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What is Outline?
 is a design to follow when writing a structure, discourse, or a article.
 it arranges a material in a logical way.
 a document that briefly summarizes the information.
 it is like a blueprint.

Importance of Outline
An outline allows a writer to categorize the main points, to organize the
paragraphs into an order that makes sense, and to make sure that each
paragraph or idea can be fully developed. Essentially, an outline helps prevent a
writer from getting stuck when performing the actual writing essay.

Parts of an outline:
1. Introduction
 attention grabber
 the writer introduces the topic and the thesis statement
 prepares the reader on the contents of the essay

2. Body
 the content of the paper
 1-3 paragraphs in support of the thesis statement made in the introductory
 the body should contain the topic sentence, supporting statement and the
concluding paragraphs

3. Conclusion
 summarizes the ideas made in the body and restate your thesis statement

Example of an outline:
Benjamin Franklin- Scientist and Inventor
I. Experiments Franklin
A. Studied Nature of Electricity
B. Discovered Lightning Equals Electricity
C. Invented Lightning Rod
ll. Scientific Work
A. Inventions
1. Bifocal Glasses
2. Franklin Stove
3. Daylight Saving Time
B. Scientific Studies
1. Charted Gulf Stream
2. Worked on Soil Improvement
lll. Importance as a Scientist
A. Scientific Honors
B. Writing Translated into Other Languages
C. Expert’s Comments
Guidelines in Writing an Outline

1. Place the title at the center above the outline.

2. Put a period after each numeral and letter.
3. Indent each new level of the outline.
4. Capitalize the first letter of each item.
5. The terms introduction, body and conclusion do not have to be included in the

Activity 1
Directions:Arrange the main ideas and subordinate ideas in order to create an outline.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. See the word box below for the
choices of your answer.
PRE_WRITING Write Topic Sentence
Review and Evaluate Develop Supporting Details
Generate Ideas Write Conclusion

TOPIC: The Writing Process

l. _______________________________________________
A. _____________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________
C. _____________________________________________
A. _____________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________
C. _____________________________________________
A. ____________________________________________
lV. ____________________________________________
A. ____________________________________________
B. ____________________________________________
C. ____________________________________________

Systems of Outlining
1. Decimal Outline- a system of decimal notation that clearly shows how every level
of the outline relates to the larger whole.
-ideas are organize the using of numbers and decimals
2. Alphanumeric Outline- uses letters and numbers to organize ideas
- is commonly used due to convenience and easy recognition of sections

Types of Outline
1. Topic Outline
 Written in words/phrases sentence
 It doesn’t completely express an idea
 Provide quick overview of the topic

2. Sentence Outline
 It forces part of the essay to be written out in the sentences before the first draft.
 Written in full sentence
 It expresses the specific and complete idea.

Activity 2
Direction: Identify the kind of outline based on structure presented in each item.
Activity 3
Directions: Imagine that you are being invited to speak in a certain occasion like,
birthday party, graduation ceremony, giving sermon for a church service, giving an
inspirational message, and others. Write an outline for your message. You may
choose between topic and sentence outline.

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