 5N5Ic Oo separately rigng Ie, rigng bigt HeFehle? | B[a—-k—-€ Bhan let.J A; Would you like anything else? /B: Coffee, please, A: Ngoai ra quy khvich ¢6 diing gi khic khong a? B: Cho 16i cé phé. NONI BRAN LET. Separately, please, Vui lng dé rigng le. ESTIM. tna, Lie Cn ewe ta Canes 504 yes gt? how thé nio 505 Bei sweet got DW hot cay CT nl ATERO RANMA LITT Ho] BfeulLucttes A: How do you find Japanese food? / B: I's good. A: Ban thay thite an Nh§t Ban thé nao? / B: Ngon lim, ID 7—-Fld HEVTIN, This cake is sweet. Banh kem nay nggt abi, LYLIVE LS. BNET. ea [eat hot food a lot ‘Toi thing in thite an cay. 4HEOls BULUTH. is tasty, The fruit is tasty. ngon Trai cay thi ngor 508 PAE Lhe re AEA fe ton b9, hét toan bo ne BSE by myself ty minh 50 Biba $< become hungry A6i byng [ate all that was in the box lunch, ‘Téi da An hét com hop. A [BOL Ya THis HAY a Hdlrte] B [dvr] A: This is good food. Did you cook it yourself? / B: Yes. ‘A: Thife n ngon nhi. Tét ea 1a ban tyr minh Lamy hét 4? B: Ving. A TEELAM. He RAECAM. ‘Déi bung r6i nhi, An cai gi dé khong? Section 5 a DCW tt | Ok bss LIM, Md hatin, become thirsty I’m getting thirsty. Shall we drink something? Kha made Kinde n Ubu ai gl do khOng? a upitor BUOM Wolter. full Tam full. nhiéu, no Toi no réi. s DaAet a | 74 ulk vee TO eee ay | Weuldyoutile some wine? dng (cach néiien sy) | S02 Ubne vou vang khong? a th wbidvy | A es voto vmacto) ~~ (Epneimereserving ‘A: How about another serving’? thém mée (ly, ehén) ‘A: Anh (uéng) thém mét chén nhé? 7 Uo25tH | Bh wa, Hot5 tt) no thank you B: No, thank you. du, duye B: Khong, toi du roi. ae KATY A+B [mdlful | cheers ARB: Cheers! can ly ARB: Can ly! Let’s eat. / Téi xin phép an/ Moi T'm full. / Cam on da cho bita an ding. (Noi trude khi ain, uéng) ngon, (N6i sau khi an, uéng) ST Ke Et. 8 Geez osscue oO (ia) ™ e N“ # Chapter 6 ide y /S6 v ESSERE los Sue 519 ~ 542 day ngiy ML 522 a te + like thich ~, ~ tt, ~ durge bw dislike het 524 bE!) not really. (khong) Wve, whieh cai no, ding nho Li klt AFA TCH. My hobby is karaoke. So thich (cia 16i) la karaoke. HAD BIC KE RAST. [read books on holidays. Téi doe sich vao gay nghi. FHAlt LOLUTTH. Tennis is fan. Quan vgt thi vui. Llike sports. Téi thich thé thao. EAAH SHUTT. I don’t like manga, Toi ghét truygn tranh, Vit HEY HACC) Eth. Téi khéng 1 ch thé thao Lim, A [oat PERIL VBL: B [ty AO (FH ETT) ‘A: Which do you like, soccer or baseball” B: I like soccer more. A: Bong dé va bong chy, ban thich mén nio? B: Téi thich bang dé hon, Chapter @ 526 EBS tHe GI both C: like both, ci nto cing, ding ww ctug | C. Mon no emg dich a v6 A [tyme PE nFe Lobst we? | B [t+ 1 9—O (45 95 HF. J + which ‘A: Which do you like, soccer or baseball? c4i mao, ding mao (cich_| B: [like soccer more. gi than mao) A; Bong da va bing chiy, ban thich mon ndo? ‘i thich bong dé hor Zi KAAS AM CLIFTT. ‘Smith-san is good at drawing, Anh Smith vé dep. brLIt FAM ARTI. poor, bad at [sing poorly. ao Toi hat do. a EHEK CH [a feucce trier.) Bla, £ TH.) not nearly enough A; You speak good Japanese. clura gidi, van com kém | B: No, it’s not nearly good enough, Jae A: Ban gii tiéng Nhat nhi. B: Khong, t6i chwa gioi dau. (Van con kém kim.) a eg WUHERE BHUOEL Ie learn earned ikebana hoe (luyén tp) Téi da hge cm hoa, 5321) 533 1) oitlte avg ikebana (flower arrangement) / cm hoa tea ceremony / tra dgo = Section 4] LRA simple dou yin SES WAAL AE HEEFT. paint a simple paint Toi ve bic wank don gin AeCFls PALUT HA. Blwwa, LF HPLUTT.S easy A: Is tea ceremony easy? / B: No, it's difficult. a A: Tra dgo 06 dé khong? / B: Khéng. Kho Kim. otal Seo DEPLUTT. difficult Tea ceremony is difficult. ho ‘Tra dgo thi khé. a Lela IHIt DELO LelLdTH. photograph This is a photograph of my family. inh, hinh Diy la anh chup gia dinh, = YS TLelAt Ls. take [will take a photo using my smartphone. chup ‘Toi chup anh bans thoai théng mi 539 5 THe & RAS THIEL RO AAS TH ‘camera This is my father’s camera. may anh Diy la may anh cua bd _ zx FTS4 ATTA, picture/drawing Ivs a beautiful drawing. rarer Fn th dan at Stag RYIO RE DRE oO draw I drew a panda, ve ‘Téi da vé tranh gau true. = UC word | UUnrmac at RET. museum: Took at the drawings at the museum. bao tang my thugt ‘Toi xem tranh 6 bio tang my thual. Music / Am nhac 543 4.7 ae HBA isis karaoke karaoke WoaLlsls together cling véi ALEC with everyone tat ci mgi ngwoi a concert hda nhge, budi trinh dign am nhac 5S ar BRO BAA HETHS eae + like Japanese music. Téi thich nhac (cita) Nhat. BFATH BATT. ike karaoke. Téi thich karaoke. FATS Mole Sethd, Why don’t we go do karaoke together? Cing di ht karaoke khong? PIRD BLUC MIATA ATEE LK | went to karaoke with everyone in the class. Tat ed moi ngudi trong lop da di karaoke Wee Alt FAM CLIFT. eae Yomada-san sings well, ‘Anh / Chi Yamada hat hay. BET BRO FE TET. We all sang a Japanese song. Moi nguisi hat bai hat cia Nhat SATSELAD T went to the concert, Toi da di xem ca nhac. Section D Sl Pe classic nhac 6 dién jam nhac jazz 52 Ry 7A pop nhge pop ay? rock nhac rc 554 eTY piano dan piano 555 x7— guitar dan guitar 558 yg play dénh dan, choi din 38 a ae movie phim (dign nh) A [2D D¥ PARE CEDHETH He BLESSES HITT] ‘A: Whnich do you like, classical muste or jazz? B: [like both A: Nhge e6 dién va nhge jazz, ban thich nhac mio? thge nao t6i eting thich TAO COE LS MEET. Tisten to a jazz. CDs often, Toi thuéng nghe dia CD nhae jazz FAM BECK. + ike popular music. Téi thich nhge pop. py7lt bE") BSttL. don’t listen to rock very much, Toi Khong nghe nhac re nhiéu kim, ET/E DSET. play the piano. Toi dénh din piano. THs HILO ¥P—-TH This is my elder brother’s guitar. Diy la cay dan guitar cia anh t6i. APETZE BDOTE OUITI ANS Bin, v9] A: Can I play the piano? / B: Yes, please. A: Toi danh dan piano durge khong? / B: Vang, moi ban, FILED AE RE Lie | saw a French movie. Téi da xem phim eiia Phip. SB RAIL movie theater (LUE4 start biit dau 580 BS end két thite S61 Lae comic truygn tranh game, match game 564 > software phan mém Se BELAY interesting Chapter @ AMA KT AVWWE REF [will watch a movie at the movie theater. ‘The movie starts at 10 o'clock Phim bit dat ‘The concert ends at 7 o'clock. Bu‘ hoa nhac két thic Ie 7 gid. ELAN HEY alesis. I don’t like manga comies very much ‘Toi khéng thich trayén tranh lim, BRO THA HITT. uk 7 Like Japanese animation. Téi thich phim hoat hinh cia Nhgt. BAO Fr-blt BELAVTT. Japanese games are fun. Game ciia Nhat thi th vi FLO ITE Rud te 203, BELAW THB RELI0 Yesterday, I saw an interesting anime. Hém qua, t8i da’ xem b6 phim boat hinh thi: vi. Sports / The thao 86 Sat 7 dogging chay bd 367 e— skiing trurgt tuyét MS rR dance Khi¢u ya, ni swim boi 5705 ‘ocean, sea ién om Foy pool hd boi 52 river song 2!) fishing cfiu (cA) ag EVMKE, Ya¥Y7E LW ET. T go jogging every day. Hang ngay, toi chay bd. (2oON1C9T RATE LET. 1 go skiing in Hokkaido. Toi sé invot tuyét 6 Hokkaido. PNT EAlETLANULIF TT. Maria-san dances well. Chi Maria mia gi BetHO IAT KLYELK. 1 swam in the ocean of Okinawa Téi da boi 6 bién Okinawa GAL") LONEFGH BETH. bs 7 ike the mountains more than the occan Toi thich nai hon bién. 403, F-NT BLFELA. Yesterday I swam in the pool Hom qua, t6i da boi & hé boi. CO MT BLAMOT CER co Please do not swim in this river. Dimg boi d con sOng my. Me Dit Let. fish in the river. Téi cu cé 6 sing, Chapter @ TANS SUSAI DIEVEFe Use ao [will climb Mount Fuji in July. Toi st leu ui Phit SF va thay 7. SAIL Sd vie ete Mount Fuji isa beautifiel mountain Naii Phit $¥ La ngon nisi dep. H7A—O LEV HVYVET. game There is a soccer game. tran déw Co tran du bong di. yas po TFIID DBELES win, Brazil won. thing Brazil da thing a +143 MBSA ATY EAS FE Le lose ‘Yamada-san lost to Huang-san, thua Anh Yamada da thua anh Hoang. * xHe A: CHRP OTLIIM. Bi kde, DOWEL Hmm... Let’s see... ‘A: Which side do you think will win? cha... B: Hmm... I don’t know. ‘A; Bén nao sé thing nhi? / B: Cha... Toi khong biét. 5800) 5811 Ew tiv strong weak manh yeu Section 3 Cp ~ shires is wed for soccer, bash like “soccer wo asobimsu Voi “bong ds, tng ehdy, urna, quin vot, gO” th 5830] Pens baseball bong chay OP... is 584 rtI sumo wrestling, sumo ee 587 1) TN? golf mon danh gon 4 nis and gol."The verb “asobimas" is nt used, sch ss in eases LET King nb “9 ARATE 590 (al 591 Oo 592 good. dgp, tot CP @tood weather Doo AT i iden. OTH © THEW HET. @ HOA HAW ATH. It's bad weather. pS. bad xdu CP had wets Oia Omni vi xu, wei xdu. @xiu Ow [BICAS crn the weather is nice ‘Troi (thd: tiét) dgp nhi. By rain mua. LIM TASS LITHO How is today’s weather? ‘Thoi tiét hom nay ® TLE ITH. @ HOML OW ATH. It's good weather. @He/she is a good person. @Thoi tiét dep. QNgudi do la ngudi tot, ay @Nevodi dé 1a ngudi xéu. A TbILG bu sTASTHA B[*ittn.] Good moming, The weather is beautiful, isn’t it? B: Yes, it sure is. A: Xin chao. Troi dep nhi. / B: Ding vay ni. SrFlL MCT. cd Today is rain. Hom nay (trdi) mua, Section 4 593 px EO5R DETR. Yesterday was snow. Hom qua (bi) wy6. = Sh B29, MES, fall ‘Today, it will rain. roi Hom nay tri mua, 5950] 5960) Hr TH LN 597) 598 L) thu BAKA cold warm a Chapter @ 6Rld aa ELT Bio It rains a lot in June. Thny 6 ma hid 0 (ai) die “Ooi” is sed inthe Foran *~ dang voi miu eéu"~ 4°51 oa dest” It snot used in the “ooi + noun” fren, J “7 Khong sr dung vot inh thie "4 + danh to” a DNS Tala ae Paes, z ees little ‘There is little rain in January. it ‘Thang | mua it. gal B5 HLA Hoe Hivos. [think it will be hot tomorrow. Phe mC Bvt. [think it will rain tomorrow. Téi nghi c6 | ngay mai mua. Fat WEN SSTL G6 It will probably snow. chic, Chic wyéi s& roi, “ px HELD DAN HYECL, umbrella My umbrella is missing. da, 6 Khong 6 edy di cua . seus BBA PRE boTR Lh bring T brought an umbrella to school. dem (mang) dén Toi di mang di dén trudng, * Sata BEN PRE $oTUET, take I will bring an umbrella to school. dem (mang) di ‘Téi dem di di lam. OT ELA BEB, THEO EAL BE RET. program, I watch the weather forecast program every day. chong trink Hing nga, 161 xem churong trinh thoi viét, Section 5 TCM Y a WO A Toa, (EN my ETH. Bfbwid, Rat. J when ‘A: When are you returning to your country? khi no? B: I will return next year. A: Khi nao ban s& vé nude? / B: Sang nim, t6i s8 vé. a xeAL 21d, BRA REL Ke last year Tcame to Japan last year, nam ngodi Nam ngodi, ti da dén Nhat. ah Se SEL, FFAS YMIMKLEF. this year I will study in Britain this year nim nay Nam nay, t6i sé du hoe Anh. 6 Bi AY Oo byvwALK byak, ¢ RET. next year Twill return to my country next year. sang nim ‘Sang nam, vé nude, ae x43 BAD 391d 49 YET. season ‘There are four seasons in Japan, mia Nhat Ban cé 4 mia, “ WBIPL. BO BIEL BETTS best, top [like summer the best. nat ‘T6i thich mia hé nat tS Oso HELE. FHC WEL. Dvr rH LeBsGle LYAWTH. become It’s winter now. It’s getting cold. ted nén, tr thanh ®I want to become a company president one day. ©ba vao mba dong, Trdi teé néa lan. ®MOt lie nado d6, t6i mudn tro thanh gidm dée. CP Do reach a portisilr time o season Bro engoge in a particule position or oeupation a DC Ain thas gan thi yo dé. ‘Dat dn di vi hay nghé nghigp nio Chapter @ 6150 616 (44 wa spring summer mita xwin mina he 6170 6180 he 3D autumn winter mira thu mia dong ait ita we CH. My mother likes flowers. Me t@i thich hoa, Aw ENOTT. flower hoa O 5 moon tring. ‘The moon is beautiful Mat tring dep. Section 5 621 629 oO 400 (BER ea flower viewing a6 cherry blossom hoa anh dao TEX nee fireworks phéo hoa ta maple lad (40HT first time lan dau tien Hee once mit Kin ast uh many times, nhigu lain OBE never m(t lan cing CP This wed nie Ding i hin thio "+8 2 ZjAL park Ong view BRAS ELA ITT. Emece Gee TF The Japanese love flower viewing. Nguoi Ningt dich nym hoa (Savvy HTT. The cherry blossom is a beautiful flower. Hoa anh dio la loai hoa dep. HE RELK WIS I saw the fireworks in summer Toi da xem phéo hoa vio mia he. Wt Bh&E% RELA ee : I saw the maple leaves in the mountains Toi da xem la d6 trén ni lALoe (bE RELA I saw the cherry blossoms for the first time. Lan dau tign (i thay hoa anh dito, VBC. BRE LA CUM ‘NET. aes {went flower viewing once before. Téi timg ngim hoa mat lin, Hae Mb doo LIG~ ATFELKS T went to Hokkaido many times. Toi da timg di Hokkaido nigu li WSCL LGN ore LEM HYSTA. Ihave never been to Kyoto. ‘Téi chwa tig di Kyoto Lin nao. x" form E44". (Chua ting ~ lin aio) SIAKT HERE LET. nee Iwill go flower viewing in the park. Toi ngiim hoa 6 cong vien. Chapter @ “ ZAIE (44) walk didye RE TIRAE SMELEF. [will take a walk in the park with my dog. Toi dau wong viem cdmy wun cho. A [e Rd te] A: How many apples did you buy? / B: | bought five. A: gn 4¥ mua Bao hig tr th? BT mu 5 i, ATIAS€ 59 (HE B fli. ELC SOOMTH. A: Please give me five apples B: Here you go. It’s 500 yen in all A: Cho 16) 5 trai tao. B: Vang. Téng céng la 500 yén, 660 Fab shop ira hang, ci department store iia hing bach héa, trung dim thuong mai counter, booth quay ban hang 66 55 area, corner gée, khu VBVSBU Ata HYETo There ate different kinds of shops. Cé nhiéu cita hang. BIRT AYE RET. Iwill buy bread at the bakery. Toi mua bénh mi 6 tim bank mi BEG Fe—bT Rls lhe we tO went shopping at the department store on Sunday. ‘Chai nbét, t6i da di mua sim tung tém thuong mai BYERST BALE E MOET. I will buy a box inch at the convenience store. Téi mua com hp 6 etta hing tign Ii BYEHT BEY E Ga TVET. The convenience store sells rice balls. Cita ining tign Igi ban com nm, A PRAM FIFE B beret A: Where is the counter that sells vegetables? B: [v's over there A: Quiy ban rau 6 dau a? / B: O ding kia. F377 2AlL LEGDO I-F— Cte bet. Nuoe mam is in the area where the soy sauce is. Nude mim 6 khu med turong. 667 >, Oo tete shelf kg (any 668 Se (44) copy phé-t6, in sao oF Pryik ticket ve 60 yv07 catalog, ‘tp gidi thigu, catalogue we OL magazine tap chi C2 dhs newspaper bio 8 EL want mudn co CRS Chapter 7 KAtgit TO KUTT. The drinks are on that shelf, Tha uduy 6 ke uo. ayvE=T BE-LEt. [will make a copy at the convenience store. ‘Toi phé-t6 6 ciza hang tiga Io DYY—bO FT ILE Hy ET. I will buy a ticket to the concert. Téi mua vé ca nhac. AIDIO NIATE Rat, [will look at the computer catalog. ‘Toi xem tp gidi thigu v8 may tinh STAT XoLtE BRAS L read a magazine atthe coffee shop. Toi da dge tap chi 6 quan nude. FYEST LASS Rott. TE] [ bought a newspaper at the convenience store. Ti mua bao 6 cita hang tign loi, peu yaya lELUTH. BN I want a small computer. ‘Téi muén 6 cdi may tinh nho. DAFEAT FT YO LOKH CREF. @ SYR CHET. @You can make reservations for the ticket at the convenience store @l can dance. C6 thé dat vé 6 cita hang tign Igi, @Toi co thé mia. oo o possible situation @having the sbility to do something ‘eang e@ Kh nding. C6 ming Ive Section D a8 Se TRF Sed [eb tt Ho] TAMA [3500 AT OXvET.| Wbicoee aL (Customer: How much 1s if? / Clerk: Its 3,9U0 yen. Khach: Bao nhiéu tién vay? / Nhan vién: La 3.500 yén a. Ja~(kinh ngit) 676 er . 677 16 BAHL THD. fu RUS Are you looking for ~? show Tim ~ ? (kinh ng) cho xem 678 - 679 = Ss 3% Glee BD ladles BEECH. Please wait a while, Vui long chiy cho mgt chit, What kind of camera are you looking for? Anh / Chi tim may anh nhu thé nao a? Please show me that camera. Cho t6i xem may anh kia PLEEVELA. Lajbsji BES< May rit tién ty dong 680 681 . : apr REL OHH gO ani oO BUSELTI A. way to~ Are you here for a withdrawal? cfich ~ Quy khiich rit (tién) 9? Idon’t know how to use the ATM. Toi khOng biét cach str dung ATM. AIM ® 2h UDR DON ETL, i ‘Then please come this way. Vay méi hudng nay 9. FASL cash (FLEAS SY Eth don’t have any each, tidn mit Téi khéng €6 tign mit. 683 ATM CBI ATMA HV EF. OD bry-an . automatic teller There is an ATM here. machine (ATM) O day co may rit tién tr dong, may rit tién ty dong sa BAT ATM BRE BALET. withdraw I will withdraw cash from the ATM, ritt (tin) Toi bing may rat tién ty dong. Section 3 - at av teyt ANT CEE. first / trwée tim le SALLIIFATIE BLT 88 Fey vay—k | (He. Oo : EMbb EARLE BLT CHA cash card / thé ngan hang vt Lt CHM. 87 Sx poe See O Lomb BRM MET. next /tigp theo First, please insert your cash card SB [HLL STHLALS thon enoryourPN ‘Then, enter the amount of cash you would like. Press the confirmation bution. ‘The money will come out from here PIN code/ 96 (mat khdu, bao mat) 689 4. 5 bt push /bim, nin 690 Ti Dp this then / sau dé ot ELA “Trude tién, hay dura the ngan hang vao, amount / s6 tién 692 A ce Oo aKICKF 4S) confirm / wile on leigm tra 693 a 9s ol IY button / mit 694 ree come out / xuft hign, ra 695 ys SIVIS ay Oo wbRS RE Kis pasTo exchange will exchange yen to dollars. déi Toi déi tien yén sang do Ia. Send / Gui “ DIULE LS [BLA DIULELA TERT. post office Twill go to the post office tomorrow. buu dign Ngay mai, 16i sé di buu di a Zh (QE RAK AMET. ‘mail box I will put the postcard in the mail post. thing thu Toi cho buu thiép vao thing thi. 698 g, e * o THA IHAE GIST. letter Twill rite a betes thu ‘Toi viet thu. “ (tase WDRE BE BAAVLET. g posteard Can I have three postcards, please? & thigp, buu thiép. Cho 16i 3 tm buru thiép. 700

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