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LEVEL ONE : LEARN IN YOUR CAR°CD SPANISH by Henry N. Raymond. anguage Learn In Your Car — Spanish is the only language learning system designed to teach a foreign language in your car as, you drive, without the aid of a textbook, However, for your reference, this booklet contains the entire recorded text so that, you can sce how the words are spelled. This booklet also con: iains additional explanations which will be helpful to you if you have trouble understanding some of the concepts. ABOUT THIS COURSE Learn In Your Car — Spanish is designed and organized with the traveler in mind, The following guidelines are used: 1. The basic premise is that communicating in a language requires learning words, phrases, and sentences: but you can't earn to communicate effectively in a language unless you know the individual meaning of each word. 2. The emphasis is on communication, Words, phrases, or sen- tences can be used to communicate, It is not always necessary to use a complete sentence to convey a thought. 3, Itteaches the way a child learns. Children start by learning ‘one-word sentences, then two-word sentences, etc, 4. It teaches the most important things first. This course does not use your valuable memory to store useless words. The important words you need to survive and get around are taught first. Grammar is introduced in the later lessons, but it is taught with examples rather than rules, 5, No more than one new word is introduced at a time. This, ‘means you won't hear a sentence or a phrase and wonder which sound corresponds to which word, 6, No textbook is required. The fact that no more than one new word is introduced at a time enables you to use the CDs effectively without referring to a textbook. The CDs are designed to be used without a textbook so that you can use them while driving a car or while doing other things which require similar amounts of concentration. 7. Literal (word-for-word) translations are used as much as possible. This enables you to understand how a sentence or phrase is constructed and what the individual words mean, HOW TO USE “LEARN IN YOUR CAR — SPANISH” ‘The lessons start immediately at the beginning of Disc One with no introduction so that you don't have to listen to the same introduction over and over again. Simply start the first dise and play through Lesson One. For cach expression, you will hear the English version followed by a pause, then the Spanish translation followed by a pause, then the Spanish translation a second time followed by a third pause. At first, you will only be able to imitate the Spanish words in the two pauses after the Spanish translations (the second and third pauses). As you learn and progress, you will be able to recall and recite the Spanish version during the first pause before you hear the first Spanish translation, Be sure to speak the Spanish expressions out loud. The rate at which you learn will be significantly slower if you do not speak’ the Spanish expressions aloud. Play Lesson One several times until you learn most of it. Then start playing Lesson One followed by Lesson Two until you Jean most of Lesson Two. As you progress, keep adding Jessons. Always go back to the beginning of Lesson One to reinforce the material you have already learned. (AS you progress through the material, you may want to restart at some place other than the very beginning of the first disc. This is fine as long as you know all the material ahead of your start- ing point, Later lessons are designed with the assumption that you already know the material in earlier lessons.) NOTES ABOUT THE TEXT + Words which are underlined in phrases in the text ha same meaning in both English and Spanish, When an is introduced, it will usually be underlined. + Literal translations are in parentheses with an “L.” such as: “(L. This is literal translation)” + Words in brackets [like this] are understood, but are not heard on the tapes. e the w word NOTES ABOUT THE CDs * The CD format, with each lesson on a separate track, allows you to instantly target the exact lesson you wish to review. ‘The disc and track numbers for each lesson are listed in the Table of Contents. + The Spanish and English translations are on separate chan- nels. If you wish to hear only the Spanish translations, simply adjust the balance control of your CD player so that you hear only the Spanish version. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘We would like to thank Gabriella Rapkin and Yvonne Anfossi who helped to make this audio production possible, ‘Henry Raymond Produced & distibute by Renton Overeas, ne 2470 Impala Dive, Casbad, CA 92008-7226 USA 760-431-0060 » 800-740-5004 » Fax: 760-431-8110 ‘email penton com + Website: TABLE OF CONTENTS Disc 1: Tracks 1-17 Lesson I...Basics Lesson 2...Basie Phrases 1 10: Lesson 10...More Numbers 2 11; Lesson 11...Big Numbers 3: Lesson 3. Transportation Nouns 12: Lesson 12... Very Big Numbers 4 Lesson 4. Transporation Phrases 13: Lesson 13...At the Restaurant 5: Lesson 5... Money 14: Lesson 14...Shopping 6 Lesson 6.- Hotel 1S: Lesson 15. Time, General 7: Lesson 7..\mporant Words 16: Lesson 16..Time of Day 8: Lesson 8...Directions 17: Lesson 17... Questions 9: Lesson 9... Numbers Dise 2: Tracks 1-13 I: Lesson 18...Shops 2 Lesson 19... Nouns 3: Lesson 20... Adjectives and Adverbs 4: Lesson 21... Verbs 5: Lesson 22... Prepositions 6: Lesson 23...Prepostional Pronouns 7: Lesson 24. Possessve Adjectives £8: Lesson 25...Conjunetons and Similar Words 9: Lesson 26. -Sentences and Phrases, General 10: Lesson 27. Sentences and Phrases, Negative Ml: Lesson 28. Forming Questions 12: Lesson 29._.Sentences and Phrases, General, 13: Lesson 30... Sentences and Phrase, Transportation Disc 3: Tracks 1-14 1: Lesson 3...Sentences and Phrases, Money 2: Lesson 32. Sentences and Phrases, Hotel 3: Lesson 33... Sentences and Phrases, Getting Around 4 Lesson 34.. Sentences and Phrases, Directions 5: Lesson 35...Sentences and Phrases, Conversation 6: Lesson 36...The Verb “Ser”(o be), present tense 7: Lesson 37...The Verb “Estar(to be), present rense 8: Lesson 38...The Verb “Tenes"(to have), present tense ‘9: Lesson 39... Typical Regular Verb with “a” ending, present tense 10: Lesson 40..Typical Regular Verb with “ie” ending. present tense M1: Lesson ..Typical Regular Verh with “er” ending, present tense 12; Lesson 42... The Neat Future Tense 13: Lesson 43,..Speaking With The Infinitive of the Verb 14: Lesson 44... Speaking In The Past Tense With “a” Verbs (Preterit), Ponte in Mexico LESSON 1 BASICS — LAS BASES Ts seamen yo you (familiar) ie you (formal) sted he fit at she /it ella this : esto we nosotros you (plural asin you Buys tstedes You (plural as used in Spain) vosottos poeta ihey (masculine or mixed) llos they feminine) ellas goad! moming / good day buenos das 00d afternoon / good exening buenas tardes food nist buenas aoches food. bye wonnsnnonnnen adiés please por favor thank you = gracias you're welcome — de mada yes : sf sr/Me senor 1 madam / Mrs sefora > miss 5 CI seforita ji" = Familiar “you" singular, used in casual conversation sted” = polite "you" used with strangers or to be polite ‘Ustedes” = plural “you's used in Mexico, Central and South America (familie and formal; in Spin, formal only). “Vosotros” = plural “you” as used in Spain (familiar, plural). LESSON 2 BASIC PHRASES ~ FRASES BASICAS want — - Yo quit. 1 don't want Yo no quiero. Where? ooonnn Donde? Whereis? 7 song Donde esta? Whereis the bathroom? {Dénde est €l haio? How much? {Cuato? How much does it cost? (L: How much costs?) {{Cudnto cucsta? time (L. hour) fora Whal ime? (What Hou) {Qué hora? ‘AL what tim : (A que hora? You have Usted tiene, Do you have..?/ Have you...? ninsesunon @Tiene usted...? Tunderstand. ' ‘Yo comprendo. {don’t understand, Yo no comprendo. You understand? .. s=gComprende usted? Itis.../Mhat is. E30 ES... sit. fs that. GES Eso...? Subject pronouns (yo, 1 sted, é, ella, nosotos, ustedes, vosotos, ellos elas) generally are not required to be ‘used in sentences. This is because the subject pronoun can be determined by simply observing which forma (Conjugation) of the verb is used. LESSON 3 TRANSPORTATION NOUNS ~ NOMBRES DE TRANSPORTE, tren ‘wn tren vel tren “los trenes. “un coche ‘el coche “an tax vel taxi can arco vel barco von avin velavidn el autobiis «la parada de autobuses abus stop aos una parada de autobuses AUEKE songennnninnnnnnneniennennennennenn tf billets / 4 boleto the ticket : voce! billete the ticket window / the ticket office vce taguilla an airport ve vo secant POUCH the airport. oo smnenn€LACFOPUEHO the Tight ne : vomel Vuelo agonnection oo neti ONEXIGA the connections... . son a eonexiones the railway station. the bus terminal .. the oe Which platform? Which track? ‘Which train car? In Spanish ll nouns have a gonder. That is, they are considered masculine o Feminine. Words modifying nouns must agree in gener with the nouns. Above you se the articles “el” and “un” modifying masculine nouns and the ales “Ia” and “una” modifying feminine nouns. The plural of “ia” s “Las. The plural of el" is “os” LESSON 4 ‘TRANSPORTATION PHRASES ~ FRASES DE TRANSPORTE Whereis the train station? .. -¢DSnule esta la estacién de trenes? {0 the railway station, please vat a estaci6n de ferrocartil, por favor wihe airport, please. “al aeropuerto, por favor Tanta tax c ‘Yo quiero un taxi. Twould like... von YO quisiera... Lwould like a ticket. ccnnnennnnonn vom Qusiera un boleto. Aticket to... (L.A ticket for.) : Un holeto para the tain to Madrid ‘el tren para Madrid the train from Madrid. senna MR Ge Madrid the tain from Madrid fo Paris vel ten de Madrid a Paris first primera first class — primera clase seeond class vo segunda clase one way ticket... sonst boteto de ida ‘round trip ticket tun boleto de ida y vuelta nO SMOKING no furnar no smokers. ‘no fumadores ‘At what time docs the train leave? Ac what time does the tain arrive? ‘Where isthe bus to Cancdin? . -A qué hora sale el tren? GA qué hora Hlegs el tren? {;Dénde esta e} autobis para Canevin? Which number? ‘Cul nimero? Which seat {Cual asiento? seat number five...

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