Abs Bosman

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DSpace 1.6 usage statistics:

What it can do for you?
Ben Bosman, @MIRE, <ben@atmire.com>


DSpace 1.6 has been extended with a new Apache Solr based statistics
solution. This contribution to DSpace is the open-source version of @mire’s
commercial “Content and Usage Analysis” DSpace module. The DSpace 1.6
statistics offer storage of usage data including bitstream downloads, item
display page visits, collection and community homepage visits, ... .


The goal of this presentation is to offer an introduction to the DSpace 1.6

statistics solution. This will include an overview of the various features of the
open source module, the stored statistics information and the potential benefits
for your repository by using these usage statistics.

One example benefit for your repository is the perception of your repository by
the visitors from outside your institutions. If end-users are able to see how
popular your repository is by publishing the statistics information, those users
will consider the content of your repository more valuable. A popular repository,
and more specifically a popular item is generally perceived as being more
Another benefit for your repository arises when creating reports for your
institution’s management to visualize the importance and impact of your
Technologielaan 9
repository and its content. When your institution’s board notices how important
B-3001 Heverlee
your repository is for e.g. offering and visualizing the scientific output being
☎ +32 2 888 2956 created at your institution, this could safeguard its future.

A demo on the user interface of the open-source version of the usage statistics
533 2nd St.
module in DSpace 1.6 is included in this section as well.
Encinitas, CA 92024
☎ +1 858 368 4681 USE CASES
info@atmire.com This presentation will also include some example use-cases where the statistics
www.atmire.com solution can be extended for various extra functionalities.

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One example is an OAI crosswalk offering access to a view on the usage data
which is important for e.g. NEEO harvesting (http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/
~ b p a u w e l s / N E E O / W P 5 / W P 5 % 2 0 Te c h n i c a l % 2 0 g u i d e l i n e s % 2 0 -

Another example would be the inclusion of usage metadata beyond page views
and file downloads. One can e.g. store an overview of performed searches
within the repository in general to create an overview of the most popular
searches or a tag cloud of keywords frequently used in combination with the
searches currently executed (an example of such a functionality can be found at


The third part of this presentation will provide insight into the new version 2.2 of
the commercial “Content and Usage Analysis” module, @mire’s proprietary
statistics solution, including a feature comparison between the open-source and
commercial solution.

While the open source version focusses on providing pre-configured usage

statistics to the repository users, the commercial solution contains very
customizable views for both repository visitors and administrators.

For administrators, a very interactive webinterface was developed in order to

dynamically create reports based upon the statistics present in your repository.
The CUA module also contains improved statistics views within various
repository pages (such as item pages, collection homepages, and the repository
homepage) including many options to create on the fly a number of different
graphs and data tables., Besides these extended statistics for page views and
@mire file downloads (usage statistics), a number of content related statistics (e.g. an
overview of the distribution of document types per collection) are available. A
Technologielaan 9 short introduction to these additional statistics is also included in this
B-3001 Heverlee presentation.
Finally a demo will also be given on the commercial “Content and Usage
☎ +32 2 888 2956
Analysis” module.
533 2nd St.
Encinitas, CA 92024
☎ +1 858 368 4681


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