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The First Hundred Days of PNoy: Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Jennifer S. Florida, Ph.D.

Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III, also known as Noynoy Aquino or PNoy, is the fifteenth and current President of the Philippines. PNoy is the third generation Aquino politician bearing the name Benigno: his grandfather, Benigno Aquino, Sr., held several legislative positions from 1919 - 1944; his father, Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr., is a former Senator. Like his predecessors, he held several legislative positions: three term Representative of the 2nd district of Tarlac province (1998, 2001, 2004) and Senator of the 14th Congress of the Philippines (2007). Table 1 shows some of the House and Senate Bills passed by Benigno S. Aquino III. Table 1 Some of the House and Senate Bills passed by Benigno S. Aquino III
House bills and resolutions House Bill No. 4251 House Bill No. 4397 Highlight/s granting annual productivity incentives to all workers in the private sector strengthening the regulatory power of the Department of Trade and Industry to effectively enforce consumer laws increasing the penalties for noncompliance of the prescribed increases and adjustments in the wage rates of workers extending the reglementary period for the educational qualification for the Philippine National Police providing for the codification of criminal laws

House Bill No. 4252

House Bill No. 3616

House Bill No. 1842

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House bills and resolutions House Resolution No. 65

Highlight/s inquiry in aid of legislation into the policies and processes of the Energy Regulatory Commission in granting rate increases to electric utilities created a Congressional Oversight Committee to check and study the use of intelligence funds by government agencies, thus ensuring that allocated funds are actually used for the purposes they were originally intended for Senate of the Philippines wherein "impoundment" refers to the power of the President to refuse the release of funds appropriated by the Congress of the Philippines which is the Preservation of Public Infrastructures bill, seeking to raise standards in the construction of all public infrastructures by penalizing contractors of defective infrastructures. The bill also requires the Bureau of Maintenance under the Department of Public Works and Highways to conduct periodic inspections of public infrastructures which applies to all government procurement activities regardless of source of funds whether local or foreign; only treaties or international/executive agreements entered into by the government prior to its enactment shall be exempt from coverage. The bill was filed in light of the Department of Justice declaration regarding the validity of the controversial NBN-ZTE scandal, wherein its international aspect, as well as the fact that it was an executive agreement, was cited as one reason for its exemption from the procurement process stipulated in Republic Act 9184

House Resolution No. 788

The Budget Impoundment and Control Act (SB 3121),

Senate Bill 2035

Amending the Government Procurement Act (SB 2160)

Source: Senate of the Philippines

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Before Noynoys Presidency Unknown to many, Noynoy survived the five bullets (one is still on his neck) that hit him during unsuccessful coup attempt led by Gregorio Honasan on August 28, 1987. His mother, former President Corazon Aquino, was eighteen months into the presidency when this happened. Twelve years after, following the death of his mother on August 1, 2009, many people began calling for PNoy to run for president. He officially announced his candidacy for the 2010 presidential elections on September 9, 2009. And on June 9, 2010, the Congress of the Philippines proclaimed Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III the elected president for the 2010 elections. PNoy was sworn into office as the fifteenth President of the Philippines on June 30, 2010, at the Quirino Grandstand in Rizal Park, Manila, by Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines Conchita Carpio-Morales. Noynoys Presidential Campaign A political platform states the aims and principles of what the Candidate believes in (Thesaurus). The campaign slogan of Noynoy, which is kung walang corrupt walang mahirap, speaks of the basic premise of his advocacy. Noynoy believes that Filipino nation should move away from the kind of government that tolerates corruption, which is the structural root of poverty. He offers a kind of government that raises the Filipinos from poverty. This kind of government needs transformational leadership, which change the system. He is offering a platform of integrity.a platform that proclaims his beliefs for a positive change. He gave the Filipino voters options of choosing hope over fear, determination over pessimism. Noynoys platform encouraged every single Filipino to stand tall and fight corrupt government. The platform talks about the chance to dream and love a country. The Platform of Benigno "Noynoy" S. Aquino III (for his Presidential Campaign) A National Leadership in Need of Transformational Change Its legitimacy is under question; It persecutes those who expose the truth about its illegitimacy and corruption;

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It stays in power by corrupting individuals and institutions; It confuses the people with half-truths and outright lies; It rewards, rather than punishes, wrongdoing; It offers no lasting solutions for the many problems of the country; It weakens the democratic institutions that hold our leaders accountable. It hinders our local governments from delivering basic services; It has no vision of governance beyond political survival and self-enrichment.

A People Crying out for Change Corruption robs our children of their protection, nutrition and education. Corruption destroys our families and communities. Corruption steals from our farmers and workers. Corruption deters businessmen from investing in our economy. This has eroded our spirit as individuals, as communities, as a people.

A People's Campaign of Renewed Hope Anchored on Ninoy's and Cory's legacy of change through the ways of democracy Embraces the qualities of integrity, humility and trustworthiness in public leadership. Recognizes the absence of these qualities in government as a major cause of widespread poverty, misery and despair.

The Vision for the Philippines A country with: A re-awakened sense of right and wrong, through the living examples of our highest leaders; An organized and widely-shared rapid expansion of our economy through a government dedicated to honing and mobilizing our people's skills and energies as well as the responsible harnessing of our natural resources;

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A collective belief that doing the right thing does not only make sense morally, but translates into economic value as well; Public institutions rebuilt on the strong solidarity of our society and its communities.

Mission A commitment to transformational leadership. From a President who tolerates corruption -- to a President who is the nation's first and most determined fighter of corruption. From a government that merely conjures economic growth statistics that our people know to be unreal -- to a government that prioritizes jobs that empower the people and provide them with opportunities to rise above poverty. From relegating education to just one of many concerns -- to making education the central strategy for investing in our people, reducing poverty and building national competitiveness. From treating health as just another area for political patronage -- to recognizing the advancement and protection of public health, which includes responsible parenthood, as key measures of good governance. From justice that money and connections can buy -- to a truly impartial system of institutions that deliver equal justice to rich or poor. Economy. From government policies influenced by well-connected private interests -- to a leadership that executes all the laws of the land with impartiality and decisiveness. From treating the rural economy as just a source of problems, -- to recognizing farms and rural enterprises as vital to achieving food security and more equitable economic growth, worthy of reinvestment for sustained productivity. From government anti-poverty programs that instill a dole-out mentality -- to well-considered programs that build capacity and create opportunity among the poor and the marginalized in the country.
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From a government that dampens private initiative and enterprise -- to a government that creates conditions conducive to the growth and competitiveness of private businesses, big, medium and small. From a government that treats its people as an export commodity and a means to earn foreign exchange, disregarding the social cost to Filipino families -- to a government that creates jobs at home, so that working abroad will be a choice rather than a necessity; and when its citizens do choose to become OFWs, their welfare and protection will still be the government's priority. Government service. From Presidential appointees chosen mainly out of political accommodation -- to discerning selection based on integrity, competence and performance in serving the public good. From demoralized but dedicated civil servants, military and police personnel destined for failure and frustration due to inadequate operational support -- to professional, motivated and energized bureaucracies with adequate means to perform their public service missions. Gender equality. From a lack of concern for gender disparities and shortfalls, to the promotion of equal gender opportunity in all spheres of public policies and programs. Peace and order. From a disjointed, short-sighted Mindanao policy that merely reacts to events and incidents -- to one that seeks a broadly supported just peace and will redress decades of neglect of the Moro and other peoples of Mindanao. Environment. From allowing environmental blight to spoil our cities, where both the rich and the poor bear with congestion and urban decay - to planning alternative, inclusive urban developments where people of varying income levels are integrated in productive, healthy and safe communities.

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From a government obsessed with exploiting the country for immediate gains to the detriment of its environment -- to a government that will encourage sustainable use of resources to benefit the present and future generations (Source: Senate of the
Phillippines, 2009).

Promises versus Actions The anti-corruption campaign slogan of Noynoy Aquino touched the hearts of the Filipino people who believed in and voted for him as the next president of the country. Along with this slogan are promises of Noynoy to the Filipinos that will uplift the nation. The promises made by Noynoy Aquino from the time he was running as a candidate to the time of his oath taking as 15th president of the Republic of the Philippines are discussed vis a vis with his actions on the issue during his first 100 days. On corruption. Promises. His campaign slogan Kung Walang Corrupt, Walang Mahirap reflected his desire to address issues on corruption. He believed that the main problem is not the absence of law but enforcing the same. Actions. The President created the Truth Commission headed by former Chief Justice Hilario Davide to be assisted by Justice Secretary Leila De Lima. Other members of the five-man panel of the Truth Commission are: Menardo Guevarra (alumnus of Ateneo de Manila University), retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Romeo Callejo Sr., Ateneo Human Rights Center law professor Carlos Medina, and retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Flerida Ruth Romero. The Truth Commission is tasked to investigate alleged anomalies committed by the previous administration including the Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment Co. (ZTE) - national broadband network (NBN) deal, "Hello Garci" scandal, and fertilizer scam.
This is the body that I promised that will close so many issues. They will collate data and evidence and, in turn, with assistance of Department of Justice, they will prepare and prosecute the cases to make sure that those who committed the crimes will pay. (Remollino,

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On economy / trade / finance. Promises. Economic sectors are PNoys priority for development. He considered the field of Information Technology field, tourism, and the post-agriculture aspect as prospects. Infrastructure program and manufacturing are also part of his list.
We will lessen the lack of infrastructures for transportation, tourism, and trade. From now on, mediocre work will not be good enough when it comes to roads, bridges, and buildings because we will hold contractors responsible for maintaining their projects in good condition (Official Gazette, 2010a). We will help them (farmers) with irrigation, extension services, and marketing their products at the best possible prices (Sun Star Manila, 2010).

Actions. The President made a clear-cut directive to the Department of Public Works and Highways to utilize the P5-billion Motor Vehicle Users Charge (MVUC), or the Road Users Tax. PNoy directed the Department of Agriculture to set up trading centers that will directly link farmers and consumers thereby eliminating middlemen and opportunities for corruption. On tax collection. Promises. The President aimed to strengthen the collections of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), thus fight corruption in the Bureau of Customs (BOC). With this, the augmentation and strict implementation of the countrys slumbering tax measures was his lucid order to the BIR while the hunting of smugglers was his clear directive to the BOC. Actions. The government has filed tax evasion case against William Villarica, proprietor of W Villarica Pawnshop, who is faking his tax remittances, paying only P25,607.25 from 1998 to 2009 while owning multi-million real estate properties and expensive cars, among others. The BOC also collared two companies that are using decoys in their operation in the Philippines. It charged Eduardo Saguid of Gold Mind Trading and Nestor Ignacio of Quick Flo Trading for multiple counts of smuggling. Likewise, BIR is set

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to impose a 12 percent value added tax (VAT) on toll fees in all tollways across the country starting August 16, 2010. On labor. Promises. The goal of the PNoy government is to create jobs at home so there will be no need to look for employment abroad.
We will revive the emergency employment program established by former President Corazon Aquino. This will provide jobs for local communities and will help in the development of their and our economy (Official
Gazette, 2010a).

Actions. The President ordered the Department of Foreign Affairs, Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), and other relevant agencies to be even more responsive to the needs and welfare of our overseas Filipino workers. He also assigned Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz to prepare new measures to boost the protection of Household Service Workers (HWS) abroad while reviving the emergency employment program established by her mother, former President Corazon Aquino. The Aquino administration launched the "Strengthening National Capacities to Support the Philippine Program Against Child Labors Vision of a Child Labor-Free Philippines" program to reduce the incidence of the worst forms of child labor (WFCL) in the country by 75 percent. On national security. Promises. PNoy is concerned with the peace in Minadanao.
My government will be sincere in dealing with all the peoples of Mindanao. We are committed to a peaceful and just settlement of conflict, inclusive of the interests of all may they be Lumads, Bangsamoro or Christian
(Official Gazette, 2010a).

Actions. PNoy government is on the final stage in the composition of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) panels commissioned at making peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the New People's Army.
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We will strengthen the Armed Forces and the police, not to serve the interests of those who want to wield power with impunity, but to give added protection for ordinary folk. (Official Gazette, 2010a).

Actions. The Philippine National Police (PNP) and Armed Forces Philippines (AFP) have been ordered by the President to look into the recent extrajudicial killings including five activists and a journalist. Aquino has retained Director General Jesus Verzosa as PNP chief. On education. Promises. The PNoy has vowed not to disregard the needs of Filipino students. He wanted to address the gap of the Philippine education and among the leading countries in the world by shifting from a 10-year to a 12-year basic education program with an additional nursery to prepare the students for going to school. PNoy firmly believed that students should be taught of the mother tongue first before using foreign language. This is based on the findings of Unesco Institute of Statistics, countries with excellent education system sets three or four-year-old entry to pre-primary education with a duration of at least three years.
We will begin by addressing the glaring shortage in classrooms and educational facilities (Official Gazette,

Actions. PNoy ordered the review of the school textbooks to prevent erroneous books that the education department had been feeding to schoolchildren in the preceding school years. Antonio Calipjo Go, academic supervisor of Marian School of Quezon City, has been asked by Education Undersecretary Vilma Labrador to speak on a seminar to avoid errors in public school textbooks. The Department of Education is also set to receive P10 million worth of confiscated woods from the Department of Environment and Natural resources for the construction of school furniture. On health. Promises. PNoy pronounced the improvement of public health care. He considered Department of Health as the provider of
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health services, and PhilHealth as an active provider of resources for DOH. He hoped to implement the Magna Carta (a law that existed for the past 15 years) for medical professionals. In addition to this, he planned on re-engineering medical schools for preventive health care. On the issue of reproductive health, he dwells on philosophy of responsible parenthood. He believed that the couple could decide on the number of offspring and method of family planning. On health Actions. The Department of Health set a goal to increase to 70 percent the current PhilHealth coverage from 30 to 40 percent of a members health care expenses. Health Secretary Enrique Ona also proposed a P9-billion allocation so the poor will be ensured of PhilHealth enrollment this year.

Timeline: The First 100 Days of PNoy

The first day of PNoy in Malacanang commence the journey that will fulfill his promises to the Filipino people who hope and believed in the new kind of government and leadership offered by Noynoy during his campaign. The timeline for the first 100 days of PNoy provide a blow-by-blow account of the new administration. Noynoy Aquino administration is the second Aquino administration in the history of Philppine government. The first 100 days of any administration is crucial. It is during this period that the President-elect organizes his Cabinet and appoints key executive officials. His choice of people to help him run the government will speak a great deal about the policy direction that his administration would likely take during its term. His first policy will carefully scrutinize. These things serve as indicators on the expectations of people from the administration of President-elect Benigno Noynoy Aquino III. June 30, 2010 PNoy held his first Cabinet meeting where he led the mass oath taking of local officials and members of his Cabinet (Beltan, 2010).

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He issued his first memorandum circular declaring all noncareer executive positions vacant effective June 30, 2010 and extending the services of contractual employees whose contracts expired on June 20 2010 (Official Gazette, 2010b). He graced the Street Party organized by his supporters held at Quezon City Memorial Circle (Beltan, 2010). Appointed the following (Official Gazette, 2010c): Pacquito N. Ochoa, Jr. Executive Secretary Julia Andrea R. Abad Secretary, Presidential Management Staff (PMS) Voltaire T. Gazmin Secretary, Department of National Defense (DND) Alberto G. Romulo Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Jose P. de Jesus Secretary, Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) Cesar V. Purisima Secretary, Department of Finance (DOF) Leila M. de Lima Secretary, Department of Justice (DOJ) Florencio B. Abad Secretary, Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Cayetano W. Paderanga Jr. Director General, National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Proceso J. Alcala Secretary, Department of Agriculture (DA) Ramon P. Paje Secretary, Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Alberto A. Lim Secretary, Department of Tourism (DOT) Corazon Juliano-Soliman Secretary, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Jose Rene D. Almendras Secretary, Department of Energy (DOE) Rogelio I. Singson Secretary, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Rosalinda D. Baldoz Secretary, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

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Armin A. Luistro Secretary, Department of Education (DepEd) Enrique T. Ona Secretary, Department of Health (DOH) Gregory L. Domingo- Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Virgilio de los Reyes Secretary, Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Mario G. Montejo Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Edwin Lacierda Presidential Spokesperson Eduardo V. de Mesa Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Teresita Quintos-Deles Presidential Adviser on Peace Process Lt. Gen. Ricardo David Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Col. Ramon Mateo Dizon Commanding Officer, Presidential Security Group (PSG) Kim Jacinto-Henares Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Cristino Naguiat Chairman, Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) Jose Amor M. Amorado Senior Deputy Executive Secretary, Secretary rank Ericson A. Alcovendaz Assistant Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration and Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Ronaldo A. Geron Assistant Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs and Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Teofilo S. Pilando, Jr. Assistant Executive Secretary for Government Administration and Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Michael Fredrick L. Musngi Undersecretary, Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) Mary Antoniette Lucille P. Ortile Undersecretary, Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) Eloisa D.V. Sy Deputy Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Rochelle Ahorro Appointments Secretary with the rank of Presidential Assistant I (Undersecretary)

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Reylando C. Delantar, Jr. Assistant Executive Secretary, Office of the Appointments Secretary Jo Anne D. Haber Director IV, Office of the Special Assistant to the President Hermino C. Bagro III PMS Director IV Margarita P. Juico Chairman, Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) July 1, 2010 PNoy lived up to his promise not to use "wang-wang" or siren while traveling from his residence at Times Street, Quezon City to Malacanang in Manila (Beltan, 2010). Palace issued revised memorandum circular one, saying all non-career executive positions will have to vacate post. Appointed the following (Official Gazette, 2010d): Esteban B. Conejos, Jr. DFA Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs Rafael E. Seguis DFA Undersecretary for Administration Erlinda F. Basilio DFA Undersecretary for Policy Manuel L. Quezon III Presidential Communications

Development and Strategic Planning Office (PCDSPO)

Undersecretary Abigail R. Dela Fuente-Valte Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Virgilio P. Nadal Executive Director of Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Presidential Broadcast Staff, Radio TV-Malacaang Matanog M. Mapandi DOE Assistant Secretary Ramon Allan V. Oca DOE Assistant Secretary Antonio M. Cailao DOE Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) President Sim M. Caonero DND Assistant Secretary Eduardo G. Barac DND Director IV (Acting Capacity) Anna Mae P. Sta. Ana DND Director III (Acting Capacity) Ilumida G. Afuang DND Director III (Acting Capacity) Jose Emmanuel David M. Eva OP- OES Assistant Secretary

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July 2, 2010 Appointed the following (Official Gazette, 2010e): Rico E. Puno DILG Undersecretary for Peace and Order Virginia Torres Land Transportation Office Assistant Secretary

July 5, 2010 PNoy officially met the employees of the Office of the President during the first flag raising ceremony in Malacanang's Kalayaan grounds where he stressed the need for unity and loyalty of his employees for him to be able to carry out his programs and perform well as President (Beltan, 2010). The President arrived late at the 63rd anniversary of Philippine Air Force (Beltan, 2010). Appointed the following (Official Gazette, 2010f): Angelito A. Alvarez Bureau of Customs Commissioner Benjamin E. Martinez Jr. Office of the Vice-President (OVP) Chief of Staff with the rank of Undersecretary Rosalie R. Licauco OVP Deputy Chief of Staff with the rank of Assistant Secretary Lt. Gen. Nestor Z. Ochoa General, OIC, Office of the Vice Chief of Staff, vice Maj. Gen. Hilario Atendido RADM Danilo M. Cortez AFP General, OIC, Office of the Flag Officer in Command, Philippine Navy (PN) Maj. Gen. Gaudencio S. Pangilinan Jr. Commander, Northern Luzon Command vice Lt. Gen. Ricardo David, Jr. Maj. Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista Deputy Chief of Staff for operations, J3 vice Maj. Gen. Gaudencio S. Pangilinan Brig. Gen. Romulo M. Bambao Chief, Intelligence Service AFP vice Maj. Gen. Romeo C. Prestoza Brig. Gen. Jose Z. Mabanta Jr. Commander, Civil Relations Servie, AFP vice Brig. Gen. Francisco N. Cruz Jr.

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Col. Ramon Mateo U. Dizon Commander, Civil Relations Servie, AFP vice Brig. Gen. Francisco N. Cruz Jr. Col. Jeffrey F. Delgado Senior Military Assistant to the President vice Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero Hernando DCA Iriberri Senior Military Assistant to the SND vice Col. Benito Antonio T De Leon Maj. Gen. Jose Angel A. Honrado Manila International Airport Authority General Manager Trifonio P. Salazar National Intelligence Coordinating Agency Director General Cesar Garcia National Security Adviser July 6, 2010 PNoy named Teresita Ging Deles as Presidential adviser on peace process (Beltran, 2010).

July 7, 2010 PNoy arrived late in the Red Mass officiated by Manila Archbishop Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales at the Manila Cathedral. The Red Mass traditionally seeks divine guidance for all incoming government officials (Beltran, 2010). The President had his first press briefing at Malacaang where he promised to hold a weekly press briefing (Beltran, 2010). Appointed the following (Beltran, 2010; Official Gazette, 2010g): Maj. Gen. Jose Angel Aquino Honrado - General Manager, Manila International Airport Authority Magtanggol Gatdula National Bureau of Investigation Director, vice Atty. Nestor Mantaring Jose Vicente B. Salazar DOJ Undersecretary Ma. Lourdes A. Ong Presidential Assistant I, with the rank of Undersecretary, Office of the Special Assistant of the President

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Maria Isabel S. Javier Assistant Executive Secretary, Internal House Affairs Office Palace Susan Reyes Assistant Executive Secretary, Socials Secretarys Office Saturnino C. Mogado Jr Director IV, Internal House Affairs Office (IHAO) Vicente A. Romano III DOT Undersecretary for Tourism Planning and Promotion Sector Eric Gosengfiaoa National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) Depudy Director General July 8, 2010 Eleven newly-appointed government officials were sworn in before The President: Jose Amor Amorado - Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Ericson Alcovendaz - Assistant Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration Ronald Geron - Assistant Executive secretary for Legal Affairs Teofilo Pilando Jr. - Assistant Executive Secretary for Government Administration Michael Frederick Musngi - Undersecretary in the Office of the Executive Secretary Virgie Torres - secretary of Land Transportation Office Ma. Lourdes Ong - Presidential Assistant 1 in the Office of Special Assistant to the President Susan Reyes - Assistant Executive Secretary in Social Security Office Jose Angel Honrado - General Manager of Manila International Airport Authority Rico Puno - Undersecretary for Peace and Order Eric Gosengfiao - Deputy Director General of National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) PNoy ordered PNP and other concerned agencies to conduct thorough investigation into the tragic bus accident in Cebu City that left 15 people killed and at least 49 wounded.

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The President decided to retain holiday economics law (Beltran, 2010).

July 9, 2010 Palace justified appointment of National Bureau and Investigation (NBI) director Magtanggol Gatdula. PNoy appointed new government officials: Angelito Banayo as administrator of National Food Authority (NFA), former Naga City Mayor Jesse Robredo as new secretary of Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) (Beltran, 2010).

July 14, 2010 The President ordered the review of the weather forecasting system of Pagasa after 18 people were killed at the height of Typhoon Basyang. Former Pagasa administrator Prisco Nilo was not able to explain why he failed to predict that the typhoon would hit Metro Manila. PNoy appointed Cibac Partylist Representative Joel Villanueva as head of the Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA). Vice President Binay accepted to head the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) (Beltran, 2010).

July 15, 2010 PNoy appointed new government officials: former Negros Occidental governor Daniel Bitay Lacson as the new chairman of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), University of the Philippines (UP) College of Law dean Marvic Leonen as head of the peace negotiating panel that will facilitate talks between government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Teresita Deles will oversee the development of discussion of government with MILF and Communist Party of the Philippines - New Peoples Army National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF). The President gave back the mandate in handling Presidents Social Fund to the Presidential Management

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Staff, which is the primary government agency responsible of the Office of the President providing staff assistance in the Presidential exercise of overall management and development process. The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) filed the first tax evasion complaint against William Villarica, owner of five Villarica Pawnshop branches who supposedly failed to file income tax returns for seven years (Beltran, 2010).

July 16, 2010 PNoy met his Cabinet secretaries to discuss matters in connection with his first State of the Nation Address (SONA). The different government departments were ordered to submit status reports where the President will base his nations address. The President directed the Department of Justice to review the coup charge against Senator Antonio Trillanes IV in connection with the 2003 Oakwood Mutiny (Beltran, 2010).

July 17, 2010 PNoy appointed 13 new officials in various government agencies (Beltran, 2010). Aristotle Batuhan, Dante Velasco, and Glicerio Sicat Undersecretaries in the DOTC Ildefonso Patdu Jr. - Acting Assistant Secretary of the DOTC Atty. Juan Sta. Ana - general manager of Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) Raul Santos and Engineer Tomas Carlos - Assistant General Managers of the PPA Emerson Lorenzo - Administrator of Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) Carmelo Arcilla - Acting Executive Director of Civil Aeronautics Board Manuel Garay Imperial - Acting Executive Director of Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) Jose Salazar - Undersecretary of DOJ Atty. Mabel Mamba - Member of Board of Director of PCSO

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Estella Sales - as Deputy Commissioner for Legal and Inspection Group in the BIR July 20, 2010 US Undersecretary for Political Affairs William Burns paid a courtesy call to President Aquino. The two discussed various topics such as poverty reduction, health, education, and job creation (Beltran, 2010).

July 21, 2010 A 12 percent value added tax (VAT) was suggested to be imposed on tollway fees across the nation starting August 16. The government is expecting more than P 1 billion revenue per month should the VAT be imposed. United Kingdom Minister of State of Foreign and Commonwealth Office Jeremy Browne paid a courtesy call to President Aquino. They discussed how to increase trade and investment between the Philippines and the United Kingdom, ways to improve the capability of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, as well as possible assistance from the British government in Mindanao peace efforts. (Beltran, 2010).

July 26, 2010 PNoy delivered his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the House of Representatives. At the Senate and House of Representatives, Juan Ponce Enrile was elected as Senate President and Feliciano Belmonte Jr. as House Speaker (Beltran, 2010).

July 27, 2010 Palace named the members of PNoy's Communications Group - Manolo Quezon III (as undersecretary), Ricky Carandang, Herminio Sonny Coloma, and Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda (Beltran, 2010).

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July 30, 2010 PNoy extended the term of office of Non-Career Executive Service Officers (Non-Ceso) for another three months. Malacanang favored increase of fare in Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Metro Rail Transit (MRT) to recover losses from the rail transits operation. PNoy signed his first Executive Order forming the Truth Commission that will investigate alleged anomalies committed by the previous administration (Beltran, 2010).

August 1, 2010 Death anniversary of Aquinos mother former President Cory Aquino. A mass officiated by Bishop Socrates Villegas was held at La Salle Greenhills. PNoy tasked three government departments to meet with Philippine Airlines (PAL) and the Airline Pilot Association of the Philippines to get to the bottom of their problem. He asked the secretaries of the DOTC, DOLE and DOJ together with Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa to meet with concerned air transportation officials. The three department heads will be joined by. (Beltran, 2010).

August 2, 2010 Government officials conducted meeting with representatives of flag carrier PAL. No pilots appeared in the meeting. Four government agencies met to discuss details on the utilization of excess rice. They will be submitting recommendations to President Aquino. Forty-two (42) new officials of the Aquino administration were sworn in. Cayetano Paderanga Jr. - Director General of the National Economic Development Authority Francisco Tolentino - Chairman of the Metro Manila Development Authority Angelito Banayo - Administrator of the National Food Administration Macra Cruz - Office-in-Charge of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System
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Esteban Conejos Jr. - Foreign Affairs undersecretary for Migrant Workers Rafael Seguis - Undersecretary for Administration Erlinda Basilio - Undersecretary for Policy John Philip Sevilla Undersecretary of the Department of Finance Crisanta Legaspi - acting chief of the Privatization Office Francisco Varela, Rizalino Rizera, Yolanda Quijano, Alberto Muyot Undersecretaries of the Department of Education Reynaldo Laguda - Assistant Secretary of the Department of Education Honorio Azcueta, Samuel Bagasin, Pio Lorenzo Batino, and Ramon El Martinez Jr. Undersecretaries of the Department of National Defense Lamberto Sillona, Ernesto Boac, Fernando Manalo, Willie Palugod, and Raymund Quilop Assistant Secretaries of the Department of National Defense Jonathan Martir and Benito Ramos - Director IV, Department of National Defense Patrick Velez and Nestor Castro - Director III, Department of National Defense Dimacangcay Pundato Undersecretary, Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Romulo Halabaso - Assistant Secretary, Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Mario Victor Leonen - Chairman of the Negotiating Panel for the Peace Talks with the MILF Miriam Ferrer - Member of the Negotiating Panel for the Peace Talks with the MILF Senen Bacani - member of the Negotiating Panel for the Peace Talks with the MILF Jorge Sarmiento, Jose Tanjuatco, Eugene Manalastas, and Enriquito Nuguid - Members of the Board of Directors, Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation
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Eulalio Diaz III - Land Registration Authority Administrator Simeon Marfori II - Undersecretary of Department of Tourism Emmanuel Joel Villanueva - Director General of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Betty Nantes - Member of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office Board of Directors Cristina Villarica - Director IV of the Office of the Appointments Secretary, Office of the President (Beltran, 2010). August 4, 2010 PNoy issued Executive Order (EO) 2 recalling, withdrawing, and revoking the appointments of those who will be proven as midnight appointees under the previous administration (Beltran, 2010).

August 5, 2010 PNoy ordered Customs Commissioner Lito Alvarez to do an inventory of Malacanang sa Sugbo as well as other official residences of Arroyo. The President decided to retain the Malacanang sa Sugbo and will be his official residence while in Cebu. The President toured the members of his Cabinet inside the newly renovated Bahay Pangarap, which will be his official residence. Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released a proposed budget of P1.75 trillion. The highest allocation was in education (Beltran, 2010).

August 6, 2010 The President implemented Executive Order No. 3, signed on July 30, 2010, an executive order revoking Executive Order No. 883, signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on May 28, 2010, that automatically promoted lawyers in government executive service to the

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rank of Career Executive Service Officer III (CESO III) (Official Gazette, 2010h). PNoy announced the removal of Prisco Nilo as administrator of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). PAGASA was directly under Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Undersecretary for Research and Development (R&D) Graciano Yumul.

August 7, 2010 Malacaang announced Yumul to be the head of PAGASA for three months while PAGASA is undergoing a "reorientation" to improve its services.

August 9, 2010 PNoy issued Executive Order 4, signed on July 30, 2010, reorganizing and renaming the Office of the Press Secretary as the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), and creating the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office (PCDSPO). He appointed members of the PCOO: former ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC) anchor Ricky Carandang and Herminio Coloma assecretaries of the new media communications group, George Syliangco as undersecretary for operations, Christopher Tio as undersecretary for Special Concerns, Elizardo Ellao de Layola as assistant secretary for operations, and Renato Marfil as assistant secretary for media relations (Official Gazette, 2010i). Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office Management to be managed by Carandang was created. He will be assisted by Manolo Quezon III who is designated as undersecretary. The agencies to be placed under Carandang's group include: Presidential Message Staff, OP Correspondence Office, Media Research and Development Staff, Presidential Museum and Library, Official Gazette and Speech Writers Group (Beltran, 2010).

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August 11, 2010 PNoy decided to push through with the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections on October 25. The President ordered to remove all billboards bearing his name and face particularly those in major thoroughfares (Beltran, 2010).

August 12, 2010 PNoy declared August 23 as holiday defying the Holiday Economics Law of former President Arroyo moving holidays to nearest Monday for public to enjoy long weekends. August 21 is the commemoration of the death of Aquinos father Ninoy. The President appointed the brother-in-law of Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa - Mario Montejo - as Secretary of Department of Science and Technology (DOST). The President also appointed his personal optometrist Vivian Sarabia to the Professional Regulatory Commission as member of Board of Optometry (Beltran, 2010).

August 13, 2010 Malacanang respected the decision of the Supreme Court to stop imposition of value-added tax (VAT) on tollways, which was supposed to start on August 16. PNoy appointed Maria Lourdes Aranal Sereno as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. This is the first appointment made by the President to the High Court (Beltran, 2010).

August 14, 2010 The President directed the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) and the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to fully implement Executive Order No. 255, issued on July 25, 1987 by former President Corazon Aquino, requiring all radio stations to broadcast a minimum of four original Filipino musical compositions every hour.

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August 16, 2010 PNoy announced his attendance at the UN General Assembly. He also bared other agenda for his US visit like the formal signing of the US$434 million grant from the Millennium Challenge Corporation. He will also meet business leaders who might want to invest in the country. Malacanang launched the website of the President It has links to social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Friendster and Multiply (Beltran, 2010).

August 18, 2010 PNoy announced appointments of Emil de Quiros as president of Social Security System and Gina BautistaMartin as administrator of Sugar Regulatory Administration (Beltran, 2010).

August 19, 2010 The President ordered fast investigation into the bus accident in Benguet that left 41 people dead. He also ordered a study of the entire transport industry to find out what the government could do to improve transportation and road designs to prevent similar incidents to happen in the future (Beltran, 2010).

August 20, 2010 The government completed the five-man peace panel that will resume settlement talks with Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF): Marvic Leonen of the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Law, Miriam Coronel Ferrer, a UP political science professor, and Senen Bacani, former agriculture secretary during the presidency of late President Cory Aquino (Beltran, 2010).

August 21, 2010 The country commemorated the death anniversary of Aquino's father Ninoy. The President attended a mass and

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held a simple gathering with families and friends (Beltran, 2010). August 23, 2010 Dismissed police officer Rolando Mendoza seized a Hong Thai bus at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila. The 11-hour hostage drama ended with the death of eight tourists. PNoy appointed Gina Lopez as head of the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (Beltran, 2010).

August 24, 2010 Miss Philippines Venus Raj won fourth-runner-up in the Miss Universe pageant held in Las Vegas. PNoy declared August 25 as national day of mourning in connection to the hostage-taking incident. The Hong Kong government also declared a day of mourning to express sorrow over the deaths of their nationals. He instructed all public institutions in the country and embassies and consulates overseas to lower the Philippine flag to halfmast (Beltran, 2010).

August 25, 2010 PNoy allowed Manila Police Director Rodolfo Magtibay to go on leave pending the investigation of the hostage mess (Beltran, 2010).

August 26, 2010 The flight of high-level delegation (Vice President Jejomar Binay, Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo, and Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda) supposedly off to China and Hong Kong has been cancelled (Beltran, 2010).

August 27, 2010 The Chinese government condemned the draping of Philippine flag on the coffin of hostage-taker Rolando Mendoza, saying the police officer does not deserve such a way of honoring.

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The Chinese government required the government of a full fact-finding report before going to China and Hong Kong. PNoy called for a special Cabinet meeting discussing how the government could improve its protocol in handling a hostage crisis situation (Beltran, 2010).

August 30, 2010 Hong Kong officials were allowed to examine the bus used in the hostage crisis in coordination with the National Bureau of Investigation. Foreign police were also allowed to subject the firearms used in the 11-hour ordeal into a forensic examination. Chinas ambassador Liu Jianchao did not attend the National Heroes Day celebration at the Libingan ng mga Bayani led by President Aquino. Two Chinese awardees of the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay title also did not show up to receive their awards (Beltran, 2010).

August 31, 2010 PNoy announced that his scheduled trip to Vietnam and Indonesia in September was cancelled due to conflict of schedule in the two countries. Miss Universe 2010 fourth runner-up Venus Raj paid courtesy call to Aquino (Beltran, 2010).

September 1, 2010 PNoy implemented Executive Order No. 5, signed on August 25, 2010, an executive order amending Executive Order No. 594, signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on December 20, 2006, stating the rules governing the appointment or designation and conduct of special envoys. Executive Order No. 5 prevents special envoys from using the title "ambassador" (Official Gazette, 2010j). The first three EOs issued by Aquino have been questioned before the Supreme Court (Beltran, 2010). The President ordered the Department of Health (DOH) to support and assist all regional hospitals and health centers

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and intensifies their efforts to attend to the needs of dengueinflicted patients. September 2, 2010 The President signed Executive Order No. 6, extending the duration of the operations of the Presidential Middle East Preparedness Committee (PMEPC) to December 30, 2010 (Official Gazette, 2010k).

September 3, 2010 Palace declared September 10 as regular non-working holiday. Under Proclamation 26, there will be a nationwide observance of the feast of Ramadan or Eidl Fitr, which is celebrated by Muslims for three days after the end of the month of fasting. It is declared as regular holiday under Republic Act 9177 (Official Gazette, 2010l). The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has recommended to the President two months suspension of excessive compensation of board of directors of Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and government financial institutions (GFIs). The President took responsibility for everything that happened during the Manila hostage crisis (Beltran, 2010).

September 8, 2010 PNoy appointed another spokesperson in Malacanang in the person of Abigail Valte. She will be the deputy spokesperson of President Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda. The President signed Executive Order No. 7, ordering the suspension of all allowances, bonuses and incentives of board members of government-owned and-controlled corporations (GOCCs) and government financial institutions (GFIs) until December 31, 2010. The President directed the creation of task force on corporate compensation (TFCC), which will undertake review of all remuneration granted to members of board of directors or trustees, officers and rank and file employees, as well as discretionary funds of GOCCs and GFIs. The task force will be composed of Office of the President as

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chairman, and the DBM, Department of Finance and Civil Service Commission (Beltran, 2010). September 9, 2010 Menardo Guevarra was appointed as the fifth member of the five-man panel who will compose the Truth Commission (Beltran, 2010). The President signed Executive Order No. 8, reorganizing and renaming the Build-Operate and Transfer Center (BOT) to the Public-Private Partnership Center (PPP) and transferring its attachment from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) (Official Gazette, 2010m).

September 10, 2010 PNoy celebrates Eid'l Fitr by hosting a dinner with Muslims leaders (Beltran, 2010).

September 12, 2010 The President issued Executive Order 8 ordering the reorganization of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Center to accelerate the financing, construction and operation of key government infrastructure projects through public-private partnership. PNoy visited Cebu before flying to US (Beltran, 2010).

September 13, 2010 The President appointed Philippine National Police (PNP) Deputy Director General Raul Bacalzo as the new PNP Director, replacing General Jesus Verzosa, who retired on September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010 Turnover ceremony of Deputy Director General Raul Bacalzo as the new Philippine National Police (PNP) chief. Palace obeyed the decision of the High Court suspending impeachment cases filed in Congress against Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez (Beltran, 2010).

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September 15, 2010 PNoy cancelled his scheduled trip to Brussels Belgium. He was supposed to attend Asia-Europe Summit (Asem) in Belgium from October 3 to 5 (Beltran, 2010).

September 17, 2010 The President received advanced copy of the report of Incident Investigation and Review Committee (IIRC), which is tasked to investigate the August 23 hostage crisis. But the President refused to disclose the report (Beltran, 2010).

September 20, 2010 New Appointments (Beltran, 2010): Robert Vergara President of Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) President George Yu, Ramon Felipe Reyes and Danilo Gozo Members of GSIS Board of Trustee. Jose Cuisia, Jr. (employers group), Daniel Edralin (workers group), and Marianita Mendoza (workers group) Commissioners representing particular groups in Social Security System. Grace Cenas - Administrator of National Dairy Authority Ponciano Batugal, Cesar Villariba Jr., Rafael Sarucam, and Marcos Dumandan - as members of government board of Philippine Coconut Authority Domingo Diaz and Tomas De Leon, Jr. - Members of the Board of Land Bank of the Philippines PNoy identified the people who could be held liable for the bloody hostage crisis last August 23 based on the recommendation of fact-finding investigating panel: former National Police chief Jesus Verzosa, Manila Police District General Rodolfo Magtibay, and National Capital Region Chief Leocadio Santiago, Local Government Undersecretary Rico Puno, Superintendent Orlando Yebra, head of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team

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Chief Inspector Santiago Pascual, Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, and Deputy Ombudsman Emilio Gonzalez III, two members of the media (Erwin Tulfo and Michael Rogas), Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim and Vice Mayor Isko Moreno, three media networks (ABS-CBN, GMA, and TV 5) (Beltran, 2010). The President flew to the US for his seven-day official working visit. The trip includes the United Nations General Assembly, meeting with business leaders, and meeting with US President Barack Obama and ASEAN leaders (Beltran, 2010). Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alberto Romulo, Secretary of Finance Cesar Purisima, Secretary of Trade & Industry Gregory Domingo, and Secretary of Energy Jose Rene Almendras, including 34 businessmen and 12 officials and support staff of the Presidential Communications Operations Office joined PNoy in the trip (Beltran, 2010).

September 22, 2010 Palace admitted hiring Public Relations (PR) firm on top of the P25 million budget for the entire US trip of Aquino (Beltran, 2010).

September 23, 2010 The President delivered his remarks at the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact agreement signing ceremony at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. The US$434-million MCC compact agreement will fund the Aquino administration's various programs on poverty reduction, revenue generation, and infrastructure development.

September 24, 2010 The President ordered the suspension of the relocation of families living in the property of National Housing Authority (NHA) (Beltran, 2010). PNoy appointed Edilberto Sandoval as new head of Sandiganbayan (Beltran, 2010).

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The President received US$434 million grant from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). The grant will be allocated to projects meant to fight corruption which include: Revenue Administration Reform Project or RARP (US$54.3 million) directly targets improvements in governance or internal integrity within the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR); Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan (Linking Arms Against Poverty) - Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services or Kalahi-CIDSS (US$120 million) is designed to ensure that resources are provided to communities directly where they are needed most, and enforces transparency and accountability for local development investments; and Secondary National Roads Project (222 kilometer road segment in Samar/Eastern Samar; US$214.4 million) introduces a number of checks on construction standards and road contractors (Beltran, 2010). The President delivered his statement before the 65th United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

September 26, 2010 Palace abolished 10 agencies under the Office of the President: Office of the North Luzon Quadrangle Area, Office of the External Affairs, Mindanao Development Council, Presidential Anti-Smuggling Group, Luzon Urban Beltway Super Region, Presidential Anti-Graft Commission, Mineral Development Council, Bicol River Basin Watershed Management Project, Office of the Presidential Adviser on Global Warming and Climate Change, and Office of the Presidential Adviser on New Government Center (Beltran, 2010).

September 27, 2010 New appointments (Beltran, 2010): Joel Rocamora - lead convener of the National AntiPoverty Commission (NAPC). Antonio Roman - head of the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office (PLLO)

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September 28, 2010 The President returned to the country from his US trip bringing some $2.4 billion investments from foreign investors and 43,600 jobs for Filipinos (Beltran, 2010).

October 1, 2010 The President signed Executive Order No. 9, amending Section 1 of Executive Order No. 67, signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on January 22, 2002, and reorganizing the Presidential Commission on the Visiting Forces Agreement created under Executive Order No. 199, signed by former President Joseph Estrada on January 17, 2000 (Official Gazette, 2010n).

October 2, 2010 The President signed Executive Order No. 10, declaring October 2, 2010 as the Nationwide Philhealth Registration Day (NPRD) and directing the Department of Health (DOH) to lead concerned government agencies to facilitate the nationwide Philhealth registration (Official Gazette, 2010).

October 7, 2010 President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III detailed his achievements in the past 100 days in a speech he delivered at the La Consolacion College Manila. The 10 A.M. event dubbed Isang Daang Araw sa Isang Daang Matuwid: Report Kay Boss was attended by representatives from various multi-sectoral groups and the President's Cabinet members led by Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa.

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The First 100 Days Message of President Benigno S. Aquino III

Message delivered by His Excellency Benigno S. Aquino III, President of the Philippines on the first hundred days of his administration last October 7, 2010 at La Consolacion College Manila.

Maraming salamat po, maupo po tayong lahat. Vice President Jejomar Binay, members of the Cabinet, our host led by Sister Imelda, honored guests, fellow workers in government, mga minamahal ko pong kababayan, magandang umaga po sa inyong lahat. Ang basehan po ng demokrasya ay mayroon po tayong mga politiko na naglalahad ng kanilang plataporma. Ang nanalo po ay obligadong ipatupad ang platapormang ipinangako. Isandaang araw po ang nakalipas, nagpanata ako sa taumbayan: Hindi ko tatalikuran ang tiwalang kaloob ninyo sa akin. Ang nakalipas na isandaang araw ang magsisilbing tanda ng ating pong paninindigan. Malalim at malawak po ang mga problemang minana natin. Nag-ugat ito sa isang gobyernong parang tatlong matsing na nagbingi-bingihan, nagbulag-bulagan, at gumawa ng sariling katotohanan. Mali po ito. Ngayon, mayroon na po kayong gobyernong handang makipag-usap at magsabi ng totoo; handang makinig sa makabuluhang usapan; handang iangat ang antas ng pampublikong diskurso ukol sa mga isyung makaaapekto sa ating lahat, at maging sa mga darating na henerasyon. Ang natamasa po natin ngayong unang isandaang araw ng ating panunungkulan: Mayroon na po kayong gobyernong hindi kayo binabalewala o inaapi. Bumalik na po ang kumpyansa sa ating bansa. Tumatatag ang ating ekonomiya, at dahil dito, lumalago ang kaban ng ating bayan. Ang lahat ng inani at aanihin pa natin mula sa pinatibay na ekonomiya ng ating bansa, ibinabalik naman natin sa taumbayan upang tuluyan na tayong makaahon sa kahirapan. Binibigyan
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natin ng katuturan ang paggastos. Walang pisong dapat nasasayang. Halimbawa po ang mga itinalagang opisyal sa mga GOCC. Naroon po dapat sila para pangalagaan ang interes ng taumbayan. Noon pong nakaupo sila doon, nilabag nila ang Memorandum Order 20, na pinirmahan noon pang Hunyo 2001. Inatupag po nila ang sariling interes na nagdulot ng pinsala sa interes ng taumbayan: nakakuha sila ng kung anu-anong mga bonus at allowance. Ipinatutupad naman po natin ang Executive Order No. 7 na nagsususpinde sa lahat ng pribilehiyong iyon. Idiniin lamang po natin ang dapat naipatupad pa noong 2001. Sa isang kumpanya lang po tulad ng MWSS, ang napigil nating mahulog sa bulsa ng bawat opisyal ay umaabot na sa dalawat kalahating milyong piso kada taon. Siyam po ang miyembro ng Board nila, at sa MWSS lamang po iyan. At ilan po ang mga GOCCs, GFIs, at mga ahensyang sakop ng EO No. 7? Isandaan, dalawamput dalawa (122) mga ahensya at kumpanya. Nariyan din po ang nangyayari sa mga kontrata tulad sa NAIA 3. Isipin lang po natin, tatlong administrasyon na ang dinaanan nito. Pang-apat na kami. Tumagal na po nang husto ang kasong ito, may mga pinaslang pa dahil dito. Kundi dahil sa mga tapat na nagmamahal sa bansa tulad nina Justice Florentino Feliciano at Justice Meilou Sereno, baka wala na ring pinatunguhan ang kasong ito. Sila po ang mga tunay na bida sa kaso, ngunit death threats pa po ang ibinayad sa kanila. Tila ba nagkulang sa aruga ang nakaraang gobyerno. Ngayon pong alam nilang suportado sila ng mga kapwa nila nasa tuwid na landas, naresolba na po nila ang kontrata. Kung natalo po ang gobyerno natin rito, 990 million dollars ang nalagas sa ating mga pondo. 43.5 bilyong piso ang perang nailigtas nila at natin. Higit pa rito, mapapakinabangan na natin ang airport sa lalong madaling panahon. Kung naaalala po ninyo, pinahinto natin itong negotiated contracts ng DPWH; pinarebid natin ito. Ginawa lang po natin kung ano ang tama, napigil na po natin ang paglustay ng 934.1 million pesos, at lumalabas na kung susunod tayo sa tamang proseso ay nasa 600 million
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pesos lang ang dapat gastusin sa mga proyektong ito. Nabalik po ang pera sa kaban ng bayan na kung pinahintulutan natin ang maling sistema ay natapon na naman sanang muli. Hindi lang po sa mga kalsada: sa DOTC, pinigil natin ang pagwaldas ng isang bilyong piso. Sa Department of Agriculture, 30 million at least ang natipid sa isang proyekto lang na bibili tayo ng spectrometer na gusto sanang doblehin ang presyo. Doon po sa Department of National Defense, ang dinefend po ang pag-purchase ng mga helicopter na tila overspecified para paburan ang isang kumpanya lang. Sinisiyat ito. Itinabi na muna natin. Ang gastos na 3.6 billion ay hindi pa po nangyari. Lahat po iyan naibalik natin sa kaban ng bayan. Mayroon pa po. May proyektong inaprubahan ang dating administrasyon, huhukayin daw nila ang Laguna de Bay para palalimin ito. Ang sabi raw dadami ang isda. Mas makakaiwas daw sa baha. Mas madali daw makakaikot ang mga bangka at mga ferry service. Tatanggalin din ang pollutants doon sa Laguna de Bay. Ang tanong ko, saan ililipat ang lupang hinukay? Ang tatanggalin sa Laguna de Bay ay itatambak lang din pala sa ibang bahagi ng Laguna de Bay. At magkano naman po ang uutangin ng gobyerno para sa prebilihiyong ito? Konti lang daw po : 18.5 billion pesos lang naman po. At pareho rin ang kuwento: Tila hindi na naman dumaan sa tamang proseso ang pag-aapruba sa kontrata. Hindi natin dadaanin sa madaliang hokus-pokus ang proyektong ito. Pag-aaralan natin ito nang husto at sisiguraduhing hindi masasayang ang pondong gagamitin para rito. Idadagdag ko lang po: ito po ay ni-review natin last week. Isipin po ninyo: hanggang ngayon, mayroon pa rin humihirit. Napansin nyo po ba, pati yung weather forecasting gumanda? Napansin nyo po ba na hindi na paulit-ulit ang mga mensahe ng PAGASA? Ngayon po, nakatutok na at mas malaman ang mga weather bulletin natin. Ang dating intermittent rainshowers across the country, ngayon, sasabihin na uulan sa ganitong lugar nang mga
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ganitong oras, delikadong lumabas para sa mangingisda at iba pa. Tama po na hindi pa kumpleto ang equipment natin. Pero ngayong nagsimula na po tayong magtrabaho, kakaunti na lang ang kulang na kagamitan. Maling sistema at maling palakad ang nanligaw sa pagtataya ng panahon. Ang mga update dati na dumarating kada anim na oras, kada oras na ngayon kung dumating. Marami po tayong binago sa PAGASA, at kasama na po rito ang bulok na sistema. Nakita naman po natin ang katakut-takot na problemang minana natin, pero hindi po tayo natinag. Naisaayos at naisasaayos na natin sa loob ng isandaang araw ang hindi nagawa ng dating administrasyon sa loob ng tatlong libo, apat na raan, apatnaput walong (3,448) araw. Hininto na po natin ang pagkatagal-tagal na sistema kung saan itinuloy nang itinuloy ang mga proyekto na walang sumisiyasat kung angkop ba o kung may katuwiran ba ang mga ito. Isinulong po natin ang zerobased budgeting. Ang sabi po namin, isa-isahin natin iyan. Kung hindi po mapatunayang may saysay ka pa, tigil na ang ginugugol ng bansa sa iyo. Ang mga Agriculture Input Subsidies na lalo lamang nagpapayaman sa mayayaman na habang binalewala ang mga mahihirap; ang mga programa tulad ng Kalayaang Barangay at Kilos-Asenso na hindi naman inilatag nang malinaw kung ano ang prosesong dinaanan, at kung saan napunta ang perainilipat po natin ang kanilang mga pondo tungo sa mga programang napatunayan nang makakatulong sa taumbayan. Humigit-kumulang na 11 bilyong piso pa po ito na magagamit at mapapakinabangan nating lahat. Sa edukasyon, kalusugan, at pag-ahon sa kahirapan po natin itinutok ang pondong natipid natin. Mula 175 billion pesos, umangat ang budget ng DepEd sa 207.3 billion pesos. Gugugulin po ito upang makabuo ng 13,147 na bagong classroom, at ng sampung libong bagong teaching positions. Sa DoH, umangat mula sa 29.3
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billion pesos ang budget papuntang 33.3 billion, upang mapatatag ang unang-una, ang National Health Insurance Program. Sa DSWD, lagpas doble na po ang budget, galing 15.4 billion pesos papuntang 34.3 billion pesos. Ang punto po natin dito: Walang maiiwan. Hindi po tayo papayag na yayaman ang iilan habang nalulunod sa kahirapan ang karamihan. Kaya nga po natin pinatatag ang Conditional Cash Transfer Program. Salbabida po ito para sa mga nalulunod nating kababayan upang makapunta na sila sa pampang ng pagkakataon at pag-unlad. Lampas doble po ang bilang ng mga pamilyang matutulungan ng conditional cash transfers, mula isang milyong pamilya sa ngayon, tungo sa kabuuang 2.3 million na pamilya sa 2011. Patuloy po ang ating tema ng pagbibigay ng lakas sa taumbayan. Dahil na rin po sa panunumbalik ng tiwala sa gobyerno, nabiyayaan ang KALAHI-CIDSS program ng dagdag na 59.1 million dollarshalos tatlong bilyong pisomula sa World Bank. Sa programa pong ito, dadami pa ang komunidad na magkakaroon ng kuryente, kalsada, at malinis na tubigmga proyektong ang taumbayan mismo ang nagpaplano at nagpapalakas. Paulit-ulit po nating ididiin: trabaho ang pangunahing agenda ng ating administrasyon. At marami pong magandang balita ukol dito. Ang papasok na pera sa ating bansa mula sa mga foreign investors ay aabot sa 2.4 billion dollars, at iyon ay pang-umpisa pa lamang. Direkta po itong magbibigay ng 43,600 na trabaho sa mga Pilipino. Simula pa lamang po iyan: Kung hindi natin sila padadaanin sa butas ng karayom, makukumbinsi pa po silang magnegosyo rito, at madadagdagan pa ang mga trabahong nalikha. At manganganak pa po ng manganganak ang mga trabahong ito. Halimbawa, sa call center, kailangang panggabi ang trabaho. Kailangang magbukas ng kapihan, ng fastfood, ng mga convenience store. Hindi bababa sa dalawandaang libong bagong trabaho ang
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malilikha pakahit hindi ka marunong mag-computer, may pagkakataon ka sa dagdag na mga trabahong ito. Trabaho din po ang idudulot ng mga Public-Private Partnerships na patuloy nating isinusulong. Nagtayo na po tayo ng PPP Center, kung saan ang mga gustong makilahok sa pagbabago ay mapapasailalim sa tapat, malinaw, at mabilis na proseso. Mula sa pagpapahaba ng mga LRT Lines, hanggang sa pagpapatayo ng bagong paliparan na tutulong sa turismo, hanggang sa mga eskuwelahan na itatayo sa buong sambayanan, magsisimula na po ang bidding para sa mga ito sa loob ng mga susunod na buwan. Kinikilala na ng pandaigdigang merkado ang pagtatag ng piso. All-time high po ang ating Gross International Reserves na umabot na sa 52.3 billion dollars noong ikadalawampu ng Setyembre. Ang dati-rati ay parang imposibleng maabot ng Philippine Stock Exchange Index na 4,000, nalampasan na po. Kahapon lamang po, alltime high na naman ang inabot ng ating Philippine Stock Exchange Index na umabot sa 4,196.73 points. Ipinapakita nito ang kumpiyansa sa ating ekonomiya sa ating mamamayan at sa atin pong pamahalaan. Kabilang na po ang ating PSE sa mga best-performing stock market sa buong Asya. At habang lumalakas ang piso at lumalago ang ekonomiya, steady lang naman po ang mga presyo ng ating mga bilihin. Handang-handa na po tayo talaga sa pag-unlad. Lahat po ito nagawa natin dahil nakasandal ang gobyerno sa inyong tiwala. At umaapaw na rin po ang tiwalang iyan sa buong daigdig. Dalawang ulit na pong nag-apply ang Pilipinas para sa Millenium Challenge Corporation Grant. Sa unang tatlong buwan lang po ng administrasyon natin napaaprubahan ito. Ang sa kanila lamang po, aminado silang hindi natin maiwawasto agad ang lahat ng problema, pero naniniwala silang patungo na tayo roon. Sabi nila, gusto namin kayong matulungan para maabot ang inyong mga pinapangarap, heto ang 430 million dollars.

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Ididiin ko lang po: dalawang beses nag-apply, ni-reject sa loob nang hindi bababa sa siyam na taon, tayo po sa tatlong buwan, inaprubahan. Pati po ang mga international organization tulad ng OECD, tinanggal na tayo sa listahan ng mga bansang kumukupkop ng mga tax evader. Maaari na tayong makakuha ng impormasyon na makakatulong sa paghuhuli sa mga tax evader na isinasagawa ng BIR. Dahil na rin po sa panibagong tiwalang nangingibabaw sa pamahalaan, dumadami ang mga tumutulong sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng mga tip tungkol sa katiwalian. Sumasaksi sila sa maling pangyayari, para makatulong sa ating paghahabol ng demanda. Halimbawa, sa bagong-tayo na Pera ng Bayan website, isa-isa nang lumilitaw ang mga taong makatutulong sa atin upang tugisin ang mga smuggler at tax evader. Ibinabalik ng mga hakbang na ito ang kumpiyansa ng daigdig sa Pilipinas. Nagkakaisa nang muli ang ating lipunan, at ang nanatili na lang na parang sirang-plaka na paulit-ulit ang reklamo ay ang mga gustong manumbalik sa poder upang ituloy ang kanilang ligaya na nagmumula sa ating pagkakaapi. Sila na nga ang nagdulot sa atin ng mga problemang pinapasan natin ngayon, sila pa ang may ganang bumanat nang bumanat sa atin. Papansinin ba ninyo sila? Magpapalinlang ba kayong muli? Hindi po kami nagbibiro sa pagtahak sa tuwid na landas. Kayong mga mali ang palakad at pinipinsala ang mga kababayan natin, ginagarantiya ko sa inyo: may taning kayong lahat. Ito pong mga problemang pinangako nating solusyonan, tatlong buwan pa lang nakikita na ninyong nabubuo ang solusyon. At ang inyong tiwala po ang pundasyon ng lahat ng ating naabot sa loob lamang nitong tatlong buwan ng ating panunungkulan. Mula pa noong kampanya, ibinato na po sa atin ang lahat ng puwedeng ibato sa loob at labas ng Revised Penal Code. Pati po ang buhok ko ginawa nilang isyu. Palagay ko ho dahil siguro binata pa tayo, hindi na tayo
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binigyan ng honeymoon. Payag po si Sister Imelda diyan. Gusto talaga tayong gibain ng mga taong nais mapanatili ang lumang sistema, kung saan para silang mga dambuhalang buwayang nagpapakasasa sa kaban ng bayan. Binabatikos lang naman po tayo dahil may iilan na naghahanap ng paraan para magpatuloy ang siklo ng mali. Alam din naman po nila ang tama, hindi pa nila maatim gawin. Mayroon po talagang mga nagaambisyon na makabalik sa poder, nag-aambisyon na panatilihin ang sistemang sila lang ang nakikinabang, mga kapit-tuko sa puwesto na nakikinabang sa lumang sistemamga taong gusto lamang ituloy ang kanilang ligaya, habang binabalewala naman ang sakripisyo ng taumbayan. At tayo naman po: tuloy na tuloy ang laban. Hindi po tayo titigil. Kung mayroon po tayong pagkukulang, ito marahil ay ang hindi nating naging kaugalian na ipamalita ang mga tagumpay na atin pong nakamit. Mas binigyan nating halaga ang paghahanap ng mga paraan na makatutulong sa ating mga kababayan. Kitang-kita naman po ng taumbayan ang resulta ng ating pagtatrabaho. Talagang nakagagalak ng puso itong satisfaction rating na seventy one percent. Natural po, sa inyo ang tagumpay na itosa bawat Pilipinong nagtitiwala at nakikilahok sa ating agenda ng pagbabago. Ang patuloy ko pong panata: Hindi tayo titigil. Habang dumarami tayo sa tuwid na landas, dumadali naman po ang tungkulin nating itama ang mali. Hinding-hindi po tayo titigil sa tuwid na landas. Unti-unti na pong natutupad ang ating mga pangarap. Maraming salamat po. Magandang umaga sa lahat.
(Source: Official Gazette, 2010p)

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After 100 days Many Filipinos heared the inaugural speech of President Benigno Aquino III, or PNoy, some were teary-eyed and full of hope. They hoped for PNoys promise to uplift the lives of Filipinos through honest and effective governance. There is now full of hope that the new President will bring in the much needed help and improvement to their lives. The Filipinos are now optimistic and armed with a new hope. Many say that 100 days are not enough for the President to implement all his promises; it will take time and will need the help of every FILIPINOS. PNoy administration is far from its course toward straight path of being a reform-oriented government, the one that puts peoples interests above all (Padilla, 2010). And yeta lot of Filipinos rely on the new administration and Pnoy will not let them down. Ninoy once advice his son Noynoy through a letter he wrote last August 25, 1973 while being detained in Fort Bonifacio:
"The only advised I can give you: Live with honor and follow your conscience. There is no greater nation on earth than our Motherland. No greater people than our own. Serve them with all your heart, with all your might and with all your strength.

Son, the ball is now in your hands.

(Ninoys Letter, 1973)

References Beltran, J. (2010).Timeline: First 100 days of President Aquino. Retrieved from Benigno Aquino III (n.d.). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Noynoy_Aquino Ninoys Letter to Noynoy. (1973). Retrieved from Noynoy First 100 days. (2010). Retrieved from Id=63
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Official Gazette. (2010a). Inaugural address of President Benigno S. Aquino III (English translation). Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010b). Memorandum Circular No. 1. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010c). Appointments: June 30, 2010. Retrieved October 27, 2010 from appointments-june-30-2010/ Official Gazette. (2010d). Appointments: July 1, 2010. Retrieved October 27, 2010 from appointments-july-1-2010/ Official Gazette. (2010e). Appointments: July 2, 2010. Retrieved October 27, 2010 from appointments-july-2-2010/ Official Gazette. (2010f). Appointments: July 5, 2010. Retrieved October 28, 2010 from appointments-july-5-2010/ Official Gazette. (2010g). Appointments: July 7, 2010. Retrieved October 28, 2010 from appointments-july-7-2010/ Official Gazette. (2010h). Executive Order no. 3. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010i). Executive Order no. 4. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010j). Executive Order no. 5. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010k). Executive Order no. 6. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010l). Proclamation no. 26. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010m). Executive Order no. 8. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010n). Executive Order no. 9. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010o). Executive Order no. 10. Retrieved from Official Gazette. (2010p). The first 100 days message of President Benigno S. Aquino III. Retrieved from

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51 Padilla, A. (2010). The Philippines for sale. Retrieved from Remollino, A. M. (2010, August 5). Noynoy backtracks on promise regarding truth body. Philippine Online Chronicle. Retrieved from Senate of the Philippines. (2009). A social contract with the Filipino people: The platform of Senator Benigno Noynoy S. Aquino III. Retrieved from release/2009/1128_aquino1.asp Senate of the Philippines. (n.d.). Senator Benigno Noynoy S. Aquino III: Resume. Retrieved from ph/senators/sen_bio/aquino_noynoy_resume.asp Sun Star Manila. (2010, July 24). Aquinos 100 days: Promises vs. accomplishments. Retrieved from /manila/aquino-s-100-days-promises-vs-accomplishments

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