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English 9

Everything About Radio Play

What is Radio Play?

- a dramatized and lively acoustic performance
- One-Act-Play (can range from one minute to one hour long)

1. Theme
- what is the play about?
- needs to be clear
- everything in the story line must support the theme
- sub-plots are unnecessary
2. Plot
- Introduction to Resolution
- significant events
- must be understood by the audience
- don't use a complex plot
- should be concise
3. Characters
- not much area to develop all the characters
- the protagonist's character needs to be more developed and focused on.
- antagonist can be developed to show conflict
- some characters can also be a little bit developed to move the story forward
4. Dialogue
- Script, must be crafted to suit the theme
5. Mood
- general feeling or atmosphere
- emotional response

To write a radio drama, it needs…

A visual medium
- Radio speaks to an audience of one.

- Introduction music and to finish the play.

- there are two ways, acoustic and sound effects.
• Acoustic - where your play is set
• Sound Effects - sound events to tell what is going on or to know the movements of the

- pause embarrassment or refusal of saying anything, confused
- beat a shot pause indicating something realization
- silence is a long pause can make a space on the emotion

- makes the things busy and all the characters must be moved in any time. To know the

Rhythm of Speech
- To make the single things precise. To describe also what the scenes are.

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