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SAPDMS Ret Noes 2o2syo04/14 Mr Simon Sathekge | Seapara Mining & Construction . 2° Naboom Place, Geelhoutpark Ext. 4, Rustenburg. North West Dear Sir / Madam | ASSISTANT TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER APPOINTMENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 16 (2) OF THE OCCUPATIONAL Hi SAFETY ACT, 85 OF 1993 Appointee Details: Positi Site Manager Name and Surname: Lefa Sathekge Identity Number: (0006125947082 Company Number: 157109 Certificate Number (if N/A applicable): 1, Simon Ngoako Sathekge , Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") charged in terms of section 16(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 ("OHSA"), hereby assign you, Lefa * Use relevant site footer as per approved site letterhead ** Sathekge as the General Works Manager and Assistant to the CEO in terms of section 16(2) of the OHSA. In terms of this appointment, you are responsible to ensure that the duties of the Employer, as contemplated in the OHSA, are properly discharged in your area of responsibility as outlined below. In order to assist you in the discharge of these duties, you may appoint such persons 1s you may deem necessary and assign to them any duty contemplated in the Act, which person shall perform such duties under your direction and control You are hereby referred to the Addendum attached to this appointment insofar as it describes your area of responsibility. You are to ensure that you are familiar with the said area of responsibility and understand and agree with the boundaries of your area of responsibility. This appointment will be valid from the date of my signature and will remain in force indefinitely, or until it is revoked in writing or until your services with the company are terminated for whatever reason. Kindly confirm your acceptance of this designation and understanding of the duties involved, by signing the attached copy of this letter and returning it to me, Please retain a copy of this letter of designation for your records. You may not further assign this duty. Ngoako Sathekge | Chief Executive Officer Page2i7 **°* Use relevant site footer as per approved site letterhead **** = SAPDNS Re No: looRaHH4 Rey vot ‘The above appointment and responsibilities are understood and accepted. 1 acknowledge and accept the above appointment and declare that I am familiar with the duties, functions and responsibilities imposed on me by legislation and this appointment and. undertake to ensure the implementation and adherence to these impositions. ‘0 Simate Appointee Name and Surname G00 b259 uIORa Appointee Identity number mance 2023 Jog Jog. Signature of Section 16(2) Appointee Date Signed (General Works Manager) **** Use relevant site footer as per approved site letterhead **** SAPDMS Re No: TOME ANNEXURE “A” ADDENDUM TO THE APPOINTMENT This addendum is an integral part of your appointment. SECTION A: GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY/SCOPE OF AUTHORITY ‘Your geographic area of responsibility/ Scope of authority is: Glencore ( Rustenburg Smelters). SECTION B; FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Within your geographic area of responsibility, your attention is drawn to, but not limited to the following specific legal duties, functions and act s. You will be held accotntable/responsible for the compliance to: Legal reference: Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 and its Regulations ‘The following duties and/or functions are imposed on/assigned to you: 1. In terms of this appointment, you are responsible to ensure that the duties of the Employer, as contemplated in the OHSA are properly discharged in your area of responsibility as outlined above. 2 As ting the CEO in the performance of Simon Sathekge duties in terms of and by the authority of the OHSA an Regulations, Use relevant site footer as per approved site letterhead **#* ee Rey Novak 3 You are to ensure that the OHSA is complied with at your designated area of responsibility. Please report all deviations and areas of non-compliance which you cannot rectify to myself. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the full scope of the OHSA. You are also empowered to appoint the necessary employees within your area of responsibility as Per the OHSA. You are to ensure that those you appoint are competent and maintain or ‘cause a register of all appointees to be maintained, You are to take all reasonably practicable measures, within your area of responsibility, to ensure the general safety and health of persons, and the enforcement of health and safety requirements as may be imposed by the company, the applicable Government Department or the OHSA and its Regulations. If you, for any reason, are unable to take such measures, you are to bring this to the attention of myself You are to ensure that you are familiar with all company health and safety standards. Tris will include, but not be limited to instructions, safe working procedures, general health and safety rules, and protective equipment and clothing requirements. You are to ensure that you are familiar with all permits, permissions and exemptions, as ‘may be imposed by external authorities, including, but not limited to, the Department of Labour. You shall assist in ensuring that, as may be applicable, same documents are always kept up to date. SECTIONC: AUTHORITY You are given the authority to ensure compliance with the legal provisions and requirements. You are to familiarise yourself with the group and internal codes, standards and procedures and to apply them when required; **** Use relevant site footer as per approved site letterhead **## SAPDMS RefNo OMT ‘+ You ate to bring to my attention the need for any additional authority required by you to ensure compliance with the legal provisions/requirements; * You are to bring to my attention the need for any means needed to ensure compliance with the legal provisions/requirements; * You are required to bring any queries, difficulties or any issue that cannot be properly resolved by yourself to my attention, SECTIOND: GENERAL Your attention is drawn to the fact that amendments occur from time to time both to the applicable legislation and the Regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are up to date and, where appropriate, advise management on relevant changes to the legislation and Regulations which amendments will be communicated to you through formal ‘communications and/or training, Nonetheless, you are to familiarise yourself with such changes and take such action as may be required to ensure compliance thereto, You should note that your rights and powers are only in respect of the designated working area/scope of authority for which you have been appointed, By attaching your signature at the bottom ofthis addendum you confirm that you have read and understood the requirements and accept the responsibilities set out in the contents, Lefa Sathekge **** Use relevant site footer as per approved site letterhead *#** ————— eee 26/o8/ Signature Date Signed 2 2 Signature Date Signed 3. Signature Date Signed 4 Signature Date Signed Signature Date Signed *+*** Use relevant site footer as per approved site letterhead ****

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