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LEVEL TWO LEARN IN YOUR CAR°CD SPANISH by Henry N. Raymond Learn In Your Car is the only language learning system designed to teach a foreign language in your car as you drive, without the aid of a textbook. This booklet contains the entire recorded text for your reference so that you can see how the words are spelled. This booklet also contains additional expla- nations which wilk be helpful to you if you have trouble understanding some of the concepts. ABOUT THIS COURSE Learn In Your Car ~ Spanish, Level Two is a continuation of Leam in Your Car Spanish, Level One, Level Two begins where Level One ends. Level One is designed and organized primarily with the traveler in mind. Level Two continues with more ideas, concepts, and vocabulary that are useful to the traveler, but introduces more complex vocabulary and grammar. The following guidelines are used: 1. The basic premise is that communicating in a language requires learning words, phrases, and sentences; but you can't earn to communicate effectively in a language unless you know the individual meaning of each word. 2. The emphasis is on comnmunication. Words, phrases, or sentences can be used to communicate. It is not always necessary 10 use a complete sentence to convey a thought, 3. It teaches the way a child learns, Children start by learning, ‘one-word sentences, then two-word sentences, ete 4, It teaches the most important things first. This course does not use your valuable memory to store useless words, The important words you need to survive and get around are taught first. Grammar is introduced in the later lessons, but it is taught with examples rather than rules. 5. No more than one new word is introduced at a time. This means you won't hear a sentence or a phrase and wonder which sound corresponds to which word. (Various forms of previously introduced verbs are used along with new words.) 6. No textbook is required. The fact that no more than one new word is introduced at a time enables you to use the CDs effex tively without referring to a textbook. The CDs are designed to be used without a textbook so that you can use them while driving a car or while doing other things which require simi- lar amounts of concentration 7. Literal (word-for-word) translations are used as much as possible. This enables you to understand how a sentence or phrase is constructed and what the individual words mean, HOW TO USE “LEARN IN YOUR CAR ~ SPANISH” The lessons start immediately at the beginning of Disc One with no introduction so that you don't have t0 listen to the same introduction over and over again, Simply start the first disc and play through the first lesson. For each expression, you will hear the English version fol lowed by a pause, then the Spanish translation followed by a pause, then the Spanish translation a second time followed by a third pause. At first, you will only be able to imitate the Spanish words in the two pauses after the Spanish translations (the second and third pauses). As you learn and progress, you will be able to recall and recite the Spanish version during the first pause before you hear the first Spanish translation. Be sure to speak the Spanish expressions out loud. The rate at which you learn will be significantly slower if you do not speak the Spanish expressions aloud. Play the first lesson several times until you learn most of it Then start playing the first followed by the second until you learn most of the second. As you progress. keep adding lessons. Always go back fo the beginning to reinforce the material you have already learned. (As you progress through the material, you may want to restart at Some place other than the very beginning of the first disc. This is fine as long as you know all the material ahead of your starting point, Later Tessons are designed with the assumption that you already know the material in earlier lessons.) NOTES ABOUT THE TEXT * Words which are underlined in phrases in the text have the same meaning in both English and Spanish. When a new word is introduced, it will usually be underlined. + Literal translations are in parentheses with an “L such as: “(L, This is a literal translation)” + Words in brackets [like this] are understood or indicate con- text, but are not heard on the di NOTES ABOUT THE CDs + The CD format, with each lesson on a separate track, allows, ‘you to instantly target the exact lesson you wish to review. The disc and track numbers for each lesson are listed in the ‘Table of Contents, + The Spanish and English translations are on separate chan- nels. If you wish to hear only the Spanish translations, simply adjust the balance control of your CD player so that you hear only the Spanish version. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Gabriella Rapkin, Iris Capa, Marta Cid, and Oscar Ramirez who helped me to make this audio production possible. ‘The work is dedicated 10 my parents, Hank and Anne Raymond who have been wonderful parents and great friends over the years. May they enjoy long and healthy lives. —Hank Raymond Proce & distributed by Penton Overseas, In 2470 Impala Driv, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7226 USA et-t11-0060 + 800.748 5804 » Fax: 760-431-8110 ‘email: * Website: hip/faae pentonoverseas com ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. Disc 1: Tracks 1-11 1: Lesson 45..Speakng inthe Past Tense wit 2: Lesson 46, Infinitive Verb Forms 3: Lesson 47... More lnfinitives 4: Lesson 48...The Telephone 5: Lesson 49, Practice With the Past Tense (Pete) 6 r 8: 9: ” and ir” Verbs Pretert) 3: Lesson 50... More Practice with the Pat Tense (Preterit) : Lesson 51...The Verh “Estat Preterit Tense Lesson 52..-The Verbs “Ser” and “h”,Preteit Tense : Lesson $3..‘The Verb “Tener”, Preteit Tense 10: Lesson Sd... The Verb “Estar, Imperfect Tense 1: Lesson 55... The Verb “Ser” Imperfect Tense Dise 2: Tracks 1-14 1: Lesson 56,..The Verb "Tener Imperfext Tense 2: Lesson 57. Typical Regular Verbs With “a Ending, Imperfect Tense 3: Lesson 58..Typial Regular Verbs Wither” & “i” Endings, Impecict Tense 4 Lesson 59...Some Common Verbs in the Imperfect Tense 5: Lesson 6)...The Verb “Haber” 6 1 8 Lesson 61.-Some Important Conceps [Lesson 62,..More Important Concepts Lesson 63... Useful Singular Verb Forms in Sentences, Present Tense 9: Lesson 64, Useful Pura Verb Forms in Sentences, Present Tense 10; Lesson 6... Using Direct Object Pronouns in Sentences 11; Lesson 66,.. More Direct Objet Pronouns 12; Lesson 67...Using Indirect Objet Pronouns in Sentences 13; Lesson 68. Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Together 14; Lesson 69..Pronouns in Negative Sentences Disc 3: Tracks 1-12 Lesson 70..The Car Lesson 71. Sentences With Important Worls and Concepts 3: Lesson 72... More Sentences With Important Words and Concepts Lesson 73...The Verb “Estar”, Future Tense Lesson 74...The Verb “Ser”, Future Tense Lesson 75...The Verb “Tenet”, Future Tense Lesson 76...The Future Tense With Regular Verbs [Lesson 77...Some Iregular Future Vero Stems Lesson 78.._Days ofthe Week 10; Lesson 79... Months ofthe Year AL; Lesson 80... the Doctor's Oifice 12; Lesson 8... At the Dinner Table anguage wade’ LESSON 45 — LECCION 45. SPEAKING IN THE PAST TENSE WITH “ER” AND “IR” VERBS (PRETERIT) — PRETERITO DE VERBOS CON LAS TERMINACIONES “ER” E “IR” toselt.. : vender sold my car. / 1 did sell my car Yo vendi mi coche. You sold your tickets / You did sell your tickets. (Familiar) ‘Ta yendiste tus boletos ‘You sold your tickets (Polite) SLL Usted yendi sus boletos, He sold their house. / He sold his 1 vendi6 su casa We sold our house Nosotros vendimos nuestra casa, You sold your house. (Plural Famili Vosotros vendisteis vuestra casa You sold our tickets (Plural)... Ustedes vendieron nuestros boletos, They sold my things. Ellos yendieron mis cosas tolive vivir I lived in Mexico for two years... ‘Yo viv en México por dos aitox You lived in Spain lat year, didn't you? ‘Ta viviste en Espaiia el ato pasado, ino? id you live alone last year? TLL. VIG usted solo el ao pasado? He lived a good life. TOUTE Elwivio una buena vida. We lived together for five years. ULILLIIE Nosotros vivimos juntos por cinco aftos. ‘Did you live in that house on the comer? (Plural, familia, asin Spain) «+ éNivisteis vosotros en esa casa de la esquina? 1 How long did you live at the beact? (Plural) Por cuanto tiempo vivieron ustedes en la playa? ‘Two years ago they lived at the beach. Hace dos afos ellos vivieron en la playa ‘The above translations show examples of regular” er”and"it” verbs used in the preterit tense. The preterit tense is used to express action that was completed some time in the past. The English equivalent is: “sold”, “did sell”, “lived”, “did live”, etc, Regular “er’ and “ir” verbs follow the conjugation rules shown below. Irregular verbs follow different spelling rules which must be lcarned individually. To conjugate 2 regular “er” or “ir” verb in the preterit tense, drop the “er” or “ir” and add the appropriate ending supyecr ENDING yo vend () ti vend (iste) usted, él ella vend (i6) nosotros vend (imos) vosotros. vend (isteis) ustedes, ellos ells vend (leron) ‘The “vosotros” form (second person plural, familiar) of Spanish verbs is not used except in Spain, The “ustedes” form is commonly used in much of Spain in formal settings. In this text, the “vosotros” form will be presented t0 show how it is conjugated but most examples will use only the “ustedes” form. LESSON 46 — LECCION 46 INFINITIVE VERB FORMS — VERBOS INFINITIVOS to answer He is going to be born, don't want to forget, toearn / to win... to get off / to go down to go up / to climb to remain / to stay / to be located to move something to move to anew location You must run. (Familiar) ‘You have to walk, (Familiar) She wants 10 c0u. You must give (Plural) ‘They must give back tovisit someone tovisit a place to place or to put to put on something He can return {to a place} to ignite / to light up / t turn on. to extinguish / to turn off ‘That's going to smell, to feel / to sense Would you like to receive a gift? (Familias) We would like {0 swim, togoin/ toenter ...... 2 to be acquainted with / to make the acquaintance of. He is going to die, . és They are going 10 fal, (Feminine) . to tum / to retum / to come back to become He needs to follow, We need io dream, to go away. He wants to pass, ‘That is going to seem difficult. ‘They want to use my car. (Feminine) ‘As was mentioned in Level One, itis often not necessary to use subject pronouns ("yo responder / contestar Elvaanacer No quiero olvidar, ganar bajar subir quedar mover mudar [Ta] debes corre. [T] tienes que caminar Ella quiere tocar Ustedes deben dar, Ellos deben devolver. visitar a alguien Visita un lugar Colocar / poner ponerse alguna cose El puede regresar encender apagar Fso va a oles. 3 sentir ¢Quisieras recibir un regalo? {Nosotros} quisiéramos nadar, entrar Elvaa morir, Ellas van a caerse volver volverse / hacerse El necesita seguir. [Nosotros] necesitamos sofiar ise El quiere pasar, ++ Eso vaa parecer diffci Ellas quieren usar mi coche. sted”, ete) in Spanish because the subject is often indicated by which conjugation ofthe verb is used. For example, the first ‘person singular conjugation of a verb is always used with the first person singular pronoun "yo" (1). The spelling and pronunciation ofthis conjugation is usually unique to the first person singular. The same is true of the second, person singular conjugation whic always used with the pronoun “ta” (you, familiar). When these verb con- jugations are used, there can usually be no mistake about whom you are talking or who the subject ofthe sentence is. The same applies to the first person plural (nosotros) and to the familiar form of the second person plural as 4 used in Spain (vosotros). The subject of the third singular conjugation, however, can be used with the subject pronouns “usted” (you. polite), “él” (he), ella” (she) or any noun. This means that the third singular conjogation ‘may sometimes require the use ofa subject pronoun to clarify who the subject is However, ifthere is any doubt as towho the subject is, then use a subject pronoun. In this text, subject pronouns are used some of the time and are not used other times. They are sometimes shown in brackets to show where they would be placed in a sentence if they were to be used. LESSON 47 — LECCION 47 [MORE INFINITIVES — MAS INFINITIVOS You need to try, (Plural)... to remove / to take away ‘They don’t want to owe moncy. to give back / to pay back ‘They are going to lend money. to ask / to question to borrow to begin to return / to come back They need to go out, ‘We want to hear, They must listen. He wants to keep this tohold We are going 0 live a Tong time. Can they look fat? Gan you get... ?/ Can you obtain Tean'e send this gift You can't lake the bus. (Familiar) 7 (Polite) Cave to thi to wait for / t0 expect / to hope to carry / to take away / to lead to show She wants to show the map to her boyfriend, to fix / to repair have to check something. ‘They are going to prefer the small restaurant, We need to wash the windows, You need to carry the books. (Familiar) You have io bring your tickets (Familiar) Would youlike wo meet [with] Paul at thebank? (Plural) I don't want to spend a lot of money. [need to find my friend, Can you take a photo? (Polite) Ustedes necesitan trata guitar + Ellos no quieren deber dinero. devolver Eillos van a prestar dinero. preguntar pedir prestado / tomar prestado comenzar / empezar regresar Bilos necesitan salir {Nosotros} queremos oir. + Ellos deben escuchar, ‘El quiere quedarse con esto. tener / retener 5 [Nosotcog] vamos a vivir mucho tiempo. @Pueden ellos mirar? (Puede usted conseguir. ..? No puedo enviar este regalo. [16 no puedes tomar el Smnibus, Elno puede aceptar tarjetas de crédito, Nosotros no podemos leet, Usted no puede preparur la cena Ellos no pueden juga, [Yo] tengo que pensar esperar evar ‘mostrar / ensenar Ella quiere mostrar el mapa a su novio. reparar ‘Tengo que Billos van a preferic el restaurante pequefo, Necesitamos lavar las ventana, [Ta] necesitas Hevar los libros [Ta] tienes que truer tus boletos (Quisieran ustedes encontrarse con Pablo en el Danco? No quiero gastar mucho dinero. Necesito encontrar a mi amigo. @Puede usted tomar una foto? 6 LESSON 48 — LECCION 48 THE TELEPHONE — EL TELEFONO acall There is a telephone call for you. person to person call Excuse me, si. Is there a telephone near here? Yes, there is a telephone on the first floor. Do you have any messages for me? (Polite) want to leave a message for my friend. would like to buya telephone card for 500 pesetas, He would ike to buysome tokens or thetelephone. T would like to make a telephone call, May I use your telephone? (Polite) tohelp / to assist, Can you help me? (Polite) want (6 telephone [to] my wife I would like to make a collect Can you dial this number, please? (Polite) Hello. I would like £0 speak with Michael ‘Don't hang up! to ask for / to request ‘Ask Jean to call me. ‘Ask Jean to call me back, When is he going to return? ‘What is the telephone number? ‘una llamada Hay una llamada telefonic ‘una lamada personal of, {Hay algdin teléfono cerca de aque? Si, hay un teléfono en el primer piso

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